University of Sydney Handbooks - 2020 Archive

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Master of Diagnostic Radiography

Clinical Education

The clinical education/work integrated learning experiences are generally highly regarded by students within their programs. Provision of appropriate placements for students within the Sydney School of Health Sciences is a significant aspect of each professional right of entry program and is coordinated by the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) unit within the faculty. All placements are provided to students with the view to meet the program objectives, unit of study objectives, Australian professional accreditation requirements and (where appropriate) Australian professional registration requirements. The WIL processes around placements have to be quite structured, with very limited opportunity to make allowances for individual student circumstances or preferences unless there are extenuating reasons.

The timing of student placements often falls outside the standard University of Sydney semester periods. Students must be available to attend placements across the year, with the exception of the two-week University close down period around Christmas/New Year. Students are strongly advised to check the timing and duration of their placements with the WIL unit before committing to any travel arrangements, work commitments or other personal activities for the duration of their program, as personal commitments can only be taken into account for the planning of placements in very limited extenuating circumstances.

All students should expect to complete at least one placement outside of Sydney during the course of their program. Students are required to plan ahead in order to fund all costs themselves for any out-of-Sydney placement. Students must also be prepared to apply in advance (during their program) for relevant competitive scholarships or grants that may provide some financial assistance for rural/remote placements.

All students are required to have completed the relevant pre placement compliance requirements in the indicated time frame prior to the placement commencing. Failure to do so may result in the student not being allocated a placement by WIL or cancellation of the placement by the placement organisation and impact on the student’s progression within their program.

As part of compliance requirements, all students are required to complete NSW Health requirements, prior to commencing their first placement. These requirements include:

  • necessary vaccination and immunisation for specified infectious diseases
  • obtaining a National Police Certificate (National Criminal Record Check). Note: there are additional requirements for international students
  • meet the requirements of NSW Working with Children legislation and
  • agree to abide by the NSW Health Code of Conduct
  • as well as other requirements.

It is strongly advised that students commence the vaccination/immunisation requirements and the application for the National Criminal Record Check (to obtain a National Police Certificate) before starting their program, as students will be formally checked for compliance with these requirements either before enrolment into their program or within the first few weeks of Semester 1. These requirements can take some time to complete.

Students must be aware of specific information on these requirements.

Students are also required to familiarise themselves with the information on the Health Sciences Placements website.