University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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This chapter set out the requirements for psychology degrees offered by the Faculty of Science.

  • The Graduate Diploma in Psychology for graduates in other disciplines to obtain a Psychology major.
  • The Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Applied Positive Psychology) for students interested in the study of positive psychology.
  • The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) – an articulated postgraduate program for students interested in the theory and practical applications of health psychology.
  • The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Applied Science (Psychology of Coaching) – an articulated postgraduate program for students interested in the applied science of human performance enhancement and coaching.

Graduate Diploma in Psychology

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Diploma in Psychology

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is part-time only but full-time enrolment may be permitted after the first semester of candidature.

3 Admission to candidature

With approval from the Dean, available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit according to the following admissions criteria:
Admission to the course requires:
a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Economic & Social Sciences, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, or Bachelor of Liberal Studies from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification, provided the applicant has not previously completed a major in Psychology; and
completion of 12 credit points of junior units of study in Psychology or equivalent within the last ten years.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in the Graduate Diploma in Psychology table.
To qualify for the Graduate Diploma in Psychology a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
24 credit points of intermediate units of study in Psychology; and
24 credit points of senior units of study in Psychology which must include PSYC3010 and PSYC3018 and one of PSYC (3011, 3012, 3013 and 3014).

5 Credit for previous study

Credit for up to 24 credit points may be granted for units of study deemed to be equivalent to units in the Graduate Diploma in Psychology offered by the Faculty of Science.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Course outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the graduate will have a Psychology major, accredited by the Australian Psychological Society, equivalent to that available in the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Economics (Social Science), Bachelor of Liberal Studies or the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences. They will have studied all basic areas of experimental Psychology, statistical methods in Psychology, and a range of optional topics. They will be eligible to apply to continue to a fourth year in Psychology (Honours) and from there to a higher degree in Psychology.

Eligibility for admission

Applicants holding relevant degrees

The Faculty of Science may admit to candidature applicants who hold the award course of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Economic & Social Sciences, Bachelor of Liberal Studies or Bachelor of Arts and Sciences from the University of Sydney, or equivalent degree as deemed by the faculty, who have not previously completed a major in Psychology. Applicants must have already successfully completed 12 credit points of Junior Psychology (currently PSYC1001 and 1002) or equivalent within the last 10 years. When assessing an applicant, both undergraduate record and UAI (or equivalent) may be taken into account.

Method of progression

Students are required to study a minimum of 48 credit points of intermediate and senior level Psychology. This shall consist of 24 credit points of Intermediate Psychology (currently PSYC 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) and a minimum of 24 credit points of Senior Psychology including PSYC3010, PSYC3018 and one of PSYC(3011, 3012, 3013 or 3014). Students must complete the necessary qualifying units of study for entry into later units of study. Normally, progression will be over a minimum of four semesters. Students may study additional senior Psychology if they wish.

Study in Psychology beyond the Graduate Diploma

To be eligible for study in Psychology beyond the graduate diploma at the University of Sydney, students must, except with School approval, include PSYC3010 Advanced Statistics for Psychology for entry to Psychology 4 (Honours). Successful completion of HPSC3023 History and Philosophy of Psychology and Psychiatry is essential for students intending to take the Theoretical Thesis option in Psychology honours.

Exemptions and Advanced Standing

Students may apply for exemptions if they have already completed studies which the faculty deems equivalent to those in the program. Such units of study must have been completed within the previous 10 years. The number of exemptions allowed will not exceed Faculty of Science regulations or will not exceed 24 credit points, whichever is the lower.

Graduate Diploma in Psychology table

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Intermediate Units (students must complete 24 credit points from:)
Brain and Behaviour
6    P PSYC (1001 and 1002).
N PSYC2111
Semester 1
Statistics & Research Methods for Psych
6    A Recommended: HSC Mathematics, any level
P PSYC (1001 and 1002).
N PSYC2112
Semester 1
Cognitive and Social Psychology
6    P PSYC (1001 and 1002).
N PSYC2113
Semester 2
Personality and Intelligence 1
6    P PSYC (1001 and 1002)
N PSYC2114
Semester 2
Senior Units (students must complete 24 credit points from:)
NB: These 24 credit points must include PSYC3010, PSYC3018 and one of PSYC(3011, 3012, 3013 or 3014)
Advanced Statistics for Psychology
6    P PSYC (2012 or 2112) plus at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit of Study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114).
N PSYC3201
Semester 2
Learning and Behaviour
6    A PSYC (2012 or 2112)
P PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114).
N PSYC3209
Semester 1
Cognition, Language and Thought
6    A PSYC (2012 or 2112)
P PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology unit from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114).
N PSYC3205
Semester 1
Perceptual Systems
6    A PSYC2012
P PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114) or ANAT2010
N PSYC3210
Semester 2
Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience
6    A PSYC (2113 or 2013)
P (PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114)) OR (ANAT2010 plus PCOL2011)
N PSYC3204, PSYC3215
Semester 2
Personality and Intelligence 2
6    A PSYC(2012 or 2112); PSYC(2013 or 2113)
P PSYC(2014 or 2114) and PSYC(2011 or 2111 or 2012 or 2112 or 2013 or 2113)
Semester 1
Developmental Psychology
6    P PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology unit from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114).
N PSYC3206
Semester 2
Social Psychology
6    A PSYC (2012 or 2112).
P PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit of Study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114).
N PSYC3212
Semester 1
Abnormal Psychology
6    A PSYC(2012 or 2112) and PSYC(2014 or 2114)
P At least two intermediate Psychology units of study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113) and PSYC(2014 or 2114)
N PSYC3203
Semester 1
Applications of Psychological Science
6    P 12 credit points of junior psychology and 12 credit points in Intermediate Psychology
N PSYC3019
Semester 2
Psychology & Psychiatry: History & Phil
6    A Basic knowledge about the history of modern science as taught in HPSC2100 AND the principles of philosophy of science as taught in HPSC2101 OR knowledge of the various sub-disciplines within Psychology.
P (at least 12 credit points of intermediate HPSC Units of study) OR (a CR or above in one HPSC intermediate Unit of Study) OR (12 intermediate credit points in psychology).
N PSYC3202
Semester 1
NB: For those intending to take the theoretical thesis option in Psychology Honours: HPSC3023 is needed as a prerequisite.

Graduate Diploma in Psychology unit of study descriptions 2011

See the earlier chapter with Undergraduate unit of study descriptions under Psychology.