University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Nutrition and Dietetics


Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course.

4 Admission to candidature

With approval from the Dean, available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria:
Admission to the degree requires a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification, and completion of two semesters of units of study acceptable to the Faculty in each of Biochemistry and Human Physiology.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the table for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics.
To qualify for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics a candidate must complete a prescribed program of 96 credit points, including:
48 credit points of first year units of study; and
24 credit points being the dietetics training placement; and
24 credit points being the Nutrition Research Project.

6 Satisfactory progress

Successful completion of the training placement is a requirement of this course. Candidates who fail the training placement once will be identified as not meeting academic progression requirements and become subject to the Progression provisions of the Coursework Rule. Candidates who fail the training placement a second time will be permanently excluded from the course if they cannot show cause. Any further failures in the training placement will result in automatic and permanent exclusion from the course.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Course overview

The MNutrDiet is a course designed to survey all aspects of human nutrition, with special emphasis on the needs of dietitians who will be working in Australia. It provides the basic training for hospital and community dietitians and nutritionists and is one of the recognised professional courses for dietitians in Australia. The MNutrDiet provides training in nutrition and dietetics for science graduates who have not completed the accredited degree of Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) or equivalent. The course requires two years of full-time work and study. The first year consists of coursework, lectures, tutorials and practicals. In the second year, one semester is devoted to clinical training and the other semester is spent on a small research project. The dates for this course do not follow the undergraduate academic year. The second year commences in late January.

Course outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the graduate will have a sound knowledge base in nutrition and dietetics, possess the skills to improve nutritional status of individuals, families, and the community at large and to modulate the course of illness with dietetics. The graduate will be skilled in basic research and have a lifelong commitment to the pursuit of excellence in professional conduct. Graduates of the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics are eligible to apply for admission to a research degree (Doctor of Philosophy).

Admission requirements

Applicants must have a degree from a recognised tertiary institution and have completed two semesters of study in Biochemistry and two semesters in Human Physiology. This preparation is required by the Dietitians Association of Australia. Applicants who meet the minimum entry requirements are then ranked according to their academic record and performance in Biochemistry and Human Physiology. Offers of places are dependent upon the ranking of applicants and competition for places.

Course Structure

First year: This is an integrated academic year of teaching, practicals and study. All students take the units of study listed below.

Second year: In the first semester of second year (Jan to June), students undertake a clinical and community and food service training placement, while in the second semester of second year (July to Nov) students carry out a research project.

During the second year all students are required to attend formal lectures at the University on several days. Lectures are compulsory.

The units of study are supervised by a Program Committee in Nutrition and Dietetics, chaired by the Head of School.

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics Table of Units of Study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
First Year - semester 1
Nutritional and Food Science
6    C NTDT5602, NTDT5503 and NTDT5604 (previously known as NTDT5504)
Semester 1
Dietary Intake & Nutritional Assessment
6    C NTDT5602, NTDT5601 and NTDT5604
Semester 1
Dietetics Professional Studies
6    C NTDT5601, NTDT5602 and NTDT5503
Semester 1
Methods in Nutrition Research
6    C NTDT5601, NTDT5503 and NTDT5604
Semester 1
First Year - semester 2
Food Service Management
6    P NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604 and NTDT5602
C NTDT5307 and NTDT5608
Semester 2
Medical Nutrition
12    P NTDT5503, NTDT5601, NTDT5602, NTDT5604
C NTDT5305 and NTDT5608
Semester 2
Public Health and Community Nutrition
6    P NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604 and NTDT5602
C NTDT5305 and NTDT5307
Semester 2
Second Year - semester 1
Dietetics Training Placement
24    P NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604, NTDT5602, NTDT5305, NTDT5307, NTDT5608

Placements commence in January
S1 Intensive
Second Year - semester 2
Nutrition Research Project
24      Semester 2

Unit of study descriptions 2011

NTDT5601 Nutritional and Food Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Jennie Brand Miller and Associate Professor Samir Samman Session: Semester 1 Classes: 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week Corequisites: NTDT5602, NTDT5503 and NTDT5604 (previously known as NTDT5504) Assessment: One 1 hour quiz (25%); one 3 hour exam (75%)
This unit of study introduces students to different nutrients and the ways in which they are metabolized. The focus in this unit of study is the factors that drive metabolism and the relationship between nutrients and health and/or disease. This unit of study also involves the study of different types of food, the ways they are processed and consumed, their cultural context and nutritional attributes. Aspects of food microbiology and food safety are included.
1. Mann J and Truswell A.S. Essentials of Human Nutrition Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3rd Ed, 2007
NTDT5503 Dietary Intake & Nutritional Assessment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Katherine Jukic Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 lectures, 2 workshops per week Corequisites: NTDT5602, NTDT5601 and NTDT5604 Assessment: Assignment, reports (100%)
Basic concepts in nutritional status; four methods of dietary assessment in individuals, advantages and limitations; validation of dietary methods; nutritional guidelines, targets and recommended dietary intakes; computerized nutrient analysis; limitations of food composition analysis. Behavioural influences on food intake. Nutritional assessment of individuals through clinical examination and commonly used laboratory biochemical tests for nutritional status; methods used to diagnose nutritional deficiencies; specificity, reliability of biochemical tests. Anthropometry and body composition; soft tissue measurement; percent body fat; reference standards; growth standards and percentiles.
R.S. Gibson Principles of Nutritional Assessment, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. 2005.
NTDT5604 Dietetics Professional Studies

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Janelle Gifford Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 lectures and 3 practicals per week Corequisites: NTDT5601, NTDT5602 and NTDT5503 Assessment: Assignments (100%)
This course is designed to facilitate students to develop professional communication and organization/management skills that will enable them to work effectively as dietitians. Dietitians work in varied environments - within private and government organizations, industry and in private practice; within teams and solely. Interpersonal, individual and group communication as well as professional, management, organization and general business skills are required in all of these areas. This unit of study introduces communication management and organization theory and skills to dietetics students. Students will have the opportunity to apply these through practical examples in class and by assessment tasks.
Bauer K and Sokolik C. Basic Nutrition Counselling Skills. Wadsworth, 2002. ISBN: 0720916645
NTDT5602 Methods in Nutrition Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Margaret Allman-Farinelli Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorial or practical work per week. Corequisites: NTDT5601, NTDT5503 and NTDT5604 Assessment: 2 hour exam (60%); 2 assignments (2x20%)
This unit of study introduces students to both qualitative and quantitative research methods that are essential tools for dietitians. Qualitative methods include the development of questionnaires and conduct of focus groups, Students will learn about study design and methods used in epidemiology to be able to critically analyse the scientific literature of nutrition and dietetics. An introduction to statistical tests with practical computer classes will also be included.
Bonita R, Beaglehole R, Kjellstrom T. Basic Epidemiology. 2nd Ed. World Health Organisation: Geneva, 2005
NTDT5305 Food Service Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Tara Diversi Session: Semester 2 Classes: 10 hours practical classes per semester, 4 hours lectures per week. Prerequisites: NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604 and NTDT5602 Corequisites: NTDT5307 and NTDT5608 Assessment: Major Project, Minor Projects and Practical Assessments (100%)
The course introduces students to the principles of Food Service Management ranging from food safety and hygiene to the development of menus for therapeutic diets. The course introduces students to commercial cookery equipment and food preperation principles for both domestic and commerical clinical and community nutrition application.
NTDT5307 Medical Nutrition

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natasha Davis Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures average nine hours per week, tutorials average three hours per week, and group case study (approximately 15 hours at university during semester and additional time in group). Prerequisites: NTDT5503, NTDT5601, NTDT5602, NTDT5604 Corequisites: NTDT5305 and NTDT5608 Assessment: Case study (25%) and formal examination at end of semester (75%).
The broad objectives involve learning the role of nutrition in all aspects of disease from aetiology to medical nutrition therapy. The importance of client focused factors in dietary modification; education and interpretation of theory for client understanding are key discussion points.This unit of study involves the study of medicine as it relates to nutrition, and the modification of diet and nutrition support of patients with different illnesses and it includes a paediatric program at the Children's Hospital Westmead.
NTDT5608 Public Health and Community Nutrition

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Sue Amanatidis Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4 hrs lectures and 2 tutorials or prac per week Prerequisites: NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604 and NTDT5602 Corequisites: NTDT5305 and NTDT5307 Assessment: 2 hr exam (50%); 2 assignments (50%)
This unit of study covers several topics, which include: Introduction to health promotion, which introduces students to planning, implementing and evaluating nutrition health promotion programs for various population groups in the community. It covers principles of health promotion, conducting needs assessments, effective nutrition promotion strategies, and program evaluation; Nutrition and chronic disease, which examines the relationship and evidence for the role and etiology of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. It also investigates the current nutrition policies and guidelines aimed at preventing these diseases; Food habits which covers theories of food habits and examines food habits of various population groups such as children, adolescents, older people and vulnerable groups.
Hawe P, Degeling D & Hall J. Evaluation Health Promotion - a workers guide. Artarmon, NSW: McLennan & Petty; 1990.
NTDT5612 Dietetics Training Placement

Credit points: 24 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Margaret Nicholson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: 20 weeks full-time placement Prerequisites: NTDT5601, NTDT5503, NTDT5604, NTDT5602, NTDT5305, NTDT5307, NTDT5608 Assessment: Pass or fail at completion
Note: Placements commence in January
During twenty weeks students develop further practice-based skills in each of three setting of work; hospital, community/public health and food service management. The semester runs for 20 weeks as prescribed in the requirements of the professional accrediting body. This means semester starts in January.
Placement manual provided by the University.
NTDT5310 Nutrition Research Project

Credit points: 24 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Samir Samman Session: Semester 2 Classes: Tutorials two hours per week, supervised research experience. Assessment: Two assignments, presentation, report (100%)
During the research semester each student has a research supervisor. Research projects can include small surveys, simple bench work, supervised hospital assignments or library searches, and are carried out in the University or with an external supervisor. Students also attend nutrition seminars.