University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Health Psychology


Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology)

Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology)

Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology)


Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology)


Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice, except the Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology) which is available part time only:

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology)
Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology)
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any course in this sequence. Only the highest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

With approval from the Dean, available places will be offered to qualified applicants according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology) requires:
a four-year Psychology degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
a three-year degree in a cognate discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of two years relevant employment experience.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology) requires:
a four-year Psychology degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
a three-year degree in a cognate discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of two years relevant employment experience; or
completion of the embedded graduate certificate in this discipline, from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification.
Admission to the Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) requires:
a four-year Psychology degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
a three-year degree with credit average in a cognate discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of two years relevant employment experience; or
completion of the embedded graduate diploma in this discipline, from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification; or
completion of the embedded graduate certificate in this discipline with a distinction average, from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in the table for Health Psychology postgraduate courses. With the approval of the Dean and the program coordinator, candidates for the graduate diploma or master's degree, with special aims or interests, may be allowed to substitute up to 12 credit points with relevant postgraduate units from outside the table.
To qualify for the Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology) a candidate must complete 24 credit points, including:
18 credit points of core units of study; and
6 credit points of elective unit of study.
To qualify for the Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology) a candidate must complete 36 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of elective units of study.
To qualify for the Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) coursework pathway a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
24 credit points of elective units of study.
Subject to the availability of supervision and suitable projects, candidates with a credit average in 24 credit points of study from the degree may be admitted to the research pathway.
To qualify for the Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) research pathway a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of elective units of study; and
12 credit points of core research units of study.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Course overview

The Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) is an articulated postgraduate program which teaches the theory and practical applications of Health Psychology. Health psychology is the field of psychology devoted to the study of the promotion and maintenance of health; the causes and detection of illness; the prevention and treatment of illness; and the improvement of health care systems and health care policy. The Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) is designed to provide students with an understanding of the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of health psychology.

A research stream is also available to Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) students in their second semester of enrolment, upon completion of at least 24 credit points with a distinction average in their first full-time semester (or equivalent).

Course outcomes

This program is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of health professionals interested in the growing area of health psychology: for example, people working within the Department of Health and other organisations, charities and research groups, allied health professionals, psychology students, geneticists and genetic counsellors. These programs will allow these individuals to pursue health psychology careers within the health service, academia and government.

Health Psychology postgraduate coursework degree table

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
All Degrees: Core Units
Applying Psychology to Health
6      Semester 1
Applying Models of Health Behaviour
6      Semester 2
Introductory Biostatistics
6      Semester 1
Diploma, Masters: Additonal Core Unit
Research & Inquiry in Health Professions
6    N BACH3126, BACH4047, BACH5268, DHSC7002, DHSC7005
Semester 1
Semester 2
All Degrees: Elective Units
Graduate Certificate students must complete one of the following units
Graduate Diploma students must complete two of following units
Masters students must complete two of the following and two additional elective units
Coping and Adjustment to Illness
6      Semester 1
Health and Risk Communication
6      S2 Intensive
Developments in Health Psychology
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Masters Only: Additional Elective Units
Epidemiology Methods and Uses
6    N BSTA5011
Semester 1
Survey Research Methods
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Qualitative Research Methods
6      Semester 2
Ageing, Biology and Health
6      Semester 2
Introduction to Sexual Health
6      Semester 1
Communication Skills in Sexual Health
6      Semester 1
Managing Sexual Dysfunctions
6      Semester 1
Advanced Reproductive Health
6      Semester 1
Advanced Reproductive Health
6      Semester 1
Sexuality and Ageing
6      Semester 2
Sex, Gender and Sexuality
6      Semester 2
Sexuality in Illness and Disability
6      Semester 1
Research Project in Health Psychology A
6    P All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units.
C PSYC5017
Semester 1
Semester 2
Research Project in Health Psychology B
6    P All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units.
C PSYC5016
Semester 1
Semester 2
Master Research Stream Only: Additional Core Units
This stream is available to students in their second semester who have completed 24 credit points at distinction average or better. Research stream students must complete the following in lieu of the two additional elective units
Research Project in Health Psychology A
6    P All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units.
C PSYC5017
Semester 1
Semester 2
Research Project in Health Psychology B
6    P All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units.
C PSYC5016
Semester 1
Semester 2

Unit of study descriptions 2011

BACH5011 Survey Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate O'Loughlin Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Individual supervision; night classes and distance education Assessment: Three written assignments (3x33.3%) Campus: Cumberland
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit examines survey research design principles and considers conceptualisation, sampling, questionnaire construction and pilot testing of data collection instruments. Techniques for the collection, coding and keypunching of survey data will be covered and students will gain experience with computer analysis of survey data. The strengths and limitations of survey data will be discussed.
BACH5255 Qualitative Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Either on-campus, 3hrs lecture, lab, tutorial/week or by distance education Assessment: 2x1500 word essays (journal entries) (2x25%), 1x3,000 word essay (draft research proposal) (50%) Practical field work: 2hrs fieldwork Campus: Cumberland
In this unit students will learn about qualitative research techniques such as in-depth interviewing and participant observation which focus on the investigation of people's experiences and their interpretation of events. This unit examines the types of research questions for which these methods are best suited, and provides training in data collection methods and analysis. The unit is conducted as a seminar in which students actively participate; students also work on a research project of their choice throughout the semester.
Silverman D, Doing Qualitative Research (2nd ed), Sage (2005)
BACH5341 Research & Inquiry in Health Professions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kaye Brock and Dr Rob Heard (Sem 1), Dr Tatjana Seizova-Cajic (Sem 2) Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance mode (students must have access to the internet): 3hr group on-campus consultations (optional) Prohibitions: BACH3126, BACH4047, BACH5268, DHSC7002, DHSC7005 Assessment: Three Online quiz's (40%), Literature review (10%), Draft proposal (10%), Final Proposal (40%) Campus: Cumberland
This unit provides an overview of the research process and focuses on the formulation of a proposal for a small research project. It provides students with an opportunity to learn about (or update their knowledge of) research methods at the introductory level and acts as an introduction to the research electives which concentrate on a particular methodology or aspect of the research process. Students explore quantitative and qualitative approaches to research with their own specific research question in mind. Basic research designs are considered (including interview, observation, longitudinal and cross-sectional designs, experiment, single case study, survey) together with their suitability for investigating different types of research questions. Students also learn about ethics in research, sampling, validity and reliability of measures and descriptive statistics.
Minichiello V, Sullivan G, Greenwood K & Axford R, Handbook of Research Methods for Nursing and Health Sciences (2nd ed), Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest (2004)
BIOS5041 Ageing, Biology and Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Knight Session: Semester 2 Classes: Web-based. No on-campus attendance required Assessment: Three 2000 word essays Campus: Cumberland
This unit studies human ageing from biological perspectives. The emphasis is on understanding the main features of 'normal' ageing or senescence as distinct from disease processes and the contribution of environmental factors to ageing. It has three modules: the normal process of ageing (which addresses the factors contributing to ageing, the effects of ageing on body systems, and the relationship between ageing and disease); the effects of hospitalisation and medications on the aged; and preventive gerontology focusing on nutrition and exercise.
BIOS5069 Introduction to Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Offered in off-campus online learning mode in Semester 1. Assessment: Consist of three group work tasks (5%) and (2x20%), quiz (20%), two assignments (10%) and (25%) Campus: Cumberland
This unit is designed to provide the student with an overview of sexual health and sexology as a science and as a profession. Sex, sexuality and sexual health will be approached in a holistic manner in keeping with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Millennium Declaration of World Association of Sexology (WAS). The history of sexual health and sexology will be presented in a manner as to encourage ritical evaluation of personal and professional ideas and choices. The unit will provide an understanding of the bio-psychosocial aspects of sexuality and health care in a manner such as to promote positive attitudes to sexuality and sexual health. Students will work in a multi professional, multicultural environment and be encouraged to develop an awareness of sexuality and sexual health as an integral part of life and wellbeing that transcends discipline and professional groups as well as geographic and cultural boundaries. This unit will explore specific issues in sexology and sexual health such as: sexual function and dysfunction; sexually transmissible infections and HIV; ethical and legal issues in sexology; sexual rights and factors that affect these; sexuality in illness and disability; sexuality and ageing; sexuality in pregnancy, infertility and contraceptive use.
This unit will be offered in a distance mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform. Assessment will include online quizzes, case based small group work assignments and individual activity reports. Synchronous online discussions will be held at times convenient to the students. The on-campus delivery mode will replace online discussions and activities with small group tutorials, presentations and seminars.
At the end of this introductory unit of study the students will: develop an awareness of sexuality and sexual health as an integral part of life and wellbeing that transcends discipline and professional groups as well as geographic and cultural boundaries; be sensitised to their personal values and attitudes in sexuality and sexual health and explore the range of differences in others; be aware of the issues related to the sexual rights of all individuals; have an overall understanding of the bio-psychosocial aspects of sexuality and sexual health care; be able to apply these principles in their professional situation; develop an understanding of sexology as a science and profession; understand the way in which sexology developed over the years and the ways in which community knowledge, attitudes, values and beliefs developed over time.
Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity (2009) Third Edition ed Janell L Carroll. Thomson Wadsworth
BIOS5070 Communication Skills in Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Gomathi Sitharthan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Offered in off-campus online learning mode in Semester 1. Assessment: Group task (5%), on line MCQ (30%,20% and 10%) and an assignment (35%). Campus: Cumberland
This introductory unit will provide the students with an overview of the models of sexual health counselling and professional ethics in a multicultural and global context. The students will explore ways of discussing and communicating with clients of varying socio-cultural groups on sexual health issues in the context of their own professional situation. The students will be sensitised to their attitudes and beliefs in the area of sexual and reproductive health, and consider the range of attitudes, beliefs and values in the context of the clients' religious and socio-cultural background. The students will also explore ways of discussing and communicating with clients on sexual health issues in the context of the clients' comfort and context and their own professional situation.
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to: have an understanding of the terminology of sexual health and be aware of professional communication patterns,demonstrate an understanding of the principles of communication and assessment of clients presenting with a sexual concern, demonstrate the ability to take a sexual history and be able to apply the PLISSIT management model in the students' professional context, understand the range of personal and community agenda individuals bring to sexuality and sexual health, and how these affect professional communication,demonstrate an ability to perceive sexual health issues within local and global context..
Assessment will include online quizzes, small group work assignments and individual activity reports. The on-campus delivery mode will replace online discussions and activities with small group tutorials, presentations and seminars.
Egan, E. (2009) The Skilled Helper: A Problem Management and Opportunity Development Approach to Helping, 9th Edition, Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, Belmont, California, USA.
BIOS5075 Managing Sexual Dysfunctions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: No on-campus attendance required. Offered in a distance mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Online review quizzes, 2 debates on current issues (30%), individual activity reports (50%) and a reflective report on professional practice (20%) Campus: Cumberland
This unit will provide the student with an understanding of the biological and psychosocial factors that influence the sexual response in males and females and the changes that take place through the lifecycle. The students will explore the concept of normality of sexual function and behaviour and the psychosocial factors that determine them. The students will critically evaluate the currents models of the sexual response in males and females through the lifecycle and the range of sexual dysfunctions. The student will gain the competency to evaluate available management options from biological and psychosocial perspectives and select those appropriate for specific clients. At the end of the unit, the student will be able to: critically discuss the concept of "normality" and the range of values and behaviours in a socio-cultural context, demonstrating the ability to explore this from their personal context; discuss and critically evaluate the models used to explain the adult sexual response in males and females, based on current research; critique current classifications of sexual dysfunction and demonstrate the ability to evaluate common sexual concerns and dysfunctions based on current evidence and research; critically discuss the range of possible psychological, social and physical reasons for specific sexual dysfunctions, and place these in the context of clients' socio-cultural and religious background and beliefs; list and critically evaluate the management options available for the management of sexual concerns, as well as reflect on how these impact on their own professional practice.
J Bancroft (ed), Human Sexuality and Its Problems (3rd ed), Churchill Livingstone (2008)
BIOS5077 Advanced Reproductive Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance online Web CT/Blackboard. Equivalent to 2 one hour lectures per week Plus 2 hours tutorials per week. Assessment: 1X group work contribution mark (20%), 4X essays 1000 words (80%) Campus: Cumberland
The students will explore current information on common issues that arise in reproductive health from adolescence to old age including the biological and psychological aspects of pregnancy, infertility, termination of pregnancy and genetic counselling as they relate to sexuality and sexual health. This unit will provide the student with the skills to detect and manage issues in clients who present with reproductive concerns related to sexual health. They will have the opportunity to critically review and evaluate the current state of reproductive health in specific areas of personal and professional interest to the student. At the conclusion of this module students will be able to: critically evaluate the resources available to assist clients with reproductive health issues particularly related to sexual health from adolescence to old age; explore the options available for clients seeking contraceptive advice with special reference to their own cultural and socio-religious background; discuss the options available for clients presenting with an unplanned pregnancy and the problems with access in specific client situations; discuss the issues regarding sexuality that may arise during and after pregnancy; critically review the current literature on the intimacy and relationship issues that may arise for a couple with sub-fertility; demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the evidence and research base to specific reproductive issues such as reproduction in older ages and genetic counselling.
BIOS5077 Advanced Reproductive Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance online Web CT/Blackboard. Equivalent to 2 one hour lectures per week Plus 2 hours tutorials per week. Assessment: 1X group work contribution mark (20%), 4X essays 1000 words (80%) Campus: Cumberland
The students will explore current information on common issues that arise in reproductive health from adolescence to old age including the biological and psychological aspects of pregnancy, infertility, termination of pregnancy and genetic counselling as they relate to sexuality and sexual health. This unit will provide the student with the skills to detect and manage issues in clients who present with reproductive concerns related to sexual health. They will have the opportunity to critically review and evaluate the current state of reproductive health in specific areas of personal and professional interest to the student. At the conclusion of this module students will be able to: critically evaluate the resources available to assist clients with reproductive health issues particularly related to sexual health from adolescence to old age; explore the options available for clients seeking contraceptive advice with special reference to their own cultural and socio-religious background; discuss the options available for clients presenting with an unplanned pregnancy and the problems with access in specific client situations; discuss the issues regarding sexuality that may arise during and after pregnancy; critically review the current literature on the intimacy and relationship issues that may arise for a couple with sub-fertility; demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the evidence and research base to specific reproductive issues such as reproduction in older ages and genetic counselling.
BIOS5079 Sexuality and Ageing

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education delivery- no on-campus attendance required, using the WebCT/Blackboard (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Essay based assessments. 3x essays 1000 words (1x15%, 2x 20%); 1x essay 700 words (15%); 1x essay 500-800 words (20%); 1x essay 500-600 words (10%); Campus: Cumberland
Students will explore and critically assess the literature on the sexual and reproductive changes that take place in older adults and the social, psychological and emotional consequences of these changes. Students will evaluate the research on sexual health concerns and dysfunctions in older adults and available management options. They will also be sensitised to the issues of sexual dysfunction and sexually transmissible diseases in the elderly, and the consequences of these on partners and carers. They will have the opportunity to explore their own attitudes towards sexuality and ageing and explore the situation in nursing homes and aged care facilities. Students will be encouraged to explore specific topic areas in depth, as relevant to their professional role and/or research interests. At the end of this unit, the student will be able to: 1) demonstrate an understanding of ageing in Australian society, and discuss the implications in terms of health; 2) explore personal values and attitudes to ageing and sexuality; 3) critically review the literature on the impact of biological changes and social and cultural contexts on the sexuality of older adults; 4) understand how the psycho-social and life changes of older age impact on sexuality and sexual health; 5) demonstrate the competence to detect and manage practical issues of sexual dysfunction related to ageing; 6) discuss the effects of specific diseases on the aged and their partners; 7) demonstrate an understanding of the issues of sexuality and intimacy in older adults in the context of nursing home and aged care facilities and their implications to professionals working in the field at all levels (e.g., administrators, carers, policy makers); and 8) discuss issues related to STIs in the aged population.
BIOS5083 Sex, Gender and Sexuality

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon; consultant, Prof Milton Diamond Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education- no on-campus attendance required, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Online quizzes (20%), case-based small group work assignments (10%), individual activity report (30%) as well as reflective reports on professional practice (40%) Campus: Cumberland
This unit will provide the student with an understanding of the biological basis of sexual development from fetus to adulthood and the socio-cultural factors that determine their expression. The students will be sensitised to the terminology of gender discourse and investigate the range of gender and sexual differences and practices in the community. Students will explore the range of sex and gender issues in the context of current research and evidence base, and reflect on the implications to their professional practice. At the end of this unit, the student will be able to: discuss the terminology used in gender discourse; critically review the literature on the biology of sexual development from fetus to adolescence and an understanding of the factors that influence the process; evaluate the current evidence on syndromes of atypical sexual development and intersex and demonstrate an understanding the medical and ethical concerns in the management; demonstrate an understanding of the variations of sexual orientation and the factors that affect the expression in the community and discuss the current 'nature vs nurture' issues in the genesis and management of sexual orientation; assess the current literature on issues of gender identity (transgender and transsexual) and social and cultural factors in their expression in a community; demonstrate an understanding of the social and psychological factors that influence the expression of gender roles in the community; critically evaluate the current research base and evidence on sex and gender and apply this to their own personal and professional environment.
BIOS5088 Sexuality in Illness and Disability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform. No on-campus attendance required Assessment: Essay based assessments, 4 by 600 word essays (3x 15%, 1x 10%), 700 word essay (15%), 1000 word essay (20%), Group work contributions (10%) Campus: Cumberland
Sexual health is comprised of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects. This unit will provide students with a holistic understanding of the sexual health issues of disabled and chronically ill people. The prevailing Western cultural perceptions of the sexuality of disabled people and their move to be included in the sexual rights movement will be outlined. An overview of the various models of disability will be presented and their usefulness in understanding different kinds of sexual health issues for this population will be discussed. Students will be provided with an understanding of the sexual health concerns for people with a diverse range of impairments derived from the research literature. The impact of culture, gender and sexual orientation on disabled people's sexual opportunities will be discussed. Current theoretical perspectives, treatment interventions and policy contexts as these relate to sexuality and disability will also be presented. At the end of this unit of study the student will be able to: 1) discuss how differences in sexual and other bodily functions affect the sexual expression of people with a range of impairments and chronic illnesses; 2) describe the range of intervention and treatment options available for this population; 3) discuss the body image, sexual self-esteem, and interpersonal concerns of disabled and chronically ill people; 4) discuss the ways in which a range of backgrounds and identity categories including gender, sexual, and ethnic/cultural interact with disabled people's sexuality; 5) demonstrate an understanding of various disciplinary and theoretical perspectives as they relate to sexuality and disability; and 6) apply these perspectives to disabled people's sexual issues and evaluate their social policy implications.
PSYC5010 Applying Psychology to Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 one hour lecture, two hours of tutorials per week Assessment: Tutorial attendance and presentation, major assignment - 2500 word essay (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
The work of health psychologists relies on a broad range of professional skills and attributes. The aim of this unit of study is to conceptually define health within a biopsychosocial framework and to present some of the psychological reactions to hospitalisation, illness and pain. This unit of study provides students with an introduction to key areas of health psychology, and demonstrates how they relate to other disciplines. It also considers the context within which treatment takes place. This unit of study will explore mental and physical diseases. This unit of study examines the application of psychology in clinical settings. The unit of study considers the application of psychological theory to illness and preparation for hospitalisation; the management of adverse psychological sequelae arising from hospitalisation; and rehabilitation.
PSYC5011 Applying Models of Health Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 one hour lecture and two hours of tutorials per week Assessment: Presentation of intervention, write up of intervention (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
The student will be given the opportunity to develop an intervention based on social cognitions models. The process can be followed from start to finish allowing the individual to utilise knowledge and skills gained in other units of study. It is an intended outcome for students enrolled in the MApplSc (HealthPsych) that students can demonstrate an understanding of the key models and theories in Health Psychology which are seen by many to be the foundations of the subject area. The aim of this unit of study is to allow students to identify an area of Health Psychology where an intervention would be appropriate, review existing literature on the topic, formulate the intervention, and evaluate the intervention on a pilot level.
PSYC5012 Health and Risk Communication

Credit points: 6 Session: S2 Intensive Classes: lectures, videos, interactive exercises, case study discussions and small group-work. This unit will be taught in a block intensive mode over five days Assessment: Major or two minor essays (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
In this unit of study students will consider health communication in the context of the health professional-patient relationship and in the public sphere. This unit of study seeks to develop a critical awareness of the determinants of effective communication, particularly in relation to health risks to the individual and society. The unit of study will investigate: theories of health communication, including patient centred care and shared decision making; evidence regarding the impact of good and poor communication on patient and health professional outcomes; research paradigms in this area including interaction analysis; cross-cultural communication issues in health care; risk communication in the context of informed consent to clinical trials, discussing prognosis and responding to public health risk events; and theories of risk perception and communication. The aim of this unit of study is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the key issues related to communication in health care and health policy settings.
PSYC5013 Coping and Adjustment to Illness

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 one hour lecture and two hours of tutorials per week Assessment: Formal examination (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
The unit of study aims to apply a psychosocial perspective to the study of disability and chronic disease. In this unit, students will consider the impact of acute and chronic illness states (including physical and mental illness) on the patient and their family. Aspects of quality of life affected will be considered, including sexuality, body image, fatigue, existential crisis, social and intimate relationships, physical reactions and spirituality. The impact of formal and informally systems of social support on illness and outcomes will be explored. The unit will incorporate evaluation of research methods used in such studies together with the application of health psychology theory and a critical examination of research findings. Relationships between health cognitions, health behaviour and psychological adjustment will be an important theme of the unit of study, as will be a consideration of interventions to improve patient well being. Broad social, cultural, and political aspects of disability and acute and chronic disease will also be examined. The rise in number of people suffering from or caring for someone who has a chronic condition has proved to be a major challenge facing health psychologists. The impact on and needs of carers and family members will also be considered in this unit of study.
PSYC5014 Developments in Health Psychology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: three hours of tutorials per week Assessment: one major assignment - 5000 word essay (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
The purpose of this unit of study is to allow the student to choose a topic of particular relevance to their areas of expertise. It will allow the student to examine new developments within Health Psychology which may impact on their clinical or work practice.
PSYC5016 Research Project in Health Psychology A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Barbara Mullan Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Contact will be mainly tutorials with students arranging the appropriate level of supervision needed. Some lectures will also be provided. Prerequisites: All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units. Corequisites: PSYC5017 Assessment: Combined with PSYC5017. Project assignment 7000 to 9000 words (100%). In this unit of study the student will use as many of the identified sessions as s/he wishes for collection of data, preparation of the project etc. under the supervision of his/her research supervisor. Lectures are voluntary and are designed to cover common problems. The majority of support will be one-on-one tutorial sessions with the students' superviors. Students will prepare the ethics application (if applicable), the literature review, collect the data and write up the project with supervision. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
In combination with PSYC5017 in this unit of study the student will be given the opportunity to carry out a substantial piece of research in the field of health psychology. The research process can be followed from start to finish allowing the individual to utilise knowledge and skills gained in the other unit of study. It is an intended outcome for students enrolled in the MApplSc (HealthPsych research stream) that they present evidence of their capacity to conduct a substantial piece of independent research that builds clearly upon their prior learning and which draws upon appropriate methodologies. The aim of this unit of study is to allow students to identify a research issue, review existing literature on the topic, formulate novel research questions, and test these questions through the application of contemporary psychological methodologies and appropriate data-analytic procedures. Lectures are voluntary, and are designed to cover common problems. The majority of support will be one-on-one tutorial sessions with the student's supervisor.
PSYC5017 Research Project in Health Psychology B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Barbara Mullan Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Contact will be mainly tutorials with students arranging the appropriate level of supervision needed. Some lectures will also be provided. Prerequisites: All of PSYC5010, PSYC5011, PUBH5018 and BACH5341; plus 12 credit points of electives. Students must have a Distinction average in the prerequisite units. Corequisites: PSYC5016 Assessment: Combined with PSYC5016. Project assignment 7000 to 9000 words (100%). In this unit of study the student will use as many of the identified sessions as s/he wishes for collection of data, preparation of the project etc. under the supervision of his/her research supervisor. Lectures are voluntary and are designed to cover common problems. The majority of support will be one-on-one tutorial sessions with the students' supervisors. Students will prepare the ethics application (if applicable), the literature review, collect the data and write up the project with supervision. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
In combination with PSYC5016 in this unit of study the student will be given the opportunity to carry out a substantial piece of research in the field of health psychology. The research process can be followed from start to finish allowing the individual to utilise knowledge and skills gained in the other unit of study. It is an intended outcome for students enrolled in the MApplSc (HealthPsych research stream) that they present evidence of their capacity to conduct a substantial piece of independent research that builds clearly upon their prior learning and which draws upon appropriate methodologies. The aim of this unit of study is to allow students to identify a research issue, review existing literature on the topic, formulate novel research questions, and test these questions through the application of contemporary psychological methodologies and appropriate data-analytic procedures. Lectures are voluntary, and are designed to cover common problems. The majority of support will be one-on-one tutorial sessions with the student's supervisor.
PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Kevin McGeechan and Associate Professor Petra Macaskill Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x 2hr lecture, 10 x 1hr lectures, 11 x 2hr tutorials, 2 x 1hr and 8 x 0.5hr statistical computing self directed learning tasks over 12 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Assessment: 1x4 page assignment (30%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
This unit aims to provide students with an introduction to statistical concepts, their use and relevance in public health. This unit covers descriptive analyses to summarise and display data; concepts underlying statistical inference; basic statistical methods for the analysis of continuous and binary data; and statistical aspects of study design. Specific topics include: sampling; probability distributions; sampling distribution of the mean; confidence interval and significance tests for one-sample, two paired samples and two independent samples for continuous data and also binary data; correlation and simple linear regression; distribution-free methods for two paired samples, two independent samples and correlation; power and sample size estimation for simple studies; statistical aspects of study design and analysis. Students will be required to perform analyses using a calculator and will also be required to conduct analyses using statistical software (SPSS). It is expected that students spend an additional 2 hours per week preparing for their tutorials. Computing tasks are self-directed.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x1hr lecture and 1x2hr tutorial per week for 13 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Prohibitions: BSTA5011 Assessment: 1x4page assignment (30%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
This unit provides students with core skills in epidemiology, particularly the ability to critically appraise public health and clinical epidemiological research literature. This unit covers: study types; measures of frequency and association; measurement bias; confounding/effect modification; randomized trials; systematic reviews; screening and test evaluation; infectious disease outbreaks; measuring public health impact and use and interpretation of population health data. It is expected that students spend an additional 2-3 hours preparing for their tutorials.
Webb, PW. Bain, CJ. and Pirozzo, SL. Essential Epidemiology: An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals: Cambridge University Press 2005.