University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Outbound Exchange

This information is intended for students in the Faculty of Science who wish to take up the opportunity to study overseas at an exchange-partner institution for part of their University of Sydney degree.

The University of Sydney has exchange agreements with universities throughout the Asia Pacific, Europe, Canada, the USA and South America. Each year a number of students in the Faculty of Science choose to participate in Exchange programs and have found them to be an exciting and challenging way of globalising their academic experience and enriching their personal experience in different environments and cultures.

When a student is on exchange they are enrolled full-time at the University of Sydney and pay all relevant fees to the University of Sydney (i.e. Commonwealth Supported). Students from Sydney may be required to pay some minor administrative charges and health insurance; however they are not normally required to pay any other tuition fees to the host institution.


All students should check their degree resolutions to ensure there are no restrictions on their program of study before applying for the exchange. If there are none, the following eligibility criteria normally apply for the University-wide student exchange programs:

  • Undergraduate students must have completed 48 credit points at the University of Sydney at the time of application (you can apply in the second semester of first year to depart in the second semester of second year). Students who have transferred from another university and received credit for previous study must have completed at least one semester of full-time (24 credit points) study at the University of Sydney before they can apply for the exchange program.
  • Postgraduate coursework students will usually need to have completed one semester of full-time postgraduate study at the University of Sydney at the time of application.
  • Postgraduate research students must have completed one semester of full-time postgraduate study before they can go on exchange.
  • You must have achieved at least a credit average (65 per cent or higher) over your academic record at the University of Sydney and should have passed all subjects. A failure may be overlooked if you can demonstrate extenuating circumstances.
  • You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the University of Sydney while away on exchange taking classes that will count as credit towards your normal Sydney enrolment i.e. you cannot study classes overseas for recreation or personal interest.
  • You must have sufficient funding for the exchange period.
  • Exchange programs are not available to honours students.
Applying to go on Exchange

The deadlines for collecting application forms are 15 May for programs commencing in the first half of the following year and 15 October for programs commencing in the second half of the following year. The deadline for the submission of completed applications is 31 May or 31 October.

Please note that the application is quite complex and it is essential that you plan to commence the process 4 to 6 weeks before the deadline. Details on the application process, as well as information about scholarships and loans, can be obtained from the International Study Abroad and Exchange Office at the University of Sydney or on the University of Sydney website.

Students enrolled in combined degree programs are required to get endorsement from both faculties. All students must submit their exchange paperwork to their administering/home faculty regardless of which units are being taken overseas.

Students are required to obtain the following academic information prior to lodging the application at the Study Abroad and Exchange Office:

  • Academic Study Plan: University of Sydney unit of study equivalences for all of the possible subjects of choice – for your three preferred exchange destinations to be submitted (one form per destination). These forms are available from the International Study Abroad and Exchange Office. These Academic Study Plans are a guide to what you intend to study overseas but do not guarantee credit at this stage. These are used by the International Office to assess the viability of your destination choices based on your proposed areas of study. While there is no need to seek approval for the Academic Study Plans from the faculty at this stage of the process, you may wish to consult with your school for guidance about suitable units of study to meet the requirements of your major.

  • Faculty Permission: This approval needs to be recorded on the faculty endorsement of exchange study plan provided by the International Study Abroad and Exchange Office

The Academic Study Plans are submitted to the International Office along with all other application documentation by the submission deadlines at the end of May and October. If your application is successful, you will then be required to complete the Academic Approval for Nominated Exchange Student form which will require official written approval from the Faculty of Science. This form is provided by the International Study Abroad and Exchange Office and should be completed by contacting the nominated Exchange Unit of Study coordinator in each school of interest. You will need to provide course outlines from the overseas institution. Completed Academic Approval for Nominated Exchange Student forms must be submitted to the International Office to confirm your place in the International Exchange Program. These forms confirm the credit arrangements you will receive for your exchange units of study.

Students need to ensure that a copy of the final approval is lodged at the Faculty of Science prior to departure.

In many instances the unit of study availability at the overseas institution can vary, particularily once you have arrived at the host institution. Students need to ensure that the University of Sydney enrolment correctly reflects the enrolment at the overseas institution. If units of study at the overseas institution become unavailable, students are required to obtain written equivalents and faculty approval for any subsequent changes prior to the HECS census dates each semester.


After completion of the exchange semester(s), your original transcript will be forwarded to the Faculty of Science office (via the International Study Abroad and Exchange Office). Exchange results appear on your University of Sydney transcript on a pass/fail basis.