University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Postgraduate coursework

Coursework programs usually involve the completion of a required series of units of study as detailed in the subsequent chapters of this handbook. A coursework program normally requires attendance at lectures and tutorials. Although coursework programs may sometimes include a component of original work in the form of a research project; other forms of instruction and learning will normally be dominant.

Graduate certificate

Graduate certificates usually require the completion of at least 24 credit points of study, and take one semester of full-time study or the equivalent duration of part-time study. The entry requirement is normally a bachelor€™s degree.

Graduate diploma

Graduate diplomas usually require the completion of at least 36 credit points of study, and take two semesters of full-time study or the equivalent of part-time study. The entry requirement is also usually a bachelor€™s degree or equivalent.

Coursework master's

Coursework master's degrees usually require the completion of at least one to two years of full-time study or the equivalent of part-time study. The entry requirement is also usually a bachelor€™s degree or its equivalent.

Students who complete a research project that is worth a minimum of 25 per cent of a coursework master's are eligible to apply for admission to a research degree (Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy).

Articulated degree programs

Many of the coursework programs available in the Faculty of Science are articulated master's programs. This means that students may enter a program at a range of levels, including graduate certificate, graduate diploma or master's level. This also means that students can exit a program on completion of a particular level. Please see individual course information for more details.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements vary according to degree. Applicants must consult the individual admission requirements for each degree given in the relevant resolutions.

Degrees offered

The Faculty of Science offers the following postgraduate degrees, graduate diplomas and graduate certificates:

1. Degrees of Master
  • Master of Environmental Science and Law (MEnvSciLaw)
  • Master of Medical Physics (MMedPhys)
  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (MNutrDiet)
  • Master of Bioethics (MBEth)
  • Master of Photonics and Optical Science
  • Master of Applied Nuclear Science (MApplNucSci)
  • Master of Applied Science (MApplSc), which shall also incorporate the streams:
  • Master of Applied Science (Bioinformatics) (MApplSc(Bioinf))
  • Master of Applied Science (Environmental Science) (MApplSc(EnvSc))
  • Master of Applied Science (Health Psychology) (MApplSc(HlthPsych)
  • Master of Applied Science (Microscopy and Microanalysis) (MApplSc (Microsc & Microanal))
  • Master of Applied Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (MAppSc(MBT))
  • Masterof Applied Science (Psychology of Coaching) (MApplSc(PsycCoach))
  • Master of Applied Science (Spatial Information Science) (MApplSc(SIS))
  • Master of Applied Science (Wildlife Health and Population Management) (MAppSc(Wild Hlth Pop Man))
  • Master of Sustainability (MSust)
2. Graduate Diplomas
  • Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc)
  • Graduate Diploma in Photonics and Optical Science (GradDipPhotOptSci)
  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology (GradDipPsych)
  • Graduate Diploma in Medical Physics (GradDipMedPhys)
  • Graduate Diploma in Bioethics (GradDipBEth)
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Nuclear Science (GradDipApplNucSci)
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (GradDipApplSc), which shall also incorporate the streams:
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Bioinformatics) (GradDipApplSc(Bioinf))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Science) (GradDipApplSc(EnvSc))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Health Psychology) (GradDipApplSc(HlthPsych))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Microscopy and Microanalysis) (GradDipApplSc (Microsc & Microanal))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (GradDipApplSc(MBT))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Psychology of Coaching) (GradDipApplSc(PsychCoach))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Spatial Information Science) (GradDipApplSc(SIS))
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Wildlife Health and Population Management)(GradDipApplSc (WildHlthPopMan))
  • Graduate Diploma in Sustainability (GradDipSust)
3. Graduate Certificates
  • Graduate Certificate in Science (History and Philosophy of Science) (GradCert(HPS))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (GradCertApplSc), which shall also incorporate the streams:
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Bioinformatics) (GradCertApplSc (Bioinf))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Environmental Science) (GradCertApplSc (EnvSc))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Health Psychology) (GradCertApplSc (HlthPsych))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Microscopy and Microanalysis) (GradCertApplSc (Microsc & Microanal))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (GradCertApplSc (MBT))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Psychology of Coaching) (GradCertApplSc (PsychCoach))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Spatial Information Science) (GradCertApplSc (SIS))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Applied Positive Psychology) (GradCertApplSc (AppPosPsyc))
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Wildlife Health and Population Management) (GradCertApplSc (WildHlthPopMan))
  • Graduate Certificate in Bioethics (GradCertBEth)
  • Graduate Certificate in Sustainability (GradCertSust)

University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (as amended)

The Resolutions in the postgraduate section of the handbook must be read in conjunction with the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (as amended), which sets out the requirements for all coursework courses. See The relevant Senate Resolutions are available in Policy Online at