University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master's research degrees

This chapter sets out the requirements for master's level research postgraduate degrees offered in the Faculty of Science. Following is a brief description of the research degrees, notes on the presentation of theses, and a description of the master's level research degrees.

Research degrees

Research master's degrees offered by the faculty are listed in this chapter in the following order:

  • Master of Science (MSc)
  • Master of Science (Environmental Science)

Valuable resources for intending and current research students are the Postgraduate Studies Handbook and the Thesis Guide published by SUPRA (Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association).


Master of Science

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Science

2 Admission

The Faculty of Science may, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, admit to candidature for the degree of Master of Science an applicant who:
is a graduate of the University of Sydney; and
has, in the opinion of the Faculty, reached a first or second class honours standard:
(i)  in the final year of an honours program for the degree of Bachelor of Science, or
(ii)  in a program considered by the Faculty to be equivalent to a unit of study referred to in subsection 2(1)(b)(i), or has, in some other manner, acquired a standard of knowledge considered by the Faculty to be equivalent to a first or second class honours standard in a unit of study referred to in subsection 2(1)(b)(i).
Notwithstanding subsection 1, the Academic Board may admit a person to candidature for the degree in accordance with the provisions of Part 9 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999.

3 Requirements for the Master of Science (MSc)

A candidate for the degree is required to:
carry out an original investigation on a topic approved by the Head of Department; and
write a thesis embodying the results of this investigation, stating in the thesis the sources from which the work of others has been used, and the proportion of the thesis claimed as original work.

4 Enrolment in more/less than minimum load

Subject to the approval of the Head of the Department, a candidate for the degree shall elect to proceed:
either as a full-time or as a part-time candidate;
either by research and thesis in accordance with subsections 7(1)-7(8) or by coursework and essay in accordance with subsection 7(9)-7(12); and
except in the case of a candidate proceeding in accordance with Part 9 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule, either within The University of Sydney or elsewhere.

5 Restrictions on enrolment

A candidate to be full-time shall not keep the normal semesters but shall pursue candidature continuously throughout the year, except for a period of recreation leave and shall not have any substantial employment during the day.
A candidate who does not comply with subsection 4(1) shall be regarded as a part-time candidate.

6 Time Limits

A candidate shall not present for examination for the degree earlier than one year after commencement of candidature.
Except with the permission of the Faculty, a full-time candidate proceeding by research and thesis or any candidate proceeding by coursework and essay shall complete the requirements for the degree not later than two years after the commencement of candidature.
Except with the permission of the Faculty, a part-time candidate proceeding by research and thesis shall complete the requirements for the degree not later than four years after the commencement of candidature.
Time spent by a candidate in advanced study in The University of Sydney before admission to candidature may be deemed by the Faculty to be time spent after such admission.

7 Supervision

The Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, shall appoint a full-time member of the academic staff or research staff of the University to act as supervisor of each candidate.
Where the supervisor is a member of the research staff, the Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, shall also appoint a member of the full-time academic staff as associate supervisor. Any person so appointed as associate supervisor must be capable of acting as supervisor in the event that the supervisor is no longer able to act.
The Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, may appoint a full-time member of the academic staff of the University or other appropriately qualified person to act as associate supervisor.
The supervisor shall report annually to the Faculty, through the Head of Department, on the progress towards completion of the requirements for the degree of each candidate under his or her supervision.

8 Satisfactory Progress

The Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, may terminate the candidature of any candidate who has not shown evidence of sufficient progress, in the opinion of the Faculty.

9 Assessment and Examination

A candidate proceeding by research and thesis shall:
carry out an original investigation on a topic approved by the Head of the Department concerned;
write a thesis embodying the results of this investigation, and
state in the thesis generally in a preface and specifically in notes, the sources from which the information was taken, the extent to which the work of others has been used, and the proportion of the thesis claimed as original;
lodge with the Registrar three copies of the thesis, typewritten and bound; and
if required by the examiners, sit for an examination in the branch or branches of science to which the thesis relates.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether in the supervisor's opinion the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
The Dean of the Faculty of Science on the recommendation of the Head of Department concerned, shall appoint two, or where the Dean considers it appropriate, more than two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University, i.e. not being a member of the staff of the University or holding a clinical academic title, and of whom one may be the person appointed to act as supervisor of the candidate.
The examiners shall report to the Faculty which shall determine the result of the examination.
A candidate may not present as the thesis any work which has been presented for a degree or diploma at this or another tertiary institution, but the candidate shall not be precluded from incorporating such work in the thesis, provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
The Registrar shall lodge one copy of the thesis with the Librarian if the degree is awarded.


Master of Science (Environmental Science)

Course Rules

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Science (Environmental Science)

2 Admission

The Dean of the Faculty of Science may admit to candidature:
graduates who have completed an Honours degree majoring in a Science discipline that has a significant environmental emphasis, or in Environmental Science, or equivalent; or
graduates who have completed the requirements for a Graduate Diploma majoring in a Science discipline that has a significant environmental emphasis, or in Environmental Science, or equivalent as provided for by Subsection 2(2); or
graduates who have completed prior postgraduate study in a Science discipline that has a significant environmental emphasis, or in Environmental Science.
A candidate may seek admission into the MSc (Environmental Science) from any of the Graduate Diploma of Science programs, including those of Applied Science and Environmental Science, as follows:
A candidate who has fully completed the requirements for a Graduate Diploma of Science or Applied Science is eligible to apply for admission into the MSc (Environmental Science). Candidates who are considered not to have the required breadth of knowledge in environmental issues may need to complete some further coursework as provided for by section 5.
A candidate who has completed 24 credit points of Environmental Science coursework at Credit grade or above towards the requirements for a postgraduate qualification in Science or Applied Science may apply for admission into the MSc (Environmental Science). Candidates who gain admission in this manner may still need to complete some further coursework as provided for by section 2 (faculty rules).

3 Requirements for the Master of Science (Environmental Science)

A candidate for the degree is required to:
carry out an original investigation on a topic approved by the Chair of the Program Committee for Environmental Science; and
write a thesis embodying the results of this investigation, stating in the thesis the sources from which the information was taken, the extent to which the work of others has been used, and the proportional of the thesis claimed as original work.
Candidates for the degree must prove to the satisfaction of the Program Committee for Environmental Science a breadth of knowledge in environmental issues.
Candidates for the degree must satisfactorily complete any coursework requirements prescribed by the Chair of the Program Committee for Environmental Science. This can include up to 24 credit points of coursework covering material new to the candidate and selected from units of study approved from time to time by the Faculty.

Faculty rules

4 Enrolment in more/less than minimum load

A candidate may proceed on either a full-time or a part-time basis.

5 Cross-institutional study

Cross-institutional study shall not be available to students enrolled in the Master of Science (Environmental Science) course, except where the University of Sydney has a formal Cooperation Agreement with another University.

6 Restrictions on enrolment

Admission to candidature may be limited by a quota. In determining the quota the University will take into account:
availability of resources including space, laboratory and computing facilities; and
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
In considering an application for admission to candidature the Program Committee for Environmental Science and the Faculty shall take account of the quota and will select, in preference, applicants who are most meritorious in terms of section 2 above.

7 Discontinuation of enrolment

A student who does not enrol in any semester without first obtaining written permission from the Dean to suspend candidature will be deemed to have discontinued candidature for the degree. Students who have discontinued candidature will be required to apply for admission to the candidature and be subject to admission requirements pertaining at that time.

8 Suspension of candidature

A student may seek written permission from the Dean to suspend candidature for the degree.
Suspension may be granted for a maximum of one year.

9 Re-enrolment after an absence

A student who plans to reenrol after a period of suspension must advise the Faculty of Science Office in writing of their intention by no later than the end of October for First Semester of the following year or the end of May for Second Semester of the same year.

10 Satisfactory progress

The Faculty may:
call upon any candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree; and
terminate the candidature where the candidate does not show good cause.

11 Time limit

A full-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree not earlier than the end of the third semester and not later than the end of the fourth semester of candidature, except as described in subsection 9 or unless otherwise determined by the Faculty. A full-time candidate shall not keep the normal semesters but shall pursue candidature continuously throughout the year, except for periods of leave approved by the candidate's supervisor, and shall not have any substantial employment during the day.
A part-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree not earlier than the end of the third semester and not later than the end of the eighth semester of candidature, except as described in subsection 9 or unless otherwise determined by the Faculty.
Any candidate who does not comply with subsection 1 shall be deemed to be a part-time candidate.
For a candidate who gains admission into the MSc (Environmental Science) from a Graduate Diploma of Science or Applied Science, the duration of candidature is as follows:
Where a full-time candidate has completed the requirements for a Graduate Diploma of Science or Applied Science immediately prior to admission into the MSc (Environmental Science), the minimum duration for completion of the requirements of the MSc (Environmental Science) is two semesters.
Where a part-time candidate has completed the requirements for the Graduate Diploma of Science or Applied Science immediately prior to admission into the MSc (Environmental Science), the minimum duration for completion of the Master of Science (Env Sc) requirements of the MSc (Environmental Science) is three semesters.
In these resolutions, the term 'immediately' means that the Graduate Diploma requirements were completed in the previous semester.

12 Assessment policy

A candidate shall:
attend such course of study and pass such examinations in each unit of study as prescribed under subsection 3(3).
carry out an original investigation on a topic approved by Chair of the Program Committee - Environmental Science;
write a thesis embodying the results of this investigation and state in the thesis generally in a preface and specifically in notes, the sources from which the information was taken, the extent to which the work of others has been used, and the proportion of the thesis claimed as original;
lodge with the Registrar three copies of the thesis, typewritten and bound; and
if required by the examiners, sit for an examination in the branch or branches of science to which the thesis relates.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether in the supervisor's opinion the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
The Dean of the Faculty of Science on the recommendation of the Head of Department concerned, shall appoint two, or where the Dean considers it appropriate, more than two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University - ie, not being a member of the staff of the University or holding a clinical academic title, and of whom one may be the person appointed to act as supervisor of the candidate.
The examiners shall report to the Faculty which shall determine the result of the examination
A candidate may not present as the thesis any work which has been presented for a degree or diploma at this or any another tertiary institution, but the candidate shall not be precluded from incorporating such work in the thesis, provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
The Registrar shall lodge one copy of the thesis with the Librarian if the degree is awarded.

13 Credit transfer policy

A candidate who, before admission to candidature, has spent time in graduate study and, within the previous three years, has completed coursework considered by the Dean to be equivalent to units of study prescribed for the combined award course, may receive credit of up to 6 credit points towards the requirements for the Master of Science (Environmental Science) provided that the completed work was not counted toward the requirements of another degree.