University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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As a student in the Faculty of Science you are a member of the Sydney University Science Society (SCISOC), the faculty society. SCISOC promotes activities of both an educational and a social nature.

The Society holds a number of activities throughout the year, including barbecues every two weeks and the highlight of the Science student year – the Annual Science 'Bucky' Ball. The Society appoints sports directors who help organise interfaculty sport.

The society runs a stall during orientation week, where t-shirts are sold and you can find out more about what the SCISOC does. The Aqua Regia (official publication of SCISOC) which heralds information concerning the activities of SCISOC and Science departmental societies, is produced weekly and can be found on official departmental noticeboards.

The postal address is Faculty of Science, Carslaw Building F07, University of Sydney, 2006.

The affairs of the society are governed by a council consisting of office bearers, delegate members from member societies, student members of faculty and nine members elected at the annual general meeting, at least three of whom are first year students. You are encouraged to attend the AGM (held in Semester 1) and to take an active part in the society and on council. Council meets regularly during term and all members are invited to attend the meetings. These are advertised in the Bull. Your attendance will ensure that SCISOC effectively meets the needs of science students on campus. For more information, visit the website at

Member societies

A number of the departments within the Faculty of Science have departmental societies, for example the Alchemist€™s Society, Biochemical Society, Biological Society, School of Geosciences Society (includes Geography, Geology, Environmental Science and Marine Science), Mathematical Society, Medical Science Society, Microbiology Society, Physics Society, and Psychological Society.

These societies organise talks, films, field trips and other activities relating to their particular discipline, as well as parties, wine and cheese evenings and other social activities. Most departmental societies have a stall during the orientation period.