University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Course rules


Resolutions of the Faculty of Science for coursework awards

These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the Faculty, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the resolutions for the course of enrolment, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Part 1: Course enrolment

1 Enrolment restrictions

Except with the permission of the Dean an undergraduate student may not enrol in units of study with a total value of more than 30 credit points in either semester one or two, 12 credit points in the summer session and 6 credit points in the winter session.
Except with the permission of the Dean a postgraduate coursework student may not enrol in units of study with a total value of more than 24 credit points in either semester one or two, 12 credit points in the summer session and 6 credit points in the winter session.

2 Time Limits

A student must complete all the requirements for a bachelor's degree (including combined degrees) or undergraduate advanced diploma within ten calendar years of first enrolment.
Unless stated otherwise in the course resolutions:
a student must complete all the requirements for a graduate certificate within four consecutive semesters of first enrolment.
a student must complete all the requirements for a graduate diploma within eight consecutive semesters of first enrolment.
a student must complete all the requirements for a master's degree within twelve consecutive semesters of first enrolment.
Periods of suspension, exclusion or lapsed candidature will be added to maximum completion times except that no completion time will exceed 10 years from first enrolment.
Credit will not be granted for recognised prior learning older than ten years at the time of first enrolment for undergraduate courses or three years for postgraduate coursework.
If a student is readmitted with credit, the Faculty will determine a reduced time limit for completion of the degree.

3 Credit for previous study

Unless otherwise stated within the course resolutions, the provisions of the Coursework Rule apply to the granting of credit, except that, in undergraduate courses, all students must complete at least the senior Science units of study required for a major, at the University of Sydney.
The maximum allowable credit granted toward an undergraduate degree is 96 credit points and the maximum allowable credit from a completed degree toward an undergraduate degree is 48 credit points. At the discretion of the Dean, the maximum allowable credit for an undergraduate degree may be varied for credit transfer within the University of Sydney.
Credit is available in the articulated postgraduate courses for postgraduate study as long as it has been undertaken in these award courses within the previous six semesters. Unless otherwise stated, external credit is not available to students enrolled in postgraduate programs.

4 Course transfer

Where the course resolutions allow students may apply direct to the Faculty. For all other applications students must apply through either UAC or the International office.
Providing students satisfy the admission requirements for each stage of an articulated postgraduate coursework program, a student may apply to progress to the award of any of the courses within that sequence. Only the highest award completed will be conferred.
A student enrolled in a postgraduate coursework masters may, with the approval of the Dean, elect to discontinue study and graduate with the graduate diploma from the embedded sequence provided the requirements of the graduate diploma have been met within the Faculty specified time limits of the Faculty.
A student enrolled in a postgraduate coursework graduate diploma may, with the approval of the Dean, elect to discontinue study and graduate with the graduate certificate from the embedded sequence provided the requirements of the graduate certificate have been met within the Faculty specified time limits.
All applications for transfer in a postgraduate coursework program must satisfy the Faculty specified time limits for application and transfer requests

5 Re-enrolment after an absence

Unless otherwise stated within the course resolutions, the provisions of the Coursework Rule apply. A student who plans to re-enrol after a period of suspension must advise the Faculty in writing of their intention by the end of October for first semester of the following year or the end of May for second semester of the same year.

6 Suspension of candidature

Unless otherwise stated within the course resolutions, the provisions of the Coursework Rule apply to all undergraduate courses.
Suspension may be granted in a postgraduate coursework program for a maximum of two consecutive semesters.

7 Special permission

The Dean may, in certain circumstances permit exceptions to the requirements for a Faculty award. Applications must be made in writing.

Part 2: Unit of study enrolment

8 Details on Units of Study

A candidate for a course shall proceed by completing units of study as prescribed by the Faculty.
A unit of study shall consist of such lectures, seminars, tutorial instruction, essays, exercises, practical work, or project work as may be prescribed.
In these resolutions, 'to complete a unit of study' or any derivative expression means:
to satisfy all requirements for that unit of study as determined by the School concerned, and
to achieve a final mark of 50 or more in the unit of study.
Not all units of study for a particular subject area may be available every semester.
Where appropriate a table of units of study will be listed under each degree on offer.

9 Cross institutional study

Provided the Dean's permission has been obtained in advance, a student may be permitted to complete a unit of study offered by another institution and have that unit credited to the student's course requirements, provided that:
the unit of study content is not taught in any corresponding unit of study at the University; or
the student is unable, for good reason, to attend a corresponding unit of study at the University.
Cross-institutional study is regarded as another form of credit.
Unless otherwise stated, cross-institutional study is not available to students enrolled in postgraduate programs.

10 International exchange

The Faculty encourages students to participate in international exchange programs, unless the resolutions for a particular course preclude this. For more information refer to the International Office.

Part 3: Studying and Assessment

11 Attendance

Students are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of timetabled activities for a unit of study, unless granted exemption by the Dean or the Head of School concerned. The Dean or the Head of School most concerned may determine that a student has failed a unit of study because of inadequate attendance. Alternatively, at their discretion, they may set additional assessment items where attendance is lower than 80%.
In some units of study, the minimum attendance requirement is greater than 80%. Students should read carefully the degree resolutions and the table of units of study listed under each degree.
Students are required to be in attendance at the correct time and place of any formal or informal examinations. Non attendance on any grounds insufficient to claim special consideration will result in the forfeiture of marks associated with the assessment. Participation in a minimum number of assessment items may be included in the requirements specified for a unit of study.

12 Late submission policy

It is expected that, unless an application for special consideration has been approved, students will submit all assessments for a unit of study on the due date specified. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If an extension is either not sought, not granted, or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment may result in an academic penalty.

13 Concessional pass

In this Faculty the grade PCON (Concessional Pass) is not awarded.

14 Further examination

The Faculty does not offer opportunities for further examination or replacement assessment other than on the grounds of approved Special Consideration or Special Arrangements.

Part 4: Progression, Results, and Graduation

15 Satisfactory progress

The Faculty will monitor students for satisfactory academic progress.
In this Faculty a student shall not have made satisfactory progress in any semester if the student:
fails to complete successfully 50% or more of the credit points in which the student was enrolled for that semester; and /or
fails to complete successfully on the second or later attempt the same unit of study; and/or
fails to complete successfully any compulsory or barrier unit(s) of study, field or clinical work, practicum, or professional experience; and/or
is consequently unable to complete the degree within the maximum permitted time while carrying a normal student load.
Students must also meet all progression requirements listed in specific course resolutions.
A student in an undergraduate course who has not made satisfactory progress in any semester will be placed on the Faculty's Academic Register. Such students will be required to take action as outlined in the University Academic Progression Policy or as otherwise directed by the Faculty.
Students who fail any unit of study in a postgraduate coursework program will be identified as not meeting academic progression requirements and become subject to the progression provisions of the Coursework Rule. Students who subsequently fail any unit of study will be excluded from the course if they cannot show good cause.
These conditions for satisfactory progress will apply from 1 October 2010 and cannot be applied retrospectively.

16 Award of the bachelor degree with honours

To qualify for admission to the bachelor degree with honours, an applicant must:
have qualified for the award of a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Science or equivalent qualification from another institution; and
have completed a minimum of 24 credit points of senior units of study relevant to the intended honours course (or equivalent at another institution); and
have achieved either:
(i)  a SCIWAM of at least 65 (or equivalent at another institution); or
(ii)  a credit average in 48 credit points in relevant intermediate and senior Science units of study as determined by the School concerned; or
satisfy any additional criteria set by the Head of School concerned.
General conditions of candidature include:
Students must complete the requirements for the honours course full-time over two consecutive semesters. If the School is satisfied that a student is unable to attempt the honours course on a full-time basis and if the Dean so recommends, permission may be granted to undertake honours half-time over four consecutive semesters.
An applicant who is qualified to enrol in two honours courses may either:
(i)  complete the honours courses in the two subject areas separately and in succession; or
(ii)  complete a joint honours course, equivalent to an honours course in a single subject area, in the two subject areas as agreed by the Dean and both Schools. A joint honours course shall comprise such parts of the two honours courses as may be decided by the Dean.
A student may not re-attempt an honours course.
To qualify for the award of honours, a student must complete 48 credit points of honours undergraduate units of study, as described in Table VI.
The grade of honours and the honours mark are determined by performance in the honours course.
Honours is awarded in the following classes:


Mark Range

Honours Class I

Mark >= 80

Honours Class II (Division 1)

75 <= Mark < 80

Honours Class II (Division 2)

70 <= Mark < 75

Honours Class III

65 <= Mark < 70

Honours not awarded

Mark < 65

17 University Medal

A student with an honours mark of 90 or above and a minimum SCIWAM of 80 will be considered for the award of a University medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the Faculty to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Faculty have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with the Coursework Rule.

18 Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and Science Weighted Average Mark (SCIWAM)

The University WAM is calculated using the following formula:
WAM =  
sum(Wc x Mc)  
where Wc is the unit of study credit points, x the unit weighting, and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. The mark used for units with a grade AF is zero. Pass/ fail units are not counted.
The weight of a unit of study is assigned by the owning faculty. In this Faculty, junior units are weighted one, intermediate units are weighted two and senior units are weighted three.
In this Faculty:
A junior unit of study is a 1xxx or first-year stage unit.
An intermediate unit of study is a 2xxx or second-year stage uni.
A senior unit of study is a 3xxx or third-year stage unit.
A SCIWAM is a Weighted Average Mark used by the Faculty of Science, calculated from the results of all intermediate and senior units of study with a weighting of two for intermediate units and three for senior units.

Part 5: Other

19 Talented Student Program

The Talented Student Program (TSP) is a special program of study for students of exceptional merit who are enrolled in undergraduate degrees administered by the Faculty of Science or for the Science component of combined degrees.
Entry to the TSP is by invitation from the Dean. Invitations are made each year, for that year. The following guidelines apply generally, although schools and departments may have additional (and more stringent) requirements for entry to the activities they offer in the program:
To be considered for the program in their first year, students should normally have a ATAR (or equivalent) of 99.00 or higher and a result in band 6 in at least one HSC science subject area or a mark of 95 or better in HSC Mathematics Extension 2. The Dean may consider slight variations to these requirements where a student has demonstrated exceptional performance in scientific study (eg, at the level of membership of a team which represents Australia in an International Science or Mathematics Olympiad).
To be considered for entry into the program in their second and third years, students should normally have AAMs of 85 or over and a high distinction grade in an appropriate Science subject area. Subsequent entry to TSP is available only to students who have been enrolled full-time in units of study totalling at least 48 credit points.
Students who feel that they satisfy these criteria, but who have not received an invitation to participate in the TSP that year, should contact the Dean.
The maximum TSP credit points that can be counted to a degree is normally 42.

20 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011, and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Students who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011, may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the Faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Important policies relating to undergraduate candidature


For all junior, intermediate and senior units of study in the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology degrees, the following mark ranges apply within the Faculty of Science:




HD High Distinction 85 – 100



75 – 84



65 – 74



50 – 64



Below 46 or 50


Absent Fail


Discontinued – Fail


Discontinued – not to count as failure

Special Arrangements

Students who are experiencing difficulty in meeting their assessment requirements due to competing essential community commitments may apply for Special Arrangements for examination and assessment.
More information can be found at:

Special Consideration

Students who have a serious illness or who have experienced misadventure which may affect their academic performance in a course or unit of study may request that they be given Special Consideration in relation to the determination of their results.
More information can be found at:

Code of Conduct for Students

The University has clear expectations of students in respect of academic matters and personal behaviour.

Student Plagiarism: coursework Policy and Procedure

The University of Sydney expects high standards of academic honesty in all student work. In particular, the University is opposed to and will not tolerate plagiarism.

Faculty of Science intervention and support strategies

The Faculty of Science has always been concerned to develop policies that promote the welfare and well-being of its students. A number of University and faculty rules and policies require the faculty to intervene and support students who may be at risk of not meeting progression requirements. These policies are:

  • Any Satisfactory Progress requirements that are found in the resolutions for particular degrees.
  • The University's progression policy.
  • For international students, the National Code for Education Providers 2007.

An intervention is an action taken in relation to an individual student by the faculty in applying policies that deal with satisfactory progress. An intervention can take a number of forms, but is typically a referral to particular student support services or a direction in relation to a student€™s studies.

A support strategy is a plan or process to assist an individual student or group of students within the faculty to better achieve academic success.

All students should take advantage of the Faculty€™s support strategies and the University€™s student support services. Do not wait until you are in severe difficulties to seek assistance!

The Faculty has a number of strategies and intervention possibilities in place. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Making available information on degree requirements in the Faculty of Science
The Faculty publishes handbooks on an annual basis. Handbooks are available online, for purchase in hardcopy format from the Student Centre, and are available at many public libraries.

Provision of specialist administrative staff
Administrative staff are available at the Faculty of Science office counter and by email and by telephone to assist with queries relating to degree requirements and other administrative matters. For opening times and contact details, see

Faculty of Science Transition Workshop
To enable new first year undergraduate students to study effectively and enjoy a positive student experience, the Faculty of Science offers a transition workshop each year. Workshops are held prior to the commencement of the academic year. Details on registration are available at enrolment sites or on the faculty web page at enrolment periods.

Faculty of Science website
The Faculty's website is specifically for students enrolled in the Faculty of Science, and contains relevant information on degree requirements and many other things.

Implementing progression requirements

  • The Faculty administers progression requirements for undergraduate specialist degrees on an annual basis in accordance with degree resolutions. Students who do not meet the progression requirements will be notified after second semester results become available that they have not fulfilled satisfactory progression requirements. Students will be notified of the intervention to be implemented.
  • The Faculty administers progression requirements for postgraduate coursework degrees on a semester basis. Students who do not meet the progression requirements will be notified after semester results become available that they have not fulfilled satisfactory progression requirements. Students will be notified of the intervention to be implemented.
  • The Faculty administers the University€™s Progression Policy on a semester by semester basis. Students are notified in accordance with the progression policy.
  • The Faculty has a staff member dedicated to administration for International Student candidatures. The International Student Adviser works closely with the International Office to facilitate compliance with the ESOS code.

Interventions are made with regard to the particular policy or rule being applied. Interventions include:

  • completion of a back on track survey by students in accordance with the Progression Policy
  • requirement to attend at an information session to raise awareness of student services
  • a referral to attend particular student services
  • an interview with the Associate Dean or other course adviser
  • recommendations on study patterns
  • recommendation on suspension or withdrawal from study

Where a student has failed to make satisfactory progress as required, subsequent interventions include:

  • transfer to a more appropriate degree program as provided in degree resolutions or as recommended by an Associate Dean
  • transfer to a more appropriate stream in a degree as provided in degree resolutions or as recommended by an Associate Dean
  • direction to move from full-time to part-time enrolment
  • direction to suspend studies for a period
  • mandatory attendance at specified Learning Centre courses
  • case management on an individual student basis
  • exclusion for a specified period from a degree

Support Strategies
The Faculty supports students by:

  • making information on degree requirements easily available
  • making information on University student support services easily available
  • offering a Transition Workshop
  • offering the Talented Student Program to support the development of talented Science students
  • providing specialist administrative staff to advise on faculty policy and procedures
  • providing individual consultations, by appointment, with Associate Deans

The Schools within the Faculty of Science support students through:

  • issuing unit of study outlines detailing requirements and learning outcomes
  • making available specialist administrative staff to advise on School policy and procedures
  • making available specialist academic advisers to advise on academic matters within the School