University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)


Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) (Honours)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended)and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
LH018 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)
LH045 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)(Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to undergraduate courses at the University of Sydney is competitive on the basis of completion of secondary study via the NSW Higher School Certificate, leading to the award of an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) or equivalent (and subject to special admissions provisions as set out in the Coursework Rule), or on the basis of Mature Age Admission as set out in the Admissions chapter of the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The Dean may permit a student of exceptional merit who is admitted to the Talented Student Program to undertake a unit or units of study within the Faculty other than those specified in the tables.
The units of study that may be taken for Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) are listed in Table 1D and Table 1.
To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics), a candidate must successfully complete 144 credit points specified in Table 1D including:
48 credit points of Junior units of study; and
48 credit points of Intermediate units of study; and
48 credit points of Senior units of study.

5 Progression rules

Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) who fail to maintain a minimum average mark of 65 in units of study in Science subject areas in each year of enrolment will be transferred to the Bachelor of Science.

6 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an additional year of full time study, after the completion of the pass degree. Candidates must complete the requirements for the honours course full-time over two consecutive semesters. If the School is satisfied that a student is unable to attempt honours course on a full time basis and if the Dean so recommends, permission may be granted to undertake honours part-time over four consecutive semesters.
Admission, requirements and award of honours are according to the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science.
Candidates for the honours degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics must complete an honours program from Table VI, incorporating research in molecular biology and genetics, in a School in the Faculty of Science.

7 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) is awarded as either Pass or Honours. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree merited.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the Faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Planning your degree

Enrolment guide
In your Junior year you should complete:

  • 12 credit points from the science subject areas of Mathematics and Statistics (it is recommended that students take units that assume completion of HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or 2 and include some statistics)
  • 12 credit points of any junior BIOL units of study (BIOL1911 and BIOL1902 is the preferred option)
  • 12 credit points of junior units of study in the science subject area of Chemistry (CHEM1108 and 1109 is the preferred option)
  • MBLG1001 or 1901, and
  • 6 credit points of elective junior science units of study (Physics or Computer Science are recommended).
Sample Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Sample Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)


Unit of study 1
& credit points

Unit of study 2
& credit points

Unit of study 3
& credit points

Unit of study 4
& credit points

Unit of study 5
& credit points

Unit of study 6
& credit points


Year 1






Science elective





















Year 2





Science elective










Science elective






Year 3











Table ID elective

Table ID elective

Table ID elective

Table 1D elective








Total credit points:


Require: 144cp total, and units of study as per Table ID.

Table 1D: Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

A. Junior units of study

Candidates are required to enrol in and complete:
(i) 12 credit points of any Junior BIOL units of study (BIOL1911 and BIOL1902 is the preferred option); and
(ii) CHEM(1101 or 1901 or 1903 or 1108) and CHEM(1102 or 1902 or 1904 or 1109) (The combination of CHEM 1108 and 1109 is the preferred option. The combination of CHEM 1001 and 1002 is available with special permission.);
(iii) MBLG1901 (MBLG1001 and MBLG1999 for students who commenced prior to 2008);
(iv) 12 credit points of Junior units of study from the Science Subject Area of Mathematics (it is recommended that students take units requiring HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or 2 and include some statistics in their choice of Mathematics units of study); and
(v) 6 credit points of other Junior units of study from BSc units of study (Table I). It is recommended that the extra 6 credit points be selected from Junior units of study in Physics or in Computer Science.
Molecular Biology and Genetics (Adv)
6    A HSC Chemistry and Biology OR 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry
P UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of 95 or minimum Band 5 in HSC chemistry and biology or by invitation
N AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1001
Semester 2
Molecular Biology & Genetics Seminar A

Only available in the BSc(MBG) and MBLG1901
Semester 2

B. Intermediate units of study

In order to proceed to the Intermediate year, candidates for the BSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics) must achieve a Credit average in Junior units of study. Candidates who fail to maintain the required Credit average will be transferred to candidature for the Bachelor of Science degree in their next year of enrolment with full credit for the units of study completed as Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) candidates. Candidates who fail to achieve the required average across all units of study attempted in the year in which they have otherwise completed the requirements for the degree will be awarded the Bachelor of Science.
In the Intermediate year candidates are required to enrol in and complete:
(i) MBLG(2071 or 2971) and(2072 or 2972);
(ii) CHEM(2403 or 2913);
(iii) BCHM(2071 or 2971) and BCHM(2072 or 2972);
(iv) MICR(2021 or 2921); and
(v) 12 Credit points of Intermediate Science units of study. (In 1st Semester, CHEM2401/2911/2915 or BIOL(2016/2916) and in 2nd Semester, MICR(2022 or 2922) and CHEM2402/2912/2916, are strongly recommended as the Science options.)
Note: Students wishing to proceed to the Senior units of Chemistry or Microbiology must complete 12 credit points of Intermediate units in the appropriate discipline area.

C. Senior units of study

In order to proceed to the Senior year, candidates for the BSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics) must achieve a Credit average in Intermediate units of study. Candidates who fail to maintain the required Credit average will be transferred to candidature for the Bachelor of Science degree in their next year of enrolment with full credit for the units of study completed as Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) candidates. Candidates who fail to achieve the required average across all units of study attempted in the year in which they have otherwise completed the requirements for the degree will be awarded the Bachelor of Science.
In the Senior year candidates are required to enrol in and complete:
(i) MBLG3999; and
(ii) BCHM(3071 or 3971) and BCHM(3081 or 3981); and
(iii) BIOL(3018 or 3918) and (3027 or 3927); and
(iv) Semester 2 elective units of study: Select 24 credit points from BCHM(3072 or 3972), BCHM(3082 or 3982), BCHM(3092 or 3992), BIOL(3025 or 3925), BIOL(3026 or 3926), CHEM(3114 or 3914), CHEM(3115 or 3915), CHEM(3116 or 3916), CHEM(3117 or 3917), MICR(3012 or 3912), MICR(3022 or 3922).
NOTE: The July semester enrolment must include a unit of study which incorporates the seminar and discussion program.
Other suitable options incorporating molecular biology and genetics would be considered by the Program Committee.
Molecular Biology & Genetics Seminar B

Only available to students enrolled in the BSc(MBG) degree or the BCHM3972 course
Semester 2

Honours units of study

Candidates for the Honours degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics shall complete an Honours program incorporating research in molecular biology and genetics in a Department or School in the Faculty of Science.