University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Professional Accounting

This section outlines the course rules and other requirements for the Professional Accounting coursework program offered by the University of Sydney Business School. The available program is as follows:

Master of Professional Accounting

Overview of the degree

Course code
Course abbreviation

The Professional Accounting program draws on the strengths of the University of Sydney Business School to help students develop the knowledge and skills required for accreditation with professional accountancy bodies and as a foundation for a career in professional accountancy. The program offers specialised education in accounting, business law, and finance, with electives in economics, econometrics, information systems, and all areas of study taught in the Business School.

Credit points required for completion and duration
Credit points
Duration (minimum)
1.5 years full-time
3 years part-time

Degree structure and progression

Degree requirements

To be awarded the Master of Professional Accounting, students complete 12 units of study (72 credit points), comprising:

  • eight core units of study (48 credit points)
  • four elective units of study (24 credit points) selected from the postgraduate units of study offered by the Business School, (including those listed under the 'Subject areas for elective units of study'). *

* Students who wish to apply for CPA or Institute of Chartered Accountants accreditation must complete, in addition to the eight compulsory units of study, certain other units of study as electives in the Master of Professional Accounting program. Please refer to the information under the heading €˜Professional accreditation in accounting requirements€™ for details of these required units of study.

Core units of study
  • ACCT5001 Accounting Principles
  • ACCT5002 Managerial Accounting and Decision Making
  • ACCT6001 Intermediate Financial Reporting
  • ACCT6007 Contemporary Issues in Auditing
  • ACCT6010 Advanced Financial Reporting
  • CLAW5001 Legal Environment of Business
  • CLAW6002 Corporations Law
  • FINC5001 Capital Markets and Corporate Finance
Subject areas for elective units of study

Students select four elective postgraduate units of study (24 credit points) from the Business School including units from the following Master of Commerce specialisations (subject to meeting prerequisite / corequisite requirements). Students wishing to meet CPA and ICAA accreditation requirements must select specific elective units as outlined under €˜Professional accreditation in accounting requirements€™.

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Business Law
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Integrated Business Solutions
  • International Business
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Management and Organisations
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Quantitative Business Analysis
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Strategy and Innovation

For details of units of study available in each subject area, students should refer to 'Specialisation subject areas€™ under the €˜Postgraduate coursework programs: Commerce' section.

Professional accreditation in accounting requirements

The Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc) is accredited with both the CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA), providing certain units are selected in the choice of electives. CPA Australia prescribes at least three of the electives (and four if Taxation is not done with them as part of the CPA program), whereas the ICAA only prescribes one of the four electives. Students wishing to complete the accredited MPAcc program should refer to the information under the heading 'Accreditation Requirements' below for details of the required elective units of study they will need to complete.

1. CPA Australia accreditation

Students who wish to apply for CPA Australia accreditation complete, in addition to the eight compulsory units of study, the following units of study as electives in the Master of Professional Accounting program:

  • CLAW6026 Concepts of Australian Taxation *
  • ECMT5001 Principles of Econometrics
  • ECON5003 Economics for Accountants (OR ECON5001 Microeconomic Theory AND ECON5002 Macroeconomic Theory).

AND one of the following:

  • INFS5000 Information and Systems in Organisations
  • INFS6001 Managing Information and Systems
  • ACCT6014 Designing Accounting Systems

* Students wishing to apply for CPA accreditation may choose to take the unit of study CLAW6026 Concepts of Australian Taxation as an elective within their degree to meet CPA requirements. Alternatively, CPA Australia allows students the option of completing taxation studies as an elective within the CPA program.

2. ICAA accreditation

Students who wish to apply for ICAA accreditation complete, in addition to the eight compulsory units of study, the following elective unit of study as one of the four electives in the Master of Professional Accounting program.

  • CLAW6026 Concepts of Australian Taxation
Progression guide

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Master of Professional Accounting on a full-time basis undertaking four units of study (24 credit points) per semester. (Note:In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').

Year Sem

Units of study



Accounting Principles

Legal Environment of Business

Capital Markets and Corporate Finance



Managerial Accounting and Decision Making

Intermediate Financial Reporting

Corporations Law


2 1

Contemporary Issues in Auditing

Advanced Financial Reporting



CLAW6002 can be completed in either Semester 1 or Semester 2 in this example.

Please Note: The information listed in this example is based on the unit of study offerings for 2011 and is intended as a guide only. Students are usually able to complete the units of study for their course in different sequences to that which is listed (including enrolling in units in Summer or Winter School sessions when available). Students are advised to plan their course based upon their individual needs and to contact the faculty€™s Student Information Office if they need any assistance in planning their progression in their degree.

Units of study for Professional Accounting coursework programs

General information relating to unit of study offerings

For a list of available elective units of study, refer to the table under Postgraduate coursework programs: Commerce.

The unit of study information listed is for 2011 and was correct at the time of printing of this handbook.

The Business School website ( contains the most up-to-date information on unit of study availability or other requirements. Timetabling information for 2010 is also available on the faculty website ( Students should note that units of study are run subject to demand.

Most units of study will be offered in standard semesters (either Semester 1 or Semester 2). Some units are also offered in intensive mode. The intensive sessions are explained in the following table.

Key to intensive unit of study offering sessions

Session code

Description of how the unit will be offered 

Summer School: Summer Early (42), Summer Main (43), and Summer Late (44)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Summer School session

Winter School: Winter Main (11)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Winter School session

The units of study available for 2011 for these programs are detailed under:

  1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Professional Accounting coursework programs
  2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Professional Accounting coursework programs
1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Professional Accounting
Unit of study Credit points P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Core units of study
Accounting Principles
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Managerial Accounting & Decision Making
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Intermediate Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Contemporary Issues in Auditing
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Legal Environment of Business
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
Corporations Law
6    P CLAW5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
Capital Markets and Corporate Finance
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Elective units of study
Students select four elective postgraduate units of study (24 credit points) from the Business School and the School of Economics including units from the Master of Commerce specialisations. For details of available units refer to the 'Table of postgraduate units of study' under the 'Postgraduate coursework programs: Commerce'.
Students who wish to complete units for CPA Australia or ICAA accreditation complete electives as set out below:
CPA accreditation electives
Students complete the following units: CLAW6026, ECMT5001, ECON5003 (or ECON5001 and ECON5002), and either INFS5000, INFS6001 or ACCT6014.
Designing Accounting Systems
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Concepts of Australian Taxation
6    P CLAW5001
N CLAW5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
Principles of Econometrics
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Microeconomic Theory
6    N ECON5003, ECON5000
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
Macroeconomic Theory
6    N ECON5003
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
Economics for Accountants
6    N ECON5001, ECON5002

This unit of study is ONLY available to students enrolled in the Master of Professional Accounting degree
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
Information and Systems in Organisations
6    N INFS6000, INFS6001

This is a defined elective unit of study in the Master of Professional Accounting program.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Managing Information and Systems
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
ICAA accreditation electives
Concepts of Australian Taxation
6    P CLAW5001
N CLAW5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
International Exchange Program units of study
This units are only available to students participating in the International Exchange Program.
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Professional Accounting

Please Note. These unit of study descriptions are listed alphanumerically by unit code.

Core units of study
ACCT5001 Accounting Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr class per week Assessment: Mid-semester examination (25%); Final examination (55%); Individual and/or Group assignment (20%)
This unit provides an introduction to the generally accepted accounting principles and practices underlying financial accounting and reporting. It is intended for both accounting and non-accounting majors. The unit aims to introduce students to the concepts and skills required to prepare, analyse, and interpret financial statements.
ACCT5002 Managerial Accounting & Decision Making

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr class per week Assessment: Weekly in-class feedback of progressive performance in the development of concept and technique knowledge and its application and business practicals (50%); Final Examination (50%)
The unit introduces students to the context and processes of management accounting, considering the role of management accounting technologies in creating stakeholder value through financial resource management. Critical business career skills of problem-solving, communication and negotiation are enhanced through the application of management accounting techniques to organisational resourcing issues in their competitive and ethical context. It is argued that management accountants support and inform the ways in which organizational resources are committed to various portfolios, projects, and possible futures, given the crafting of an organisation's relationship with its environment. The external and internal environments of management accounting are considered in framing managerial decisions and strategy. The main categories of resources available to shape an organisation's strategy and financial performance will be examined (including those acquired through strategic alliances and outsourcing), along with various management accounting technologies accounting for the combination, allocation and performance of these resources.
ACCT6001 Intermediate Financial Reporting

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr class per week Assessment: Mid-semester Test (35%), Final Examination (50%), Assignment (15%).
This unit is intended to provide an understanding of the contemporary Australian financial reporting environment. Particular attention is paid to accounting theory and concepts, mandatory reporting practices and reporting policies that reflect either a choice from among several mandated alternatives, or those areas where regulation has not occurred. The unit is intended for those who will be involved in the preparation or use of company financial statements. The unit provides an understanding of accounting techniques, both in terms of technical method and their relative impact on corporation's financial statements. The emphasis throughout is on both the 'techniques' and the related explanations for their use.
ACCT6007 Contemporary Issues in Auditing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2hr or 3hr class per week; several voluntary remedial workshops on Saturdays, plus 3 mandatory Saturday case study sessions - taught in intensive mode. Assessment: Mid Semester examination (15%); Individual assignment (10%); Group assignment (20%); Final examination (55%)
This unit seeks to improve students' understanding of the function, nature and procedures of commercial auditing in the context of corporate financial reporting. It has particular regard to the business, legal and economic foundations than underpin the audit process. Recurrent reference is made to practical and policy matters of contemporary importance to auditing and auditors, especially as they relate to the function of auditing in ensuring the quality of corporate financial statements and the role of auditors in corporate governance. Matters related to modern cases like Enron, HIH, One.Tel, Parmalat, China Aviation Oil and ABC Learning are also discussed.
ACCT6010 Advanced Financial Reporting

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Case studies (25%); Mid-semester examination (25%); Final examination (50%).
This unit is intended to provide students with a detailed understanding of more complex financial reporting issues. The topics examined include: group accounting issues such as the practical application of the control test; multiple subsidiaries; foreign currency translation; consolidated cash flow reporting; segment reporting; accounting for joint ventures and associates; and related party disclosures. The unit builds on the knowledge base acquired from earlier accounting units with a strong emphasis on the application of technical skills. The unit has a substantial case component, using current examples to illustrate both appropriate technical solutions in accordance with accounting standards and guidelines, as well as the forces which determine the choice of methods. The course will help develop students' ability to read and analyse financial reports and to understand the financial statement implications of management decisions relating to organisational structure, investment and financing.
CLAW5001 Legal Environment of Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Early Classes: Three hours of classes per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops (Summer session: Two three hour classes per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops) Assessment: Case analysis (20%), Tests (20%), Final examination (60%)
This unit examines the legal framework and regulatory systems within which all businesses operate and introduces students to the legal implications of commercial conduct. The unit begins with an introduction to the Australian legal system and then focuses on key areas of substantive business law including contract law, torts (in particular negligence and torts involving unlawful interference with business), property, white collar crime, consumer law (in particular advertising regulation, product liability and unfair contracts), misleading conduct and unconscionable conduct. The unit also provides an overview of dispute resolution processes and different business structures.
CLAW6002 Corporations Law

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Early Classes: One three hour class per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops Summer session: Two three hour classes per which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops Assessment: Assignment (40%); Exam (60%)
This unit examines the law relating to modern corporations. After examining the background to the present legislation and administrative framework, the topics discussed include: the concept of corporate personality; business planning and company formation; how companies are managed; the role of members; the obligations of directors; company reporting and disclosure; company finance; contracting by companies and corporate liability; and an introduction to the external administration of companies in financial difficulty.
FINC5001 Capital Markets and Corporate Finance

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Mid semester-test (20%); Major assignment (25%); Final examination (55%)
This unit provides an introduction to basic concepts in corporate finance and capital markets. It is designed to equip students to undertake further studies in finance. After reviewing some very basic ideas in finance and financial mathematics, the unit provides a thorough treatment of the valuation of equity, debt and companies. The unit then examines issues related to pricing in capital markets and ends with a discussion of theory and practice related to capital structure and dividend policy.
CPA and ICAA elective units of study
ACCT6014 Designing Accounting Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Individual and team projects (50%); Final examination (50%).
The design of accounting systems necessarily reflects differences in the needs of sole traders or family-owned businesses, small to medium enterprises, and multi-national business firms. Elements of those systems include methods of documenting transactions, transformations and events; internal control procedures designed to safeguard human physical and financial resources; recording methods (manual, semi-automated or fully automated); and methods of periodic reporting on financial and operating activities to managers or governing bodies. The unit examines issues associated with the design of accounting systems and associated business processes in order to harness the capabilities of contemporary business applications software in a cost-effective and secure manner. Topics include the design of charts of accounts, maintaining audit trails; records management and compliance; history of financial applications software; illustrations of the use of inexpensive commercial off-the shelf software in developing budget models, maintaining records to enable compliance with tax rules; examination of the risks that arise with the use of some contemporary software packages, and how those risks might be addressed or managed; illustrations of the capabilities of contemporary enterprise resource planning systems.
CLAW6026 Concepts of Australian Taxation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Early Classes: One 3 hour class per week which may nclude one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops. Summer session: Two 3 hour classes per week May which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops. Assessment: Mid-semester exam (20%); Major assignment (30%); Class performance (10%); Final exam (40%)
The purpose of this unit is to cover the main concepts of taxation such as income, deductions, tax accounting, residence and source capital gains tax, depreciation and trading stock, taxation of partnerships trusts and companies, international tax and tax avoidance. This unit has professional recognition and is the gateway unit for CLAW6001 Business Tax Planning, as well as many taxation units offered by the Law School.
ECMT5001 Principles of Econometrics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hr class per week plus a 1 hr non compulsory tutorial Assessment: Quizzes (10%); Group assignment (15%); Mid-Semester exam (20%); Final exam (55%)
The unit develops the basic principles of data description and analysis, the idea of using the concept of probability to model data generation, and the statistical concepts of estimation and statistical inference, including hypothesis testing. It then develops these concepts and techniques in the context of the linear regression model to show how econometric models can be used to analyse data in a wide range of potential areas of application in economics, business and the social sciences. The unit combines theory and application. The emphasis is upon the interpretation of econometric estimation results and requires software for hands-on experience.
ECON5001 Microeconomic Theory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: 1x 3 hr seminar per week Assessment: online quizzes (10%), mid semester exam (35%), final exam (55%)
This unit presumes no prior exposure to economics and aims, by the end of the unit, to bring a proficiency equivalent to that of students with an intermediate level microeconomics unit in an Honours degree program. Many economic principles developed in this unit are routinely used in several other units in the program. Microeconomics studies how economic agents make choices in a variety of environments. The unit covers theory and applications of the principles of consumer choice, of firm behaviour, and of strategic interaction among economic agents. Equipped with these theories of decision making, students can address a range of interesting and important questions. Examples are: What market strategy should a firm adopt with its competitors? How might one create a market to deal with externalities such as pollution? What are the implications of different kinds of taxes? What compensation scheme will provide the right incentives to work?
ECON5002 Macroeconomic Theory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Online quizzes (20%), mid semester exam (30%), final exam (50%)
This unit presumes no prior exposure to economics and aims, by the end of the unit, to bring a proficiency equivalent to that of students with an intermediate level macroeconomics unit in an Honours degree program. Many economic principles developed in this unit are be routinely used in several other units in the program. Macroeconomics studies aggregate economic behaviour. The unit covers theories of the engines of long-run economic growth, of unemployment, of money, inflation, the interest rate and the exchange rate, as well as consumption, saving and investment behaviour. The unit also studies a number of applications of the theory and addresses contemporary macroeconomic problems and policy.
ECON5003 Economics for Accountants

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: mid semester exam (50%), final exam (50%)
Note: This unit of study is ONLY available to students enrolled in the Master of Professional Accounting degree
The broad aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to economic analysis that is useful in the business world. The unit develops vital microeconomic and macroeconomic principles, using case studies to enhance understanding. Particular emphasis is given to explaining how economic agents make choices in a variety of environments. The unit covers situations where strategic interactions are important and investigates the macro-environment in which businesses operate.
INFS5000 Information and Systems in Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3 hr seminar per week Assessment: Group Assignment (30%); Individual Assignment (20%); Final Exam (50%)
Note: This is a defined elective unit of study in the Master of Professional Accounting program.
Business information systems (BIS) play an important role in organisations as both a tool to support business processes and activities, and as an enabler of business innovation. This unit provides an introduction to business information, processes and systems and their organisational contexts. Understanding how information and systems contribute to business value is important to all business professionals. This unit will help you to understand how information is used to meet organisational objectives; the complex and changing information environment from the perspective of stakeholders; and the management issues associated with making effective use of BIS. You will learn how to use conceptual frameworks and systems documentation tools to analyse practical problems in the operations of information systems and identify new opportunities for business value creation through innovative applications of various business information systems.
INFS6001 Managing Information and Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Mid-semester test (35%), Individual essay (30%), Final exam (35%)
This unit introduces you to the organisational foundations of information systems and their emerging strategic role. You will develop an understanding of critical information management and systems issues in organisations. The unit provides you with a solid understanding of the senior management decisions relating to organisational information and systems and how various information technologies work together to create infrastructure for electronic commerce and electronic business. You will explore the role of information systems in capturing and distributing organisational knowledge and in enhancing management decision making. You will gain a deep understanding into how the information systems function or processes in organisations can be managed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to explore the special management challenges and opportunities created by the pervasiveness and power of information systems.

Course rules and resolutions


Master of Professional Accounting

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Professional Accounting

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

This master's degree is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants ranked on merit in accordance with the following criteria:
a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma, graduate certificate or equivalent at an institution approved by the S and graded at a standard acceptable to the School; and where applicable:
relevant work experience requirements as determined by the School;
satisfaction of the English language requirements; and
any other minimum standards specified by the School.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Table of postgraduate units of study: Master of Professional Accounting.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Professional Accounting a candidate must complete 72 credit points, including:
48 credit points of core units of study; and
24 credit points of elective units of study.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The School may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.