University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Philosophy (Mphil)

Degree code
Duration (minimum)
1.5 years full-time
2 years part-time

All Master of Philosophy candidates must complete the core unit 'Research Design' within their first semester. Candidature is for a minimum of 1.5 years full-time or three years part-time, and for a maximum of two years full-time or four years part-time. The resolutions for the Master of Philosophy are set out in the degree resolutions for the Master of Philosophy in the University Calendar.

Further inquiries and information

Faculty Research Unit - Research Student Administration
Level 4 Room 412 Institute Building, H03
Faculty of Economics and Business
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone: +61 2 9036 5372
Fax: +61 2 9351 5283

Course rules


Master of Philosophy in Economics and Business

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Philosophy in Economics and Business

2 Award of the degree

The degree of Master of Philosophy in Economics and Business shall be awarded in one grade only.

3 Eligibility for admission

An application for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Economics and Business shall except as provided for in Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended), be a graduate of the University of Sydney with first-class or second class (division I) honours in the area of study in which the candidate intends to undertake the degree.

4 Areas of study

There shall be one area of study for the degree in each of the Disciplines located within the Schools of the School:
Business Law
Business Information Systems
Econometrics and Business Statistics
Government and Public Administration
International Security Studies
International Business
Transport and Logistics Studies
Work and Organisational Studies

5 Method of Progression

An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Economics and Business shall proceed by thesis. A candidate may be required to complete additional work as specified by the Postgraduate Research Coordinator or the Supervisor.

6 Credit

It may be deemed that time spent or work done towards any other postgraduate degree in the University of Sydney by a candidate before admission to candidature for the degree of Masters of Philosophy in Economics and Business to be time spent or work done after admission, provided that the candidate has ceased to be a candidate for the other degree.

7 Probationary admission

A candidate may be accepted by the School on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding twelve months and, on completion of this probationary period, the School shall review the candidate's work and shall either confirm the candidate's status or terminate the candidature.
In the case of a candidate being accepted on a probationary basis, the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the first date of the probationary period.

8 Time limits

A candidate shall engage in the University of Sydney either in full-time study for not less than three semesters or in part-time study for not less than six semesters.
A full-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree within two years from the date of first enrolment. In exceptional circumstances the School may consider extending this period by one further semester.
A part-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree within four years from the date of first enrolment. In exceptional circumstances this period may be extended by two further semesters.

9 Supervision and progress

A full-time member of the academic staff of the relevant discipline shall be appointed to act as supervisor of the candidate. An associate supervisor may also be appointed.
Postgraduate Research Coordinator shall report to the School the thesis or essay subject approved in respect of each candidate.
The School will assess the candidate's progress toward the completion of the requirements of the degree on an annual basis.

10 Requirements for the degree

A candidate shall carry out an original investigation on a topic approved by the School and write a thesis of up to 50,000 words embodying the result of this investigation.
A candidate shall lodge with the Registrar three copies of the thesis.
The thesis may be submitted for examination in a temporary binding which should nonetheless be strong enough to withstand ordinary handling and postage. The degree will not, however, be awarded until the candidate has caused at least two copies of the thesis, containing any amendments or corrections that may be required, to be bound in permanent form.
A thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
The candidate shall state in the thesis, generally in a preface, and specifically in notes, the sources from which the information was derived, the extent to which the work of others has been used, and the portions of the thesis claimed as original.
The candidate shall not lodge as the thesis any work previously submitted for a degree of this or any other university, but as such work may be incorporated in the thesis, provided that the candidate indicates the work so incorporated.

11 Examination

The School shall appoint at least two examiners for the thesis, of whom one would normally be external.
The examiners shall report to the School which shall determine the result of the examination.
The School shall ensure that the result is in accordance with University policy as stipulated in the University's publication Postgraduate Studies Handbook.

12 Termination

The School may call upon any candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the School, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.