University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Resolutions of the Faculty


Resolutions of the University of Sydney Business School for coursework awards

These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the School, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the resolutions for the course of enrolment, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Part 1: Course enrolment

1 Enrolment restrictions

Except as with the permission of the School a student may not enrol in units of study with a total value of more than 24 credit points in either semester one or two, twelve credit points in the summer session and six credit points in the winter session.

2 Time limits

The Coursework Rule limits the time students may take to complete their course; part time students should ensure their enrolment pattern allows completion within the maximum time.
Periods of suspension, exclusion or lapsed candidature will be included within maximum completion times.

3 Suspension, discontinuation and lapse of candidature

The Coursework Rule specifies the conditions for suspending or discontinuing candidature, and return to candidature after these events. The Rule also defines the circumstances when candidature is deemed to have lapsed. Students should pay careful attention to the significant dates in these processes and their effect on results and financial liability.

4 Credit for previous study

The award of credit for previous study to undergraduate courses in the University of Sydney Business School will be consistent with the Coursework Rule, except that, no credit will be permitted from awards already conferred, unless
there is an existing articulation agreement relating to the conferred award; or
the student is a candidate for the combined Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science in which case up to 48 credit points may be granted towards the requirements for the Bachelor of Science.
The award of credit for previous study, to postgraduate coursework courses in the University of Sydney Business School, will be consistent with the Coursework Rule, except that
full credit transfer is permitted between embedded courses;
a maximum of 24 credit points may be credited to Master's degrees requiring more than 60 credit points;
no credit will be awarded to any course requiring 60 credit points or less.
A student may be granted waivers in place of credit. In this case the student will be required to complete alternative units of study prescribed by the School.

Part 2: Unit of study enrolment

5 Cross-institutional study

Provided permission has been obtained in advance, the School may permit a student to complete a unit of study at another institution and have that unit credited to the student's course requirements, provided that:
the resolutions of the student's course of enrolment do not specifically exclude cross-institutional study; and
the unit of study content is not taught in any corresponding unit of study at the University; or
the student is unable, for good reason, to attend a corresponding unit of study at the University.
Cross-institutional study is another form of credit and this will be taken into consideration when considering eligibility.

Part 3: Studying and Assessment

6 Special consideration for illness, injury or misadventure

Special consideration is a process that affords equal opportunity to students who have experienced circumstances that adversely impact their ability to adequately complete an assessment task in a unit of study. The Coursework Rule provides full details of the University policy. The procedures for applying for special consideration are described in each unit of study outline.

7 Re-assessment

The Faculty does not offer opportunities for re-assessment other than on the grounds of approved special consideration, reasonable adjustments or special arrangements for examination and assessment in accordance with the relevant sections of the Coursework Rule.

8 Concessional pass

The grade of PCON (Concessional Pass) is not awarded or recognised by the School and is treated as a failure for the purpose of progression and credit point accumulation.

Part 4: Progression, Results and Graduation

9 Satisfactory progress

The School will monitor students for satisfactory progress towards the completion of their award course. Students will be regarded as not meeting academic progression requirements if they have failed to complete 50% of the units of study in which they have enrolled in a semester (including Summer and Winter School), have failed a compulsory unit of study, have failed a unit of study more than once or will not be able to complete degree requirements within the time limit.

10 Award of the bachelor's degree with honours

To qualify for admission to the honours degree a student must:
have completed the requirements for the pass degree or be a graduate of no more than three years standing; and
have a WAM of at least 65 across all senior units attempted; and
have confirmation of the student's eligibility for admission to the honours year from the relevant Discipline(s)/ Department
meet any other requirements set by the Discipline(s) or School, unless otherwise approved by the School.
An applicant who is qualified to enrol in two honours courses may either complete a joint honours course, equivalent to an honours course in a single subject area, in the two subject areas. A joint honours course shall comprise such parts of the two honours courses as may be agreed by the Disciplines and the School.
To qualify for the award of honours a student must complete 48 credit points of honours units of study as specified in the School Table of undergraduate units of study.
The honours mark is determined by the Faculty, based on the candidate's performance in the honours course in both coursework and thesis.
Honours is awarded in the following classes:


Mark Range

Honours Class I

Mark >= 80

Honours Class II (Division 1)

75 <= Mark < 80

Honours Class II (Division 2)

70 <= Mark < 75

Honours Class III

65 <= Mark < 70

Pass (Honours not awarded)

Mark < 65

11 University medal

A student with an honours mark of 90 or above may be awarded a university medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the faculty to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Faculty have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with the Coursework Rule.

12 Weighted average mark (WAM)

The University WAM is calculated using the following formula:
WAM =  
sum(Wc x Mc)  
Where Wc is the unit of study credit points x the unit weighting and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. The mark used for units with a grade AF is zero. Pass/ fail units and credited units from other institutions are not counted.
The weight of a unit of study is assigned by the owning faculty. In this School all units are given a weighting of one.

Part 5: Other

13 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Students who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, unless otherwise specified under the specific course resolutions. The School may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.

University of Sydney Business School information resources for students

Students should refer to the following pages on the Business School website for further details regarding the school€™s administrative policies and procedures as outlined in these resolutions.

Administration Manual for Students

This online manual contains information on all student administration policies and procedures for students enrolled in the Business School:

University of Sydney Business School website

The Business School website ( provides details of the school's structure, staff, courses, administrative policies and procedures and other services provided to students by the faculty.

The student content is divided into two sections:

Future Students ( €’ for potential students to access information relating to admission and enrolment information, courses and majors, scholarships, and other student services.

Current Students ( €’ for students enrolled with the faculty to access application forms, important dates, changes to degree and majors, timetables and other student services.

Other contact and information pages on the University of Sydney Business School website