University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations

This section outlines the Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations postgraduate coursework programs offered by the University of Sydney Business School. The available courses are as follows:

1. Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

2. Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

3. Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Overview of the courses

Course code
Course abbreviation
Course title
Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

The Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations and Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations are specialised qualifications for those engaged in or contemplating careers in human resource management, industrial relations, and related areas.

Credit points required for completion and duration

Course title Credit points Duration (minimum)
Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
1.5 years full-time
2.5 years part-time
Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations 36
1 year full-time
1.5 years part-time
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations 24
0.5 years full-time
1 year part-time

Course structures and progressions

Course requirements
1. Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

To be awarded the Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, students complete 10 units of study (60 credit points), comprising:

  • two core units of study (12 credit points), comprising a foundation unit (six credit points) and capstone unit (six credit points)
  • eight elective units of study (48 credit points), including a minimum of four electives (24 credit points) chosen from the options specified under 'Section A'.
2. Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

To be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, students complete six units of study (36 credit points), comprising:

  • two core units of study (12 credit points), comprising a foundation unit (six credit points) and capstone unit (six credit points)
  • four elective units of study (24 credit points), including a minimum of three elective units options listed under 'Section A'.
3. Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

To be awarded the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, students complete four units of study (24 credit points), comprising:

  • two core units of study (12 credit points), comprising a foundation unit (six credit points) and capstone unit (six credit points)
  • two elective units of study (12 credit points) selected from the 'Section A' elective unit options.
Core units of study
Foundation unit of study

The foundation unit is designed to be taken at the commencement of the degree.

  • WORK5002 People, Work and Employment
Capstone unit of study

The capstone unit draws on all the units completed and thus is designed to be completed at the end of the degree.

  • WORK6033 Organisational Sustainability
Elective units of study

Elective units are selected from the options listed under 'Section A' and 'Section B'. Students enrolled in the individual Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations courses choose their elective options as follows:

  • Master€™s degree: a minimum of four of their eight elective units must be selected from 'Section A' options. The remaining four electives may be selected from either 'Section A' or 'Section B' options.
  • Graduate Diploma: a minimum of two of their three elective units must be selected from 'Section A 'options. The remaining one elective may be selected from either 'Section A' or 'Section B' options.
  • Graduate Certificate: all elective units must be chosen from the 'Section A' options only.
Section A
  • WORK6008 Research Tools at Work *
  • WORK6011 Negotiation, Bargaining and Advocacy *
  • WORK6012 Industrial Relations Policy
  • WORK6017 Human Resource Strategies
  • WORK6018 International Industrial Relations.
  • WORK6030 Performance and Rewards
  • WORK6031 Recruitment and Selection *
  • WORK6034 Talent Management
  • WORK6103 Gender and Work *
  • WORK6108 International Dimensions of HR
  • WORK6109 Unions at Work *
  • WORK6114 Health and Safety at Work *
  • WORK6115 Managing Diversity at Work
  • WORK6116 Employment and the Law
  • WORK6117 Managing HR and Knowledge Systems *
  • WORK6118 Managing Communication in Organisations.
Section B
  • WORK6001 Organisational Analysis and Behaviour
  • WORK6002 Foundations of Strategic Management
  • WORK6003 People, Management and Technology *
  • WORK6022 Special Topic in WOS *
  • WORK6026 Organisational Change and Development
  • WORK6027 Writers on Management *
  • WORK6111 Management Consulting *
  • WORK6119 The Innovative Firm
  • WORK6120 Research Essay
  • WORK6121 Founders of Enterprise *
  • WORK6130 Leadership in Organisations.

Units of study marked with an "*" will not be offered in 2011.

Professional accreditation
Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) accreditation

AHRI is the national association representing human resource management professionals and is Australia's leading human resources professional body. Specific degrees incorporating study in human resource management are AHRI-accredited. Postgraduate Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations courses satisfy the requirements for professional membership of AHRI.

Progression guides

The following tables show course progression examples for a student enrolled in the Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Master€™s degree, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate.

1. Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations on a full-time basis undertaking three or four units of study (24 or 18 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



People, Work and Employment

Section A elective

Section A elective



Section A elective

Section A elective




Organisational Sustainability



2. Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

The following table illustrates a course progression example for a student enrolled in the graduate diploma on a full-time basis completing three units of study (18 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



People, Work and Employment

Section A elective

Section A elective


Organisational Sustainability

Section A elective


3. Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

The following table illustrates a course progression example for a student enrolled in the graduate certificate on a full-time basis completing four units of study (24 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



People, Work and Employment

Organisational Sustainability

Table A elective

Table A elective

Please Note. The information listed in these examples is based on the unit of study offerings for 2011 and is intended as a guide only. Students are usually able to complete the units of study in different sequences to those listed (including enrolling in units in Summer or Winter School sessions when available). Students are advised to plan their degree based upon their individual needs and to contact the faculty€™s Student Information Office if they need any assistance in planning their progression in their course.

Units of study for Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs

General information relating to unit of study offerings

The unit of study information listed is for 2011 and was correct at the time of printing of this handbook.

The Business School website ( contains the most up to date information on unit of study availability or other requirements. Timetabling information for 2011 is also available on the faculty website ( Students should note that units of study are run subject to demand.

Most units of study will be offered in standard semesters (either Semester 1 or Semester 2). Some units are also offered in intensive mode. The intensive sessions are explained in the following table.

Key to intensive unit of study offering sessions

Session code

Description of how the unit will be offered 

1a (7)

the unit of study will run intensively in the first half of Semester 1

1b (8)

the unit of study will run intensively in the second half of Semester 1

2a (9)

the unit of study will run intensively in the first half of Semester 2

2b (10)

the unit of study will run intensively in the second half of Semester 2

Summer School: Summer Early (42), Summer Main (43), and Summer Late (44)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Summer School session

Winter School: Winter Main (11)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Winter School session

Intensive sessions were introduced to cater for units of study that are delivered in non-standard ways.

The units of study available for 2011 for these programs are detailed under :

  1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs
  2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs
1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Core units of study
All students enrolled in the Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations courses complete these units of study.
Foundation unit of study
This unit is completed in the first semester of enrolment.
People, Work and Employment

Foundation Unit for MHRM&IR
Semester 1a
Semester 2
Capstone unit of study
This unit is completed in the final semester of enrolment.
Organisational Sustainability
6    N ECOF6110, CLAW6028

Capstone unit for MHRM&IR
Semester 1a
Semester 2
Elective units of study
(i) Students enrolled in the Master's degree complete four electives from 'Section A' and four electives from either 'Section A' or 'Section B'.
(ii) Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma complete two electives from 'Section A' and one elective from either 'Section A' or 'Section B'.
(iii) Students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate complete their electives from 'Section A'.
Section A
Industrial Relations Policy
6      Semester 2a
Human Resource Strategies
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
International Industrial Relations
6      Semester 1
Winter Main
Performance and Rewards
6      Semester 1a
Talent Management
6    N WORK6031
Semester 2
International Dimensions of HRM
6      Semester 1a
Managing Diversity at Work
6      Semester 1
Employment and the Law

This unit is not available for students enrolled in the Master of Labour Law Relations
Semester 1
Managing Communication in Organisations
6    N ECOF6030, ECOF6040
Semester 1
Section B
Organisational Analysis and Behaviour
6      Semester 2
Foundations of Strategic Management
6      Semester 2
Organisational Change and Development
6      Semester 2b
The Innovative Firm
6      Semester 1
Research Essay
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Available only to students who have achieved 75% or better in at least four WORK (or equivalent) units studied; and have the Discipline's permission to take the unit.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Leadership in Organisations
6    N ECOF5807, ECOF6090
Semester 1b
Semester 2b
International Exchange Program units of study
This units are only available to students participating in the International Exchange Program.
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs

Please Note. These unit of study descriptions are listed alphanumerically by unit code.

WORK5002 People, Work and Employment

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Case study (25%); Essay (40%); Final 2hr exam (35%); Academic Honesty Module (0%)
Note: Foundation Unit for MHRM&IR
This unit introduces students to competing perspectives on the nature, meaning and implications of Human Resource Management (HRM) and highlights the distinction between functional, normative and critical approaches to understanding HRM. The unit also provides an understanding of the key functions and processes associated with the practice of HRM, including: human resource planning, job analysis and work design; staff recruitment and selection; training and development; performance management and motivation; managing rewards and remuneration; equal opportunity and diversity management; international dimensions of HRM; and evaluating the effectiveness of HRM policies and practices. Opportunities are provided throughout the unit for consideration of case studies relating to particular issues.
WORK6001 Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Group seminar presentation (20%); Individual essay (40%); Final 2hr exam (40%); Academic honesty module (0%)
This unit introduces students to the behaviour of people when acting as members of an organisation. The aim of the unit is to provide an understanding of the processes and structures that influence organisational behaviour, by drawing on ideas from psychology, sociology, management and anthropology. Topics covered include: personality and the self; learning and socialisation; motivation and commitment; group behaviour and dynamics; organisational design and boundaries; organisational culture, change and leadership.
WORK6002 Foundations of Strategic Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Case analysis (40%), Seminar facilitation (5%), Seminar paper (15%), Participation (5%), Final exam (35%)
This unit of study provides a critical examination of the concept of æstrategy' in the management of organisations beginning with an examination of different approaches to strategy and strategic management and the development of strategic management as an academic discipline. It also provides an understanding of the interplay between the external environment and industry environment and the organisation. It enables students to apply concepts of strategic management to a range of case studies in order to explore the practical application of strategic management models.
WORK6012 Industrial Relations Policy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2a Classes: Intensive - 6 days 10-5pm Assessment: Continuous: Essays (30%), case studies (30%) and exam (40%)
The aim of this unit is to provide an understanding of the institutions and processes of employment relations with an emphasis on laws, institutions and social processes. It combines theoretical and historical understandings of employment relations in Australia with a detailed examination of the current problems and strategies of the the key employment relations players. Topics covered include: the regulatory framework, state and federal governments policies, union policy, employer policy, the practices of Australia's arbitral tribunals, the development of wage determination, and emerging patterns of dispute resolution. Overarching themes include individualisation and decentralisation of employment relations policy in Australia and whether there are more suitable alternatives.
WORK6017 Human Resource Strategies

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: Case study reports (30%), presentations (30%) and exam (40%)
This unit of study examines the theoretical foundations of strategic human resource management and then critically analyses the empirical evidence related to a range of HR strategies deployed in contemporary workplaces, both in Australia and internationally. In doing so, we will explore the issues underpinning emerging HR strategies, their implementation and the outcomes experienced within the organisation and the wider environment. The HR strategies studied will involve those that focus on managing a contemporary workforce and may include human resources strategies associated with: the management of front line workers, teams, non standard forms of employment, job quality and work-life balance, and gender and diversity at work, for example.
WORK6018 International Industrial Relations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Winter Main Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: essay (40%), group seminar facilitation (20%), seminar particiapation and attendence (10%), in class test (30%)
This unit provides students with insights into the debate about the effect of globalisation on employment relations by using comparative analysis to identify the range of factors that account for similarities and difference in national patterns of industrial relations. The unit focuses on providing an understanding of the nature of industrial relations patterns in developed and developing market economies and invites students to compare a range of developments across these countries.
WORK6026 Organisational Change and Development

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2b Classes: Intensive - 6 days, 10am - 5pm Assessment: Continuous: assignment (50%), exam (50%)
This unit seeks to develop diagnostic and prescriptive skills in relation to the management of organisational change while also encouraging the adoption of a critical perspective of the field. Part 1 (Organisational Change and the Nature of Organisations) introduces the fields of organisational change, explains its relevance to organisation performance and strategy and examines key change management models. Part 2 (Diagnosis and Intervention) examines the utility of key organisational change models and techniques and identifies factors that may impact on the effectiveness of the change management process. Part 3 (Key Areas of Intervention) analyses the application of organisational change practices and initiatives to a number of specific organisational issues.
WORK6030 Performance and Rewards

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: group presentation on motivation survey findings (15%), group paper on motivation survey findings (25%), major assignment (individual essay or case study) (40%), 30 minute in-class test (20%)
This unit examines the processes and practices associated with contemporary performance and reward management. Results-based, behaviourally-based and competency-based methods of performance management are examined, along with processes of performance review, planning and developing. Coverage of reward management issues includes: job- and person-based approaches to building base pay structures; methods for rewarding individual performance; work group incentives such as gainsharing, goal-sharing and team pay; methods of rewarding employees for organisational performance, including employee share ownership; and performance-related rewards for executives. The unit also examines approaches to developing strategically integrated performance and reward management systems.
WORK6033 Organisational Sustainability

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a,Semester 2 Classes: Semester 1: Intensive - 6 days 10-5pm, Semester 2: 1 x 3hr seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: Essays (30%), case studies (30%) and exam (40%)
Note: Capstone unit for MHRM&IR
Organisational sustainability is a critical part of contemporary managerial practice, focusing on organisations' economical, social and environmental impact. This unit of study critically evaluates the intentions, practices and outcomes of organisational sustainability initiatives. By applying relevant theoretical frameworks, students will be encouraged to enhance their understanding of the role and responsibilities of management, the impact of organisations on employees, and the wider societal and environmental implications of contemporary organisational trends. With an emphasis on the human dimensions of organisational actions, this unit builds on foundational units of study in Management, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management.
WORK6034 Talent Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: Essays (30%), case studies (30%) and exam (40%)
This unit examines the theories, practices and debates associated with contemporary human resource development (HRD). The unit begins with an exploration of different conceptions of learning and skill. The process of HRD is examined, with a focus on needs assessment and the delivery and evaluation of learning. The relationship between HRD and other areas of HRM is explored, particularly work organisation, performance management, remuneration and enterprise governance. The role of organisational learning and knowledge management are examined in terms of changing conceptions of organisational structure and performance. A second section of the unit places HRD in the context of the wider environment. Australian policy debates are examined and HRD systems in other countries are introduced and comparisons drawn. The likely success of skills-led models of societal, industry and enterprise development in the context of globalisation and the knowledge economy are discussed. A third section of the unit explores the relationship between HRD and careers. The causes and consequences of changing career structures, the breakdown of internal labour markets and the development of new forms of organisation are examined. Particular attention is given to the issues of executive development and succession planning.
WORK6108 International Dimensions of HRM

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a Classes: 39 hours in Intensive mode over 7 days Assessment: Readiness Assurance Tests (30%); Team strategy activities (20%); Critical reflective journal assignment (30%); Final strategy assessment (20%)
This unit considers the opportunities and challenges associated with managing people in international and cross-cultural contexts, with specific emphasis on international recruitment, selection, preparation, placement, management development, performance management, reward and remuneration. The unit considers the implications of internationalisation and globalisation for human resource management (HRM), the different levels of international business activity, the difference between domestic and international HRM, the challenges of cross-cultural management, models of cross-cultural management, and specific international HR processes, including selection, development, performance management, remuneration and repatriation. The unit provides students with a practical understanding of the issues and challenges associated with managing employees in international, global and cross-cultural contexts.
WORK6115 Managing Diversity at Work

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Group Facilitation Exercise (15%); Short individual essay (15%); Major assignment (40%); Exam (take-home) (30%)
This unit examines the ways in which organisations manage a heterogenous workforce and the legal and ethical issues associated with the management of workforce diversity. While drawing on international literature in the field, the primary focus is on the Australian experience, including the so-called 'program' approach and the complaint mechanism found in the anti-discrimination statutes.As well as encouraging the development of diagnostic and prescriptive skills in diversity management, students also have the opportunity to develop a critical perspective on the growing literature in this field.
WORK6116 Employment and the Law

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: Essays (30%), case studies (30%) and exam (40%)
Note: This unit is not available for students enrolled in the Master of Labour Law Relations
This unit of study examines the legal framework with respect to labour relations in Australia. In particular it examines the scope of industrial law, the employment relationship, the Federal-State division of legislative power in industrial relations and the industrial arbitration systems, courts, tribunals, agreements and awards. Current developments in the law and politics of the systems will be referred to throughout the course.
WORK6118 Managing Communication in Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: Continuous: Essay (35%), case studies (30%), exam (35%).
This unit of study is designed to introduce students to the theory and practical application of the management of communication in organisations. Advances in technology have had a dramatic impact on communication in recent years and this course will pay particular attention to the impact of these technologies and the implications for management. By the end of this course students will have a good understanding of organisational communications theory including a comprehensive knowledge of the differing styles, channels and content of communication. In addition, they will have a sound understanding of the technological channels available to manage communication and the associated benefits and challenges that this brings to contemporary organisations. A significant amount of the course will be devoted to practical applications of communication strategies including case study analysis and experiential learning using virtual discussion boards.
WORK6119 The Innovative Firm

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 39 hours in intensive mode - 6 days Assessment: Continuous: Case study reports (30%), presentations (30%) and exam (40%)
The aim of this course is to examine long run changes in the organisation and management of business enterprises. Against a background of an introduction of business history, the major themes to be covered include business strategy, marketing, employment relations, financing, governance and technology. While there is no precise chronological period, the main concentration will be on the growth of large-scale corporations from the nineteenth century to the present day. A major preoccupation of the course is to explore the factors that make an innovative firm. Some of these factors include the nature of the market, the regulatory environment, new technology and business leadership. The course will employ historical case studies and a comparative methodology and will also evaluate the way in which firms are classified as innovative by business and corporate historians.
WORK6120 Research Essay

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Research essay (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Available only to students who have achieved 75% or better in at least four WORK (or equivalent) units studied; and have the Discipline's permission to take the unit.
This unit provides high-performing with the opportunity to undertake supervised reading and research for a major essay of 5,000 words on an approved topic of special interest in work and organisational studies. The unit centres on supervised individual reading and research rather than on class-based teaching and learning. Enrolment is limited to students who (a) have achieved 75% or better in at least four WORK (or equivalent) units studied; and (b) have the Discipline's permission to do so. Approval is subject to supervisor availability. Students contemplating enrolment in this unit must first seek approval from the Work and Organisational Studies Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator. Approval will depend on the nature of the proposed essay topic and the availability of appropriate supervisory expertise.
WORK6130 Leadership in Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1b,Semester 2b Classes: Intensive- 6 days 10-5pm Assessment: Continuous: Essays (30%), case studies (30%) and exam (40%)
This unit of study is designed to encourage you to consider the role and significance of leadership in various organisational contexts. The unit introduces you to the major streams of leadership theory and traces the development of our understanding about leadership. We will explore how these theories allow us to understand leadership in practice and in what ways leadership is linked to different aspects of organisational effectiveness. We will examine the 'good, the bad, and the ugly' sides of leadership, e.g. positive forms (transformational, charismatic) and negative forms (narcissistic and Machiavellian). We will explore leading for diversity and diversity in leadership (e.g. based on gender, culture and ethnicity) and the role of leaders in constituting ethical and socially responsible organisations. The critical role of leaders in effecting organisational change will be explored and we will examine the leadership of top management teams, and leadership succession. We will also examine leadership development programs and instruments and you will have an opportunity to reflect on factors that might influence your own leadership style.

Course rules and resolutions


Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations


Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations


Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
the Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants ranked on merit in accordance with the following criteria:
a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma, graduate certificate or equivalent at an institution approved by the School and graded at a standard acceptable to the School; and/or where applicable:
relevant work experience requirements as determined by the School;
satisfaction of the English language requirements; and
any other minimum standards specified by the School.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Table of postgraduate units of study: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations coursework programs.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations a candidate must complete 60 credit points, including:
12 credit points of core units of study; and
48 credit points of elective units of study, including at least 24 credit points of units from Section A.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations a candidate must complete 36 credit points, including:
6 credit points of core units of study; and
30 credit points of elective units of study, including at least 18 credit points of units from Section A.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations a candidate must complete 24 credit points, including:
6 credit points of core units of study; and
18 credit points of elective units of study, including at least 12 credit points of units from Section A.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the School, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The School may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.