University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Logistics Management and International Business

This section outlines the International Business and Logistics Management postgraduate coursework combined master€™s programs offered by the University of Sydney Business School. The available degree is as follows:

Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management

Overview of the degree

Course code
Course abbreviation

This program combines the Master of International Business and the Master of Logistics Management. Both degrees are studied concurrently and will be awarded after a minimum of two years of full-time study.

Credit points required for completion and duration
Credit points
Duration (minimum)
2 years full-time
4 years part-time

Degree structure and progression

Degree requirments

To be awarded the Master of International Business and the Master of Logistics Management, students complete 16 units of study (96 credit points), comprising:

For the Master of International Business component:
  • four international business foundational units of study (24 credit points);
  • four international business core units of study (24 credit points);
  • two international business elective units of study (12 credit points).
For the Master of Logistics Management component:
  • four logistics management core units of study (24 credit points)
  • two logistics management elective units of study (12 credit points).
International Business foundational units of study

Students complete four units of study (24 credit points) selected from the following options:

  • ACCT5001 Accounting Principles
  • CLAW5001 Legal Environment of Business
  • ECOF5010 Academic and Professional Communication
  • ECON5001 Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON5002 Macroeconomic Theory
  • ECMT5001 Principles of Econometrics
  • FINC5001 Capital Markets and Corporate Finance
  • IBUS5001 Strategy, Innovation and Global Business
  • INFS5001 Project Management
  • MKTG5001 Marketing Principles
  • WORK5003 Management and Organisations
International Business core units of study
  • IBUS6001 International Business Strategy
  • IBUS6002 Cross-Cultural Management
  • IBUS6003 Managing International Risk
  • IBUS6004 International Business Alliances.
International Business elective units of study

Students select two units of study (12 credit points) from the following options:

  • ACCT6002 International Accounting
  • BANK6003 Global Supervision of Bank Risks
  • CISS6003 Business and Security
  • CISS6007 Terrorism in the Asia-Pacific Region
  • CISS6013 Middle East Conflict and Security
  • CLAW6007 Issues in Law and International Business
  • ECON6008 International Money and Finance
  • ECON6016 Trade and Development
  • ECON6024 Private Equity
  • ECOP6010 International Trade Regulation
  • ECOP6015 Global Employment and Migration
  • ECOP6016 China in the World Economy
  • FINC6013 International Business Finance
  • FINC6015 Global Trading
  • GOVT6116 International Organisations *
  • GOVT6117 International Politics of Human Rights
  • GOVT6123 Globalisation and Governance
  • GOVT6125 Politics of the World Economy
  • GOVT6136 Asia Pacific Politics
  • GOVT6147 Foundations of International Relations
  • GOVT6331 Public Management and Governance
  • IBUS6005 Ethical Issues in International Business
  • IBUS6006 Comparative International Management
  • IBUS6007 International Business Special Project
  • IBUS6008 Export Management
  • IBUS6011 New Business Opportunities and Startups
  • IBUS6012 Business Growth and Innovation
  • IBUS6013 Business Restructuring and Renewal
  • IBUS6014 Intellectual Property Management
  • IBUS6016 Social Entrepreneurship
  • IBUS6017 Enterprise and the Creative Industries
  • IBUS6018 Business Negotiations
  • MKTG6013 International and Global Marketing
  • MKTG6019 Marketing in the Asia-Pacific Region
  • TPTM6130 Transport and Logistics Management
  • TPTM6260 International Logistics
  • TPTM6390 Logistics in Humanitarian Aid Projects
  • TPTM6440 International Freight Transportation
  • USSC6903 US Foreign and National Security Policy
  • USSC6904 US Financial Institutions and Culture *
  • USSC6905 US Economic Policy and Regulation *
  • WORK6018 International Industrial Relations
  • WORK6108 International Dimensions of HRM
  • WORK6119 The Innovative Firm
  • WORK6121 Founders of Enterprise. *

Units of study marked with an "*" will not be offered for 2011.

Note: All 'ECON', 'ECOP' and 'GOVT' units of study are offered through the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and all 'USSC' units of study are offered through the United States Studies Centre. €˜TPTM€™ units taken as electives in the Master of International Business component of the combined degree cannot be counted towards the Master of Logistics Management component.

Logistics Management core units of study

Students complete the foundation unit, TPTM5001, in their first semester of enrolment and the capstone unit, TPTM6170, in their final semester of enrolment.

  • TPTM5001 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (foundation unit)
  • TPTM6495 Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics
  • TPTM6115 Organisational Logistics
  • TPTM6170 Value Chain Management (capstone unit).
Logistics Management elective units of study

Students select two elective units (12 credit points) from the following options:

  • TPTM6130 Transport and Logistics Management
  • TPTM6160 Aviation Management and Logistics
  • TPTM6180 Geographical Information Systems
  • TPTM6190 Logistics Systems
  • TPTM6200 Maritime Logistics
  • TPTM6210 Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop SCM
  • TPTM6222 Railway Planning and Operations
  • TPTM6224 Intelligent Transport and Logistic Systems
  • TPTM6240 Public Transport Policy and Planning
  • TPTM6241 Transport Modes and Systems
  • TPTM6260 International Logistics
  • TPTM6270 Innovations in Logistics and Supply Chains
  • TPTM6300 Research Project I
  • TPTM6310 Project Management in Supply Chains
  • TPTM6350 Strategic Transport Modelling
  • TPTM6360 Traffic Systems Management and Control
  • TPTM6370 Manufacturing Logistics
  • TPTM6380 Retail Logistics Management
  • TPTM6390 Logistics in Humanitarian Aid Projects
  • TPTM6425 Collecting, Managing and Assessing Data
  • TPTM6440 International Freight Transportation
  • TPTM6450 Transport Policy

    TPTM6470 Sustainable Transport and Logistic Systems.

Note: In the combined Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management program, elective logistics management units cannot be used to count towards both the international business and logistics management components of the combined degree.

Degree progression

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management on a full-time basis undertaking four units of study (24 credit points) per semester.

Note: In this example, 'MIB' refers to the 'Master of International Business' and 'MLM' refers to the 'Master of Logistics Management' and 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester'.



Units ofstudy



MIB core

MIB compuslory

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics


MIB core

MIB compulsory

Organisational Logistics

MLM elective



MIB core

MIB compulsory

MIB elective

MLM elective


MIB core

MIB compulsory

MIB elective

Value Chain Management

Please Note: The information listed in this example is based on the unit of study offerings for 2011 and is intended as a guide only. Students are usually able to complete the units of study for their course in different sequences to that which is listed above (including enrolling in units in Summer or Winter School sessions when available). Students are advised to plan their course based upon their individual needs and to contact the faculty€™s Student Information Office if they need any assistance in planning their progression in their course.

Units of study for the Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management

The postgraduate units of study available in 2011 for the Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management set out under the following sections of this handbook:

  • For the Master of International Business component, refer to the unit of study table under Postgraduate coursework programs: International Business
  • For the Master of Logistics Management component, refer to the unit of study table under Postgraduate coursework programs: Logistics Management.

Course resolutions and rules


Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

These master's degrees are professional master's courses, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants ranked on merit in accordance with the following criteria:
a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma, graduate certificate or equivalent at an institution approved by the School and graded at a standard acceptable to the School; and/or where applicable:
relevant work experience requirements as determined by the School;
satisfaction of the English language requirements; and
any other minimum standards specified by the School.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Table of postgraduate units of study: International Business coursework programs and the Table of postgraduate units of study: Logistics Management.
To qualify for the award of the Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management, candidates must complete 96 credit points, including:
24 credit points of Logistics Management core units of study; and
12 credit points of Logistics Management elective units of study; and
24 credit points of International Business foundational units of study; and
24 credit points of International Business core units of study; and
12 credit points of International Business elective units of study.
In this combined degree, units completed for the Master of Logistics Management component cannot be counted towards the International Business component.

6 Course transfer

A candidate may abandon the combined program and elect to complete either the Master of International Business or the Master of Logistics Management in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The School may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.