University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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This section outlines the Marketing postgraduate coursework programs offered by the University of Sydney Business School, as follows:

1. Master of Marketing

2. Graduate Diploma in Marketing

3. Graduate Certificiate in Marketing

Overview of the courses

Course code
Course abbreviation
Course title
Master of Marketing
Graduate Diploma in Marketing
N/A GradCertMktg Graduate Certificate in Marketing

The Master of Marketing is for experienced middle managers who wish to pursue a career in marketing. It provides advanced marketing knowledge and applies this within a wider business context. Students study a core program of specialist marketing and business units and a project conducted either in an Australian or an international company.

The Graduate Diploma in Marketing is relevant for qualified professionals who wish to complete a short program to update their skills and knowledge in Marketing. If a credit average of 65% is attained in this award course, students may apply to upgrade to the Master of Marketing.

The Graduate Certificate in Marketing is relevant for qualified professionals who wish to complete a short program to update their skills and knowledge in Marketing. If a credit average of 65% is attained in this award course, students may apply to upgrade to the Graduate Diploma in Marketing or the Master of Marketing.

Credit points required for completion and duration

Course title
Credit points
Duration (minimum)
Master of Marketing
1 calendar year full-time (two semesters plus Winter and Summer School sessions)
2 calendar years part-time (four semesters plus Winter and Summer School sessions)
Graduate Diploma in Marketing
1 year full-time
1.5 years part-time
Graduate Certificate in Marketing
0.5 years full-time
1 year part-time

Course structures and progressions

Course requirements
1. Master of Marketing

To qualify for the award, Master of Marketing, a student completes 10 units of study (60 credit points), comprising:

  • eight core units of study (48 credit points)
  • a research project, comprising two units of study (12 credit points).
2. Graduate Diploma in Marketing

To qualify for the award, Graduate Diploma in Marketing, a student completes six core units of study (36 credit points).

3. Graduate Certificate in Marketing

To qualify for the award, Graduate Certificate in Marketing, a student completes four core units of study (24 credit points).

Core units of study

Students enrolled in the individual Marketing courses must complete the core units of study as follows:

  • Master€™s degree: all eight core units (48 credit points) are completed.
  • Graduate Diploma: six units (36 credit points) selected from the eight core units listed are completed.
  • Graduate Certificate: four units (24 credit points) selected from the eight core units listed are completed.

The core units for these courses are as follows:

  • MKTG6201 Evaluating Marketing Performance
  • MKTG6202 Marketing Research for Decision Makers
  • MKTG6203 Innovative Marketing Strategies
  • MKTG6204 Contemporary Consumer Insights
  • MKTG6205 Marketing in the Global Economy
  • MKTG6206 The Regulatory Environment and Ethics
  • MKTG6207 Internal Marketing
  • MKTG6208 Integrated Marketing Communications.

Students usually complete units of study in a prescribed sequence, as detailed in the 'Progression guides', to facilitate progressive learning and enrich the group learning experience.

Research project

For the Master€™s degree, one of the following research projects (comprising two units of study each) is undertaken:

(i) Australian Consulting Project
  • MKTG6209 Australian Consulting Project Part A
  • MKTG6210 Australian Consulting Project Part B
(ii) International Consulting Project
  • MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A
  • MKTG6212 International Consulting Project Part B
Progression guides
1. Master of Marketing

The Master of Marketing involves one calendar year of full-time, intensive study (including two semesters and Winter and Summer School) or two calendar years part-time study (including four semesters and Winter School in 'Year 2' and the following Summer School). Students complete units of study in a prescribed sequence, as detailed in the following tables, to facilitate progressive learning and enrich the group learning experience. Units will be taught either in the evening or in intensive weekend delivery, allowing students the flexibility to pursue other commitments whilst studying.

(i) Full-time study (two semesters, Winter and Summer School)

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Internal Marketing
Marketing in the Global Economy
Evaluating Marketing Performance
Winter School

MKTG6209 Australian Consulting Project Part A
MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A and MKTG6212 International Consulting Project Part B

6 or 12
2 MKTG6203 Innovative Marketing Strategies
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
Integrated Marketing Communications
The Regulatory Environment and Ethics
Summer School
MKTG6210 Australian Consulting Project Part B
MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A and MKTG6212 International Consulting Project Part B
6 or 12

(ii) Part-time study (four semesters, Winter and Summer School)

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Evaluating Marketing Performance
2 MKTG6202
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
The Regulatory Environment and Ethics
1 MKTG6207
Internal Marketing
Marketing in the Global Economy
Winter School MKTG6209 Australian Consulting Project Part A
MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A and MKTG6212 International Consulting Project Part B
6 or 12
2 MKTG6203 Innovative Marketing Strategies MKTG6208
Integrated Marketing Communications
Summer School
MKTG6210 Australian Consulting Project Part B
MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A and MKTG6212 International Consulting Project Part B
6 or 12
2. Graduate Diploma in Marketing

Students complete units of study in a prescribed sequence, to facilitate progressive learning and enrich the group learning experience. Units will be taught either in the evening or in intensive weekend delivery, allowing students the flexibility to pursue other commitments. The following tables illustrate degree progression examples for a student enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Marketing (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester'.

(i) Full-time study

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Internal Marketing
Evaluating Marketing Performance
2 MKTG6203 Innovative Marketing Strategies
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
The Regulatory Environment and Ethics

(ii) Part-time study

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Evaluating Marketing Performance
2 MKTG6202
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
The Regulatory Environment and Ethics
1 MKTG6207
Internal Marketing
Marketing in the Global Economy

Upon successful completion of this course, students may be eligible to upgrade to the Master of Marketing with credit for all units of study completed.

3. Graduate Certificate in Marketing

Students complete units of study in a prescribed sequence, to facilitate progressive learning and enrich the group learning experience. Units will be taught either in the evening or in intensive weekend delivery, allowing students the flexibility to pursue other commitments. The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Marketing. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').

(i) Full-time study

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Internal Marketing
Marketing in the Global Economy
Evaluating Marketing Performance

(ii) Part-time study

Units of study
Credit points
1 MKTG6204
Contemporary Consumer Insights
Evaluating Marketing Performance
2 MKTG6202
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
The Regulatory Environment and Ethics

Upon successful completion of this course, students may be eligible to upgrade to the graduate Diploma in Marketing or Master of Marketing with credit for all units of study completed.

Units of study for Marketing coursework programs

General information relating to unit of study offerings

The unit of study information listed is for 2011 and was correct at the time of printing of this handbook.

The Business School website ( contains the most up to date information on unit of study availability and other requirements. Timetabling information for 2011 is also available on the website ( Students should note that units of study are run subject to demand.

Most units of study will be offered in standard semesters (either Semester 1 or Semester 2). Some units are also offered in intensive mode. The intensive sessions are explained in the following table.

Key to intensive unit of study offering sessions


Session code

Description of how the unit will be offered

S1 Late Intensive: S1 Late Int (61), S1 Late IntA (63), S1 Late IntB (64) and  S1 Late IntC (65)

the unit of study will run intensively in Semester 1 (non-standard late start/end dates)

S2 Intensive: S1 Late Int (51), S1 Late Ib (52), S1 Late IntA (53) and S1 Late IntB (54)

the unit of study will run intensively in Semester 2 (non-standard late start/end dates)

Summer School: Summer Early (42), Summer Main (43), and Summer Late (44)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Summer School session

Winter School: Winter Main (11)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Winter School session

Intensive sessions were introduced to cater for units of study that are delivered in non-standard ways.

The units of study available for 2011 for these programs are detailed under:

  1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Marketing coursework programs
  2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Marketing coursework programs
1. Table postgraduate units of study: Marketing coursework programs
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Core units of study
(i) Master of Marketing students must complete all eight core units of study.
(ii) Graduate Diploma in Marketing students must complete six core units of study selected from the eight listed.
(iii) Graduate Certificate in Marketing students must complete four core units selected from the eight listed.
Evaluating Marketing Performance
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 1
Marketing Research for Decision Makers
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 2
Innovative Marketing Strategies
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 2
Contemporary Consumer Insights
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 1
Marketing in the Global Economy
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 1
Regulatory Environment and Ethics
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 2
Internal Marketing
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 1
Integrated Marketing Communications
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Semester 2
Research project units of study
Master of Marketing students must complete either an (i) Australian consulting project or an (ii) International consulting project.
(i) Australian consulting project
Australian Consulting Project Part A
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
Winter Main
Australian Consulting Project Part B
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
P MKTG6209
Summer Main
(ii) International consulting project
International Consulting Project Part A
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Unit offfered as required.
S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Consulting Project Part B
6    A Good understanding of marketing principles and business management
P MKTG6211

Unit offered as required
S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Marketing coursework programs

Please Note. These unit of study descriptions are listed alphanumerically by unit code.

MKTG6201 Evaluating Marketing Performance

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Individual assignment (15%); Group presentation (10%); Group written case analysis (20%); Final exam (40%); In class participation (15%)
An essential practice in marketing is assessing the impact of marketing strategies on business performance. Increasingly, companies are recognising marketing as a strategic board-level function, directly responsible for wealth creation. Marketers should be equipped with tools to analyse and effectively communicate the value of marketing, using the evidence of marketing metrics underpinning business performance. This unit introduces students to marketing metrics that are responsible for commercial success. Key measures are explained and applied to a wide range of business examples, using a case study approach. This course provides an overview of marketing metrics and how they relate to business performance, providing students with the opportunity to apply these key concepts to practical business situations.
MKTG6202 Marketing Research for Decision Makers

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Analysis of qualitative data (30%); Reflexive diary on qualitative analysis (10%); Analysis of Mixed methods (30%); Final exam (30%)
Understanding and using marketing information is an essential task for marketing decision makers. However despite very large amounts of qualitative and quantitative data being available from both primary and secondary sources, concerns exist over much of its quality and how to combine these different sources into a useful stream of information that helps decision makers make better decisions throughout the product lifecycle. The marketing planning cycle will be used as the structure for this unit to explore how data can be turned into actionable marketing information. Students will learn how to assess information requirements, plan data collection and assess data quality. They will then learn advanced analytical techniques and critically, evaluate how these types of data can be used together.
MKTG6203 Innovative Marketing Strategies

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Case Study Analysis (written-Group) (20%); Case study Analysis (presentation) (10%); Participation (Blackboard discussion and in-class participation) (Individual) (10%); Business Simulation (Group) (20%); Presentation-Simulation (20%); Online reflective entries (individual) (20%)
This course is about developing and managing innovative competitive marketing strategies. It not only combines concepts, frameworks and tools from across the marketing discipline, it also transcends the traditional boundaries of the discipline itself (as the modern marketer often must), drawing on materials from strategic management, entrepreneurship and finance. The central focus is on strategy development and how its management can create superior and sustainable value for both customers and shareholders, by introducing a long term perspective.
MKTG6204 Contemporary Consumer Insights

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Assignment 1 (20%), Assignment 2 (35%), Assignment 3 (25%), Class participation (20%)
In this course, we learn how to generate valuable consumer insights that will assist marketing managers to successfully operate in contemporary markets. To achieve this objective we examine the latest research, frameworks and tools that convincingly suggest that today's marketplaces are increasingly complex, being characterised by dynamic interrelationships between popular culture, market structures, ideologies and consumer orientations. We also identify and apply best practice qualitative research techniques (video-ethnography, archetype elicitation) to investigate contemporary consumers and generate insights intended to inspire significant marketing innovations. The course's most immediate relevance is to managers wishing to foster greater creativity and innovation within marketing-oriented groups.
MKTG6205 Marketing in the Global Economy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Country brief (25%), Poster presentation/peer review (25%), Participation (10%), Final exam (40%)
The dynamic nature of global markets makes international marketing a challenging topic to study. Competitive forces transcend national boundaries so that every company is touched to some extent by the impact of the global market. This unit considers international marketing from a wide range of perspectives and includes issues that impact large multi-nationals as well as smaller international and national players. Marketing concepts are addressed through current case studies with a focus on examples drawn from the Asia Pacific region.
MKTG6206 Regulatory Environment and Ethics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Class Participation (10%); Case Study (20%); Group Project and Presentation (40%); Final Exam (30%)
In today's highly competitive and uncertain business environment, it is critical for marketing professionals to have a clear understanding of marketing issues and the impact of possible regulatory and ethical factors. Marketing programmes and strategies have greater chances of success if they are developed with an awareness of regulatory and ethical guidelines. This unit considers the regulatory and ethical environment of the marketing of goods and services, with particular reference to product development and management, pricing, promotion and distribution. The unit also investigates issues and implications of new media. Topics include marketing regulation in the digital environment and other technologies used in the promotion and sale of products and services.
MKTG6207 Internal Marketing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Individual exercise (20%), Group projects (developing reciprocal and integrated value propositions (35%) & Analysis and benchmarking of major internal marketing issue (35%), Individual participation (8%), Research participation (2%)
This unit considers the role of internal marketing in motivating employees towards implementing marketing strategies. Although the principles of marketing used internally within an organisation are similar to those used externally, frequently a fresh approach is required when addressing practical issues. This unit presents current thinking and research on the topic of internal marketing and explains how it can be used to assist with implementing marketing strategy. The course will be taught mainly through practical case studies, providing an opportunity for analysing how internal marketing is used within leading organisations.
MKTG6208 Integrated Marketing Communications

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: Group project: Written report (40%); Individual Case Study (30%); Exam (30%)
This unit provides an overview of theory and practice in the fast changing area of marketing communications. Communicating effectively and efficiently with stakeholders has become more challenging especially with the advent of new media. This unit is designed to help plan and deliver an integrated communication strategy using the main channels: advertising, public relations, promotions, Internet and other new media. There will be special attention to measuring results as communication professionals are accountable for their programmes and strategies.
MKTG6209 Australian Consulting Project Part A

Credit points: 6 Session: Winter Main Classes: Structured supervision and 2 seminar days Assessment: Project proposal (40%), In-class participation (20%), Project plan (40%)
This is a capstone unit, providing an opportunity for students to use learning gained during the course. The project requires application of analytical tools and project management skills to a marketing issue within an Australian company chosen by the student. The unit will include sessions that introduce project management and consulting skills - critical when designing and selling marketing projects within an organisation. One to one supervisory sessions will provide guidance on the project during the session. Students will design their own project and conduct independent research in a company that offers an interesting marketing issue. Examples of topics include: product development and launch; developing a new marketing strategy; entering a new market segment or implementing a new marketing initiative such as CRM. The deliverable will be a report of up to 20,000 words, along with a presentation to the client organisation and the student's supervisor. Students will be assessed on problem identification, analysis, creative and actionable solutions, client management skills and persuasive presentation.
MKTG6210 Australian Consulting Project Part B

Credit points: 6 Session: Summer Main Classes: Structured supervision Assessment: Summary of initial findings (20%), Presentation (60%), Executive summary (20%)
This is a capstone unit, providing an opportunity for students to use learning gained during the course. The project requires application of analytical tools and project management skills to a marketing issue within an Australian company chosen by the student. The unit will include sessions that introduce project management and consulting skills critical when designing and selling marketing projects within an organisation. One to one supervisory sessions will provide guidance on the project during the session. Students will design their own project and conduct independent research in a company that offers an interesting marketing issue. Examples of topics include: product development and launch; developing a new marketing strategy; entering a new market segment or implementing a new marketing initiative such as CRM. The deliverable will be a report of up to 20,000 words, along with a presentation to the client organisation and the student's supervisor. Students will be assessed on problem identification, analysis, creative and actionable solutions, client management skills and persuasive presentation.
MKTG6211 International Consulting Project Part A

Credit points: 6 Session: S1 Late Int,S2 Late Int Classes: There are no formal classes. Overseas study trip and meeting with supervisor. Assessment: Project proposal (40%), In-class participation (20%), Project plan (40%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Unit offfered as required.
This is a capstone unit, requiring the application of skills and tools acquired during the course. In today's increasingly global business environment, it has become essential that managers understand international business forces. This unit of study will seek to provide students with some intimate international knowledge. Students will take a study trip to either China or India to learn first-hand about the business and consumer environments there, and will complete a project related to this country. The study trip will include visits to local business operations, presentations from business and government executives, and interactions with a variety of individuals who can provide important insights. Some possible projects are: a) a market analysis to determine the potential of a particular product or service that could be exported to the target country, b) a production feasibility study to examine the possibility of manufacturing a particular good there, c) an analysis of the competition in particular industry in the target country. The trip will last approximately one week. Students will work with the instructor both before and after the trip to develop their projects.

Course resolutions and rules


Master of Marketing

Graduate Diploma in Marketing

Graduate Certificate in Marketing

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Marketing


Graduate Diploma in Marketing


Graduate Certificate in Marketing

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Master of Marketing
the Graduate Diploma in Marketing
the Graduate Certificate in Marketing

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants ranked on merit in accordance with the following criteria:
a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma, graduate certificate or equivalent at an institution approved by the School and graded at a standard acceptable to the School; and/or where applicable:
relevant work experience requirements as determined by the School;
satisfaction of the English language requirements; and
any other minimum standards specified by the School.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Table of postgraduate units of study: Marketing coursework programs.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Marketing a candidate must complete 60 credit points, comprising:
48 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of research project units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Marketing a candidate must complete 36 credit points of core units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Marketing a candidate must complete 24 credit points of core units of study.

7 Progression rules

Unless otherwise permitted, candidates must complete the units of study for the Master of Marketing in a prescribed sequence as specified by the school.

8 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the School, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

9 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 will complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The School may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.