University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Logistics Management

This section outlines the Logistics Management postgraduate coursework programs offered by Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies in the University of Sydney Business School, as follows:

1. Master of Logistics Management

2. Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management

3. Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management

For details of the combined Master of Logistics Management coursework programs please refer to the relevant sections as follows:

  • For the Master of Commerce and Master of Logistics Management please refer to Postgraduate combined coursework master€™s programs: Commerce and Logistics Management
  • For the Master of International Business and Master of Logistics Management please refer to Postgraduate combined coursework master€™s programs: International Business and Logistics Management
  • For the Master of Logistics Management and Master of Transport Management please refer to Postgraduate combined coursework master€™s programs: Logistics Management and Transport Management

Overview of the courses

Course code
Course abbreviation
Course title
Master of Logistics Management
Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management
Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management

Logistics at Sydney is offered by the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) in the University of Sydney Business School. ITLS is an Australian Key Centre and world class research centre with strong industry links and a key role in developing innovative ideas in logistics and supply chain management policy (

Our programs focus on management and operations, developing specialist skills in: applying the concepts, techniques and principles that underlie logistics and supply chain management; understanding the relationships between business processes within and between organisations; using systems approaches to solve business problems; and managing the impact of current and future trends in logistics management on business processes.

Credit points required for completion and duration of courses

Course title
Credit points
Duration (minimum)
Master of Logistics Management
48 1 year full-time
2 years part-time
Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management
1 year full-time
1.5 years part-time
Graduate Certificate in LogisticsManagement 24
0.5 years full-time
1 year part-time

Course structures and progressions

Course requirements
1. Master of Logistics Management

To be awarded the Master of Logistics Management, students complete eight units of study (48 credit points), comprising:

  • four core units of study (24 credit points)
  • four elective units of study (24 credit points).
2. Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management

To be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management, students complete six units of study (36 credit points), comprising:

  • four core units of study (24 credit points)
  • two elective units of study (12 credit points).
3. Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management

To be awarded the Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management, students complete four units of study (24 credit points), comprising:

  • three core units of study (18 credit points)
  • one elective unit of study (six credit points).
Core units of study

The following four units of study (24 credit points) are compulsory for students enrolled in the Master€™s degree and the Graduate Diploma.

For the Graduate Certificate, students complete only TPTM5001, TPTM6115 and TPTM6495 (18 credit points).

  • TPTM5001 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (foundation unit) *
  • TPTM6115 Organisational Logistics
  • TPTM6495 Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics
  • TPTM6170 Value Chain Management (capstone unit) *

* Note. Students complete the foundation unit, TPTM5001, in their first semester of enrolment and the capstone unit, TPTM6170, in their final semester of enrolment.

Elective units of study

Students enrolled in the individual Logistics Management courses must choose their electives as follows:

  • Master€™s degree: four elective units (24 credit points)
  • Graduate Diploma: two elective units (12 credit points)
  • Graduate Certificate: one elective unit (six credit points)
  • TPTM6130 Transport and Logistics Management

    TPTM6160 Aviation Management and Logistics
  • TPTM6180 Geographical Information Systems
  • TPTM6190 Logistics Systems
  • TPTM6200 Maritime Logistics
  • TPTM6210 Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop SCM
  • TPTM6222 Railway Planning and Operations
  • TPTM6224 Intelligent Transport and Logistic Systems
  • TPTM6240 Public Transport Policy and Planning
  • TPTM6241 Transport Modes and Systems
  • TPTM6260 International Logistics
  • TPTM6270 Innovations in Logistics and Supply Chains
  • TPTM6300 Research Project I (Master's students only)
  • TPTM6310 Project Management in Supply Chains
  • TPTM6350 Strategic Transport Modelling
  • TPTM6360 Traffic Systems Management and Control
  • TPTM6370 Manufacturing Logistics
  • TPTM6380 Retail Logistics Management
  • TPTM6390 Logistics in Humanitarian Aid Projects
  • TPTM6425 Collecting, Managing and Assessing Data
  • TPTM6440 International Freight Transportation
  • TPTM6450 Transport Policy
  • TPTM6470 Sustainable Transport and Logistic Systems.
Progression guides

The following tables show course progression examples for a student enrolled in the Logistics Management Master€™s degree, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate.

1. Master of Logistics Management

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Master of Logistics Management on a full-time basis undertaking four units of study (24 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



Logistics and Supply Chain Management



Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics


Organisational Logistics



Value Chain Management

2. Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management

The following table illustrates a course progression example for a student enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management on a full-time basis undertaking three units of study (18 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem.' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics


Organisational Logistics

elective TPTM6170
Value Chain Management
3. Graduate Certificate in Transport Management

The following table illustrates a course progression example for a student enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management on a full-time basis undertaking four units of study (24 credit points) per semester. (Note: In this example, 'Sem' is an abbreviation for 'Semester').



Units of study



Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics

Organisational Logistics


Please Note: The information listed in these examples is based on the unit of study offerings for 2011 and is intended as a guide only. Students are usually able to complete the units of study for their course in different sequences to that which is listed above (including enrolling in units in Summer or Winter School sessions when available). Students are advised to plan their course based upon their individual needs and to contact the faculty€™s Student Information Office if they need any assistance in planning their progression in their degree.

Units of study for the Logistics Management coursework programs

General information relating to unit of study offerings

The unit of study information listed is for 2011 and was correct at the time of printing of this handbook.

The Business School website ( contains the most up to date information on unit of study availability or other requirements. Timetabling information for 2011 is also available on the faculty website ( Students should note that units of study are run subject to demand.

Most units of study will be offered in standard semesters (either Semester 1 or Semester 2). Some units are also offered in intensive mode. The intensive sessions are explained in the following table.

Key to intensive unit of study offering sessions

Session code

Description of how the unit will be offered 

Summer School: Summer Early (42), Summer Main (43), and Summer Late (44)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Summer School session

Winter School: Winter Main (11)

the unit of study will be offered intensively in the Winter School session

The units of study available for 2011 for these programs are detailed under:

  1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Logistics Management coursework programs
  2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Logistics Management coursework programs
1. Table of postgraduate units of study: Logistics Management coursework programs
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Core units of study
(i) Master's degree and Graduate Diploma students must complete all four core units of study (24 credit points).
(ii) Graduate Certificate students must complete the following three core units of study (18 credit points): TPTM5001, TPTM6115 and TPTM6495.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6    N TPTM6155

This is the foundation unit for all logistics management programs and should be completed in the first period of study. Students with extensive practical experience in the logistics industry may apply to substitute another unit for TPTM5001.Please provide a CV and covering email outlining your experience to Professor David Walters
Semester 1
Semester 2
Organisational Logistics
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Analysis Tools for Transport & Logistics
6    A Basic familiarity with MS Excel and a degree of mathematical competency.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Value Chain Management
6    P TPTM5001 or TPTM6155

This is the capstone unit for all logistics management programs and should be completed in the last period of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Elective units of study
(i) Master's degree students must complete four elective units of study (24 credit points).
(ii) Graduate Diploma studnets must complete two elective units of study (12 credit points).
(iii) Graduate Certificate students must compelte one elective unit of study (six credit points).
Transport and Logistics Management
6      Semester 1
Aviation Management and Logistics
6      Semester 2
Geographical Information Systems
6    A This unit assumes no prior knowledge of GIS; the unit is hands-on involving the use of software, which students will be trained in using.
Semester 2
Logistics Systems
6    P TPTM6495
C TPTM6155 or TPTM5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Maritime Logistics
6    C TPTM6155 or TPTM5001
Semester 1
Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop SCM
6      Winter Main
Railway Planning and Operations
6      Winter Main
Intelligent Transport & Logistic Systems
6    A General awareness of internet, ICT and project management processes.
Semester 1
Public Transport Policy and Planning
6      Summer Main
Transport Modes and Systems

This is the foundation unit for all transport management programs and should be completed in the first period of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Logistics
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Innovations in Logistics & Supply Chains
6    P TPTM5001 or TPTM6155
Winter Main
Research Project I
6    P Average of 75% in three TPTM units

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Project Management in Supply Chains
6    C (TPTM5001 or TPTM6155) and TPTM6495
Semester 2
Strategic Transport Modelling
6    A MS Excel skills, regression based modelling
C TPTM6495
Semester 2
Traffic Systems Management and Control
6    A Basic knowledge of analytical techniques and basic statistics.
C TPTM6495
Semester 2
Manufacturing Logistics
6    P TPTM6155 or TPTM5001

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Summer Main
Retail Logistics Management
6    P TPTM6155 or TPTM5001
Summer Main
Winter Main
Logistics in Humanitarian Aid Projects
6      Semester 1
Collecting, Managing and Assessing Data
6    A Basic knowledge of statistics and mathematics.
C TPTM6495
Semester 1
International Freight Transportation
6    A Work experience in or familiarity with the airline, airfreight, express or shipping business, as well as an understanding of international trade and economics helpful.
Summer Main
Transport Policy
6    C TPTM6241

This is the capstone unit for all transport management programs and should be completed in the last period of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Sustainable Transport & Logistic Systems
6      Semester 1
International Exchange Program units of study
This units are only available to students participating in the International Exchange Program.
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
International Exchange Program
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
2. Postgraduate unit of study descriptions: Logistics Management coursework programs

Please Note. These unit of study descriptions are listed alphanumerically by unit code.

TPTM5001 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Alan Win Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual assignment (35%), group project presentation and report (30%), final examination (35%)
Note: This is the foundation unit for all logistics management programs and should be completed in the first period of study. Students with extensive practical experience in the logistics industry may apply to substitute another unit for TPTM5001.Please provide a CV and covering email outlining your experience to Professor David Walters
Logistics and supply chain management are foundation blocks of any successful business. Unless an organisation can manage and coordinate the movement of materials, information and cash through its business, and those of partner organisations, it is unlikely to outperform its competitors. Furthermore organisations rarely compete as fully integrated organisations; typically they are part of increasingly interdependent networks. The operational disciplines of the successful organisation are responsible for developing and managing its response to market opportunities, and supply chain management is the key to a successful response. This unit provides the foundation for understanding of these two important concepts for logistics and supply chain management. It offers sound grounding in terms, concepts, techniques and principles that underlie logistics and supply chain management, exploring both concepts and demonstrating how together these contribute towards a strategically effective and operationally efficient organisation. This is the foundation unit of study for all logistics and supply chain management programs and majors.
TPTM6115 Organisational Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Peter Lok Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: In-class test (25%), group assignment (25%), in-class group debate (10%), in-class group case analysis (5%), final examination (35%)
The aim of this unit is to provide an integrated approach to both micro and macro aspects of organisational behaviour particularly related to the transport and logistic industries. The unit examines actions at three different levels of analysis: the individual, the group and the organisation and is divided into three parts. Part 1 covers the strategic thinking and the general environment affecting the work place. It also examines the fundamentals of individual at work. Part 2 focuses on leadership, work teams, and power and conflict in organisations. Part 3 attends to organisational structure, culture and strategic change management. The integration of these 3 parts would provide participants with the knowledge and skills to manage his/her organisation effectively particularly in the transport and logistic industries.
TPTM6130 Transport and Logistics Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sean Puckett Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: In-class individual (5) and group (5) readiness assurance tests (20%), in-class individual quizzes (6) (25%), team project with group report (20%) and individual presentation (15%), take home examination (20%).
This unit provides an essential set of skills for the management of the transport and logistics system for both the private and public sector and across all modes in the freight and passenger sectors. The unit provides an introduction to transport and logistics issues that benefit from an understanding of key economic ideas. This unit does not require a previous background in economics. The unit is divided into a number of modules: travel demand and choice; costing, performance and benchmarking, strategic assessment of transport distribution-related policy instruments; pricing and infrastructure and freight systems management. Examples and case studies are drawn from the freight and passenger sectors as well as all modes of transport. The specialised rigour will provide appropriate training for tackling other topics, in other units, in more detail beyond these three modules. The material is of especial relevance to majors in transport and logistics.
TPTM6160 Aviation Management and Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Werner Delfmann Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Class participation (10%), group case study work (35%), group research work including presentations (35%), final examination (20%)
The aviation industry is changing rapidly with resulting commercial opportunities in airlines and airports. Participants in this course will develop an understanding of the economics of operating airlines and airports and the implications of competitive strategies for the development of hubs and networks. Airline topics include airline strategies, marketing, the formation and management of alliances, yield/revenue management, travel sales and distribution. The growth in air traffic in the region is placing strains on airport capacity and the course covers forecasting, airport planning, externalities of airports, pricing airport use, investment decisions, and the role of the private sector in airport development and operation. The course involves individual work.
TPTM6170 Value Chain Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor David Walters Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Tutorials (2) (30%), quizzes (4) (30%), final examination (40%)
Note: This is the capstone unit for all logistics management programs and should be completed in the last period of study.
Australian businesses are increasingly working as components of value chain networks and the key focus of this unit is to introduce the concepts of what has been identified as the "New Economy Business Model". It explores the concepts using examples and case studies. The changes to facilitate this are not just sales and marketing driven, but encompass design and development, production and distribution in a holistic business model. Products and services now have multiple applications and business organisations are redefining their core capabilities and processes. In other words "value chain networks" are competing with each other. At the industry level value chains can be seen as business network structures, or confederations, that are developing from traditional corporations.
TPTM6180 Geographical Information Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual tutorial exercises using GIS software (25%), team project using GIS software (group contribution (25%), individual (10%)), team presentation (group contribution (10%), individual (5%)), final examination (25%)
This unit introduces students to Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which have revolutionised the ability to support different types of transportation, logistics and planning analyses. The course begins by introducing students to the fundamentals of GIS, the spatial model, how data are organised and how spatial queries work. We then focus on spatial data sources, with a particular focus on GPS, including practical application and use within a GIS system. The course then moves to a hands-on focus in which students will use the powerful TransCAD GIS software to analyse a number of problems (e.g., planning a routing and delivery system, locating a new warehouse, establishing potential demand for a new bus service). Students will also gain knowledge of how open-source GIS software (e.g., Google Maps, Google Streets) can be used to analyse spatial problems. By the end of the course, students will be able to conduct and evaluate a GIS case study in terms of implementation of a data model, the use of appropriate GIS tools and techniques, benefits and barriers of the implemented system, and how the system could be improved. This unit will appeal to all students interested in the spatial impact of decisions.
TPTM6190 Logistics Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Andrew Collins Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Demand forecasting computer examination (20%), descriptive techniques and evaluation techniques computer examination (20%), inventory management computer examination (20%), Odessey2Go computer examination (20%), optimisation individual report (20%)
This unit provides an in-depth introduction to various analytical tools, techniques and software which are useful in the design and day to day operations of logistics organisations and integrated supply chains. Emphasis in the unit is on which tools (in particular, students will be exposed to Enterprise Resource Planning tool) to use and when to use them in order to improve the overall performance and reduce costs in operating within supply chains. The unit will be taught from a managerial performance, addressing issues such as better forecasting, inventory management and transportation. The unit is taught in lecture and lab formats and will in addition involve significant self instruction.
TPTM6200 Maritime Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ada Suk-Fung Ng Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Online introductory module (10%), group research project (group contribution (30%), individual(10%)), ongoing quizzes and class participation (15%), essay (15%), case study report (20%)
The growth of international trade and the globalisation of production have considerably increased the impact of international and maritime logistics. Trade growth has resulted in a rapid increase of shipping value and tonnage led by containerized trade. Containers and intermodal transportation have improved the efficiency of global supply chains allowing for an efficient, quicker and more economical flow of cargo. This course is designed to familiarize students with the special characteristics of the maritime industry in general and the container shipping industry in particular. The course includes topics such as Global trade and maritime logistics, port operations, port competition, liner alliances, fleet management, liner routing and scheduling, intermodalism and port security.
TPTM6210 Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop SCM

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Alan Win Session: Winter Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual assignment (35%), group project presentation and report (30%), final examination (35%)
Reverse logistics has become a process within supply chain management receiving increased focus as a result of: amplified consumer demand; pressure from environmental groups; the desire to create closed loop supply chain systems; political motivations; and, legislation. It is import when designing supply chains to view and analyse from a closed loop perspective. We operate in an increasingly global market with product and services being sourced internationally, all of which adds further complexity when considering from a reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain perspective. Increasingly, reverse logistics is becoming a differentiator when determining competitive advantage between like companies within an industry. This unit offers an in depth examination of concepts pertaining to reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain management then demonstrates how together they contribute toward building a strategically effective and operationally efficient organisation.
TPTM6222 Railway Planning and Operations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nigel Harris Session: Winter Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Generalised cost exercise (25%), public transport network modelling exercise (25%), group project presentation: business plan (20%), group project report: business plan (30%)
There has been increasing interest in railways in recent years as a transport solution for both passengers and freight, and rail's modal share has been rising in many key markets. Problems of inadequate capacity are now arising, as much as problems of financial self-sufficiency, and these problems require a good understanding of what solutions are available, and (perhaps more importantly in an University context) why. This unit therefore offers an in depth examination of concepts pertaining to railway management, economics and planning. Importantly, it moves on to explain how these are applied in practical situations, and gives participants an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding through a range of exercises.
TPTM6224 Intelligent Transport & Logistic Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Christopher Skinner Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual reports (40%), group reports (20%), short-answer test (20%), individual essay (20%)
In this ever changing world, transportation and logistics professionals require knowledge and expertise of how advanced technologies can enhance the safety, security, sustainability and efficiency of their operations. This Unit of Study will provide knowledge and understanding of intelligent transport systems [ITS], intelligent vehicle systems (Telematics) and supply-chain and other intelligent logistic systems. The Unit includes closely related material on Information and Communications Technology [ICT], especially wireless communications, location-based services and distributed information processing in advanced intelligent networks. Advanced sensor devices and interfaces are discussed with their strengths and limitations. Applicable modelling and analysis techniques are experienced in tutorial exercises and assignments. The Unit aims to prepare the student for a role in transport and logistics systems project design and performance assessment, including the ability to communicate effectively with specialist development agencies. Business case analysis and risk management are related to systems definition, development planning and execution. The Unit includes a visiting speaker and actual or virtual visits to Sydney transport & logistics control centres. Tutorial sessions discuss topical international transport& logistics projects and analyses from a systems perspectives.
TPTM6240 Public Transport Policy and Planning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Corinne Mulley Session: Summer Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: News diary (15%), critical literature review (40%), group presentation (35%), field trip report (10%)
Having relevance to all areas of transport, urban planning, public administration and passenger logistics, this unit provides an understanding of the characteristics of public transport systems and creates a framework to analyse public transport performance. It considers topics relevant to an appreciation of public transport operations and the role of public transport in the overall transport 'offer'. The key focus is to instil a broad understanding of the concepts, issues and impacts of public transport for intra- and inter-urban areas and for rural areas. Within the context of an analytical framework, this unit builds an appreciation of the importance, the drivers and the problems of achieving efficient operation of transport systems. Public transport management is heavily influenced by the regulatory and institutional framework and the financial environment in which public transport operates: these key issues are explored to explain why countries/states have different levels and types of public transport.
TPTM6241 Transport Modes and Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sean Puckett Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: In-class individual (5) and group (5) (30%), group strategic scenario design and presentation (5) with individual assessment component (30%), individual report (10%), team project with group report with individual assessment component (30%)
Note: This is the foundation unit for all transport management programs and should be completed in the first period of study.
This unit offers students a comprehensive knowledge of the physical and economic structure of each of the fundamental modes of transport for private and commercial stakeholders. In this fundamental introductory unit, each mode - road, rail, air and sea - is presented from economic and market intelligence perspectives, giving students vital information on what drives passenger and freight behaviour and how the modes are interlinked. Students will participate actively, learning intelligent and strategic transport decision-making and communication skills through a series of team-based strategic activities. These skills will improve students' ability to perform well in subsequent units and ultimately in their transport or logistics careers.
TPTM6260 International Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Peter Lok Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual assignment (25%), mid-term examination (15%), group assignment (20%), group class case study (10%), final examination (30%)
The trend toward an integrated global economy and global competitive arena is forcing companies to design products for the global market and to rationalise their production and distribution activities so as to maximise corporate resources. As a result, logistics in international operations has gained strategic importance. This unit takes a very strategic view of international logistics and deals with logistics from inland origin to final destination covering broad issues of system design and those associated with aspects of international transport, and location and distribution. It takes into account various issues in international operations such as differences in cultures, infrastructure, and transportation systems. The unit integrates concepts with examples of company practices in Australia and elsewhere. This unit does not assume any prior knowledge of logistics on the part of the student. As such it is useful for students studying International Business/International Law who may wish to gain a strategic overview of the role of logistics in international trade and commerce.
TPTM6270 Innovations in Logistics & Supply Chains

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Robert Ogulin Session: Winter Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Research and analysis group research paper (20%), group presentation (20%), take home examination (50%), class participation (10%)
The trend toward an integrated global economy and global competitive arena is forcing companies to design products for the global market and to rationalise their production and distribution activities so as to maximise corporate resources. As a result, logistics in international operations has gained strategic importance. This unit takes a very strategic view of international logistics and deals with logistics from inland origin to final destination covering broad issues of system design and those associated with aspects of international transport, and location and distribution. It takes into account various issues in international operations such as differences in cultures, infrastructure, and transportation systems. The unit integrates concepts with examples of company practices in Australia and elsewhere.
TPTM6300 Research Project I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: This subject has no class requirements. It is research based. Assessment: Proposal (15%); Interim Report (20%); Final Report and Presentation (65%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The purpose of this amendment is to offer students undertaking the Master of Logistics Management and/or the Master of Transport Management under the new 10 unit of study program structure the opportunity for a 12 credit point dissertation route with a word length (12,000 words) in line with Academic Board guidelines, when this unit of study is taken in conjunction with TPTM6330 Research Project II. This will provide graduates with an articulation route to a higher degree by research (MPhil or PhD) or the opportunity for specialised research equipping enter the logistics or transport professions, whether in the public or the private sector, giving them an edge over those who have not had the opportunity to obtain both a broad based exposure to the field as well as an in-depth learning experience in a specialisation of their choosing.
TPTM6310 Project Management in Supply Chains

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ada Suk-Fung Ng Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 5 lecture days (9am-5pm), 2 half day workshops. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Mid-term examination (20%), group project (group contribution (30%), individual (30%)), laboratory workshops (15%) and class participation (5%).
Project management is an emerging management tool that can be applied to projects in various industries. This course focuses on project management skills with the application in logistics and supply chain projects. A combination of lectures and case studies will be used for demonstrating project management theories and strategies. Front-end planning is critical to project success. Planning consumes only a fraction of project monies yet locks in major decisions with profound ramifications for the whole of project life and the end results to the changes in supply chains. Project success is based on the ability of project managers to lead their teams to finish their project on time, on (or under) budget and to the specified quality. Therefore, practical knowledge of Microsoft Project, a software tool which is commonly used by project managers, will be covered to enhance practical skills on project planning and tracking.
TPTM6350 Strategic Transport Modelling

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Rose Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Mode choice and traffic assignment (25%), group trip generation and trip distribution project (25%), group project (25%), final examination (25%)
This unit introduces the conventional four-step travel forecasting procedure in addition to land-use forecasting, as currently applied in urban areas throughout the world. The main topics include an overview of the transport planning system, network construction, data requirements, trip generation models, trip distribution models, mode choice models, highway paths and assignment, transit paths and assignment, validation and acceptance testing, and forecasting. The unit will also include practical demonstrations using transportation forecasting software. The unit will be of particular value to students majoring in transportation and logistics planning. The focus is on the application of statistical models in real world settings.
TPTM6360 Traffic Systems Management and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Peter Stopher Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual homework assignments (30%), literature review report (20%), analysis/design group project (30%), group presentation (15% - 5% individual component), class attendance and participation (5%)
This unit provides students with an understanding of the major roles, responsibilities and technical capabilities of traffic engineering professionals, required by both public and private sector employers in this field. The following topics are covered: (1) a framework/context for traffic engineering and management, which forms the basis for subsequent modules; (2) the characteristics and limitations of road users (humans and vehicles), which underpin engineering considerations; (3) basic traffic variables (speed, density, flow) and analytical techniques such as gap acceptance, capacity analysis and shockwave analysis; (4) introduction to geometric design of traffic system elements (roads, intersections) for a variety of road users; (5) management of the arterial and local road network (traffic calming); and (6) travel demand management in the interest of transport sustainability. The course will be of particular value to students majoring in transportation, logistics and urban planning and design.
TPTM6370 Manufacturing Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor David Walters Session: Summer Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual essay (40%), quizzes (4) (30%), group project (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit provides an overview of theory and practice in the fast changing area of manufacturing and the logistics implications of emerging manufacturing strategies and operations. The developments in global businesses are impacting on the discipline of business logistics. New business models are being developed, many of them in the Asia/Pacific region. This unit considers the changes occurring in manufacturing and explores the challenges confronting this discipline. The unit complements other topics covered within the Master of Logistics and is essential to the practical orientation of the degree. The case study approach and guest lecturers will provide up-to-the-moment content on this dynamic topic.
TPTM6380 Retail Logistics Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Gareth Jude Session: Summer Main,Winter Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: In class quiz (1) (5%), individual essay (30%), in class test (2) (5%), group project (20%), group presentation (10%), final examination (30%)
Logistics management in retailing organisations is a critical activity. For many fast moving consumer goods retailing companies, logistics management is a major process in delivering customer value and containing operating costs. Typically retailers operate on low margins and as logistics costs are a large proportion of their total costs the topic is of extreme importance. This unit considers a number of related decision areas such as; the changing retail environment and its implications for logistics management; developing and implementing a merchandise strategy; sourcing and procurement; deciding upon store outlet numbers and their catchment locations, in-store format strategies; the role of customer service; and, customer communications decisions. For each of these key decision areas the implications for logistics is an important consideration. The unit will also present current approaches to information management and performance management and evaluation.
TPTM6390 Logistics in Humanitarian Aid Projects

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Jersey Seipel Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual essay (25%), group report and presentation (25%), final examination (50%)
Logistics in humanitarian aid projects has long been an overlooked factor in the efficient and effective delivery of help to victims of war, natural disasters and epidemics. With increased media coverage and the rise of the "CNN-factor" of humanitarian assistance to countries such as Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq, professional logistics and supply chain management for humanitarian aid missions has taken a place in the spotlight and is more and more recognised as one of the core components of all successful relief efforts. Unstable security environments, long and fragile supply lines, time constraints and access restrictions often add to the pressure on logistics managers to deliver aid where it is most needed. This unit offers an introduction into the complex and challenging world of logistics in humanitarian aid projects by case-studies of real emergencies, group exercises and discussion of mission parameters based on experience from the field.
TPTM6425 Collecting, Managing and Assessing Data

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Peter Stopher Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 8am-4pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Mathematical homeworks (3) (45%), survey design (15%), pop quizzes (4) (20%), viva examination (20%)
This unit introduces students to the concepts of designing and implementing data collection procedures, particularly through surveys of human populations. The unit introduces simple sample designs, and covers the design of data-collection instruments, protocols for undertaking surveys of human populations, pilot surveys and pre-tests, survey ethics, survey administration, coding and archiving of data, computation of sampling errors and population statistics, response rates and other measures of survey quality, and validation of survey data. The unit also includes discussion of applications of advanced technology to surveys, such as Internet surveys, surveys using GPS devices, and other remote sensing techniques. The unit is of particular value to students majoring in transport, logistics, marketing and urban planning.
TPTM6440 International Freight Transportation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Frederic Horst Session: Summer Main Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Take home examination (30%), individual paper (40%), group assignment (30%)
This unit seeks to give students an understanding of the dynamics of the express, air freight and shipping business. The course will discuss underlying drivers of international trade flows and the demand for capacity in different freight transport modes, as well as industry structure, regulatory environment and market access. Building on this background the course will highlight the implications for profitable air cargo and shipping operations. Particular focus will be given to fleet and network planning, revenue and cost management. The material covered in the course will take into account recent developments in global and regional economic activity and discuss implications for the various sectors of the air and seafreight businesses.
TPTM6450 Transport Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Peter Stopher Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 8am-4pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual essays (2) (50%), news diary (10%), viva examination (20%), team debate (20%)
Note: This is the capstone unit for all transport management programs and should be completed in the last period of study.
This unit introduces students to the basic concepts of transport policy and decision making, including a look at the make-up of the transport sector, relationships between planning, design, decision-making, and policy, the sources of funding for transport, organisation of the transport sector, the nature of decision making, the development of policy, and the relationships among short-term, long-term, and strategic planning. The unit introduces and discusses a number of contemporary policy issues, such as congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, transport and obesity, investment in public transport, road user charging, other environmental impacts of transport, sustainable transport systems, etc. This unit is of particular value to students majoring in transport, logistics, marketing and urban planning.
TPTM6470 Sustainable Transport & Logistic Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 6 days, 9am-5pm. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: Individual homework exercise (25%), pop quizzes (25%), team project with group (25%) and individual (10%) component; team presentation with group (10%) and individual (5%) component.
How can we accommodate the rapidly expanding movement of passengers and freight in a way that is environmentally and socially sustainable into the future? This unit introduces students to the major environmental issues that must be considered in contemporary transport and logistics operations including climate change, regional and local air pollution, noise pollution and safety. The focus then turns to specific modes, focusing initially on passenger transport, where we identify the major trends working against sustainability and the range of regulatory, behavioural, pricing, and voluntary strategies available to try to reverse these trends. We then introduce the notion of 'green' logistics and what regulators and companies can/should be doing to facilitate more sustainable practices in the shipment of freight. We then consider the issues/challenges around sustainable aviation and international shipping practice. Finally, we consider the critical issue of safety and what strategies have/could be employed to mitigate the impacts. Throughout the unit, we focus on what is going on in both the developed and emerging world nations, where the challenges are potentially on a different order of magnitude. The unit is of particular value to students majoring in transport, logistics, environmental planning, and urban planning.
TPTM6495 Analysis Tools for Transport & Logistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Matthew Beck Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 5 x 3 hour lectures, 6 x 3 hour computer tutorials. Refer to timetable for further details. Assessment: In-class multiple choice quizzes (5) (15%), computer exam (30%), group assignment (25%), final examination (30%)
Quantitative analysis is a key activity in developing successful business strategies in the areas of transportation and logistics management. Successful business strategies are generally based on diverse forms of analysis on information collected from a wide range of sources. This unit of study provides an introduction to the theory and principles of quantitative analysis of transport and logistics markets through lectures, computer workshops, and practical assessments requiring the analysis of various types of data. Through classes and assessments designed to specifically teach students how to undertake quantitative research in a practical manner, students will be able to conduct their own quantitative analysis of transport and logistic market places.

Course rules and resolutions


Master of Logistics Management

Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management

Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Logistics Management


Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management


Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Master of Logistics Management
the Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management
the Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants ranked on merit in accordance with the following criteria:
a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma, graduate certificate or equivalent at an institution approved by the School and graded at a standard acceptable to the School; and/or where applicable:
relevant work experience requirements as determined by the School;
satisfaction of the English language requirements; and
any other minimum standards specified by the School.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Table of postgraduate units of study: Logistic Management.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Logistics Management a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
24 credit points of elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management a candidate must complete 36 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Logistics Management a candidate must complete 24 credit points, including:
18 credit points of core units of study; and
6 credit points of elective units of study.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the School, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the School may, in special circumstances, approve.