Infection and Immunity
Unit outlines will be available though Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.
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The table of units of study has changed for Semester 2, 2020. The changes are as follows:
(i) The table is now called Table A Infection and Immunity.
(ii) Students in the Master of Medicine (Infection and Immunity), Graduate Diploma in Infection and Immunity and Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity (part-time only) will select their units of Table A Infection and Immunity.
(iii) Students who do not have undergraduate studies in immunology are advised to enrol in INIM5111 Principles in Immunology in first semester before undertaking Clinical and Laboratory Immunology.
17/06/2020 |
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The requirements for the Master of Medicine are missing from Table A. They should read:
Students must successfully complete 48 credit points, including: (a) 30 credit points of core units of study; and (b) 18 credit points of elective units of study.
17/06/2020 |
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The Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity (full-time only) has been introduced for Semester 2, 2020.
(i) Students in the full-time Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity in will select their core units from Table B Infection and Immunity.
(ii) In order to qualify for the award, all core units must be completed in Semester 2 2020.
17/06/2020 |
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The description has been updated for the following unit. It now reads:
INIM5112 Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy Description: In this unit students will learn how to apply their knowledge of fundamental immunology to understanding the immunopathology of a broad range of human disease. Students will explore the immunological methods that are the foundation of clinical diagnosis and disease management, and learn how immunotherapy is becoming integrated into treatment across a spectrum of immune-mediated conditions. Instruction will comprise of lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes. The lectures will be given by research scientists and clinicians who are leaders in their respective fields. Tutorials will reinforce material covered in lectures, with an emphasis on understanding concepts through clinical cases and appreciating how laboratory investigations contribute to the diagnostic pathway. Laboratory classes will focus on techniques central to the diagnostic lab and taught with the perspective of real-world situations.
21/07/2020 |
Table A Infection and Immunity
Infection and Immunity
Master of Medicine (Infection and Immunity)
Master of Science in Medicine (Infection and Immunity)
Students must successfully complete 48 credit points, including:
(a) 30 credit points of core units of study; and
(b) 18 credit points of elective units of study.
Graduate Diploma in Infection and Immunity
Students must successfully complete 36 credit points, including:
(a) 24 credit points of core units of study; and
(b) 12 credit points of elective units of study.
Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity
Students must successfully complete 24 credit points, including:
(a) 24 credit points of core units of study.
Core units
It is preferable to complete INIM5111 Principles in Immunology in first semester, before undertaking Clinical and Laboratory Immunology. However, this is not essential if a student in Second Semester has previousl studied undergraduate immunology
INIM5002 Virology and Cell Technology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Barry Slobedman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1hr lectures/week; 1x4hr practical/tutorial class/week Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate Microbiology or Infectious Diseases Assessment: One 2-hour exam covering lecture material, one 2-hour theory of practical exam, written assignment and oral presentation (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit aims to equip graduates with an in-depth knowledge of medical virology and cell technology that will enable them to work effectively as laboratory personnel in relevant hospital laboratories, clinics or research institutions. Students will develop skills in evaluation of scientific literature, in problem-solving and in scientific communication that will enable them to develop careers as administrators or policy-makers in hospitals, health care organisations or government bodies. The core of the program is a series of lectures, given face-to-face and/or available online. Practical classes will focus on the identification of viruses and cell culture technology, and on techniques used in research investigations and will be conducted in an appropriately equipped student laboratory.
Introduction to Modern Virology, N.J Dimmock, A.J, Easton and K.N Leppard, Blackwell Publishing, 6th Edition. Knipe and Howley. Fields Virology. 6th Edition 2013. Available freely as an electronic resource from the University of Sydney library.
INIM5011 Advanced Medical Bacteriology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jim Manos Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1hr lectures/week; 2x2hr practical classes or tutorials or student presentations/week Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate Microbiology or Infectious Diseases Assessment: 1x2hr closed-book (Theory) exam, and 1x1.5hr closed book (Theory of Practical) exam Value: Theory exam (50%) Progressive assessment (50%) including class tutorial/presentations (25%), practical exam (15%) and laboratory book assessment (10%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study aims to build on the student's basic knowledge of microbiology by providing an awareness of modern concepts and the latest knowledge of medical bacteriology at the molecular level. This knowledge is relevant to the susceptibility and response of the host to pathogenic bacteria. There is a particular emphasis on the host-pathogen relationship at the cellular and molecular levels regarding symptoms, virulence factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention. The practical component will allow candidates to become familiar with modern molecular-based bacteriological techniques used to identify the characteristic genetic features of bacterial species that cause infections. The unit will provide an advanced scientific and intellectual base to augment student's knowledge and understanding, at a postgraduate level, in a career involving medical microbiology or in a related subject area. Lectures will be used to impart knowledge and understanding as well as review key themes of the module, and many of these will be given by experts in the current field. Tutorials will utilise activities such as journal review and topic presentation which enable develop their skills by presenting research on a range of issues including advances in knowledge on bacterial pathogenesis, identification and treatment in Australia and worldwide. The use of case studies will enable candidates to examine breakouts of disease and their investigation by the clinical laboratory. Laboratory sessions will enable students to apply the theoretical concepts of laboratory investigation at the molecular level using advanced molecular techniques of DNA, RNA and protein purification and analysis.
While all material for examination is contained within the lectures, tutorials and practical classes, students who wish to learn more can undertake further reading. Recommended texts for further reading: The recommended text is: Bacterial Pathogens and Their Virulence Factors, Douglas I. Johnson, Springer International Publishing 2018. Although this is recommended, other texts are equally sound. We suggest you discuss with the unit coordinator, Jim Manos, before making a textbook purchase.
INIM5100 Infection and Immunity Capstone
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Megan Steain Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 x 1 h lec per week (mix of online and f2f), 10 x 1 h seminars, 6 x 2 hr workshops Corequisites: INIM5111 and INIM5002 and INIM5011 and INIM5112 Assumed knowledge: A pass grade in all core INIM units undertaken in the previous semester. This unit is not available to students undertaking the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma Assessment: 30% oral presentation, 10% participation, 40% assignment, 20% online quizzes Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is the capstone unit for the Master of Medicine and Master of Science in Medicine (Infection and Immunity). It will bring together your learning from the various units within the degree and challenge you to use this acquired knowledge to critically evaluate research in infectious diseases and immunology as well as apply it to tackle current problems in the field. The unit will comprise of a seminar series, journal clubs, workshops and a group project centred around solving an issue related to the immunology and control of an infection of global importance.
INIM5111 Principles in Immunology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mainthan Palendira Session: Semester 1 Classes: Face-to-face and online lectures supported by weekly tutorials/seminars/workshops. 1x4hr practical class each week Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate immunology and undergraduate bacteriology and virology Assessment: progressive assessment: includes written (15%), practical (15%), oral (10%) and online based assessments (10%); formal assessment: one 2 hour examination (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Immunology is the study of defence mechanisms that protect individuals against infections and cancers. Studies in immunology are leading advances in clinical medicine, including understanding allergies, transplant rejection, cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as the development of new vaccines. In this unit you will explore the essential features of the immune system at the molecular and cellular level, the mechanisms of pathalogical immune processes and immune system dysfunction, mechanisms of immune responses to microorganisms and imunological techniques used in clinical diagnostic and research laboratories. Practical and tutorial sessions are designed to illustrate particular concepts introduced in otther face-to-face activities. Further self-directed learning activities, including online learning activities, will facilitate integratino of fundamental information and help you apply this knowledge to the ways in which the host organism fights disease. Consequently, you will develop skills in problem-solving, evaluation of scientific literature, as well as oral and written communication skills. Upon completion, you will have developed the skills required to follow a career in medical research, clinical and diagnostic services and/or the corporate system that supports the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Abul K Abbas, Andrew H Lichtman and Shiv Pillai. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 5th Ed. 2016
INIM5112 Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Megan Steain Session: Semester 2 Classes: ND: 2x1hr lec (F-2-F or online) and 1x4hr prac or workshop/wk Prerequisites: INIM5111 Assumed knowledge: Understanding of basic biochemistry and cell biology Assessment: Progressive assessment: includes written (10%), practical (15%), oral (15%) and online based assessments (10%); Formal assessment: one 2 hour examination (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective, 3nd Edition Stevens CD. F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 2010. This is a reference book that should not be purchased, and a copy will be available in practical classes and the library. Abul K Abbas, Andrew H Lichtman and Shiv Pillai. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 5th Ed. 2016. This provides background on the immunopathology of human disease.
Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective, 3nd Edition Stevens CD. F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 2010. This is a reference book that should not be purchased, and a copy will be available in practical classes and the library. Abul K Abbas, Andrew H Lichtman and Shiv Pillai. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 5th Ed. 2016. This provides background on the immunopathology of human disease.
Elective units
INIM5013 Clinical Mycology and Parasitology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Wieland Meyer, Dr Rogan Lee Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2-3x1hr lectures/week Assumed knowledge: Knowledge in general microbiology and molecular biology. Assessment: 1x2hr written examination (55%), seminar presentation (15min) (15%), and laboratory practicalwork protocols (30%) Practical field work: 3x2hr practical classes or tutorials or seminars/week covering molecular based diagnostic and typing techniques, morphology and antifungal susceptibility testing Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit aims to equip science and medical graduates with an in-depth knowledge of medical mycology and parasitology that will enable them to work effectively as laboratory personnel, clincians and medical scientists in relevant hospital laboratories, clinics or research institutions. The course will allow students to develop skills in recognising fungal and parasitic infections, interpret laboraroty reports on identification clincial epidmeiology of the mycotic and parasitic disease agents, molecular typing of clincial isolates, and evaluation of scientific literature, in problem-solving and in scientific communication that will enable graduates to develop careers as microbiologists, clinicians and administrators or policy-makers in hospitals, health care organizations or government bodies. The course structure involves lectures on diseases caused by fungal, protozoan and helminthic agents, laboratory classes on identification of fungal and parasitic infections (classical methods, such as morphology and biochemistry, molecular methods, including: sanger and next generation sequencing, whole genome sequencing, a number of PCR based techniques and MALDI-TOF), molecular typing techniques used to investigate potential disease outbreaks, techniques used in research investigations and specific tutorials (e.g. clinical cases, investigation of outbreaks of disease and prevention strategies). Specific lectures will be given by expert clinicans in infectious diseases, basic microbiology, mycology, and parasitology scientists and leading diagnostic specialists in the field. Seminars consisting of presentations of specified topics researched by individual students will complement the course. The course takes place at the new Westmead Institute for Medical Research, in the Molecular Mycology Research Laboratory, Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Marie Bashir Institute for Emerging infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, Faculty of Medicine and Health, at the Westmead Campus, Westmead Clinical School.
Recommended reading: Medically Important Fungi - A guide to Identification Larone DH 4th Edition ASM Press Washington DC 2002. Atlas of clinical fungi. Electronic version 2019. De Hoog GS, et al. 2019, Fungal Biodiverstity Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2019. Sullivan DJ and Moran GP 2014 Caister Academic Press , Norfolk, UK ISBN 978-1-908230-44-7 Clinical Parasitology: A handbook for medical practitioners and microbiologists. Sheorey H et al. (2nd Edition) Erudite Medical Books, Geelong, Vic, 2013. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology Garcia L. 6th Edition ASM Press 2016. Foundations of Parasitology 9th Edition Roberts LS, Janovy, J Jr and Nadler, S. Mc Graw Hill 2013.
INIM5022 Global Control of Infectious Diseases
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Vitali Sintchenko Session: Semester 2 Classes: Classes: 2x1hr lectures/week, 1x3hr practical classes and/or 2x2hr tutorials/week
Practical Work: 2hr practical classes or tutorials or seminars/week covering novel methods of molecular diagnsotics, genome sequencing and serosurveillance of infectious diseases Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate bacteriology and virology; basic concepts of epidemiology Assessment: written examination (40%), progressive assessments comprising written assignment (20%), journal club presentation (20%), laboratory work and tutorial participation (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study will provide students with knowledge about detection, monitoring and control of existing and emerging pathogens, and with the necessary skills to plan epidemic preparedness strategies, to identify optimal approaches for communicable disease prevention, containment or eradication and to evaluate their effectiveness. This module offers a multidisciplinary framework for understanding the principles of interventions against infectious diseases and focuses on the study of global infectious disease threats in the context of their routes of transmission and potential intervention strategies, as well as the reasons for the success or failure of control programs. The core of this unit is a series of lectures, practical demonstrations and problem-solving tutorials describing real-life examples of diagnostic and surveillance strategies and vaccination policies, community outbreak investigations and epidemic/pandemic preparedness planning. A significant proportion of the lectures are delivered by invited expert infectious disease practitioners and laboratory scientists. The main principles will be illustrated using examples from pandemic and seasonal influenza, arbovirus diseases, tuberculosis, zoonotic and food- and water-borne bacterial infections. A large portion of this unit is based at the State public health reference laboratories of the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (NSW Health Pathology) at Westmead Hospital, Sydney Medical School - Westmead Campus.
Cliff A, Smallman-Ranor M. Oxford Textbook of Infectious Disease Control. Oxford University Press, 2015; Webber R. Communicable disease epidemiology and control: A global perspective. CABI Publishing, 2013.
PGEN5001 Pathogen Genomics
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Vitali Sintechnko, Dr Verlaine Timms, Dr Rebecca Rockett, Dr Gabriella Scandurra Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1hr lec/wk and 5x1hr seminars or 6x3hr practical classes/sem Assumed knowledge: Basic understanding of microbiology or medical microbiology and genetics. Assessment: 1x 1.5hr examination (50%), group project (20%) and presentation (10%) and 1x1000 wd paper review (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Genomics has revolutionised medicine, providing information on a scale not previously available. Pathogen Genomics is part of this revolution and the applications of this technology have provided crucial information on pathogen discovery, new drug development, outbreak control and antibiotic resistance. This unit of study will introduce students to bacterial genomes, how they change and how that change can be measured. Students will learn how DNA is sequenced in the laboratory and develop analytical skills in bacterial genomics, using public databases and the University of Sydney's high-performance computing cluster. Students will experience the breadth and power of pathogen genomics and its wide applications within diagnostics and research. A combination of lectures and practicals will impart knowledge and understanding of a large number of applications used in genomics today. Case studies will enable students to perform genomic analysis on unknown samples and apply the technological knowledge gained from the unit to answer biological questions. This unit will provide students with a greater appreciation for the artistry of bacterial virulence and how understanding these mechanisms can inform overall general health outcomes for humans.
Online readings will be provided
SEXH5200 Advanced STIs
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar, Dr Hans Ramlochun Session: Semester 1 Classes: Normal day: compulsory attendance at 3x1hr lectures and 1x1hr journal club per week; Block mode: 3x1hr online lectures per week;, plus block intensive mode, 2-3 days, 9am-5pm Assessment: Short essay (10%); online quizzes (30%); journal club (10%); participation in group exercises (10%); written examination (40%); Mode of delivery: Block mode, Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit aims to describe the epidemiology, microbiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management strategies for the common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). On completion of this unit, students will be able to: (i) Discuss the microbiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of the common STIs; (ii) Demonstrate an understanding of the clinical spectrum of STIs, including asymptomatic infection, genital manifestations and complications; and (iii) Describe principles of STI prevention and management and outline treatment of individual STIs. HIV infection will only be covered in the context of its interactions with other STIs. Course content includes epidemiology, STIs in key populations, microbiology and clinical aspects of the following conditions: vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, anorectal discharge, genital ulceration, upper genital tract infections including pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted hepatitis, syphilis, anogenital warts and cancer, genital infestations and genital dermatology. Challenges faced in resource-poor settings and syndromic management will also be covered.
Table B Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity (full-time)
Unit of study
Credit points
A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Infection and Immunity
Graduate Certificate in Infection and Immunity (full-time only)
Full-time study is open to students commencing in Semester 2, 2020 and who will complete their studies in December 2020.
Students must successfully complete 24 credit points, including:
(a) 24 credit points of core units of study from Table B.
Table B
Core units
INIM5002 Virology and Cell Technology
A Undergraduate Microbiology or Infectious Diseases
Semester 2
INIM5111 Principles in Immunology
A Undergraduate immunology and undergraduate bacteriology and virology
Note: This unit of study will be available in Semester 2 with special permission.
Semester 1 Semester 2
INIM5022 Global Control of Infectious Disease
A Undergraduate bacteriology and virology; basic concepts of epidemiology
Semester 2
PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses
N BSTA5011 or CEPI5100
Note: This unit of study will be available in Semester 2 with special permission.
Semester 1 Semester 2