University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Research programs: facilities and supervision

Each department/school should be able to provide an applicant or candidate with a statement of the facilities available in that unit and the procedures for accessing them. Facilities include laboratory space, photocopying, stationery and computing facilities, equipment, conference travel and maintenance.

Information should also be available about departmental/school research seminar programs and postgraduate consultative procedures. Facilities available will vary widely from unit to unit.

Under the Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS), funds will be made available each year to enable postgraduate research students to present papers at conferences, use specialist facilities and purchase specialist books that are essential to the student's research. PRSS funds must be applied for and are awarded on a competitive basis. Receipt of funding is therefore not guaranteed.

General information about the PRSS is available from the website

More specific information, application forms and closing dates are available from the relevant faculty office.