University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Outcomes of candidature

When the award of the qualification has been approved, the Registrar will write advising you of this and will send you details of the next conferring ceremony at which you may graduate. A graduation information package will be sent several weeks before the ceremony, which will include tickets for three guests, information about the graduation ceremony itself and academic dress hire.

A booklet about academic dress is available from the Student Centre and the academic dress for the various degrees is also listed in the Calendar.

Alternatively, you may apply to have your degree conferred in absentia, without attending a graduation ceremony. Information about how to arrange this will be sent with the graduation package.

Note that until the qualification has been conferred, you are not entitled to call yourself a graduate in that course or to use any title associated with it.

For more information about graduation, please visit the Graduations Unit website: