University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Types of candidature

The University is not solely an examining body. Candidates for its courses are expected to carry out all phases of the work for the research degree under the control of the University and at places determined by the University. It is not necessary, however, that all of the candidature should be spent on a University campus. The code of practice in the appendices details a student’s responsibilities.

The normal maximum length of full-time PhD candidature is eight semesters (different expectations may apply to candidates who commenced prior to Semester 1, 2001). The maximum length of full-time candidature for research master’s degrees varies from faculty to faculty, but is generally four to six semesters.

Full-time candidates for research degrees do not keep to the normal semesters but work continuously throughout the year except for a period of four weeks’ annual recreation leave.

The University considers that what is required of a research degree, with respect to attendance, is that the best possible supervision arrangements are made for each particular candidature at each of the various stages of that candidature. This emphasis on individual requirements requires a clear statement of expectations and obligations at the commencement of each research program and on an annual basis thereafter.

International students who are in Australia on an international student visa are normally required under the terms of their entry visa to undertake full-time candidature only.

Research students and employment

It is possible for a person who is in employment to be admitted as a full-time candidate. This requires an employer certifying that the candidate can devote himself or herself full-time for the duration of the candidature to study and research under the control of the University. The employer must inform the University in the event of the candidate being required to undertake any duties which will interfere with their candidature.

Full-time research candidates are permitted to undertake part-time teaching duties providing these duties do not interfere with their candidature. Students are not obliged to teach, and also have no right to expect to be given teaching duties.

Fractional appointments of up to 0.6 are permitted. There may be occasions when a student is asked to perform duties on a full-time basis in which case suspension of the candidature should be sought. If you are receiving a scholarship, you must observe any terms and conditions regarding employment hours (see the section 'Scholarship holders', below).