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University of Sydney Rule 1999

Note: Part 10, Division 5 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended) contains policy relevant to postgraduate research students. The complete Rule can be viewed at

Part 10 – Awarding degrees, diplomas and certificates

Division 5: Higher degree theses

89. Lodgment

89.1 In all cases where a higher degree has been awarded, after examination of a thesis the Registrar shall lodge with the University Librarian one bound copy of the thesis,
printed on permanent or archival paper.

89.2 It is the policy of the Senate that a candidate for a higher degree should not normally be permitted to undertake a program of advanced study and research which is likely to result in the lodgment of a thesis which cannot be available for use immediately, to be read, photocopied or microfilmed, except as provided in Rule 92 below.

89.3 An applicant for admission to candidature for a higher degree shall be required to acknowledge awareness of this policy when applying for such admission.

89.4 Subject to Rules 90 and 91, a higher degree thesis lodged in the University Library or in a departmental library shall be available immediately for use. The University Librarian (or, in the case of a departmental library, the head of department) may supply a copy of the thesis to an individual for research or study, or to a library.

89.5 Except as provided in Rule 90, a candidate for a higher degree lodging a thesis for examination shall sign the following undertaking:
"I ............................................. understand that if I am awarded a higher degree for my thesis entitled '.....................................................' being lodged herewith for examination, the thesis will be lodged in the University Library and be available immediately for use. I agree that the University Librarian (or, in the case of a departmental library, the head of department) may supply a copy of the thesis to an individual for research or study or to a library. Signed.................................... Date................"

90. Use of confidential material

90.1 If, at any time between application for admission to candidature and the lodgment of the thesis, it shall appear to the supervisor and to the head of the department that successful prosecution of the candidature will require the use of confidential material which the candidate would not be at liberty fully to disclose in the thesis, the matter shall be reported as soon as practicable to the faculty or board of studies concerned.

90.2 The faculty or board of studies may, if it thinks fit, recommend to the Research and Research Training Committee of the Academic Board that the candidate be granted:
90.2.1 permission to include in an appendix to the thesis such material as is essential to the thesis but which, for a limited period, may not be available for general inspection; and
90.2.2 exemption, in respect of such an appendix, from the requirement to give the undertaking specified in Rule 89.5.

90.3 Subject to the provisions of Rule 91, if the Research and Research Training Committee of the Academic Board resolves to grant such permission and exemption, the University Librarian shall restrict access, for a period to be specified by the Research and Research Training Committee of the Academic Board, to any appendix referred to in Rule 90.2.2. This period of restriction shall not exceed five years unless there are exceptional reasons for an extension of the period.

91. Access to restricted thesis

91.1 The University Librarian may grant access to an appendix to a thesis to which access has been restricted in accordance with Rule 90.3, to a scholar who:
91.1.1 demonstrates bona fide concern with the material in that appendix; and
91.1.2 has the written consent of either: the author of the thesis, or the head of the department concerned in a case where the author cannot be contacted, notwithstanding that all reasonable steps
have been taken to contact him or her.

91.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of these resolutions, the examiners of a thesis, including any committee or board of postgraduate studies of a faculty or board of studies or any committee of the Academic Board which is directly concerned with the examination of such thesis, shall have access to the thesis and any appendix of it forn the purposes of any examination or re-examination.

91.3 Immediately a candidate for a higher degree lodges the prescribed number of copies of the thesis with the Registrar for examination, the Registrar shall arrange for a label stating the rights of the author under the laws relating to copyright to be affixed to the inside of the front cover of each copy or to any disk or other electronic medium on which the thesis is submitted.

92. Public availability of theses

92.1 For the purposes of this Part 10, references to 'theses' shall be taken to include also reference to treatises, dissertations and other similar productions where there is a requirement that a copy of the production be lodged by the Registrar with the University Librarian.

92.2 The Senate recognises that there are certain circumstances where deferment of the public availability of the thesis is appropriate.

92.3 In a case where a candidate or potential candidate is to be associated with a project in collaboration with industry that has potential for concern over exploitation of intellectual property, the Dean, if satisfied that the circumstances warrant it, may recommend to the Research and Research Training Committee of the Academic
Board that:
92.3.1 the candidate or prospective candidate be granted exemption from the requirement to give the undertaking specified in Rules 89.3 and 89.5; and
92.3.2 authorisation be given to the Registrar to delay lodgment of the thesis in the Library for a period that, except in exceptional circumstances, shall not exceed 18 months from the date of the award of the degree.

92.4 The Senate authorises the Chair of the Research and Research Training Committee to approve such applications where the Chair is satisfied that they are appropriate.

92.5 If, at any time between application for admission to candidate and the lodgment of the thesis, it shall appear to the candidate, supervisor and to the head of the department that there are reasons to believe that the candidate's interests would be at risk if the thesis were immediately made available, the candidate may apply in writing for deferment of the availability of that thesis in the University Library for a specific period of time. Any such application should set out clearly the reasons for the request and include supporting evidence, as appropriate.

92.6 The dean, if satisfied that such a deferment is necessary to protect the interests of the candidate, may:
92.6.1 authorise the Registrar not to lodge the thesis in the Library for a period not exceeding 6 months from the date of award of the degree; and may also
92.6.2 recommend to the Research and Research Training Committee of the Academic Board that a longer period of deferment, or an extension of the original deferment, be approved provided that, except in exceptional circumstances, the total period shall not exceed 18 months.