University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Research integrity

The research integrity group is concerned with promoting responsible conduct in research. Please visit for information about the University’s Research Integrity Advisors and other initiatives.

Human and Animal Ethics

The Research Integrity Unit also ensures that all University of Sydney research is conducted in accordance with State Acts and National Codes of Practice. All new and existing animal and human research ethics applications are processed and monitored by the Research Integrity Unit which serves as the point of contact for the Animal Ethics and the Human Research Ethics Committees. All inquiries regarding the research ethics process should be made to:

Research Integrity
Level 6, Jane Foss Russell Building, G02
City Road, Darlington Campus
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Ethics Fax: (02) 8627 8177

Human Ethics

University of Sydney staff and students who intend to conduct research involving human participants as part of an Honours, Diploma, Masters, Doctorate or other higher degree must apply for approval from the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). Research must be granted HREC approval BEFORE it can commence. The HREC does not give retrospective approval.

Research involving humans may include:

  • Administering questionnaires/surveys
  • Conducting interviews or focus groups
  • Investigating or observing human behaviour
  • Us of data or human tissue
  • Routine testing of human participants
  • Administering drugs, ionising radiation, chemical agents or vaccines
  • Any other experimentation involving human beings

Research involving humans undertaken at any of the University’s affiliated research institutes (see Research Centres at must also be approved by the HREC.

Where a student is working on a project approved by another NHMRC/AHEC-registered HREC, the student must seek recognition of this approval from the University’s HREC. Postgraduate students should submit their applications to the HREC via the Research Integrity Unit. Further information and application forms are available at the website:

Contact Human Ethics staff

General Enquiries
Phone: (02) 8627 8111
Human ethics email:

Patricia Engelmann

Tel: (02) 8627 8172

Kala Retnam

Phone: (02) 8627 8173

Margaret Faedo (Human Ethics Manager)

Phone: (02) 8627 8176

Animal Ethics

The University of Sydney Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) is responsible for overseeing the safety and wellbeing of all animals used in research and teaching within the University. All research and teaching at the University which involves animals requires ethical approval from the AEC. The AEC meet 12 times per year to consider applications to use animals.

The use of non-human vertebrate animals for research and teaching in New South Wales is directed by a variety of federal and state legislation, codes of practice, guidelines and University policy. The key regulatory provisions in New South Wales can be found within the Animal Research Act 1985 (“the Act”) and the Animal Research Act Regulation 2010. Under the Act, the University and departments and faculties which carry out procedures using live animals must have “Accreditation as an Animal Research Establishment” and “Animal Supplier Licence” issued by Industry & Investment NSW. AECs review, approve and monitor the research and teaching projects, which originate from these licensed premises.

The core document directing researchers, teaching staff and AECs in all aspects of scientific animal use is the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, 7th Edition, 2004 (The Code).

The Code defines how animal work should be overseen and monitored, and identifies general principles governing the ethical and humane use and care of animals within science. AECs apply these principles to animal ethics approval and monitoring within the University.

For more information see:

Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (The Code)

It is the responsibility of the investigator to ensure that all facets of animal care and use meet the requirements of The Code. This includes a responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of
animals used.

The Code embodies the principles of the 3 Rs:

  • Reduction of animal use
  • Replacement of animal use
  • Refinement of animal use

It is important to consider these principles when designing and carrying out projects.

The Code requires that animal use in research must be:

  • valid
  • humane
  • justifiable
  • considerate

It also requires researchers to actively seek alternatives to the use of animals in research and to justify why the use of animals is essential for their project.

The Code describes the responsibilities of people who use or supply animals for research, the responsibilities of Animal Ethics Committees, and the responsibilities of accredited research establishments. The Code requires that the welfare of the research animals is always given
consideration as a top priority.

All use of animals for scientific purposes in New South Wales must comply with the code.

Postgraduate students should submit their applications to the AEC via the Research Integrity Unit. Further information and application forms are available at the website:

Contact Animal Ethics Staff

General Enquiries:

Roslyn Todd
Phone: (02) 8627 8174

Lucie Nedved (Animal Welfare Manager)
Phone: (02) 8627 8175