University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Governing bodies


The Senate of the University is the governing body of the University. Of its 22 Fellows, two are elected students, one being a postgraduate student. Amongst its many duties the Senate endorses the Academic Board's approval of new academic courses.

The Chancellor, who is elected by the Fellows of Senate, presides at meetings of the Senate and University occasions such as graduation ceremonies.

Academic Board

The Academic Board is the senior academic body within the University. Its functions include advising the Senate and the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to and affecting the University’s learning, teaching and research activities and its educational programs, including general advice on the academic priorities and policies of the University.

Membership of the Academic Board includes all the deans of faculties and colleges, members elected from the professoriate, non-professorial members of staff and heads of departments/schools, the President of SUPRA, elected coursework and research student members, and some co-opted members.

Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee is mainly concerned with matters of policy relating to all aspects of graduate studies and consideration of new award courses. This includes advising the Academic Board on all new proposals for graduate courses and on changes to existing graduate courses, advising faculties on desirable procedures with regard to operation of faculty boards of postgraduate studies, advising the Board on the criteria for determining selection for postgraduate awards and determining the successful applicants, and making recommendations concerning all matters relating to graduate studies referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, the Academic Board, or faculties.

It is also responsible for the award of higher doctorates and exercises a review role with respect to protracted higher degree candidatures. The membership of the Graduate Studies Committee is located at

PhD Awards Sub-Committee

The PhD Awards Sub-Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee advises the Committee about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and takes decisions in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate and the Academic Board relating to the Examination Process for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other professional doctorates.

Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee

The Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee acts on the Committee’s behalf in all matters relating to the selection of successful applicants for postgraduate awards and advises the Committee on policy matters related to the award of scholarships.

Senior Executive Group (SEG) Research Training Committee

The SEG Research Training Committee is responsible for developing, overseeing and reviewing processes to ensure effective implementation of policy and procedures relating to higher degree research training. Chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), the Committee’s membership comprises an academic representative from each faculty responsible for research training, an academic representative from the Academic Board, and a representative from SUPRA.