University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Principal officers

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal is the chief executive officer of the University. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael Spence, is responsible to the Senate for the administrative, financial and other business of the University, for the care of property, for the general supervision of all staff and for supervision of discipline. He consults with and advises the Academic Board and all boards, faculties and colleges, heads of departments/schools and professors.

The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The Provost is charged with day-to-day responsibility for the accomplishment of the University's objectives in relation to teaching and scholarly activity within the context of the University's strategic plan and a challenging external environment.

Under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor, The Provost exercises, general executive responsibilities in connection with the academic programs of the University involving the conduct, coordination, and quality of these programs and the planning of their future development. This includes oversight of the University's academic staff.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Registrar

The DVC (Education) is responsible for quality assurance, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, and for coordinating university policy in relation to teaching and learning and postgraduate research training and support. The role is also responsible for student administration, admissions, welfare, discipline and activities and graduate students.

The Registrar is responsible inter alia for the keeping and care of proper records of the proceedings of all meetings of the Senate and the Academic Board, and for managing student records. Often you will find reference in the regulations to the 'Registrar' taking some action. In practice, this usually means a member of a faculty office or of the Registrar's Division taking that action on behalf of the Registrar.