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Bachelor of Information Technology

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) are required to gain credit for 192 credit points from the units of study set out below. The selection of units must satisfy the degree rules in the Resolutions of the Faculty. In particular, all core units must be completed, along with an appropriate amount from the elective units of study as recommended by the Faculty. Candidates for the BIT degree must complete a stream in either Computer Science or Information Systems, or both, as described in the Tables below.
Enrolment is subject to the following constraints:
1. At most 72 credit points accumulated from first year units (core and recommended electives) can be counted for degree completion.
2. At least 84 credit points must be accumulated from 3000-level and above units (including 72cp of core, selected core and recommended electives as outlined in this table).
3. Candidates in the BIT degree must maintain a credit average in each year of enrolment. If this level of result is not achieved candidates will be transferred to the BCST degree program.
Through this table, candidates may substitute an advanced equivalent for a non- advanced unit mentioned. They may also substitute an appropriate unit from the Advanced Engineering program of the Faculty of Engineering, or the Talented Student Program of the Faculty of Science, if they are eligible to enrol in such units.

(i) Stream in Computer Science

First year core units of study for CS stream

Professional Engineering and IT
6      Semester 1
Foundations of Computer Systems
6    A HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 2
Introduction to Programming
6    A HSC Mathematics
N SOFT (1001 or 1901) or COMP (1001 or 1901) or DECO2011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Note: INFO1903 Informatics (Adv) can be taken as an alternate core unit to INFO1103.
Data Structures
6    A Programming, as for INFO1103
N INFO1905 or SOFT (1002 or 1902) or COMP (1002 or 1902 or 2160 or 2860 or 2111 or 2811 or 2002 or 2902)
Semester 2
Note: INFO1905 (advanced version) can be taken as an alternate to INFO1105.
Maths/Statistics requirement: A total of 18 credit points (with at least 6 credit points of 2000-level or above) of MATH and/or STAT units of are required for completion of this degree All 1000-level and 2000-level units offered in the Science subject areas of Mathematics and Statistics can be taken to meet this requirement, however the School recommends students choose from the following units; MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003, MATH1004, MATH1005, MATH2069, MATH2063 and STAT2012. MATH and STAT units that are not taken as core units can be taken as other units.
A full list of MATH and STAT units are available from Science Faculty handbook.

First year recommended elective units of study for CS stream

Fundamentals of Elec and Electronic Eng
6    A HSC Physics, HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 1
Foundations of Information Technology
6    N INFO1000 or INFS1000
Semester 1
Semester 2
Informatics (Advanced)
6    A HSC Mathematics
P ATAR sufficient to enter BCST(Adv), BIT or BSc(Adv), or portfolio of work suitable for entry

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1

Second Year core units of study for CS stream

Algorithms and Complexity
6    A INFO1105, MATH1004 or MATH1904
N COMP2907, COMP3309, COMP3609, COMP3111, COMP3811
Semester 2
Note: COMP2907 (advanced version) can be taken as an alternate to COMP2007.
Operating Systems and Machine Principles
6    A Programming, as from INFO1103
N SOFT2130, SOFT2830, SOFT2004, SOFT2904, COMP2004, COMP2904
Semester 1
Systems Analysis and Modelling
6    A Experience with a data model as in INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFS1000
N INFO2810, INFO2000, INFO2900
Semester 2
Database Systems 1
6    A Some exposure to programming and some familiarity with data model concepts such as taught in INFO1103 or INFO1003 or INFS1000 or INFO1903
N INFO2820, INFO2005, INFO2905
Semester 1
Note: INFO2820 (advanced version) can be taken as an alternate core unit to INFO2120.
Maths/Statistics requirement: A total of 18 credit points (with at least 6 credit points of 2000-level or above) of MATH and/or STAT units of are required for completion of this degree All 1000-level and 2000-level units offered in the Science subject areas of Mathematics and Statistics can be taken to meet this requirement, however the School recommends students choose from the following units; MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003, MATH1004, MATH1005, MATH2069, MATH2063 and STAT2012. MATH and STAT units that are not taken as core units can be taken as other units.
A full list of MATH and STAT units are available from Science Faculty handbook.

Second year recommended elective units of study for CS stream

Introduction to IT Security
6    A Computer literacy
N NETS3305, NETS3605, NETS3016, NETS3916, ELEC5610, ELEC5616
Semester 2
Information Systems
6    A INFO1003 or INFS1000
N ISYS2006. ISYS2007
Semester 1
All 2000-level ELEC units of study are recommended.

Third year core units of study for CS stream

Students are required to complete at least 36 credit points of 3000-level from the core, selected core and recommended electives units of study listed here for the CS stream.
Management of IT Projects and Systems
6    A INFO2000, INFO2110, INFO2810, INFO2900
N ISYS3000, ISYS3012, ELEC3606
Semester 1
Major Development Project (Advanced)
12    P INFO3402
N COMP3615, ISYS3400, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700

Only available to students in BIT, BCST(Adv) or BSc(Adv)
Semester 2
CS & IS double stream: Students enrolled in the double stream must also complete ISYS3401 Analytical Methods and Information Systems as a core unit of study from the CS stream.

Third year selected core units of study for CS stream

Students must complete at least 12 credit points from the following list.
Programming Languages and Paradigms
6    A COMP2007
Semester 2
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
6    A COMP2007
N COMP3608, COMP3002, COMP3902
Semester 1
Intro. to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
6    P Distinction-level results in some 2nd year COMP or MATH or SOFT units.
N COMP3308, COMP3002, COMP3902
Semester 1
Graphics and Multimedia
6    A COMP2007, MATH1002
N MULT3306, MULT3606, MULT3019, MULT3919, MULT3004, MULT3904, COMP3004, COMP3904
Semester 1
Computational Methods for Life Sciences
6    P INFO1105 and (COMP2007 or INFO2120) and 6 credit points from BIOL or MBLG
Semester 2
Operating Systems Internals
6    A COMP2129, INFO1105
N NETS3304, NETS3604, NETS3009, NETS3909, COMP3009, COMP3909
Semester 1
Data Communications and the Internet
6    N NETS2150, NETS2009, NETS2909, NETS3007, NETS3907, ELEC3504, ELEC4501
Semester 2
Internet Software Platforms
6    P INFO1103, INFO2110, INFO2120
N EBUS4001
Semester 2
Object Oriented Design
6    A INFO2110, INFO1105
N SOFT3301, SOFT3601, SOFT3101, SOFT3801, COMP3008, COMP3908
Semester 1
Human-Computer Interaction
6    A INFO2110
N MULT3307, MULT3607, MULT3018, MULT3918, SOFT3102, SOFT3802, COMP3102, COMP3802
Semester 2
Database Systems 2
6    A Introductory database study such as INFO2120 or INFO2820 or INFO2005 or INFO2905. Students are expected to be familiar with SQL and the relational data model, and to have some programming experience.
N INFO3504, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905
Semester 2
Database Systems 2 (Adv)
6    P Distinction-level result in INFO2120 or INFO2820 or COMP2007 or COMP2907
N INFO3404, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905
Semester 2
CS & IS double stream: Students must complete 24 credit points from the combination of selected core units for the CS stream and the IS stream, including at least 12 cp from the list above.

Third year recommended elective units of study for CS stream

Embedded Computing
6    A ELEC1101 Foundations of Computer Systems, or ELEC1601 Professional Computer Engineering or ELEC2602 Digital System Design.
P ELEC1601 and ELEC2602
N ELEC2601
Semester 1
E-Business Analysis and Design
6    P INFO2120
N EBUS3003, EBUS3001
Semester 1
Analytical Methods & Information Systems
6    A INFO2110, ISYS2140
N ISYS3015
Semester 1
All 3000-level and above ELEC units of study are recommended.

Fourth year selected core units of study for CS stream

Students in the BIT Pass degree must complete at least 48 credit points from this list.
Computational Geometry
6    A Data structures, analysis of algorithms
N COMP4045
Semester 1
Statistical Natural Language Processing
6    A Concepts of Linguistics, elementary statistics, AI techniques.
N COMP4046
Semester 1
Pervasive Computing
6    A Networking concepts, operating system concepts, programming expertise.
N NETS4047
Semester 2
Information Visualisation
6    A Discrete mathematics, algorithms and complexity.
N COMP4048
Semester 2
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
6    A COMP5138 and familiarity with basic statistics

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Data Models
6    A COMP5138 or equivalent
Semester 2
Enterprise Scale Software Architecture
6    A INFO3220 or COMP5028 or equivalent.
Semester 1
Advanced Network Technologies
6    A ELEC3506 or equivalent
Semester 2
Information Technology in Biomedicine
6    A Basic programming skills
Semester 1
Multimedia Storage, Retrieval & Delivery
6    A Algorithms (equivalent to COMP5211).
Semester 1
Parallel and Distributed Computing
6    A Equivalent of COMP5116
Semester 1
Wireless Engineering
6    A Basic knowledge in probability and statistics, analog and digital communications, error probability calculation in communications channels, and telecommunications network.
N ELEC5504, ELEC4504
Semester 2
Mobile Networks
6    A Basically, students need to know the concepts of data communications and mobile communications, which could be gained in one the following units of study: ELEC3505 Communications, ELEC3506 Data Communications and the Internet, or similar units. If you are not sure, please contact the instructor.
N ELEC5501
Semester 1
Networked Embedded Systems
6    A ELEC3607, ELEC3305, ELEC3506 and ELEC5508
Semester 2
Real Time Computing
6    A SOFT2130 Software Construction (or SOFT2004 Software Development Methods 1) and ELEC3607 Embedded Computing (or ELEC2601 Microprocessor Systems). Ability to program in a high level language.
N ELEC4602
Semester 1
Computer and Network Security
6    A A programming language, basic maths.
N ELEC5611, NETS3016, NETS3916
Semester 1
Software Quality Engineering
6    N SOFT3302
Semester 1
Object Oriented Application Frameworks
6    A Java programming, and some web development experience are essential. Databases strongly recommended
Semester 2
Model Based Software Engineering
6    A A programming language, basic maths
Semester 2
Services Science Management and Eng
6    A INFO5990
Semester 1
Semester 2
Understanding IT Innovations
6    A INFO5990
N PMGT5875
Semester 1
Semester 2
Knowledge Management Systems
6    A Information systems concepts, database concepts
N ISYS4050

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1

(ii) Stream in Information Systems

First year core units of study for IS stream

Professional Engineering and IT
6      Semester 1
Foundations of Information Technology
6    N INFO1000 or INFS1000
Semester 1
Semester 2
Note: INFO1903 Informatics (Adv) can be taken as an alternate core unit to both INFO1103 and INFO1003.
Introduction to Programming
6    A HSC Mathematics
N SOFT (1001 or 1901) or COMP (1001 or 1901) or DECO2011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Note: INFO1903 Informatics (Adv) can be taken as an alternate core unit to both INFO1103 and INFO1003.
Data Structures
6    A Programming, as for INFO1103
N INFO1905 or SOFT (1002 or 1902) or COMP (1002 or 1902 or 2160 or 2860 or 2111 or 2811 or 2002 or 2902)
Semester 2
Note: INFO1905 (advanced version) can be taken as an alternate core unit to INFO1105.
Maths/Statistics requirement: A total of 18 credit points (with at least 6 credit points of 2000-level or above) of MATH and/or STAT units of are required for completion of this degree All 1000-level and 2000-level units offered in the Science subject areas of Mathematics and Statistics can be taken to meet this requirement, however the School recommends students choose from the following units; MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003, MATH1004, MATH1005, MATH2069, MATH2063 and STAT2012. MATH and STAT units that are not taken as core units can be taken as other units.
A full list of MATH and STAT units are available from Science Faculty handbook.

First year recommended elective units of study for IS stream

Fundamentals of Elec and Electronic Eng
6    A HSC Physics, HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 1
Foundations of Computer Systems
6    A HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 2
Informatics (Advanced)
6    A HSC Mathematics
P ATAR sufficient to enter BCST(Adv), BIT or BSc(Adv), or portfolio of work suitable for entry

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1

Second year core units of study for IS stream

Systems Analysis and Modelling
6    A Experience with a data model as in INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFS1000
N INFO2810, INFO2000, INFO2900
Semester 2
Introduction to IT Security
6    A Computer literacy
N NETS3305, NETS3605, NETS3016, NETS3916, ELEC5610, ELEC5616
Semester 2
Information Systems
6    A INFO1003 or INFS1000
N ISYS2006. ISYS2007
Semester 1
Database Systems 1
6    A Some exposure to programming and some familiarity with data model concepts such as taught in INFO1103 or INFO1003 or INFS1000 or INFO1903
N INFO2820, INFO2005, INFO2905
Semester 1
Note: INFO2820 (advanced version) can be taken as an alternate core unit to INFO2120.
Maths/Statistics requirement: A total of 18 credit points (with at least 6 credit points of 2000-level or above) of MATH and/or STAT units of are required for completion of this degree All 1000-level and 2000-level units offered in the Science subject areas of Mathematics and Statistics can be taken to meet this requirement, however the School recommends students choose from the following units; MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003, MATH1004, MATH1005, MATH2069, MATH2063 and STAT2012. MATH and STAT units that are not taken as core units can be taken as other units.
A full list of MATH and STAT units are available from Science Faculty handbook.

Second year recommended elective units of study for IS stream

Algorithms and Complexity
6    A INFO1105, MATH1004 or MATH1904
N COMP2907, COMP3309, COMP3609, COMP3111, COMP3811
Semester 2
Algorithms and Complexity (Advanced)
6    A INFO1905, MATH1904
P Distinction level result in INFO(1105 or INFO1905 or SOFT1002 or SOFT1902
Semester 2
Operating Systems and Machine Principles
6    A Programming, as from INFO1103
N SOFT2130, SOFT2830, SOFT2004, SOFT2904, COMP2004, COMP2904
Semester 1
All 2000-level ELEC units of study are recommended electives.

Third year core units of study for IS stream

Students are required to complete at least 36 credit points of 3000-level from the core, selected core and recommended electives units of study listed here for the IS stream.
Management of IT Projects and Systems
6    A INFO2000, INFO2110, INFO2810, INFO2900
N ISYS3000, ISYS3012, ELEC3606
Semester 1
Major Development Project (Advanced)
12    P INFO3402
N COMP3615, ISYS3400, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700

Only available to students in BIT, BCST(Adv) or BSc(Adv)
Semester 2
Analytical Methods & Information Systems
6    A INFO2110, ISYS2140
N ISYS3015
Semester 1

Third year selected core units of study for IS stream

Students must complete at least 6 credit points from the following list.
E-Business Analysis and Design
6    P INFO2120
N EBUS3003, EBUS3001
Semester 1
Human-Computer Interaction
6    A INFO2110
N MULT3307, MULT3607, MULT3018, MULT3918, SOFT3102, SOFT3802, COMP3102, COMP3802
Semester 2
Database Systems 2
6    A Introductory database study such as INFO2120 or INFO2820 or INFO2005 or INFO2905. Students are expected to be familiar with SQL and the relational data model, and to have some programming experience.
N INFO3504, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905
Semester 2
Database Systems 2 (Adv)
6    P Distinction-level result in INFO2120 or INFO2820 or COMP2007 or COMP2907
N INFO3404, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905
Semester 2
CS & IS double stream: Students must complete 24 credit points from the combination of selected core units for the CS stream and the IS stream, including at least 6 cp from the list above.

Third year recommended elective units of study for IS stream

Programming Languages and Paradigms
6    A COMP2007
Semester 2
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
6    A COMP2007
N COMP3608, COMP3002, COMP3902
Semester 1
Intro. to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
6    P Distinction-level results in some 2nd year COMP or MATH or SOFT units.
N COMP3308, COMP3002, COMP3902
Semester 1
Graphics and Multimedia
6    A COMP2007, MATH1002
N MULT3306, MULT3606, MULT3019, MULT3919, MULT3004, MULT3904, COMP3004, COMP3904
Semester 1
Computational Methods for Life Sciences
6    P INFO1105 and (COMP2007 or INFO2120) and 6 credit points from BIOL or MBLG
Semester 2
Operating Systems Internals
6    A COMP2129, INFO1105
N NETS3304, NETS3604, NETS3009, NETS3909, COMP3009, COMP3909
Semester 1
Data Communications and the Internet
6    N NETS2150, NETS2009, NETS2909, NETS3007, NETS3907, ELEC3504, ELEC4501
Semester 2
Embedded Computing
6    A ELEC1101 Foundations of Computer Systems, or ELEC1601 Professional Computer Engineering or ELEC2602 Digital System Design.
P ELEC1601 and ELEC2602
N ELEC2601
Semester 1
Internet Software Platforms
6    P INFO1103, INFO2110, INFO2120
N EBUS4001
Semester 2
Object Oriented Design
6    A INFO2110, INFO1105
N SOFT3301, SOFT3601, SOFT3101, SOFT3801, COMP3008, COMP3908
Semester 1
Human-Computer Interaction
6    A INFO2110
N MULT3307, MULT3607, MULT3018, MULT3918, SOFT3102, SOFT3802, COMP3102, COMP3802
Semester 2
All 3000-level and above ELEC units of study are recommended electives.

Fourth year selected core units of study for IS stream

Students in the BIT Pass degree must complete at least 48 credit points from this list.
Computational Geometry
6    A Data structures, analysis of algorithms
N COMP4045
Semester 1
Statistical Natural Language Processing
6    A Concepts of Linguistics, elementary statistics, AI techniques.
N COMP4046
Semester 1
Pervasive Computing
6    A Networking concepts, operating system concepts, programming expertise.
N NETS4047
Semester 2
Information Visualisation
6    A Discrete mathematics, algorithms and complexity.
N COMP4048
Semester 2
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
6    A COMP5138 and familiarity with basic statistics

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Data Models
6    A COMP5138 or equivalent
Semester 2
Enterprise Scale Software Architecture
6    A INFO3220 or COMP5028 or equivalent.
Semester 1
Advanced Network Technologies
6    A ELEC3506 or equivalent
Semester 2
Information Technology in Biomedicine
6    A Basic programming skills
Semester 1
Multimedia Storage, Retrieval & Delivery
6    A Algorithms (equivalent to COMP5211).
Semester 1
Parallel and Distributed Computing
6    A Equivalent of COMP5116
Semester 1
Wireless Engineering
6    A Basic knowledge in probability and statistics, analog and digital communications, error probability calculation in communications channels, and telecommunications network.
N ELEC5504, ELEC4504
Semester 2
Mobile Networks
6    A Basically, students need to know the concepts of data communications and mobile communications, which could be gained in one the following units of study: ELEC3505 Communications, ELEC3506 Data Communications and the Internet, or similar units. If you are not sure, please contact the instructor.
N ELEC5501
Semester 1
Networked Embedded Systems
6    A ELEC3607, ELEC3305, ELEC3506 and ELEC5508
Semester 2
Real Time Computing
6    A SOFT2130 Software Construction (or SOFT2004 Software Development Methods 1) and ELEC3607 Embedded Computing (or ELEC2601 Microprocessor Systems). Ability to program in a high level language.
N ELEC4602
Semester 1
Computer and Network Security
6    A A programming language, basic maths.
N ELEC5611, NETS3016, NETS3916
Semester 1
Software Quality Engineering
6    N SOFT3302
Semester 1
Object Oriented Application Frameworks
6    A Java programming, and some web development experience are essential. Databases strongly recommended
Semester 2
Model Based Software Engineering
6    A A programming language, basic maths
Semester 2
Services Science Management and Eng
6    A INFO5990
Semester 1
Semester 2
Understanding IT Innovations
6    A INFO5990
N PMGT5875
Semester 1
Semester 2
Knowledge Management Systems
6    A Information systems concepts, database concepts
N ISYS4050

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1

Honours (CS and IS streams)

The BIT may be awarded as an Honours degree. Students may enrol in the Honours course after completion of 144 credit points, if they meet the specified entry conditions. Students enrolled in a BIT degree must apply for enrolment into the Honours program after completion of 144 credit points.
All students in BIT(Honours) must complete the following 24 credit points of core requirements plus 24 credit points from the fourth year selected core list of their respective stream. These units are only available to students enrolled in Honours degrees, those in Research Higher degrees, or those in the Research track in postgraduate coursework degrees. In addition to the core units students must also complete 24 credit points of elective units of study, please refer to the Fourth year selected core units listed in this table.

Honours core units of study

IT Research Thesis A
6    P Enrolment in Honours (BCST or BIT)
C INFO4992 and INFO5993

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
IT Research Thesis B
12    P Enrolment in Honours (BCST or BIT)
C INFO4991 and INFO5993

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Computer Science Honours Result
   P Permission of the Head of Department

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
IT Research Methods
6    A Elementary statistics
N INFO4990

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2

Course rules


Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Bachelor of Information Technology


Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.
Applicants from other Engineering and Information Technologies or Science degree programs at the University of Sydney who have completed at least 48 credit points may be permitted to transfer to the Bachelor of Information Technology degree if their mark averaged over all attempted units of study is 70 or greater.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the courses are set out in the Bachelor of Information Technology units of study table.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must successfully complete 192 credit points, comprising:
a minimum of 144 credit points of core and selected core units of study in the chosen stream; and
18 credit points of selected Mathematics and Statistics units, with at least six credit points at 2000-level or above; and
30 credit points of elective units of study;
and ensuring:
(i)  no more than 72 credit points in junior (1000-level) units of study, and
(ii)  at least 84 credit points in 3000-level or above units of study.

5 Streams

Completion of a stream is a requirement of the course. Candidates have the option of completing up to two streams. Candidates must follow the progression of study as prescribed by the table of units of study for the stream. The streams available are:
Computer Science
Information Systems.

6 Progression rules

Candidates must maintain a credit average in 1000 and 2000-level core units. If this level of result is not achieved, candidates will be transferred to the Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology degree program with full credit for units of study already completed.

7 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious candidates who complete an alternative set of units of study in the final year of the program. Candidates shall complete the requirements for the honours course full-time over two consecutive semesters. Part-time study is permitted if the Head of Department/ Discipline/ Program Coordinator is satisfied the candidate cannot undertake full-time study.
Admission to the honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of third year. Admission requires an ISWAM of at least 65 in units of study completed to that point.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 24 credit point honours pathway described in the table of units for the degree, 24 credit points in 4000 or 5000-level selected core units of study and achieve a Computer Science Honours Result of 65 or above. Completion of the degree is required in the minimum standard full time duration. The honours mark will be determined by calculating the WAM in all 4000 and 5000-level units completed.
Candidates qualified to enrol in two honours courses may either:
complete the honours courses in the two streams separately and in succession; or
complete a joint honours course, equivalent to an honours course in a single stream, in the two streams.
A joint honours course shall comprise such parts of the two honours courses as may be decided by the Dean.

8 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Information Technology is awarded in the grades of either Pass or Honours. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class as below:


Honours Mark Range

Honours Class I

80 <= WAM

Honours Class II (Division 1)

75 <= WAM < 80

Honours Class II (Division 2)

70 <= WAM < 75

Honours Class III

65 <= WAM < 70

Honours not awarded

WAM < 65

A candidate who does not meet the requirements for the award of honours but who have otherwise satisfied the requirements of the Bachelor of Information Technology shall graduate with the pass degree.

9 University Medal

A student with an honours mark of 90 or above and a minimum ISWAM of 80 may be awarded a university medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the Faculty to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Faculty have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with the Coursework Rule.

10 Course transfer

Candidates may apply to the Dean for permission to transfer candidature to the Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology. There is no WAM requirement for candidates wishing to transfer to the standard Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology degree.
Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology who have satisfied the requirements of the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science (Advanced), Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology or Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology (Advanced) may elect to transfer to such degree with the permission of the faculty.

11 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.