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Units of study

Engineering and Information Technologies postgraduate units of study

Complete unit of study descriptions giving details of assessment, learning outcomes, graduate attribute mappings and semester schedule are published on the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies course information web site :

School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

AERO5010 Optimisation Methods in Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Project work - own time. Assumed knowledge: BE in the area of Aerospace or related Engineering field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit is intended primarily to graduate students and senior undergraduate students with some background in linear algebra, and with basic knowledge of FORTRAN, C++ or Matlab. After completion of this unit, students will have a much deeper understanding of methods used in modern design optimisation for linear and non-linear problems. Such problems are becoming increasingly common and important in engineering and scientific work. The unit will explore the limitations, advantages and caveats associated with optimisation in engineering applications. Students will develop their own optimisation methods for linear, non-linear, and multi-objective computational and experimental applications.
AERO5200 Advanced Aerodynamics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Assumed knowledge: BE in the area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Objectives/Expected Outcomes: To develop a specialist knowledge in the fields of computational, non-linear and unsteady aerodynamics. Syllabus Summary: Introduction to transonic flows and application to design of aircraft components. Elements of Hypersonic flow; real gas effects Boundary layer in compressible flow and shock - boundary layer interaction. ; flutter and divergence. Solution of aerospace flow problems using finite volume methods. Unsteady supersonic one-dimensional flow. Hypersonic flow. Introduction to the use of CFD for transonic flow. Rarefied gas dynamics. Direct simulation method (DSMC); near-continuum solutions. Simulation techniques for numerical solutions of non-linear continuum flow.
AERO5210 Foundations of Aerodynamics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, 3hr per week, 2hr Tut/Lab/Demo per week and three 3 hour Laboratory sessions per semester Assumed knowledge: Mathematics and Physics to the level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus, Partial Differential Equations (Intro). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop in students a knowledge of the complex behaviour of airflow in the case of two dimensional aerofoil sections and three dimensional wings. To encourage hands-on experimentation with wind-tunnel tests to allow an understanding of these concepts and their range of applicability. At the end of this unit students will be able to: predict flow properties for general aircraft wing sections to obtain lift, drag and pitching moment; extrapolate section results to predict full three dimensional wing behaviour; undertake experiments and analyse data to verify theoretical predictions; construct simple computer algorithms that will allow more complex geometries to be solved; understand the limitations of theory and the effect of second order parameters (Reynolds number, Mach Number) to the primary flow properties. Course content will include: construction and designation of two dimensional aerofoil sections; point vortex model of aerofoil; Joukowski transformation theory; thin aerofoil theory; linear lift properties for sections; limiting effects such as stall; calculation of pitching moment coefficient; methods for estimation of boundary flow and friction drag calculations; viscous-inviscid panel method numerical solutions; modelling of three dimension wing flows; lifting line theory and vortex lattice method.; effects of downwash, aspect ratio, sweep angle and asymmetry.
AERO5211 Foundations of Propulsion Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1hr lectures and one 2hr tutorial per week Assumed knowledge: Mathematics and Physics to a level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop an understanding of the modern techniques used for aircraft propulsion. Students will gain skills in problem solving for aircraft propulsion systems ranging from propellers, gas-turbine engines to rockets. This unit of study teaches the students the techniques used to propel aircraft and rockets. The students will learn to analyse various propulsion systems in use: propellers, gas turbines, rocket motors. Course content will include: Propulsion unit requirements subsonic and supersonic flight; thrust components, efficiencies, additive drag of intakes; Piston engine components and operation; Propeller theory; Operation, components and cycle analysis of gas turbine engines, turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, ramjets; Components: compressor; fan; burner; turbine; nozzle, efficiency of components; off-design considerations; Operation, components and thermodynamics of rocket motors; Dynamics of rocket flight, orbital velocity; staging; Future directions; minimisation of noise and pollution; sub-orbital propulsion systems; scram-jets; hybrid engines.
AERO5301 Applied Finite Element Analysis

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of workgroup session per week Assumed knowledge: BE in area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The finite element method. Philosophy. Matrix algebra. Matrix analysis of structures. Generalisation of the finite element method in elasticity for static, dynamic and thermal analysis. Rod elements. Beams. Triangular elements for plane stress. Natural coordinate systems. Introduction to plate and shell theory. Theories and analysis in structural stability. Three dimensional elements. Modelling strategies. Isoparametric elements, accuracy and convergence. Applications of finite element modelling in solid mechanics. Practical modelling of real structures will be done; a 'hands-on' approach will be taken.
AERO5310 Foundations of Aerospace Structures

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs of lectures per week and 2hrs tutorial per week Assumed knowledge: Mathematics and Physics to a level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Linear Mathematics, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Fourier Series. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop a student's understanding of the theoretical basis of advanced aerospace structural analysis; and introduce students to the solution of real-world aircraft structural problems. This UoS will develop the following attributes: An understanding of the derivation of the fundamental equations of elasticity and their application in certain analytical problems; An understanding of plate theory and the ability to use this to obtain analytical solutions for plate bending and buckling problems; An understanding of energy-method solution techniques for structural problems; An understanding of the basic principals behind stressed-skin aircraft construction and the practical analysis of typical aircraft components, including the limitations of such techniques.
At the end of this unit students will have an understanding of: 2-D and 3-D elasticity: general equations and solution techniques; Energy methods in structural analysis, including the principles of virtual work and total potential and complimentary energies; Fundamental theory of plates, including in-plane and bending loads as well as buckling and shear instabilities; Solution techniques for plate problems including: Navier solutions for rectangular plates; Combined bending and in-plane loading problems; Energy methods for plate-bending; and Plate buckling for compression and shear loadings; Bending of beams with unsymmetrical cross-sections; Basic principals and theory of stressed-skin structural analysis; Determination of direct stresses and shear flows in arbitrary thin-walled beams under arbitrary loading conditions including: Unsymmetrical sections, Open and closed sections, Single and multi-cell closed sections, Tapered sections, Continuous and idealized sections; The analysis of common aircraft components including fuselages, wings, skin-panels, stringers, ribs, frames and cut-outs; The effects of end constraints and shear-lag on the solutions developed as well as an overall appreciation of the limitations of the solution methods presented.
AERO5400 Advanced Aircraft Design Analysis

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4 hours of lectures per week. Assumed knowledge: BE in area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit aims to provide familiarity and understanding with practical aircraft design processes expected in industry, including the evaluation and case studies of existing aircraft designs. Students will gain a better understanding of relevant issues particularly related to the design of aircraft with a level of confidence to lead them to develop new designs or modifications, having a good balance between theory and real-world applications. Good familiarity with unique and stringent international aviation regulations and certification processes will be expected with respect to the design of aircraft. Topics coved by the lectures will include aircraft specifications; aircraft selection and evaluation; aircraft configuration design; design considerations for aerodynamics, structures, systems, manufacture, testing, certification, life-cycle-cost, operations; the use of computational aircraft design tools, in particular DARcorp's Advanced Aircraft Analysis (AAA); and introduction to multidisdiplinary design optimisation methods. Projects will be based on case study analyses and evaluation of aircraft types to operational specifications and requirements.
AERO5410 Foundations of Aerospace Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1hr lectures and one 3hr project class per week. Assumed knowledge: Mathematics, Physics and Solid Mechanics assumed knowledge at the level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to introduce students to the theory and practice of aircraft structural component design. In doing so it will emphasize all the considerations, trade-offs and decisions inherent in this process and thus enable students to gain an understanding of why aircraft structures are designed in the way they are with respect to structural, manufacturing and cost considerations.
At the end of this unit students will be able to understand the design process, especially as it applies to aircraft structural component design; Have a familiarity with some of the practice of aircraft component structural design; An increasing familiarity with typical aircraft structural paradigms and how they work and can be analysed along with the primary failure modes that need to be considered; An understanding of the importance of different failure modes for different components and how these relate to load-conditions and understanding of some off the legal and ethical requirements of aircraft design engineers; A basic understanding of the regulatory framework in which aircraft design is conducted.
AERO5500 Flight Mechanics Test and Evaluation Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. 2hrs of laboratory per semester. Prerequisites: AERO5510 Assumed knowledge: BE in area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering Field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop an understanding of aircraft flight test, validation and verification, and the development of modern flight control, guidance, and navigation systems. Students will gain skills in analysis, problem solving and systems design in the areas of aircraft dynamic system identification and control. At the end of this unit students will be able to understand elements of the following: the principles of stability augmentation systems and autopilot control systems in aircraft operation, their functions and purposes; the characteristics of closed loop system responses; advanced feedback control systems and state-space design techniques; the concepts of parameter and state estimation; the design of observers in the state space and the implementation of a Kalman Filter; multi-loop control and guidance systems and the reasons for their structures; flight test principles and procedures and the implementation a flight test programme.
AERO5510 Foundations of Flight Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Assumed knowledge: Mathematics, Physics and Dynamics assumed knowledge at the level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop an understanding of aircraft longitudinal equilibrium, static stability, dynamic stability and response. Students will develop an understanding of the importance and significance of flight stability, will gain skills in dynamic system analysis and will learn mathematical tools used for prediction of aircraft flight behaviour. Students will gain skills in problem solving in the area of flight vehicle motion, and learn the fundamentals of flight simulation.
At the end of this unit students will be able to understand: aircraft flight conditions and equilibrium; the effects of aerodynamic and propulsive controls on equilibrium conditions; the significance of flight stability and its impact of aircraft operations and pilot workload; the meaning of aerodynamic stability derivatives and their sources; the effects of aerodynamic derivatives on flight stability; the impact of flight stability and trim on all atmospheric flight vehicles, including launch and re-entry of space vehicles. Students will also be able to model aircraft flight characteristics using computational techniques and analyse the aircraft equations of rigid-body motion and to extract stability characteristics.
Course content will include static longitudinal aircraft stability: origin of symmetric forces and moments; static and manoeuvring longitudinal stability, equilibrium and control of rigid aircraft; aerodynamic load effects of wings, stabilisers, fuselages and power plants; trailing edge aerodynamic controls; trimmed equilibrium condition; static margin; effect on static stability of free and reversible controls.
AERO5660 Safety Systems Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objective : To develop an understanding of the current state of aerospace manufacturing, operations and maintenance for the Australian aviation industry. Students will gain skills in aerospace engineering risk management.
Syllabus: Principles and practice of aviation and airline risk management. Discussion and analysis of airline operations. Flight safety and airworthiness standards. Risk and reliability management. Project Management focusing on risk analysis and mitigation.
AERO5760 Spacecraft and Satellite Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of project work in class per week. Assumed knowledge: BE in Aerospace Engineering or Equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This course aims to introduce the students to the engineering aspects of spacecraft and mission design, covering the space environment and spacecraft sub-systems, including thermal control, power systems, attitude decision and control system, tracking, telemetry & telecommand, and on-board data handling.
AERO5901 Project 1 and Seminar in Aerospace Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project Work - own time, Assumed knowledge: BE in area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering fields. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Projects 1 & 2 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering aim to develop an understanding of carrying out aerospace engineering projects, enhance students' ability in handling complex engineering cases and in technical organisation and communication, and to provide students an opportunity to understand project research. Engineering skills to be developed include the capacity to define a research question, showing how it relates to existing knowledge, identifying the tools needed to investigate the question, carrying out the research in a systematic way, analysing the results obtained and presenting the outcomes in a report that is clear, coherent and logically structured. The project is undertaken across two semesters of enrolment, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each. Project 1 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering covers first steps of thesis research starting with development of research proposal. Project 2 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering covers the second of stage writing up and presenting the research results. Students are required to write a thesis based on a research project in aerospace engineering. Some projects will be experimental in nature, others may involve computer-based simulation, feasibility studies or the design, construction and testing of equipment. Direction of thesis work may be determined by the supervisor or be of an original nature, but in either case the student is responsible for the execution of the practical work and the general layout and content of the thesis itself. The final thesis must be the student's individual work, although research is sometimes conducted in the framework of a group project shared with others. Students undertaking research on this basis will need to take care in ensuring the individual quality of their own research work and the final thesis submission. The thesis will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's original work and particularly how critical, perceptive and constructive he or she has been in assessing his/her work and that of others. Students will also be required to present the results of their findings to their peers and supervisors. It is not expected that a thesis at this level will represent a significant contribution to new knowledge; nor is it expected that theses will resolve great intellectual problems. The timeframe available for the thesis is simply too short to permit students to tackle complex or difficult problems. Indeed, a key aim of the project is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion.
AERO5902 Project 2 and Seminar in Aerospace Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project Work - own time, Corequisites: AERO5901 Assumed knowledge: BE in area of Aerospace Engineering or related Engineering field. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
A student enrolled in AERO5901 Project 1 & Seminar in Aerospace Engineering in his/her first semester should continue with the smae project in the second semester. Projects 1 & 2 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering aim to develop an understanding of carrying out aerospace engineering projects, enhance students' ability in handling complex engineering cases and in technical organisation and communication, and to provide students an opportunity to understand project research. Engineering skills to be developed include the capacity to define a research question, showing how it relates to existing knowledge, identifying the tools needed to investigate the question, carrying out the research in a systematic way, analysing the results obtained and presenting the outcomes in a report that is clear, coherent and logically structured. The project is undertaken across two semesters of enrolment, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each. Project 1 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering covers first steps of thesis research starting with development of research proposal. Project 2 and seminar in Aerospace Engineering covers the second of stage writing up and presenting the research results. Students are required to write a thesis based on a research project in aerospace engineering. Some projects will be experimental in nature, others may involve computer-based simulation, feasibility studies or the design, construction and testing of equipment. Direction of project work may be determined by the supervisor or be of an original nature, but in either case the student is responsible for the execution of the practical work and the general layout and content of the thesis itself. The final thesis must be the student's individual work, although research is sometimes conducted in the framework of a group project shared with others. Students undertaking research on this basis will need to take care in ensuring the individual quality of their own research work and the final thesis submission. The thesis will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's original work and particularly how critical, perceptive and constructive he or she has been in assessing his/her work and that of others. Students will also be required to present the results of their findings to their peers and supervisors. It is not expected that a thesis at this level will represent a significant contribution to new knowledge; nor is it expected that theses will resolve great intellectual problems. The timeframe available for the thesis is simply too short to permit students to tackle complex or difficult problems. Indeed, a key aim of the project is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion.
AMME5101 Power Plant Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs lectures and 2hrs tutorials per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is suitable for any engineering discipline student who is interested in developing an understanding of analysis and design in energy, power generation, environment and relevant economic issues. The aim is to acquaint students with the methods engineers use to design and evaluate the thermal processes used for the production of electricity. It also assesses and deals with the environmental consequences of power generation. At the end of this unit students will be able to carry out preliminary design and economic impact analyses for electrical power generation systems. A series of topics will be covered in relation to energy and electricity and relevant issues.
The course contents will include:
1. Economic analysis of energy systems;
2. Environmental impact of power generation;
3. Principles of thermodynamics;
4. First law analysis of power cycles;
5. Design and simulation of power generation cycles;
6. Second law efficiency and availability;
7. Energy efficiency;
8. CO2 capture and sequestration;
9. Design of various components of thermal power plants.
AMME5200 Foundations of Thermodynamics and Fluids

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 3hr per week; Tutorials : 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Students are expected to be familiar with basic, first year, integral calculus, differential calculus and linear algebra. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to teach the basic laws of thermodynamics and the fundamentals of fluid statics and dynamics. At the end of this unit students will have: an understanding of the basic laws of thermodynamics and basic equations governing the statics and dynamics of fluids; the ability to analyze the thermodynamics of a simple open or closed engineering system; the ability to analyze and determine the forces governing static fluid; the ability to evaluate the relevant flow parameters for fluid flow in internal engineering systems such as pipes and pumps (velocities, losses, etc.) and external systems such as flow over wings and airfoils (lift and drag). Course content will include concepts of heat and work, properties of substances, first law of thermodynamics, control mass and control volume analysis, thermal efficiency, entropy, second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, isentropic efficiency, power and refrigeration cycles; basic concepts of pressure, force, acceleration, continuity, streamline and stream function, viscosity, non-dimensional parameters; Fluid statics: governing hydrostatic equations, buoyancy; Fluid dynamics: governing conservation equations; Potential flow, vorticity and circulation; Bernouilli and Euler equations; A brief introduction to flow measuring devices, pipe flow, flow over surfaces, lift and drag.
AMME5202 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures : 1 hour per week; Tutorials : 1 hour per week; Laboratory Sessions : 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Partial differential equations; Finite difference methods;Taylor series; Basic fluid mechanics including pressure, velocity, boundary layers, separated and recirculating flows. Basic computer programming skills. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: To provide students with the necessary skills to use commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics packages and to carry out research in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Expected outcomes: Students will have a good understanding of the basic theory of Computational Fluid Dynamics, including discretisation, accuracy and stability. They will be capable of writing a simple solver and using a sophisticated commercial CFD package. Syllabus summary: A course of lectures, tutorials and laboratories designed to provide the student with the necessary tools for using a sophisticated commercial CFD package. A set of laboratory tasks will take the student through a series of increasingly complex flow simulations, requiring an understanding of the basic theory of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The laboratory tasks will be complemented by a series of lectures in which the basic theory is covered, including: governing equations; finite difference methods accuracy and stability for the advection equation, diffusion equation; direct and iterative solution techniques; solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations; turbulent flow; Cartesian tensors; turbulence models.
AMME5218 Research Dissertation

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project work carried out in own time Prerequisites: The completion of 48 CP from the MPE degree program Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The aim of this unit of study is to obtain an understanding of how to define, plan, undertake and report on an open-ended piece of supervised research or design work. Students will discuss the thesis topic with the supervisor and generate a suitable thesis plan with proposed outcomes. They will then conduct a literature survey and background research. Students are asked to write a detailed report on a major research or design project. Some projects will be experimental in nature, others may involve computer-based simulation, feasibility studies or the design, construction and testing of equipment. In the normal course of events some or all of the theoretical, developmental and experimental aspects of design or research work will be covered in this unit of study. These aspects may be either directed by the supervisor or be of an original nature, but in any event the student is responsible for the execution of his or her practical work and the general layout and content of the Thesis document. During the course of this unit of study, students will learn how to examine published and experimental data, set objectives, organize a program of work and analyse results. They will also be expected to evaluate these results in relation to existing knowledge. The Thesis will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's original work and particularly how critical, perceptive and constructive he or she has been in assessing his/her work and that of others. Students will also be required to present the results of their findings to their peers and supervisors in seminar.
AMME5271 Computational Nanotechnology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 2 hours per week; Tutorials : 3 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Students are required to have an understanding of basic principles of Newtonian mechanics, physics and chemistry, fluid mechanics and solid mechanics. General knowledge of how to operate a computer and work with different software is also required. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This course introduces atomistic computational techniques used in modern engineering to understand phenomena and predict material properties, behaviour, structure and interactions at nano-scale. The advancement of nanotechnology and manipulation of matter at the molecular level have provided ways for developing new materials with desired properties. The miniaturization at the nanometre scale requires an understanding of material behaviour which could be much different from that of the bulk. Computational nanotechnology plays a growingly important role in understanding mechanical properties at such a small scale. The aim is to demonstrate how atomistic level simulations can be used to predict the properties of matter under various conditions of load, deformation and flow. The course covers areas mainly related to fluid as well as solid properties, whereas, the methodologies learned can be applied to diverse areas in nanotechnology such as, liquid-solid interfaces, surface engineering, nanorheology, nanotribology and biological systems. This is a course with a modern perspective for engineers who wish to keep abreast with advanced computational tools for material characterization at the atomic scale.
AMME5301 Foundations of Mechanics of Solids 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 3 hours per week; Tutorials : 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Physics, statics, Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, Integral Calculus and Modelling. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to teach the fundamentals of analysing stress and deformation in elemental structures/components in aerospace, mechanical and biomedical engineering (bars, beams, frames, cell box beams and tubes) under simple and combined loading of tension, compression, bending and torsion. The vibration will also be addressed. At the end of this unit students will have gained knowledge of: equilibrium of deformable structures; basic concept of deformation compatibility; stress and strain in bars, beams and their structures subjected to tension, compression, bending, torsion and combined loading; statically determinate and indeterminate structures; energy methods for bar and beam structures; simple buckling; simple vibration; deformation of simple frames and cell box beams; simple two-dimensional stress and Mohr's circle; problem-based applications in aerospace, mechanical and biomedical engineering.
AMME5302 Foundations of Materials 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures : 3 hours per week; Tutorials : 2 hour per week. Assumed knowledge: Fundamental physics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to cover four key focus areas: Atomic structure of the solid state: atomic bonding, crystal structures, crystal imperfections, and diffusion; Mechanical properties and microstructure: the relationship between properties and microstructure, and the effects of heat treatment on properties and microstructure; Electrical, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties of materials; Manufacture and applications of materials: metals, ceramics, polymers. At the end of this unit students will have gained an understanding of: the ways in which atoms are arranged in the solid state; the ways in which their arrangement and the imperfections of their arrangement affect the macroscopic properties of a material; gain an understanding of the various types of properties of materials, how to measure and calculate them, and how to use these skills in engineering design and failure analysis; gain an understanding of the means by which the properties of materials can be manipulated via heat treatment, alloying, and other means. Course content will include: Atomic Structure/Crystallography; Microstructure - Composites/Monolithics; Dislocation Theory; Diffusion; Phase Equilibrium and Heat Treatment; Suspension Rheology; Physical Properties.
AMME5500 Foundations of Engineering Dynamics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures : 3 hours per week; Tutorials : 2 hours per week; Lab Sessions 6 hours per semester. Assumed knowledge: Physics, statics, Particle dynamics, Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, Integral Calculus and Modelling Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to teach: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies: Analysis of Planar mechanisms; Kinematics of rigid bodies; Kinetics of rigid bodies. Students will also develop their skills in: how to model and analyse dynamic systems and the application of theory to real systems through practical/laboratory sessions. At the end of this unit students will have developed skills in modelling and analysing planar mechanisms and rigid body dynamic systems. Course content will include planar mechanisms, linkages, mobility; instant centres of rotation, Kennedy's theorem; velocity and acceleration polygons; kinematics of rigid bodies, frames of reference, velocity and acceleration, rotating frame of reference, relative velocity and acceleration, gyroscopic acceleration; kinetics of rigid bodies, linear momentum and Euler's first law; angular momentum and Euler's second law; centre of mass; moments of inertia, parallel axis and parallel plane theorems, principal axes and principal moments of inertia, rotation about an axis; impulse and momentum; work and energy, kinetic and potential energies; applications to orbital and gyroscopic motion; introduction to Lagrangian methods.
AMME5501 Foundations: System Dynamics and Control

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures : 2 hours per week; Tutorials : 3 hours per week Assumed knowledge: AMME5500 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to allow students to develop an understanding of methods for modeling and controlling linear, time-invariant systems. Techniques examined will include the use of differential equations and frequency domain approaches to modeling of systems. This will allow students to examine the response of a system to changing inputs and to examine the influence of external stimuli such as disturbances on system behaviour. Students will also gain an understanding of how the responses of these mechanical systems can be altered to meet desired specifications and why this is important in many engineering problem domains. The study of control systems engineering is of fundamental importance to most engineering disciplines, including Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic and Aerospace Engineering. Control systems are found in a broad range of applications within these disciplines, from aircraft and spacecraft to robots, automobiles, computers and process control systems. The concepts taught in this course introduce students to the mathematical foundations behind the modelling and control of linear, time-invariant dynamic systems.
In particular, topics addressed in this course will include:
1. Techniques for modelling mechanical systems and understanding their response to control inputs and disturbances. This will include the use of differential equations and frequency domain methods as well as tools such as Root Locus and Bode plots.
2. Representation of systems in a feedback control system as well as techniques for determining what desired system performance specifications are achievable, practical and important when the system is under control
3. Theoretical and practical techniques that help engineers in designing control systems, and an examination of which technique is best in solving a given problem.
AMME5601 Professional Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2 hrs per week and tutorials 2 hrs per week Assumed knowledge: Manufacturing, management experience or equivalent. Equivalent to AMME4100 Practical Experience, ENGG1803 Professional Engineering 1, MECH3661 Engineering Management Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to create an awareness of the issues surrounding management of projects and in general management in engineering plants; impart knowledge resulting in a more global approach to the practice of engineering and engineering management; provide a vehicle for improving communication skills. The course also aims, when taken together with other courses offered by the School, to substantially meet the requirement of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, for undergraduate training in management theory. On completion of this unit students should be able to: plan small projects, and contribute effectively to planning of larger projects; understand what is required of you in your role in the conduct and management of an engineering project; perform well in that role from the outset, with your performance limited only by your experience; prepare an interesting presentation on aspects of your work for your peers or senior managers; recognise the range of expertise you may need to call on in your role as an engineer working on a project (e.g. in the safety and environmental fields); Have an awareness of ethical and other issues which can arise in the workplace; be aware of the impact of Global Warming, Climate Change and related issues threatening sustainability and have some appreciation of the role for engineers in proposing solutions; be familiar with ergonomic design principals; understand what the experts are saying, and to be able to contribute effectively to that discussion, so making effective use of that expertise.
AMME5602 Product Life Cycle Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Project Work in Class : 5 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Some knowledge of product and process design is assumed and a basic understanding of business activity will also be helpful. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
A core unit of study for the degree of Master of Engineering Studies covering the following aspects: Interfaces of product's functional requirements and product's design attributes; Mapping of product's design attributes into the manufacturing requirements; The business constraints of bringing new products into the market place; Product life cycle management.
AMME5901 Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 2.5 hours per week; Laboratory : 12 hours per semester. Assumed knowledge: Biology Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims for students to gain familiarity with anatomical and physiological terms and understanding their meaning. Students should gain an understanding of the gross anatomy of the major systems in the human body and their importance in the design of biomedical devices. Students should gain an understanding of the major physiological principles which govern the operation of the human body. At the end of this unit students will be able to: identify the gross anatomical features of the human body; describe the normal function of the major body systems (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, musculoskeletal, digestive and renal); determine how these functions relate to cellular function; determine how a biomedical engineering device affects the normal anatomy and function of the body. Course content will include: Bone tissue; Skeletal system; Joints; Muscle Tissue; Bones & joints anatomy (prac); Muscle Mechanics; Muscle anatomy (prac); Nerve Tissue; Muscles & nerves prac; CVS Heart; Blood vessels; Respiratory System 1; Respiratory System 2; Homeostasis; CVS and Respiratory anatomy (prac); Physiology; Respiratory Physiology; Cardio-respiratory physiology (prac); Renal Anatomy; Renal Physiology; Abdominal Renal Digestive Anatomy; Digestive Physiology; Oral Presentation.
AMME5902 Computer Aided Manufacturing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures: 2 hours per week; Tutorials: 2 hours per week; Laboratory: 3 hours per semester. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of this course is to enhance the student's manufacturing engineering skills in the CAD/CAM area. The course focuses on CNC milling as a manufacturing automation process applied to a project. The management, planning and marketing of a typical engineering project are also discussed.
Objectives:Through integrated project-based learning and hands-on-machine training, you will learn
How to successfully complete a CAD/CAM and CNC mill based project.
Manufacturing management and system skills, such as product planning, manufacturing sequence, time and cost;
The science in designing and selecting a manufacturing method.
How to effectively present your ideas and outcomes using oral and report based methods.
AMME5912 Crash Analysis using LS-DYNA

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2 hours per week, Tutorials 2 hours per week, Project Work - own time, Assumed knowledge: Computer Aided Drafting, Basic FEA principles and Solid Mechanics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of the course is to give students skills in the area of highly non-linear finite element analysis. Major topics covered include CAD, Implicit / explicit codes, Wire frame geometry, Elemental Theory, Materials, Pre-processing using ETA-VPG, Contact, LS-Dyna, using NCAC FEM models, Modeling fasteners, Material covered in lectures is reinforced through independent research, assignments, quizzes and a major capstone project. The capstone project involves the development of an approved crash scenario.
AMME5921 Biomedical Engineering Tech 2

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 4 hours per week Assumed knowledge: A bachelors degree, ideally in the engineering or science field, is advisory, but not essential. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides an introduction to the field of biomedical engineering, from the point of view of the engineering and the global biomedical industry itself. After completion of this unit, students will have a clear understanding of what biomedical engineering is, both from the engineering perspective and the commercial/industry perspective.
AMME5961 Biomaterials Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures : 3 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, biology, materials engineering, and engineering design at least at the Junior level. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To gain a basic understanding of the major areas of interest in the biomaterials field, learn to apply basic engineering principles to biomedical systems, and understand the challenges and difficulties of biomedical systems. To participate in a project-based-learning approach to the topic of design with Biomaterials.
AMME5971 Applied Tissue Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures: 2 hours per week; Tutorials: 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Biology, chemistry at a junior level and intermediate physiology or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Elective Unit of Study: With the severe worldwide shortage of donor organs and the ubiquitous problem of donor organ rejection, there is a strong need for developing technologies for engineering replacement organs and other body parts. Recent developments in biochemistry and cell biology have begun to make this possible, and as a consequence, the very new field of tissue engineering has been making dramatic progress in the last few years.
This UoS will provide an introduction to the principles of tissue engineering, as well as an up to date overview of recent progress in the field of tissue engineering is and where it is going. This UoS assumes prior knowledge of cell biology and chemistry and builds on that foundation to elaborate on the important aspects of tissue engineering. The objectives are:
1. To gain a basic understanding of the major areas of interest in tissue engineering
2. To learn to apply basic engineering principles to tissue engineering systems
3. To understand the challenges and difficulties of tissue engineering.
4. Understand the ethical issues of stem cell applications.
5. Practical classes in the preparation and evaluation of scaffolds for tissue regeneration.
6. Enable student to access web-based resources in tissue engineering (for example: Harvard-MIT Principles and Practice of Tissue Engineering).
7. Research basic skills in Tissue Engineering
Learning outcomes:
1. To develop a theoretical understanding of the basic concepts of tissue engineering and be exposed to the various specific disciplines of this field. The students will develop specific expertise through the lectures given by invited speakers at the forefront of their research.
2. To achieve effective communications the class will be divided into small groups where each group will present their findings on their assigned project/paper for discussion with the whole class on their results, ideas and critically evaluate their scientific findings
3. The students will each complete an individual assignment on the applications of tissue engineering to ophthalmology, dental, skeletal tissue, skin, neural, vascular and cardiology. In their assignment they will discuss the advances and future direction and identify key areas of shortcoming in the specific fields and discuss the general problem and possible solutions
4. Students will gain expertise by conducting a scientific literature review of the current progress in the field of tissue engineering in general. Specifically, they will undertake a thorough scientific search on the latest development in the research conducted in their chosen assignment topic.
5. Team work skills will be developed by participating in group tutorial projects. Each group will then discuss the assigned paper/project in detail, decide on key points and then report back to the entire class
AMME5981 Computational Biomedical Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures: 2 hours per week; Tutorials: 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Fundamental Materials, Mechanics of Solids, Engineering Dynamics, Biomedical Design and Technology. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This UoS will give students a comprehensive understanding of finite element method, material constitutive modelling, CT/MRI based solid modelling, design analysis and optimisation, and their applications in biomedical engineering. The students are expected to expand their research and development skills in relevant topics, and gain experience and skills in finite element software for the solution to sophisticated problems associated with biomedical engineering.
The objectives are:
1. Understanding of the nature of biomedical engineering problems;
2. Exploring CT/MRI image processing, solid modelling etc;
3. Understanding of finite element methods and developing FE models for biomedical engineering analysis;
4. Understanding biomaterials constitutive modelling;
5. Understanding bone remodelling simulation, fracture mechanics;
6. Developing prosthetic design optimisation;
AMME5990 Biomedical Engineering Tech 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures: 2 hours per week; Tutorials: 2 hours per week Assumed knowledge: Junior level chemistry, intermediate level biology, and specific knowledge of cell biology at least at the junior level, and preferably at the intermediate level. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Elective Unit of Study: Product development in the biomedical area presents unique challenges that need to be addressed to efficiently satisfy strict regulatory requirements and to successfully advance products to approval for marketing. Biomedical engineers need a broad understanding of these challenges as the main components of product development are complex and interdependent. Development of good manufacturing and quality control processes, preclinical and clinical validation of product safety and efficacy, and regulatory filings, are each progressive and interdependent processes. This UoS will provide a broad understanding of regulatory requirements for biomedical product development, with particular emphasis on the dependence of each component on the development of processes and control systems that conform to Good Manufacturing Practice. This UoS assumes prior knowledge of cell biology and chemistry and builds on that foundation to elaborate on the important aspects of biomedical product development.
The objectives are:
1. To gain a broad understanding of biomedical product development within the regulatory framework.
2. To understand the challenges and difficulties of Good Manufacturing Practice.
3. Understand the purpose and conduct of preclinical and clinical testing.
4. To understand how each of these components fit together to support regulatory filings.
MECH5255 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: MECH4255 Assumed knowledge: Students are expected to be familiar with the basic laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study develops an advanced knowledge of air conditioning systems and refrigeration applications. At the completion of this unit students will be able to determine thermal loads on structures and design an air conditioning or refrigeration system with attention to comfort, control, air distribution and energy consumption. Course content will include: applied psychrometrics, air conditioning systems, design principles, comfort in the built environment. cooling load calculations, heating load calculations, introduction and use of computer-based load estimation packages software, air distribution, fans, ducts, air conditioning controls, advanced refrigeration cycles, evaporators, condensers, cooling towers, compressors, pumps, throttling devices, piping, refrigerants, control, refrigeration equipment, simulation of refrigeration systems, food refrigeration and industrial applications; Use of CFD packages as tools to simulate flows in building and to optimise air conditioning design, energy estimation methods and software, energy evaluation and management in the built environment. Use of experimental air conditioning systems to test for thermal balances and compare with simulations.
MECH5261 Foundations of Fluid Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: MECH3261 Assumed knowledge: Linear Mathematics, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Fourier Series; AMME5200 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to provide students with a detailed understanding of the theory and practice of fluid mechanics in the context of mechanical engineering. At the end of this unit students will have the ability to critically assess and solve problems commonly found in fluid mechanics practice, such as sizing pumps and piping systems, designing channels, and determining the lift and drag characteristics of submerged bodies. Additionally, they will develop a structured and systematic approach to problem solving. Course content will include: Navier-Stokes equations: derivation, significance and fundamental importance. Pipe flow: Bernoulli, shear losses, minor losses, networks. Pumps: pump types, characteristics, applications. Flow around submersed bodies: lift and drag Boundary layers: derivation of equations, laminar and turbulent, transition, momentum integral method, law of the wall, velocity profiles. Turbulence: concept, properties of turbulent flow, eddy viscosity models, more advanced approaches. Channel flow: flow in a channel, weir, hydraulic jump Gas dynamics: steady one-dimensional flow including friction and heat transfer, sound waves, normal shock, nozzle flow, shock tube.
MECH5262 Foundations of Thermal Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Prerequisites: AMME5200 Prohibitions: MECH3260 Assumed knowledge: Fundamentals of thermodynamics are needed to begin this more advanced course. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop an understanding of: the principles of thermodynamic cycles, gas mixtures, combustion and thermochemistry applied to engineering processes, power and refrigeration systems; heat transfer equipment design. To classify heat transfer situations as conduction, convection, radiation, forced or natural convection. To determine the appropriate approach to problems, the type of solution needed, analytical or numerical. To be able to arrive at a solution and predict heat transfer rates and be able to design and size heat transfer equipment.
At the end of this unit students will be able to: apply the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer to real engineering situations; have the Ability to tackle and solve a range of complex thermodynamics cycles, air conditioning, combustion, chemical equilibrium, problems involving gas mixtures; have the ability to tackle and solve a range of heat transfer problems including finned heat exchangers, cooling by fluids, quenching, insulation and solar radiation.
Course content will include: Thermodynamics: Exergy and entropy, Power: spark ignition, Power: diesel, Power: gas turbine, Power: stirling, Power: steam, Gas mixtures, Clausius-Clapeyron, Humidity, psychrometry, Air-conditioning, Combustion: stoichiometry, gas analysis, Combustion, thermochemistry, adiabatic flame,temperature Combustion, 2nd Law of Thermo., equilibrium, exergy, Heat Transfer: Conduction, thermal circuits, General conduction equation, cylindrical fins, Heat Exchangers, Numerical solutions, Unsteady conduction, Convection, analytical, Forced convection correlations, Natural convection, boiling, Radiation spectrum, blackbody, Radiation properties and laws, Radiation environmental, solar.
MECH5265 Advanced Combustion

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: MECH5262 Prohibitions: MECH4265 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students a sound understanding of combustion and some of its applications such as internal combustion engines, gas turbines and fires. At the completion of this unit students will be able to perform an analysis of simple reacting systems, calculate the structure of simple premixed and diffusion flames, and analyse thermal and flow processes in fires and combustion chambers of practical devices. Course content will include: equilibrium compositions, flammability limits, simple chemically reacting systems, detailed chemical kinetics, the basic theory underlying laminar and turbulent combustion for both premixed and non-premixed cases, an introduction to droplet combustion, the concept of mixture fraction for non-premixed flames, combustion in engines and gas turbines as well as the formation of pollutants. Some computational tools in combustion will be introduced. Fire ignition, growth and spread will also be covered with respect to safety in buildings including the hazards related to the formation of smoke and toxic products.
MECH5275 Advanced Renewable Energy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. Assumed knowledge: The students will require an understanding of the basic principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, and the application of these principles to energy conversion systems. In particular, students should be able to analyse fluid flow in turbomachinery; perform first and second law thermodynamic analysis of energy conversion systems; and perform calculations of radiative, conductive and convective heat transfer. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop understanding of the engineering design and analysis of different devices and technologies for generating power from renewable sources including: solar, wind, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, geothermal, hydro-electric, and biofuels; to understand the environmental, operational and economic issues associated with each of these technologies. At the end of this unit students will be able to perform in depth technical analysis of different types of renewable energy generation devices using the principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Students will be able to describe the environmental, economic and operational issues associated with these devices.
MECH5304 Materials Failure

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 1 hour per week, Tutorial 1 hour per week, Laboratory 3 hours per week. Assumed knowledge: Fundamental knowledge in materials science and engineering: 1) atomic and crystal structures 2) metallurgy 3) structure-property relationship 4) mechanics of engineering materials 5) solid mechanics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: An elective unit of study for the degree of Master of Engineering
Develop advanced knowledge and skills in diagnostic analyses of materials failure using advanced techniques; enhance students' ability in handling complex engineering cases using interdisciplinary technologies; and provide students an opportunity to understand project research.
MECH5305 Smart Materials

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 hour of lectures, 1 hour of tutorials and 3 hours of laboratory work per week. Assumed knowledge: Fundamental knowledge in materials science and engineering: 1) atomic and crystal structures 2) metallurgy 3) structure-property relationship 4) mechanics of engineering materials 5) solid mechanics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Develop an essential understanding of structure-property relationship of smart materials, as well as their applications in practical applications; develop student's capability to design functional structures using smart materials; and provide students an opportunity to learn the new knowledge through project approaches.
MECH5310 Advanced Engineering Materials

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: MECH4310 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To understand (a) how to define the relationship between properties and microstructures of advanced engineering materials, (b) how to improve mechanical design with the knowledge of mechanics and properties of materials, and (c) how to conduct failure diagnosis of engineering materials.
MECH5361 Foundations of Mechanics of Solids 2

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Prerequisites: AMME5301 Prohibitions: MECH3361 Assumed knowledge: Linear Mathematics, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Fourier Series Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The UoS aims to: teach the fundamentals of analyzing stress and deformation in a solid under complex loading associated with the elemental structures/components in aerospace, mechanical and biomedical engineering; develop the following attributes: understand the fundamental principles of solid mechanics and basic methods for stress and deformation analysis of a solid structure/element in the above mentioned engineering areas; gain the ability to analyze problems in terms of strength and deformation in relation to the design, manufacturing and maintenance of machines, structures, devices and elements in the above mentioned engineering areas.
At the end of this unit students will have a good understanding of the following: applicability of the theories and why so; how and why to do stress analysis; why we need equations of motion/equilibrium; how and why to do strain analysis; why we need compatibility equations; why Hooke's law, why plasticity and how to do elastic and plastic analysis; how and why to do mechanics modeling; how to describe boundary conditions for complex engineering problems; why and how to solve a mechanics model based on a practical problem; why and how to use energy methods for stress and deformation analysis; why and how to introduce plates and shells and how to do analysis for plate and shell structures; why and how to do stress concentration analysis and its relation to fracture and service life of a component/structure; how and why to do fundamental plastic deformation analysis; how and why the finite element method is introduced and used for stress and deformation analysis. The ultimate outcome is that the students have the ability to solve engineering problems by comprehensively using the skills attained above.
MECH5362 Foundations of Materials 2

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: AMME5302 Prohibitions: MECH3362 Assumed knowledge: Mechanics of solids: statics, stress, strain Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims for students to understand the relationship between properties of materials and their microstructures and to improve mechanical design based on knowledge of mechanics and properties of materials.
At the end of this unit students should have the capability to select proper materials for simple engineering design.
Course content will include: short-term and long-term mechanical properties; introductory fracture and fatigue mechanics, dislocations; polymers and polymer composite materials; ceramics and glasses; structure-property relationships; selection of materials in mechanical design.
MECH5400 Foundations of Mechanical Design 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of tutorials and 1 hour of computer lab per week Prohibitions: MECH2400 Assumed knowledge: Engineering Mechanics (statics and dynamics), and Mechanics of Solids Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
For students to experience the design process and to develop good engineering skills.
Course Objectives: To develop an understanding of: 1. the need for and use of standard drawings in the communication and definition of parts and assemblies, 2. creativity, 3. the design process, 4. methods used to analyse designs.
MECH5410 Advanced Design and Analysis 1

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs of lectures, 2hrs of tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: ENGG1802 - Eng Mechanics, balance of forces and moments AMME2301 - Mechanics of Solids, 2 and 3 dimensional stress and strain AMME2500 - Engineering Dynamics - dynamic forces and moments. MECH2400 - Mechanical Design 1, approach to design problems and report writing, and preparation of engineering drawing MECH3460 - Mechanical design 2, means of applying fatigue analysis to a wide range of machine components Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This UoS utilises assumed theoretical knowledge and skills to elucidate the stresses and strains that exit in the different categories of machine parts. It sets out to make the students familiar with the simplifications that are applied to arrive at the analytic expressions commonly used to analyse each individual categories parts. These simplifications usually begin by assuming that only particular types of loads are carried by teh parts in that category. The resulting analyses provide approximations to the actual stresses. It is possible to have different degrees of simplifications, requiring more or less work, giving better or poorer approximations. Should a part be used to carry loads that were not allowed for in the traditional method then some more appropriate method must be found or developed. An important aspect is to make the student
practiced in a range of modern concepts, techniques and tools, and to be made aware of their strengths and limitations.
This UoS teaches the student how to recognise where and how their theoretical skills can be applied to the practical situations that they may encounter in this field of design.
Options may be provided in the choice of design assignments. Biomedical engineering and vehicle design problems may be provided as options to more general machine design problems.
MECH5660 Foundations of Manufacturing Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: MECH3660 Assumed knowledge: AMME5200, AMME5301, AMME5302 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to teach the fundamentals of manufacturing processes and systems in mechanical, mechatronic and biomedical engineering, including traditional and advanced manufacturing technologies. This unit aims to develop the following attributes: to understand the fundamental principles of manufacturing technologies for the above mentioned engineering areas; to gain the ability to select existing manufacturing processes and systems for direct engineering applications; to develop ability to create innovative new manufacturing technologies for advanced industrial applications; to develop ability to invent new manufacturing systems.
At the end of this unit students will have a good understanding of the following: merits and advantages of individual manufacturing processes and systems; principles of developing new technologies; comprehensive applications and strategic selection of manufacturing processes and systems.
Course content will include: Manufacturing Processes: Common processes and their science (machining, casting, powder metallurgy, metal working, welding, polymer processing and composite manufacture); merits and limitations; NC and CAM; Introduction to advanced processes (sensor and actuator, IC, intelligent robots and biomedical and nano-technological device).
Manufacturing Systems: Economics in manufacturing; flexible manufacturing; just-in-time manufacturing; group technology; materials selection and requirements planning; quality control; introduction to new technology; introduction to e-manufacturing; human factors; plant layout.
MECH5701 Computers in Real Time Control and Inst

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week Prohibitions: MECH4730, MECH4710 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Syllabus Summary: Review of sensing, analogue and digital electronics, and overview of the IBM PC architecture. Programming for interactive control using both assembly language and high level languages. Timers and asynchronous tasks; data communication. Data structures for real-time programming. Multitasking and real time operating systems. Use of multi-tasking, message passing and multi-threading in environments such as NT and/or Unix. Object-oriented programming in C++. Design of interactive graphical displays; man-machine communication. Objectives: Microcomputer and microprocessor system, operating in real time have become very common components in today's engineering applications. The objective of this unit of study is to teach the fundamentals of real time software and to build competence in the engineering use of such systems through lectures emphasising standard computer architectures, real-time operating systems and programming, and through intensive laboratory work with microcomputer systems interacting with experimental mechatronic processes. Expected outcomes: The student will have a basic knowledge of the hardware components available in a microcomputer system and a detailed knowledge of facilities and capabilities typically present in a professional real time operating system. The student will have the competence to design, implement and debug real-time multitasking systems with graphical user interfaces.
MECH5720 Sensors and Signals

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Prohibitions: MECH4720 Assumed knowledge: Strong MATLAB skills Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Syllabus Summary : This course starts by providing a background to the signals and transforms required to understand modern sensors. It goes on to provide an overview of the workings of typical active sensors (Radar, Lidar and Sonar). It provides insight into basic sensing methods as well as aspects of interfacing and signal processing. It includes both background material and a number of case studies.
The course covers the following topics:
a) SIGNALS: Complex signals, The Fourier Transform, Modulation, Frequency shifting & Convolution
b) PASSIVE SENSORS: Infrared Radiometers, Imaging Infrared, Passive Microwave Imaging & Image Intensifiers
c) ACTIVE SENSORS THE BASICS: Operational Principles, Time of flight (TOF) Measurement & Imaging, Range Tracking, Doppler Measurement, Phase Measurement
d) SENSORS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Atmospheric Effects, Target Characteristics, Clutter Characteristics, Multipath
e) ACTIVE SENSORS: ADVANCED TECHNIQUES: Probability of Detection, Angle Measurement and Tracking, Combined Range/Doppler and Angle Tracking, Frequency Modulation and the Fast Fourier Transform, High Range Resolution, Wide Aperture Methods, Synthetic Aperture Methods (SAR)
Objectives: The course aims to provide students with a good practical knowledge of a broad range of sensor technologies, operational principles and relevant signal processing techniques.
Expected Outcomes: A good understanding of active sensors, their outputs and applicable signal processing techniques. An appreciation of the basic sensors that are available to engineers and when they should be used.
MECH5900 Thesis

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: No formal classes Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Theses should be typewritten on A4 with text, diagrams, graphs, photographs, etc, properly displayed. One copy should be submitted, hard-bound for the university library. Students are responsible for supplying their own thesis production materials.
Syllabus: Each prospective student is required to consult with prospective supervisors to apply for a topic. In the normal course of events some or all of the theoretical, developmental, and experimental aspects of research or design work are expected in a thesis. These aspects may be either directed by the supervisor or be of an original nature, but in any event the student is directly responsible to his or her supervisor for the execution of his and her practical work and the general layout of the thesis itself.
Objectives: To involve students in a research or major design project and give them the opportunity to conduct systematic investigations.
Expected outcomes: Ability to plan and execute a complete piece of scientific work and to report their study in a thesis.
MTRX5700 Experimental Robotics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs lectures and 3hrs of laborarory work per week Prohibitions: MTRX4700 Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate degree level assumed knowledge in Mechatronic Engineering. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to present a broad overview of the technologies associated with industrial and mobile robots. Major topics covered are sensing, mapping, navigation and control of mobile robots and kinematics and control of industrial robots. The subject consists of a series of lectures on robot fundamentals and case studies on practical robot systems. Material covered in lectures is illustrated through experimental laboratory assignments. The objective of the course is to provide students with the essential skills necessary to be able to develop robotic systems for practical applications. At the end of this unit students will: be familiar with sensor technologies relevant to robotic systems; understand conventions used in robot kinematics and dynamics; understand the dynamics of mobile robotic systems and how they are modeled; have implemented navigation, sensing and control algorithms on a practical robotic system; apply a systematic approach to the design process for robotic systems; understand the practical application of robotic systems in applications such as manufacturing, automobile systems and assembly systems; develop the capacity to think creatively and independently about new design problems; undertake independent research and analysis and to think creatively about engineering problems. Course content will include: history and philosophy of robotics; hardware components and subsystems; robot kinematics and dynamics; sensors, measurements and perception; robotic architectures, multiple robot systems; localization, navigation and obstacle avoidance, robot planning; robot learning; robot vision and vision processing.

School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

CHNG5001 Process Systems Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures: 1 hour per week, Tutorials: 2 hours per week. Assumed knowledge: Mathematics, physics and modeling. Assumed knowledge at the bachelor of Science level. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is for Masters students and can be selected as an elective by 4th year students.
Whatever its purpose, any process requires some level of process monitoring and control to allow it to operate satisfactorily. Once a process is under control, the option exists to further improve performance via the implementation of some level of optimisation. This UoS will develop skills in integrating process modelling, simulation, design, optimisation and control concepts. The aims of this UoS are (i) to demonstrate that modelling, process control and optimisation are integral concepts in the overall consideration of industrial plants, (ii) to demonstrate that a unified approach allows a diversity of application fields to be readily handled, and (iii) to allow each student to achieve and demonstrate acceptable competency over the UoS material through a range of individual and group-based activities.
CHNG5003 Green Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 hour of lectures, 4 hours of tutorial/project work group per week. Assumed knowledge: Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all (six) core chemical engineering UoS in third year or their equivalent have been successfully completed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Green engineering, eco-technology and sustainable technology are all interchangeable terms for the design of products and processes that maximise resource and energy efficiency, minimise (or preferably eliminate) waste and cause no harm to the environment. In modern society, engineers equipped with the skills to develop sustainable technologies are tremendously valuable. This unit of study will examine cutting edge examples of sustainable technologies across a broad range of applications relevant to chemical and biomolecular engineering. The delivery of teaching and learning material will be exclusively in project mode. Students will be expected to critically analyse modern engineering processes and improve them, from the ground up if necessary, so that they satisfy the criteria of eco-design. At the completion of this unit of study students should have developed an appreciation of the underlying principles of green engineering and be able to demonstrate they can apply these skills to new and novel situations. Students are expected to develop an integrated suite of problem-solving skills needed to successfully handle novel (and previously unseen) engineering situations, coupled with an ability to independently research new areas and be critical of what is found, and an ability to cope with experimental data, change and uncertainty through critical thinking.
CHNG5004 Particles and Surfaces

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. 10 hours of lab work per semester. Assumed knowledge: Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all (six) core chemical engineering UoS in third year or their equivalent have been successfully completed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Particles and Surfaces: Mineral Processing. Aims and Objectives: Solid-solid and solid-liquid interactions are an important aspect in mineral processing. The aim of any mineral processing operation is the efficient extraction of the valuable metals or minerals (concentrate) from the waste materials in the ore (gangue). The goal of this course is to understand the various key steps and the corresponding principles required to achieve metal extraction from the ores.
Syllabus summary: This course will elucidate the principles in size reduction or comminution of the ore in liberating the valuable minerals, examine the microscopic details of solid-liquid, solid-gas and solid-solid interactions in mineral processing and their roles in macroscopic phenomena such as adhesion, wetting, adsorption, and mineral reactions such as reduction roasting and leaching. The general understanding of these factors will allow manipulation and improvement of performance in mineral beneficiation, dewatering of mineral slurries and extractive metallurgy.
By the end of this course students should develop a proficiency in characterisation of physical, surface and chemical properties of solids and metal aqueous streams; devising strategies to achieve extraction process objectives, within the constraints imposed by social, economic and physical environments, developing management strategies for treating liquid and solid effluents and becoming familiar with computer software packages in modelling aqueous and solid systems.
CHNG5005 Wastewater Eng - Systems and Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hr of tutorials per week. 3hr Lab work per week. Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve 'real' chemical engineering problems. Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics. Ability to use basic calculus and linear algebra, and carry out such computations using Matlab and MS Excel. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature and to synthesise arguments based on such literature. Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on information from diverse sources. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To acquaint students with issues involved in making decisions in an environmental context. The important example of wastewater treatment and the accompanying technologies will be used to illustrate the main issues which arise. The key issues which need to be considered are : An operational paradigm for the process industries; Why waste is inevitable; The regulatory framework; Hazard rating of process wastes; Physical treatment technologies; Chemical treatment technologies; Biological treatment technologies; Waste containment practices. By the end of this UOS a student should be able to : gain an operational and legal context for waste and specifically wastewater generation and treatment; develop an awareness and comprehensive understanding of technologies (physical, chemical and biological) which may be used as effective treatments for liquid and some solid waste streams, based on process principles; and explore issues pertaining to management of environmental hazards in the process industry.This UoS is an advanced elective in chemical engineering. The concepts and enabling technologies taught in this course are relevant to the real world practice of chemical engineering across a range of industries.
CHNG5008 Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Project Work - own time, Lectures 4hrs per week, Prerequisites: CHNG5801 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Sustainable technologies will be applied for the design of products and processes that maximise resource and energy efficiency, minimise or preferably eliminate waste and cause no harm to the environment. In modern society, engineers equipped with the skills to develop sustainable technologies are tremendously valuable. This unit of study will examine cutting edge examples of sustainable technologies across a broad range of applications relevant to chemical and biomolecular engineering. The delivery of teaching and learning material will be exclusively in project mode. Students will be expected to critically analyse modern engineering processes and improve them, from the ground up if necessary, so that they satisfy the criteria of eco-design. At the completion of this unit of study students should have developed an appreciation of the underlying principles of sustainable engineering and be able to demonstrate they can apply these skills to new and novel situations. Students are expected to develop an integrated suite of problem-solving skills needed to successfully handle novel (and previously unseen) engineering situations, coupled with an ability to independently research new areas and be critical of what is found, and an ability to cope with experimental data, change and uncertainty through critical thinking.
CHNG5112 Found of Chemical Eng Design A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5801, CHNG5802, CHNG5805, CHNG5806 Assumed knowledge: Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all core chemical engineering UoS in second and third years, or their equivalent, have been successfully completed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
In the overall design process, chemical engineers must clearly understand the (often complex) interactions and trade-offs that occur between technical, economic, social and environmental considerations. This UoS builds on concepts in each of these areas introduced in previous years but with an emphasis on their successful integration within a comprehensive design activity.
This design activity is spread over two UoS (Chemical Engineering Design A and B) run in first and second semester. The primary aim in the first UoS is to consider the technical issues - with an emphasis on creating and evaluating a range of alternative options that exist at both the unit operation and complete flowsheet levels. The primary emphasis in the subsequent UoS is on evaluating how non-technical considerations affect the final process design and its operation.
In addition to the above fundamentals, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to designing chemical processes and associated technological developments.
CHNG5116 Found of Chemical Eng Design B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5112 Chemical Engineering Design A Assumed knowledge: Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all core chemical engineering UoS in second and third years, or their equivalent, have been successfully completed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
In the overall design process, chemical engineers must clearly understand the (often complex) interactions and trade-offs that occur between technical, economic, social and environmental considerations. This UoS builds on concepts in each of these areas introduced in previous years but with an emphasis on their successful integration within a comprehensive design activity.
This design activity is spread over two UoS (Chemical Engineering Design A and B) run in first and second semester. The primary aim in the first UoS is to consider the technical issues - with an emphasis on creating and evaluating a range of alternative options that exist at both the unit operation and complete flowsheet levels. The primary emphasis in this UoS is on evaluating how non-technical considerations affect the final process design and its operation.
In addition to the above fundamentals, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to designing chemical processes and associated technological developments.
CHNG5205 Major Industrial Placement Project

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Practical Experience and Research with Industry partner. Prerequisites: Passed at least 48 credit points in Master of Professional Engineering. Prohibitions: CHNG5112, ENGG5219, ENGG5220, ENGG5221, CHNG5801. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Enrollment by permission only. The students enrolled in this subject should complete the first year Master of Professional Engineering with specialisation in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and a minimum credit average. The candidate will be selected by interview and at the discretion of the Head of School.
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a new subject into the Master of Professional Engineering with specialisation in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. The new subject is designed to equip students with practical experience in the area of chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Industrial project placement will clearly cover and widen the practical nature of curriculum base studies. This unit of study will give students a rich experience for undertaking a major project in an industrial environment and developing skills in the preparation and presentation of technical reports. The project is performed under joint university and industry supervision and extends over one semester. The students will be engaged full time on the project at the industrial site. Students will be placed with industries, such as mining, oil and gas processing, plastic and paint manufacturing, food production, wastewater and water treatment. The students will learn essential engineering skills, such as how to examine published and experimental data, set objectives, project management, and analysis of results and assess these with theory and existing knowledge.
CHNG5601 Membrane Science

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours of lectures and laboratory sessions per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be given a background in the physics of cell membranes. The students will understand the electrodiffusion of materials through membranes. Students will be provided with a good background in the electrical properties of cell membranes and gain an understanding of the process of excitation in nerve and muscle.
CHNG5602 Cellular Biophysics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours of lectures/ project work classes per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be given a good background in the physics of biological processes. Students will understand the differences between thermodynamically closed and open systems and its relevance to cells and other biological systems. Students will be provided with an introduction to the thermodynamics of irreversible and evolutionary processes of relevance to biology. Students will be introduced to the statistical mechanics of self assembly and equilibrium structures and its relevance to biology at the molecular level.
CHNG5603 Analysis, Modelling, Control: BioPhy Sys

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2hrs per week, Tutorials 1hr per week, Project Work - own time. Assumed knowledge: It is assumed that students have a general knowledge of: MATH 1001 Differential Calculus MATH 1003 Integral Calculus and Modeling Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This course will give students an insight into the use of (computer-based) statistical techniques in extracting information from experimental data obtained from real life bio-physical systems. The issues and techniques required for mathematical modeling as well as monitoring and/or control scheme for bio-physical systems will be discussed and implemented in diverse range of bioprocesses, including biomaterials and fermentation products.
We will review statistical distribution; tests based on z, t, F variables; calculation of confidence intervals; hypothesis testing; linear and nonlinear regression; analysis of variance; principal component analysis; and use of computer-based statistical tools. The issues associated with dynamic response of bio-physical processes; inferred or estimated variables; control system design and implementation; introduction to model-based control; use of computer-based control system design and analysis tools will be elaborated.
When this course is successfully completed you will acquire knowledge to choose the appropriate statistical techniques within a computer based environment, such as Excel or MATLAB, for a given situation. The students will also obtain potential for monitoring/control scheme based on the key dynamic features of the process. Such information would be beneficial for any future career in Bio-manufacturing companies. Students are encouraged to promote an interactive environment for exchange of information.
CHNG5604 Membrane Science Laboratory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures or tutorials per week. 4 hours of laboratory sessions per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will explore experimentally the theoretical concepts learned in the other modules of the MES course in Biophysical Processes. They will gain practical insights into electrodiffusion and other mass transport processes through membranes. Students will understand the construction and functional properties of synthetic separation membranes. Students will explore experimentally the various factors affecting the performance of synthetic separation membranes.
CHNG5605 Bio-Products: Laboratory to Marketplace

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week. Project Work - own time. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objectives of the course are to provide students with an overview of biochemical and pharmaceutical industry. It will give students an insight into drug delivery systems and formulation; how therapeutic drugs work; and a general overview of biochemical and pharmaceutical marketing. The design and management of clinical trials, which are key factors for development of any new therapeutic agent will also be covered in the course. The challenges for commercialisation of innovative methods and/or biochemical and pharmaceutical products and aspects of intellectual property protection will be elaborated. Ultimately the aspects of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and international legislation for marketing pharmaceutical products will be illuminated.
Lectures in this course will be delivered by both University of Sydney staff and by a number of visiting professional representatives from industry and government agencies. We will also arrange a site visit for a bio-manufacturing company as warranted.
When you successfully complete this course you acquire knowledge about drug formulation, pharmaceutical processing including physical processes, legislation governing the bio-manufacturing and commercialisation of biochemicals and pharmaceuticals. The information would be beneficial for your future career in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.
Students are encouraged to engage in an interactive environment for exchange of information. This course will be assessed by quizzes, assignments, oral presentation and final report.
CHNG5701 Found of Conservation & Transport Proc

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2hrs per week, Tutorial 2hrs per week, Project Work - own time, Laboratory 2hrs per week. Prohibitions: CHNG2801 Assumed knowledge: Calculus, computations (Matlab, Excel), Mass and Energy Balances Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
In the design and analysis of chemical processes, chemical engineers must understand integrated concepts in conservation of mass and energy, the flow properties of fluids, heat transfer and the mass transfer of chemical species through materials. This is true not only in traditional areas, such as petrochemicals, but also for emerging fields like microreactors and biotechnology. This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in transport phenomena necessary for subsequent courses ranging from unit operations to reactor design and reaction kinetics. The course builds on concepts from elementary physics and chemistry, as well as calculus and differential equations.
This module will provide students with working knowledge of conservation of mass and energy, momentum, mass and energy transfer, and non-reaction rate processes. These aspects are a first step to the understanding of transport phenomena. It considers the classification of fluids and their properties. The integral and differential forms of the fundamental equations - Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations are studied. The concepts of transfer rates of momentum, heat and mass as functions of appropriate driving forces divided by appropriate resistances will be introduced. The way in which such resistances and driving forces are defined will be reviewed. Also covered are dimensional analysis and the differences between molecular diffusion and convection (bulk flow) of mass, heat and momentum.
In addition, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to the analysis of conservation and transport processes in engineering, and recent associated technological developments.
CHNG5702 Found of Applied Maths for Chem Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Assumed knowledge: Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all core science and engineering UoS in first-year (or their equivalent) have been successfully completed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Aims and Objectives
Virtually every aspect of a chemical engineer's professional life will involve some use of mathematical techniques. Not only is the modern chemical engineer expected to be proficient in the use of these techniques, they are also expected to be able to utilise computer-based solutions when analytical solutions are unfeasible. This UoS aims to expose students to an appropriate suite of techniques and enable them to become proficient in the use of mathematics as a tool for the solution of a diversity of chemical engineering problems.
Specifically, this unit consists of two core modules: (A) Statistical methods and (B) Numerical methods. These modules aim at furthering knowledge by extending skills in statistical analysis and Chemical Engineering computations. This unit will also enable the development of a systematic approach to solving mathematically oriented Chemical Engineering problems, which will help with making sound engineering decisions.
In addition, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to mathematical analysis techniques in engineering and recent associated developments.
CHNG5703 Found of Energy and Fluid Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 8 hours per week of in class project work. Prohibitions: CHNG2803 Assumed knowledge: Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics. Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature. Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative and quantitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To recognise that chemical engineers are involved in creation of products and processes, in manipulating complex systems, and in managing technical operations To develop an appreciation of the practical application of concepts and tools to real design problems in the process, product and service sectors in which chemical engineers are engaged. To consider this through three project-driven case studies covering a range of integrated analysis scenarios, from the domain of energy and fluid systems. In addition, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to energy and fluid systems and associated technological developments.
CHNG5704 Found: Chem & Biological Syst Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1-2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: CHNG2804 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
Chemical Engineering requires an understanding of material and energy transformations and how these are driven by molecular interactions. The rate of such transformations is dependent on driving forces and resistances, and these need to be defined in terms of fundamental physical and chemical properties of systems.
This course seeks to provide students with a sound basis of the thermodynamics of chemical and biological systems, and how these, in turn, define limits of behaviour for such real systems. The thermodynamic basis for rate processes is explored, and the role of energy transfer processes in these highlighted, along with criteria for equilibrium and stability. Emphasis is placed on the prediction of physical properties of chemical and biological systems in terms of state variables. The course delivery mechanism is problem-based, and examples from thermal, chemical and biological processes will be considered, covering molecular to macro-systems scale.
In addition, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to the analysis of the behaviour of chemical and biological systems, and recent associated technological developments.
CHNG5705 Found: Industrial Syst & Sustainability

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prohibitions: CHNG2805 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature. Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative information. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To develop an awareness of the various concepts which underpin Sustainable Development, including technical and economic efficiency, stewardship of the bio-physical environment, and social acceptability. To examine the material economy from the perspective of open and closed thermodynamic systems, and the implications of this for resource consumption and waste generation To explore governing frameworks for Sustainability, and engagement of chemical engineers with these. To explore tools and approaches for quantifying industry's environmental performance and how this can be examined within a Sustainability framework. To consider process design and operation, and product design, from a Sustainability perspective, how these can be informed by Green Engineering principles, and to suggest how this combination of perspectives could lead to a re-defined industry sector. To investigate advanced topics related to the areas of industrial systems and sustainability and recent associated technological developments.
CHNG5801 Foundations of Process Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5701, CHNG5702, CHNG5704, CHNG5705 Prohibitions: CHNG3801 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In the design and analysis of diverse processes, chemical engineers must understand the (often complex) interactions that occur between mass and energy conservation, fluid flow, rate-driven processes and thermodynamic equilibria. This course builds on introductory concepts in each of these areas introduced in second year units of study. This unit of study will commence with a study of the thermodynamic criteria that define equilibrium conditions with an emphasis on vapour-liquid and reactive systems. A unified treatment of rate-driven processes will then be provided with examples taken from a number of fields. A classification system (steady-state or dynamic; rates based on bulk conditions or a population balance approach; homogeneous or heterogeneous) will be developed. Kinetic rate laws and their determination from experimental data will be presented. The second component will concentrate on (i) using the above to model a range of process equipment, and (ii) the solution of such models (both steady-state and dynamic) using the appropriate software tools. The final component will focus on how unit operations are integrated into a process flowsheet. Software tools for flowsheet solution will be introduced. The impact of heat integration and recycle streams will be considered. Examples will cover a diversity of process industries. In addition to the above fundamentals, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to process design and associated technological developments. The overall aims of this unit of study are (i) to demonstrate the 'vertical integration' that exists from engineering concepts through unit operations to complete flowsheets, (ii) to demonstrate that a unified approach allows a diversity of fields to be handled via a consistent, common approach, and (iii) to allow each student to achieve and demonstrate acceptable competency over the UoS material through a range of individual and group-based activities.
CHNG5802 Found: Operation & Improving Ind Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5701, CHNG5702, CHNG5704 and CHNG5705 Prohibitions: CHNG3802 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
All industrial processes require some process monitoring and control for satisfactory operation. The efficient use and recovery of energy is vital for industrial processes. The performance of a process may be improved via the implementation of some level of optimisation.
This unit of study commences with a component on process data management before moving on to empirical modelling and data reconciliation techniques. The second component will concentrate on the role of process control covering: the development of linear models, control system analysis, the design and performance of feedback control systems, advanced control systems and the use of control related software.
In parallel, this unit of study also focuses on the efficient use of energy in processes plants.
The final component will focus on process optimisation of batch and continuous processes.
By the end of this UoS a student should achieve competence in the following: process data management skills relevant to engineering (statistical analysis, data-based modelling and data reconciliation techniques); appreciation of the role of process control in modern manufacturing; designing an appropriate feedback control system and analysing its performance for a range of process applications using both traditional and software-based techniques; appreciation of the limitations of feedback control and be able to design a range of common enhancements; appreciation of the role of process optimisation in modern manufacturing; use of both traditional and software-based techniques to design optimisation schemes for a range of process applications and analyse the performance of such schemes; appreciate the limitations that exist whenever mathematical models are used as the basis for process control and/or optimisation; appreciate the 'vertical integration' that exists from modelling, through control, to optimisation.
The overall aims of this UoS are (i) to demonstrate that process control and optimisation are integral concepts in the overall consideration of any modern plant, (ii) to demonstrate that a unified approach allows a diversity of application fields to be readily handled via a consistent approach that is 'vertically integrated' from data analysis, though process control to process optimisation, and (iii) to allow each student to achieve and demonstrate acceptable competency over the UoS material through a range of individual and group-based activities.
CHNG5803 Found of Chem & Biological Processes

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours of in-class project work per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5701, CHNG5702, CHNG5704 and CHNG5705 Prohibitions: CHNG3803 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative and quantitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
To recognise that chemical engineers are involved in the creation of products and processes, in manipulating complex systems, and in managing technical operations.
To develop an appreciation of the practical application of concepts and tools to real design problems in the process, product and service sectors in which chemical engineers are engaged.
To consider this through three project-driven case studies covering a range of design scenarios, from the domain of chemical and biological processes.
In addition, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to chemical and biological processes, and associated technological developments.
CHNG5804 Found of Biochemical Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of tutorials per week. 10 hours of laboratory work per semester. Prohibitions: CHNG3804 Assumed knowledge: First year mathematics (MATH1001 Differential Calculus; MATH1002 Linear Algebra; MATH1003 Integral Calculus; MATH1005 Statistics; or equivalents). -First year chemistry (CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A; CHEM1102 Chemistry 1B; or equivalents) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
Biochemical engineering is increasingly playing an important role in technology to modern society. The engineers with knowledge of various aspects of biochemical processes are tremendously valuable. The course will examine cutting edge examples of biochemical technologies across a broad range of applications relevant to chemical engineering. The specific objectives of this course are to understand the history and scope of the biotechnology industry; examine the role of biochemical engineering in the industrial application of biotechnology and its development. We will provide an understanding of the major fundamental aspects of biochemical engineering and implementing the knowledge acquired to some selected industrial applications.
In addition to the above fundamentals, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to biochemical engineering and associated technological developments.
CHNG5805 Foundation of Prod Formulation & Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5701, CHNG5702, CHNG5704 and CHNG5705 Prohibitions: CHNG3805 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives
Many products emerge from their processing not as a continuous stream, but as discrete entities. There are many examples of discrete systems in chemical engineering, such as particulate systems (eg powders, solid particles in fluids), as well as polymeric and biological systems (eg emulsions and cells, respectively). Indeed, on a larger scale, a batch processing system itself can be thought of as a series of discrete but connected entities. This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in discrete systems necessary for a chemical engineer to be able to formulate and design discrete products which have desired properties. In essence it is a course on product formulation and design.
This module will provide students with a working knowledge of the types of discrete systems available, the ways in which particulate systems can be characterized and their applications in industry. These aspects will form the foundation for an introduction of the modelling techniques used for discrete systems, such as population balances and batch scheduling.
In addition to the above fundamentals, there will be considerable time spent during the semester on advanced topics related to the formulation and design of a variety of products, as well as the associated recent technological developments.
CHNG5806 Found of Manag of Industrial Syst

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. Prerequisites: CHNG5701, CHNG5702, CHNG5704 and CHNG5705. Prohibitions: CHNG3806 Assumed knowledge: Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative information Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Aims and Objectives: To develop an appreciation of management practice in process-led and product-driven industries; considering project management, economic evaluation of processes, risk assessment and decision making with multiple objectives and uncertainty; to develop the requisite tools to support above; to consider approaches to innovation and entrepreneurship; to consider all this in the context of different scales of operation - from single process, to business unit, to enterprise, and across supply and value chains; to support this analysis through real-problem case studies and projects. By the end of this unit of study a student should be competent in: developing project work plans in conjunction with project management schedules; performing economic evaluations of projects, plans and processes; performing qualitative risk assessments of projects, plans and processes; exploring optimisation of complex processes under risk and uncertainty, covering unit operations, business units, enterprises and value chains.
CHNG5901 Project Part A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In order to enrol in a project, students must first of all secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested in. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with your supervisor. The supervisor can come from any department, however, if outside the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, they need to send confirmation of their supervision approval to the Postgraduate Administrator. Only one Project per semester can be taken, however, it can be supplemented with a 2 credit point Seminar in which supplementary work, and an oral presentation related to the Project can be carried out.
CHNG5902 Project Part B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In order to enrol in a project, students must first of all secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested in. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with your supervisor. The supervisor can come from any department, however, if outside the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, they need to send confirmation of their consent to supervise to the Postgraduate Administrator. Only one Project per semester can be taken, however, it can be supplemented with a 2 credit point Seminar in which supplementary work, and an oral presentation related to the Project can be carried out.
CHNG5906 Extended Project

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: In order to enrol in a project, students must first of all secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested in. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor can come from any department, however, if outside the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, they need to send confirmation of their supervision approval to the Postgraduate Administrator.
For the student to complete an extended research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued report.
CHNG5907 Extended and Enhanced Project

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: In order to enrol in a project, students must first of all secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested in. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor can come from any department, however, if outside the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, they need to send confirmation of their supervision approval to the Postgraduate Administrator.
To complete an extended and enhanced research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis.

School of Civil Engineering

CIVL5257 Concrete Structures: Prestressed

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2hrs per week, Project Work - in class 1hr per week). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: To develop an advanced understanding of the behaviour, analysis and design of prestressed concrete structures.
Outcomes: Students will develop skills in the analysis and design of prestressed concrete beams, columns and slabs, to satisfy the serviceability and strength provisions of the Australian Concrete Structures Standard.
Syllabus Summary: The behaviour and design of prestressed concrete structures and structural elements including beams, columns and slabs. Topics covered will include steel and concrete materials, prestress losses, flexural and shear behaviour at service loads and ultimate loads, short and long term deflections, load balancing, anchorage zones (including strut and tie modelling of anchors), dynamic response of post-tensioned floors, and sustainability considerations for prestressed concrete structures.
Reference books:
CIVL5264 Composite Steel-Concrete Structures

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 2hrs per week, Tutorial 1hr per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will understand the basic principles for the design of steel-concrete composite structures. In particular, they will develop an understanding of the procedures required for the design of composite beams, slabs and columns; they will also be introduced to the concepts of composite connection design. Design guidelines will reflect requirements of the Australian Standards, Eurocodes, British Standards and American Standards.
CIVL5266 Steel Structures - Stability

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs of lecture and 2hrs of tutorial/laboratory per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit aims to:
- provide fundamental understanding at advanced level of the behaviour and design steel structural members, notably members undergoing cross-sectional and/or global buckling.
- provide fundamental understanding of the methods available for determining buckling loads of structural members and elements, and explain how classical solutions to buckling problems are incorporated in national design standards for steel structures, including AS4100 and AS/NZS4600.
It is anticipated that at the end of this unit of study students will be familiar with the buckling behaviour of steel structures and will understand the methods available for determining buckling loads of structural members and cross-section. Students will have a good understanding of the stability design provisions for steel structures specified in the standards AS4100 and AS/NZS4600, and will be proficient in using software for calculating buckling loads.
Syllabus Summary:
Stability theory, Plate theory, Stability of plates and plate assemblies, Theory for thin-walled members in torsion and bi-axial bending, Stability of thin-walled members, Stability design to AS4100 and AS/NZS4600, Direct Strength Method.
Lecture notes:
CIVL5267 Steel Structures - Advanced Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit covers the advanced principles of the design of hot-rolled and cold-formed steel structural members and connections. Reference is made to the Australian Standards AS4100 and AS/NZS4600, explaining the underlying theory for the provisions of these standards. The objectives are to provide students with advanced knowledge of steel structural design and confidence to apply the underlying principles to solve a wide range of structural steel problems.
This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills:
- An understanding of the basic principles of reliability based design on steel structures.
- An understanding of the relationship between structural analysis and design provisions.
- An understanding of the background to the design provisions for hot-rolled and cold-formed steel structures, including the main differences between them.
- Proficiency in applying the provisions of AS4100 and AS/NZS4600 for columns, beams, beam-columns and connections.
Syllabus Summary:
Limit states design philosophy and approaches, Loading standards, Methods of analysis, Flexural members section and member capacity, Compression members section and member capacity, Beam-column member and section capacity, Interrelationship between analysis and design, pinned (shear) and rigid (moment) connections.
Lecture notes:
CIVL5268 Structural Dynamics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: This Unit introduces the fundamental concepts and theory of dynamic analysis. In a first step, free vibrations are studied and the problem of determining the natural frequency of a system is addressed. This is followed by the study of harmonically excited vibrations. While initially systems with a single degree of freedom (mass) are considered, the theory is generalized to cover multi-degree of freedom systems. The theory is applied to explain how structures are designed against earthquake actions with specific reference to Part 4 of the Australian loading standard AS1170 for determining earthquake loads.
Outcomes: This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills:
Understanding of the fundamental concepts and definitions used in structural dynamics
Ability to calculate the natural frequency of a system using equilibrium or energy methods
Ability to determine the effect of viscous damping on the response of a freely vibrating system
Ability to determine the response of a system to a harmonic excitation
Understanding of the fundamental concepts of earthquake engineering
Ability to apply AS1170 Part 4 in structural design against earthquake actions
Understanding of the fundamental concepts of earthquake engineering
CIVL5269 Concrete Structures - Strength & Service

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit reviews the fundamental concepts of 'elastic' behaviour of reinforced concrete structures and introduces models of behaviour and methods of analysis related to the time-dependent effects of creep and shrinkage (at service loads). This Unit also examines the non-linear (strain-softening) behaviour of reinforced concrete and the related effects concerning the strength of statically-indeterminate reinforced concrete structures. In particular, this Unit examines the concepts of ductility, moment-redistribution and plastic design (for beams and slabs).
This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills:
- understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models concerning the time-dependent structural effects of concrete creep and shrinkage
- ability to carry out calculations to estimate 'elastic' load-effects (stresses/strains/deformations) for reinforced concrete structures (at service loads), accounting for the time-dependent effects of concrete creep and shrinkage
- understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models of the strain-softening behaviour of reinforced concrete (in flexure)
- understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of ductility and moment redistribution for reinforced concrete beams
- ability to quantitatively assess the ductility and moment-redistribution capacity of reinforced concrete beams
- understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of plastic behaviour and design for reinforced concrete beams and slabs (including yield-line analysis).
- ability to determine the ultimate plastic load-carrying capacity of statically-indeterminate reinforced-concrete beams and slabs
CIVL5351 Environmental Geotechnics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours of lectures/project work per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: To develop an understanding of the geotechnical aspects of the design and management of industrial and domestic waste disposal systems. Outcomes: Students should gain an advanced understanding of: the role of geotechnics in the design of waste management systems; current design methods and technologies. In particular, they should be able to predict: likely interactions between waste and soil; of pollutant movement in the ground, and be able to evaluate strategies for the containment of industrial and domestic wastes and mine tailings. Syllabus summary: Landfill design, including clay mineralogy, effects of chemicals on soil permeability, flow rates through membranes, effect of punctures, composite liners, mechanisms of mass transport, diffusion, dispersion, advective transport, sorption, predicting transport time, solutions to advection-dispersion equation, design of liners, stability of clay liners on slopes, design of covers, infiltration rates. Tailings disposal, including types of tailings dams, design of dams, water balances, rehabilitation, use of slope stability and seepage software.
CIVL5450 Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lecture/project work in class per week. 3 hours of laboratory work per semester. Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: To develop an understanding of the modern principles of design of pile foundations and the application of those principles to practice.
Expected outcomes: Students should gain an advanced understanding of the types of pile foundations used in practice, and the procedures for analysis of pile foundations under various types of loading, and gain experience in carrying out pile design for real geotechnical profiles.
Syllabus summary: Types of piles and their uses, effects of pile installation, axial capacity of piles and pile groups, settlement of pile foundations, ultimate lateral capacity, lateral deformations, analysis of pile groups subjected to general loading conditions, piled raft foundations, piles subjected to ground movements, pile load testing, code provisions for pile design.
CIVL5451 Computer Methods in Geotechnical Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives and Outcomes
1. To introduce students to major computer modelling techniques used to solve boundary-value and initial-value problems in geotechnical engineering.
2. To develop students' skills at using computer modelling software to solve stress and flow problems in geomechanics.
3. To developed students ability at critically assessing assumptions behind computer models and critically evaluating the quality of numerical results.
Reference Books:
CIVL5452 Foundation Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 3 hrs per week, presented in 2 sessions per week for 11 weeks of semester. Tutorials 1hr per week. Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objectives of this unit are to gain an understanding of the design process in foundation engineering, to understand the importance of site investigation and field testing, and to learn how to deal with uncertainty. To achieve these objectives students are asked to design foundations using real data. Students will develop the ability to interpret the results of a site investigation; to use laboratory and field data to design simple foundations; develop an appreciation of the interaction between the soil, foundation system and the supported structure. The syllabus is comprised of field testing, site characterisation, interpretation of field data, design of pile raft and surface footings, support of excavations, soil improvement, and geotechnical report writing.
REFERENCE: Das B.M.,Principles of Foundation Engineering, Thomson, Edn:6th,2007,0-495-08246-5
CIVL5454 Rock Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of project work in class per week Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate geology and soil mechanics. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: to develop an understanding of the behaviour and design of engineering structures in rock masses.
Expected outcomes: Students will have learnt how to classify and characterise rocks and rock masses for engineering purposes and developed an understanding of basic rock mechanics etc.
Syllabus summary: Introduction to rock mechanics and rock engineering. Index properties and engineering characterisation of rocks and rock masses. Planes of weakness in rock masses. Rock material strength and rock mass strength. Rock deformability. In situ stress conditions in rock masses. Underground openings. Rock slopes.
TEXTBOOK: Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T. ,Underground Excavations in Rock, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Edn:,1980,
CIVL5455 Engineering Behaviour of Soils

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Independent Study 4 hrs per week. Lectures 2hrs per week 12 weeks of semester. Tutorials 1hr per week. Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the critical state framework. This framework is used for the basis for developing an understanding of the stress, strain, strength behaviour of all soils, and is used to present a rational approach to the selection of parameters for use in geotechnical design.
REFERENCE: Atkinson J.H. and Bransby P.L.,The mechanics of soils. An introduction to critical state soil mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Edn:,1978.
CIVL5458 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hrs lecture, tutorial and laboratory per week Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of this unit is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of finite element analysis and how to apply this knowledge to the solution of civil engineering problems at intermediate and advanced levels.
At the end of this unit, students should acquire knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations, basic element types, the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural, geotechnical and continuum analysis and the use of finite element software packages. The syllabus comprises introduction to finite element theory, analysis of bars, beams and columns, and assemblages of these structural elements; analysis of elastic continua; problems of plane strain, plane stress and axial symmetry; use, testing and validation of finite element software packages; and extensions to apply this knowledge to problems encountered in engineering practice.
On completion of this unit, students will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
1. Knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations. This will provide students with an insight into the principles at the basis of the FE elements available in commercial FE software.
2. Knowledge of basic element types. Students will be able to evaluate the adequacy of different elements in providing accurate and reliable results.
3. Knowledge of the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural and geotechnical engineering applications. Students will be exposed to some applications to enable them to gain familiarity with FE analyses.
4. Knowledge of the use of finite element programming and modeling.
5. Extended knowledge of the application of FE to solve civil engineering problems.
- Cook RD, Malkus DS, Plesha ME, Witt RJ, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis , Wiley , 4th Edn,
CIVL5501 Foundations of Materials

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Prohibitions: CIVL2201 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
Materials are an important part of the civil engineers' work. Indeed, civil engineers who are concerned with the design, construction, and maintenance of facilities need to understand the behaviour and performance of the materials used. And as it happens, mechanical properties - which are essential and basic for civil engineers - are highly dependent on the structure of materials at various scales. Therefore, it is important that a student in Civil Engineering possesses a fundamental knowledge in materials science. This unit of study aims to provide students with the tools necessary to select the adequate material for a particular application and to assess its mechanical behaviour while in use. This course will focus mainly on materials for civil engineering and construction applications, i.e. metals, concrete and soils.
CIVL5502 Foundations of Structural Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week, 2 hours of laboratory work per semester Prohibitions: CIVL2201 Assumed knowledge: Students should be competent in the following areas. 1. The concept of force and momentum equilibrium in two and three dimensions. 2. Drawing free body diagrams. 3. Establishing and solving the equations of equilibrium from the FBD. 4. Setting out solutions logically, clearly and neatly. Students should be competent incertain mathematical skills. 1. Solving algebraic equations. 2. Differentiation and integration (including double integrals). 3. Drawing graphs of polynomials (especially) and other mathematical function. 4. Trigonometry. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The primary objective of this unit is to understand internal actions (forces and moments) in structures (deformable objects) under loads in three key areas: how structures resist external loads by internal actions; the distribution of internal actions within structures; and the deformations, stresses and strains associated with the internal actions. The syllabus comprises introduction; equilibrium; internal actions: BMDs, SFDs, AFDs, and TMDs; elasticity, stress and strain, and basic material properties; axial forces: tension and compression; elastic bending of beams; shear force and shear stresses in beams; torsion; deflection of beams; pipes and pressure vessels; trusses; material properties, combined stresses and yield criteria; advanced bending; introduction to buckling and instability.
Reference: JL Meriam and LG Kraig ,Engineering Mechanics - Volume 1
CIVL5504 Foundations of Soil Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 1 hour of tutorial per week. 10 hours of laboratory work per semester. Prohibitions: CIVL2410 Assumed knowledge: CIVL5502 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
This course provides an elementary introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, and provides the basic mechanics necessary for the detailed study of Geotechnical Engineering. This course aims to provide an understanding of: the nature of soils as engineering materials; common soil classification schemes; the importance of water in the soil and the effects of water movement; methods of predicting soil settlements, the stress-strain-strength response of soils, and earth pressures.
CIVL5505 Foundations of Intro. Fluid Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. 8 hours of laboratory work per semester. Assumed knowledge: Students are expected to have a strong understanding of fundamental physics, statics, equilibrium, forces, and dimensional analysis. Familiarity with simple calculus, partial differential equations, and the analytical and numerical solutions. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The objective of this unit of study is to develop an understanding of basic fluid concepts for inviscid and incompressible fluids. Topics to be covered will include: basic fluid properties, hydrostatics, buoyancy, stability, pressure distribution in a fluid with rigid body motion, fluid dynamics, conservation of mass and momentum, dimensional analysis, open channel flow, and pipe flow. This core unit of study forms the basis for further studies in the applied areas of ocean, coastal and wind engineering and other elective fluid mechanics units which may be offered.
CIVL5506 Foundations-Eng Construction & Surveying

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. 18 hours of practical exercises per semester. Practical field work: Notes In recent years - the course has included a 1.5 day camp at Webbs Creek (about 80km from Sydney). The camp is located in a bushland setting. It aims to provide valuable practice in practical field survey and has a secondary aim of providing a basis for social gathering (this aspect being requested in student feedback over recent years) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The objectives of this unit are to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of engineering construction including - design, control, management, measurement and construction methods for excavation, embankments and other earthworks, hauling and associated operations. - building construction fundamentals, including reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber. - drilling and blasting Engineering Survey topics aim (a) to provide basic analogue methods of distance, angle and height measurement and (b) to provide an understanding of three dimensional mapping using basic total station electronic field equipment with associated data capture ability and (c) to give an insight into future trends in the use of GPS and GIS systems.
At the end of this unit, students should develop basic competency in earthwork engineering and economic optimisation of related construction, including proposing and analysing systems and methods, estimation of probable output, unit cost and productivity evaluation. Students should have a basic knowledge of vertical construction in reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber. Students should also develop proficiency in the design and implementation of mapping systems in Civil Engineering, using analogue and electronic field equipment and associated software packages. The syllabus comprises introduction to the framework under which construction projects are formulated and analysed; construction engineering fundamentals; construction systems related to excavation, hauling and embankment construction, including selection and evaluation of plant and methods as well as the expected output and cost; introduction to construction operations management. Introduction to engineering surveying, distance measurement, angle measurement, levelling, traversing, topographic surveys, electronic surveying equipment, future surveying technologies.
CIVL5507 Foundations of Concrete Structures 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of project work in class per week. 2 hours of laboratory demonstration per semester. Assumed knowledge: CIVL5501, CIVL5502, CIVL5509. Stress-strain relationships for steel and concrete; concepts of force equilibrium, compatability of strains, and elastic beam theory. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background
The objectives of this unit are to provide a basic understanding of the behaviour of reinforced concrete members and structures; to provide a basic understanding of standard methods of analysis and design of reinforced concrete behaviour (including an understanding of capabilities and limitations); and to provide basic design training in a simulated professional engineering environment.
The syllabus comprises the behaviour of reinforced concrete members and structures, including: material properties, 'elastic' analysis (stresses/deformations/time-dependence), ultimate strengths of beams (flexure), ultimate strength of columns (short and slender), behaviour or reinforced concrete slabs. The reinforced concrete truss analogy (shear/torsion/and detailing implications). Design of typical elements of a reinforced concrete building, structural modelling, analysis of load-effects (incl.earthquakes), design criteria (for durability, fire-resistance, serviceability and strength), design calculation procedures, reinforcement detailing, structural drawings.
At the end of this unit students will gain proficiency in basic methods of reinforced concrete analysis and design.
CIVL5508 Foundations of Steel Structures 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. 2 hours of laboratory work per semester. Assumed knowledge: There are no prerequisites for this unit of study but it is assumed that students are competent in the content covered in CIVL2201 Structural Mechanics, CIVL2230 Introduction to Structural Concepts and Design as well as knowledge of the content in CIVL3235 Structural Analysis. It is assumed that students are competent in the following areas: the methods of load transfer in structures tension, compression, bending, shear, torsion, and bearing; an appreciation of stress and strain, and being able to determine stresses and strains in simple sections under axial force, bending moments, shear and torsion; calculating and understanding the physical significance of geometric section properties : centroid, Ix, Iy, Zx, Zy, Sx, Sy, rx, ry, J, Ag; knowledge of the basic elastic-plastic material properties of steel, E, G, fy, fu; and knowledge of loading of structures. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
This unit of study is concerned with the behaviour and design of steel structures. Statics provided the fundamentals of equilibrium upon which most structural engineering is based. Structural Concepts and Structural Analysis provided information on the loads (actions) on a structure and how structures resist these actions with a resulting distribution of internal actions (bending moments, shear forces, axial forces; BMDs, SFDs and AFDs). Structural Mechanics considered how these internal actions resulted in stresses and strains in members. Materials considered the microscopic and molecular structure of metals to determine its inherent mechanical properties such as yield stress. This unit of study will then combine the knowledge of stresses, material properties of steel, structural analysis, and loading, and consider new concepts and modes of failure, such as local and flexural torsional buckling, combined actions and second-order effects to understand the behaviour of steel members and frames, and how this behaviour is accounted for in the design standard AS 4100. Both the units of study Steel Structures 1 and Concrete Structures 1 can be considered the culmination of the various elements of structural engineering begun in Engineering Mechanics in first year, and is further developed in Civil Engineering Design in final year. More advanced topics, such as plate behaviour, advanced buckling and connection design, are considered in the final year elective subject Steel Structures 2. It is recognised that not all students intend to become consulting structural engineers. The unit of study is designed so that students who make an effort to understand the concepts are most capable of passing. Students who are planning a career in the consulting structural engineering profession should be aiming at achieving a Distinction grade or higher.
CIVL5509 Foundations of Struct Concepts & Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week. Assumed knowledge: CIVL5501, CIVL5502, ENGG1802. Structural mechanics, first year mathematics. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The objectives of this unit are to understand the mechanical properties of the materials used in civil engineering and to show the relation between the methods of manufacture, the resulting microstructures and the mechanical responses.
CIVL5510 Foundations of Civil Engineering Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 hour of lectures and 3 hours of tutorials per week. Assumed knowledge: CIVL3205 and CIVL3206 or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This UoS is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The UoS aims to develop students' ability to apply engineering fundamentals and the underlying science and mathematics to engineering problem solving. Students are encouraged to exercise critical decision making in developing solutions to challenges and to develop their own philosophical understanding of the design process. The concept covered in this UoS are: the design cycle from problem definition, through concept development, generation of ideas, analysis of proposals, feasibility evaluation, preferred solution selection to the detailed development and documentation of a final design.
CIVL5511 Foundations of Fluid Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 2hrs per week, Tutorial 2hrs per week, Laboratory 2hrs per week. Assumed knowledge: This unit of study assumes previous study of the fundamental principles of fluid dynamics obtained from CIVL5505 Foundations of Fluid Mechanics and Inviscid Flow or equivalent introductory fluid mechanics subject. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study builds on previous study of the principles of fluids dynamics and introduces applied fluid mechanics. The unit provides the theory and tools to solve practical problems related to: differential relations for fluid flow, pipe flow, flow around immersed body, flow around immersed bodies, open channel flow, compressible flow, and turbo-machinery.
CIVL5512 Foundation of Eng Design & Construction

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Workshop 3 hours per week. Lecture/Presentation 2 hrs per week, Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge of construction operations including excavation, embankments and other earthworks, hauling and associated procedures - drilling and blasting, survey, reinforced concrete construction (including formwork and formwork substitutes), interpretation of engineering drawings. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objectives of this unit are to develop an understanding of construction methods, strategies, equipment and machinery in a range of construction activities and an understanding of the principles involved in the design for those construction activities. At the end of this unit, students will have developed a familiarity with a variety of construction methods, strategies, equipment and machinery in a range of construction activities such that they will be able, if and when the opportunity arises to participate as site engineers (or similar role) in the planning and execution of those construction activities, albeit with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. Students will also have developed an understanding of the design principles and techniques involved in the planning for those construction activities such that they are able, if and when the opportunity arises, to participate as design engineers, in the planning and design for those construction activities, with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. The range of topics covered in this course is such that the learning outcomes form a basis for later development of more detailed knowledge, dependent on the future career experiences of the student. The course does not prepare a student for immediate, unsupervised participation in construction and design work associated with the topics covered. The construction topics covered in this course have not been previously addressed in CIVL5506 (Foundations of Engineering Construction and Survey) or equivalent introductory study of construction and surveying techniques. The topics may vary dependent on current and planned projects in Sydney, NSW and Australia. At this stage the topics are hard rock tunnelling and general hard rock underground excavation; soft ground tunnelling; underground construction; micro tunnelling; cut and cover (cover and cut) tunnelling; earth retaining systems; piling; formwork and falsework (incl Tilt up, Ultrafloor, Sacrificial form); dewatering; pavement design and construction - rigid and flexible (incl and pavement construction materials); stormwater drainage design and construction; marine construction; civil construction in environmentally sensitive areas; contract administration for construction engineers; general engineering in remote localities (project based); construction methods in bridge engineering; QA documentation on a typical project; insurance in the construction industry occupational health and safety issues in the construction industry.
CIVL5513 Foundations of Structural Analysis

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 4 hours per week, Tutorial 2 hours per week. Assumed knowledge: This unit of study assumes previous study of the fundamental principles of structural mechanics obtained from CIVL5502 Foundations of Structural Mechanics or equivalent introductory structural mechanics subject. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objectives of this unit are to provide an understanding of the principles of structural analysis by introducing the strain-displacement, stress-strain and equilibrium relationships for beam members; applying the relationships to the matrix displacement analysis of frame structures; and using computer software to conduct the linear-elastic and buckling analyses of frame structures.At the end of this unit, students will be able to deduce appropriate structural models for frame structures; and use computer methods and simple hand methods to obtain internal forces and displacements as well as buckling loads for frame structures. The syllabus comprises theoretical background (strain-displacement, stress-strain and equilibrium relationships), structural analysis software, matrix displacement method, beam theory, introduction to nonlinear analysis, buckling analysis.
CIVL5514 Foundations of Geotechnical Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hrs per week, Tutorial 2 hrs per week. Assumed knowledge: Fundamentals of soil mechanics including effective stress, pore pressure, consolidation and seepage. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objectives of this unit are to provide an understanding of the factors influencing soil strength, and to give practice in the application of this understanding by exploring the stability of slopes, retaining walls and foundations. At the end of this unit students will be able to: determine the strength parameters appropriate to a range of stability problems, and understand the difference between total and effective stress approaches; evaluate strength parameters from laboratory data; critically analyse foundation stability and slope stability problems; use spreadsheets to perform parametric studies and produce design charts for simple geotechnical design problems; and communicate the results of experiments and analyses using written methods appropriate for professional geotechnical engineers. The syllabus comprises; methods of analysis for gravity and sheet pile retaining walls; reinforced soil; slope stability, including modes of failure, analysis and computer methods; bearing capacity of shallow foundations under general loading, and axial and lateral capacities of deep pile foundations; the mechanical behaviour of sands and clays; the Cam Clay model and the breakage model.
CIVL5515 Foundations of Ocean and Coastal Engg

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 4 hrs per week, Tutorial 2 hrs per week, E-Learning.. Assumed knowledge: Fundamentals of fluid mechanics. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The objectives of this unit of study are to develop an understanding of the physics of ocean waves at any water depth and its application to the analysis and design of marine structures. This unit of study introduces the governing equations for free surface flows, including linear and nonlinear wave theories, wave transformation physics and nearshore hydrodynamics modelling. Furthermore, this unit of study includes the calculation of wave forces based on deterministic and probabilistic wave theories, wave-induced coastal currents and sediments, wind-wave-structure interactions, tides, ocean engineering operational sea state, storm surges (due to cyclones and tsunamis) and various other environmental effects. Many marine structure design applications are introduced, including jetties, harbours, breakwaters, bridge piers, dams, offshore platforms, turbines and other wind/wave energy devices. The major outcomes of this unit of study are (i) an understanding of wave physics at any water depth and the criteria for choosing the appropriate wave theory, and (ii) the ability to apply this understanding to the analysis and design of engineering marine structures. Although the unit has an analytical focus, the use of model scale, computational techniques and code of practice based design are also discussed.
CIVL5665 Advanced Water Resources Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour of tutorials per week Assumed knowledge: Basic calculation skills and a knowledge of the application of spreadsheets to perform data manipulation and presentation. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide an understanding of:
- dispersion in rivers and the coastal ocean
- water supply networks and systems
- wastewater reuse and applications
- surface runoff assessment
- design procedures for storage and service reservoirs
- reservoir safe yield
- physical, biological and chemical treatment methods for wastewater
- management principles for water resources
- irrigation demands
- desalination methods and appropriate applications
- stormwater harvesting
- environmental considerations for water catchment areas
- water conservation principles
CIVL5666 Open Channel Flow & Hydraulic Structures

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will review the principles of uniform flow in open channels. These will be extended into a study of the principles of slowly varying and rapidly varying flow, the calculation of backwater curves and hydraulic jumps. These principles will then be applied to the design of gutters, inlets, culverts and piers, using existing commercially available software packages commonly used in engineering practice.
This Unit will provide students with a strong back ground in open channel flow hydraulics, and the basis for the calculation of stream and hydraulic structure performance. Students will gain experience in the use of currently available commercial software for the design of culverts and other structures
CIVL5668 Wind Engineering for Design-Fundamentals

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3-hr combined lecture and tutorial per week Assumed knowledge: BE or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will introduce the fundamentals of meteorology governing wind flow, details of extreme wind events, wind structure, statistical distribution of the wind, the effect of topography and terrain changes on wind profile, investigate the fluid flow around bluff bodies, and detail the design of civil engineering structures for wind loading
This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills:
On completion of this course students will have an understanding of the governing principles of wind engineering, how to predict the extreme wind speed and analyse anemographs, predict the effect of terrain and topography on velocity and turbulence, understand flow patterns around bodies, how to predict the pressure distribution and wind loading on bodies and structures, and how all the above relates toAS1170.2.
CIVL5669 Applied Fluid Engineering Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 1 hr per week, Tutorial 1hr per week, Laboratory 2hrs per week. Assumed knowledge: Understanding of fluid mechanics at the undergraduate level; Appreciation of fluid flow problems relevant to Civil and Environmental Engineering applications; Basic computer skills and some understanding of numerical methods. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of this unit is to provide students with advanced knowledge of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and skills in solving fluid and thermal flow problems relevant to Civil and Environmental Engineering applications. Students will also gain experience in using a state-of-the-art commercial CFD package and advanced understanding of a range of engineering problems through working on projects.
On completion of this unit, students will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
1. Advanced understanding of CFD procedures.
2. Understanding of advanced CFD approaches for dealing with turbulent and free surface flows as well as other challenging fluid flow problems.
3. Ability to use a state-of-the-art commercial CFD package to solve engineering problems.
4. Skills to formulate and solve engineering problems using CFD techniques, to assess the problems based on CFD calculations, and to write reports accordingly.
5. Advanced understanding of a range of fluid flow problems relevant to Civil and Environmental Engineering applications.
Reference Books:
CIVL5670 Reservoir Stream & Coastal Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2 hours per week, Tutorials 2 hours per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The objectives of this Unit of Study are to develop an understanding of the processes occurring in lakes, reservoirs, streams and coastal seas, and an introduction to transport and mixing in inland waters, and to the design the design of marine structures. The unit will cover the mass and heat budget in stored water bodies, mixing, and the implications for water quality. In streams, simple transport models will be introduced, and simple models for dissolved oxygen transport discussed. The basic equations for linear and non linear wave theories in coastal seas will be introduced, and wave forces on structures and an introduction to design of offshore structures will be discussed.
CIVL5901 Civil Engineering Project 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: project work - own time. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Involves carrying out some original research work on a topic. The results of the research are reported in a project thesis. This can be combined with CIVL5902, to form a 12 credit point research project.
CIVL5902 Civil Engineering Project 2

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: project work - own time Corequisites: CIVL5901 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This UoS is a 6 credit point UoS and involves carrying out some original research work on a topic. The results of the research are reported in a project thesis. This can be combined with CIVL5901, to form a 12cr point research project.
CIVL5903 Major Project A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project work - own time Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This Unit is associated with the following Civil Engineering courses: MES, MES StructsFound., MES FluidWind, MES Structs, MES Geotech., MES EnvirFluid, DIP Structs, DIP Geotech., DIP StructsFound., CERT GGM.
It involves carrying out original research work on a chosen topic at a more advanced level than is required for the 6 credit point Project. The work can be combined with CIVL5904 to form a 24 credit point Project.
CIVL5904 Major Project B

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: project work - own time Corequisites: CIVL5903 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This UoS is a 12 cr point Uos and involves carrying out original research work on a chosen topic at a more advanced level than is required for the 6 credit point project (CIVL5901 and 5902). The work can be combined with CIVL5903 to form a 24 credit point Project
PMGT5871 Project Process Planning and Control

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Early,Winter Main Classes: Session 1: Block Mode, Session 2: Online and Block Mode, Winter and Summer Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Project Management processes are what moves the project from initiation through all its phases to a successful conclusion. This course takes the project manager from a detailed understanding of process modelling through to the development and implementation of management processes applicable to various project types and industries and covers approaches to reviewing, monitoring and improving these processes.
Information Technology Project Management by Kathy Schwalbe
PMGT5872 People and Leadership

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Block mode & on-line; Session 2: Block mode Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
This is a core program unit with a focus on enhancing leadership and people management capability. It covers diverse traditional and innovative theories, models and tools. It complements traditional views based as PMBoK, applying diverse approaches to contemporary project environments. Many of the unit tasks are framed in uncertain and potentially ambiguous terms as is common in many project environments. Topic areas covered: Project context, Personal Competence, Interpersonal Competence , Team Competence The unit references a range of Australian and global Project Management, Management and Consulting Standards. It integrates theory and practice to optimise results. Recommended reading: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)"
PMGT5873 Project Economics and Finance

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Block mode; Session 2: On-line Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This course equips members of project management teams with information and tools to do financial appraisal and optimise decision making. It imparts basic knowledge and competencies required in project appraisal and financial management applicable to all sectors of industry and business. These include services, business investment, R&D, capital projects, local, state and national government departments and agencies.
Topics include:
- Review of the Fundamentals of Project Economics and Financial Techniques
- Implementation of Fundamental Principles including EUAC, NPV, IRR, B/C, Valuation, Depreciation, Replacement Studies and Life Cycle Costing
- Development of Project Alternatives and Application of the Analysis Techniques
- Sensitivity Analysis, Risk Analysis and Management
- Project Funding and Selection
- Project Appraisal Report.
Grant, Ireson and Leavenworth, Principles of Engineering Economy ( J. Wiley & Sons ) Latest Edition
PMGT5875 Project Innovation Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Late Classes: Session 1 and Summer School: Block mode ; Session 2: Online Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This course is intended for students who want to know what is going on at the leading edges of innovation in project management practice. Important trends in innovation in project organisation, management and delivery are identified and their implications for project innovation management explored. Major topics include: the trend to open information ("open source") rather than protected intellectual property innovation structure; impact of the open innovation structure on organisational project management; improved understanding of the client requirements and achievement of quality goals through open based or user driven project innovation management practices; distribution of innovation over many independent but collaborating actors; and toolkits that empower users to innovate for themselves.
PMGT5876 Strategic Delivery of Change

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Block Mode; Session 2: Online Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Objectives, Format, and Participants:
This is a modular course designed for on-campus learning among
students and industry professionals. We focus on the skills managers
need to successfully plan and implement to:
- Change management approaches.
- development and implementation of change management techniques
- development and implementation of change management communications and training
- cultural change management - how does change to culture take place and how can it be managed
- organisational factors and how do they play a role with projects and change management.
Students taking the course will have three sets of assignments:
1. a group presentation which demonstrates capacity to prepare for change management on a large project. This assignment is worth 25% of the overall grade.
2. a group presentation which demonstrates understanding of organisational culture and how change management impacts cultural changes. This assignment is worth 25% of the overall grade.
3. individual assignment describing an insight learnt in the class and how this insight can be applied theoretically and practically. This assignment is worth 50% of the overall grade.
PMGT5877 Management of Project Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: on-line; Session 2: 3 hours per week (evening) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This course examines the challenges and approaches of managing project-oriented organisations. These could be independent business units or divisions within a larger corporation. Examples are construction contractors, ICT services, R&D units and many internal business units that are project-oriented.
Today, more organisations are adopting project management as a management strategy to provide effective and timely solutions to clients. They are managing organisational architecture to support both 'business as usual' and projects that are increasingly important to the organisation.
Focus is on the relationship between project management and the following: organisational culture, structure, processes, cross-functional teams, project governance, performance management, organisational learning, change and knowledge management. The assessment comprises a series of case study based assignments, quizzes and exams.
PMGT5879 Strategic Portfolio & Program Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: on-line; Session 2: Block Mode Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit specifically addresses the selection and prioritisation of multiple programmes and projects which have been grouped to support an organisation's strategic portfolio.
The allocation of programmes of work within a multi-project environment, governing, controlling and supporting the organisation's strategy, are considered. The aim is to formulate and manage the delivery of the portfolio of strategies using programme management. Students will learn and practice the issues to be considered in selecting an effective organisation portfolio and how to implement a Portfolio Management Framework. Also they will encounter the many conflicting issues facing Program Managers as they seek to implement organisation strategy through programs and learn how to balance these to obtain desired outcomes.
Office of Government Commerce, 2007, Managing Successful Programmes, The Stationery Office, Norwich Pellegrinelli. Sergio, 2008, Thinking and Acting Like a Great Programme Manager, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
PMGT5886 System Dynamics Modelling for PM

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Online; Session 2: 3hrs per week (evenings) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
Students should achieve an understanding of the roles of statistical methods, coordinate transformations, and mathematical analysis in mapping complex, unpredictable dynamical systems. Systems Thinking is a more natural and better way to think, learn, act, and achieve desired results. Effectively implemented, it can dramatically improve a manager`s effectiveness in today`s complex and interconnected business world. This course provides managers with many practical new Systems Thinking tools and the main concepts of Systems Thinking to enhance individual, team, and organizational learning, change, and performance.
PMGT5887 Computer Applications in PM

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: On-line; Session 2: Block-mode Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Computer-Aided Project Management builds a bridge from the genesis of project management principles through today's software, developing a postmodern project management system paradigm for the twenty-first century. Adopting a unique systems perspective that emphasises project coding--an essential skill in project database management--this course demonstrates what fundamental project management principles are, what they do, and how they work in the software environment. Addressing all phases of a project it illustrates and expands theories through the use of realistic case studies which are based on actual project experience and extensive exercises running on PCs. An important feature of systems project management, the use of "scope" and "quality," is also discussed.
By the end of this unit of study, students should be able to:
- Understand application-based introduction to effective systems and methods for project planning and control
- Understand essential knowledge to manage successfully and to create, use, and communicate PC-, Server-, Web-, and Internet-based project management information.
- Understand the use of structures such as PDS (Project Definition Structure), WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure), and Masterformat project coding for areas, functions, elements, phases, stages, packages, purchase orders, contracts, and human resources planning and scheduling by CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) communicating with Gantt and bar charts and graphics such as S curves relating estimating and cost control from order-of-magnitude numbers to appropriation grade budgets.
Kloppenborg.T. Contemporary Project Management (1st Edition) 2009
PMGT5888 Global Project Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Block Mode; Session 2: Online, available in Summer School Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This course has been designed to suggest the development of best practices in communication, collaboration and management across international borders. The objectives are to: Understand the challenges faced by a global program and project teams; and, Improve the overall skills and practices of global project managers that will lead international companies to achieve maturity in global project management. Topics include: Introduction to traditional, distributed, and virtual project work; Global projects and requirements; Organisational change and organisational theory; Cross-cultural collaboration; Global project leadership; Trust building and conflict resolution; Coaching over distance; Global communication and channels; Leading a global organisation; Implementing collaborative tools; and, Implementing a Global Project Management Framework.
Binder, Jean (2007). Global PM: Communication, Collaboration and Management across borders. Gower publishing.
PMGT5889 Integrated Cost and Scheduling Control

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: On-line; Session 2: Block Mode Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study focuses on the integrated management of project scope, time and cost for effective control and delivery of projects. The scope of the subject matter includes delivering comprehensive theoretical knowledge and application skills in integrated management and control of cost and schedule in complex projects. By successful completion of this unit of study, students should achieve a clear understanding of the time and cost management and appropriate control measures in project development environments.
Students should be able to:
- Discuss the project management trade-offs on balancing the triple-constraint;
- Explain the integrated cost and schedule control processes;
- Construct work breakdown structure (WBS) using given project information;
- Discuss scope monitoring and change control system;
- Produce networks diagrams for project scheduling;
- Apply critical path analysis (CPA) in network scheduling;
- Apply critical chain method in project scheduling;
- Estimate the project cost and duration;
- Apply resource scheduling techniques;
- Construct a time-phased budget plan;
- Discuss cost monitoring and control processes;
- Undertake earned value analysis (EVA); and
- Undertake integrated cost and schedule control processes using project management software (Microsoft Project or Primavera)
By the end of this unit of study, students should be able to:
- Undertake WBS exercises, CPA, EVA and trade-off analysis using the given project information;
- Explain how the components of time and cost management interrelate;
- Explain in depth why integrated cost and schedule management are important to project management; and
- Analyze a project situation that involves time and cost management issues and apply a solution(s)
Integrated Cost & Scheduling control in Project Management - Ursula Kuehn (Recommended reading, not compulsory)
PMGT5891 Project Risk Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Block mode; Session 2: Block Mode and On-line Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The aims of this course are to develop students' understanding and ability in applying project risk management skills in project environments. The course enables the students to apply best practice techniques and methods commonly used by industry in project risk management.
The competencies developed through this unit cover and go beyond the competencies in Risk areas as outlined in the competency standards by the Australian Institute of Project Management and Project Management Institute in the USA, respectively. The UoS aims to develop students' ability to understand and conceptualise risk management issues, and analyse and apply risk management techniques using concepts and frameworks from the underpinning literature.
- Ability to establish risk management plans, policies & integrate them with other project plans, organisation & align them to the business case
- Ability tounderstand the sources of potential risks (including but not limited to political, organisational, psychological and technical risks) and to use risk management tools & techniques to identify, assess, evaluate, & prioritise risks
- Ability to simulate the potential effects of risks on schedule, cost and other performance dimensions using sensitivity analysis, decision tree analysis and simulation techniques.
- Ability to track, monitor & control risks & actions to achieve project objectives & the business case
- Ability to close risks for an optimal outcome
PMGT5892 Project Management Industrial Project

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Weekly 3hr meeting, Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Evening
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students must have a credit average for admission into this unit.
In this intensive PM capstone project, students are required to apply all of the skills necessary to successfully initiate, plan, execute, control and close a project. Working as part of a team on a simulated four-month, mid-sized, high-priority project, student will be responsible for developing the key project management deliverables, including the project charter, project plan, change control process, status reports and post-project reviews. Students will facilitate meetings, update the project plan with actuals and changes, present status to management, justify your decisions to key stakeholders and determine the impacts of your actions on multiple projects. Under the guidance of a senior project manager and their academic supervisor, students will be given direct feedback and techniques to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Alternatively students with a 75D average may have the opportunity with permission to do an Honours level thesis working on a full-time project. The Hons level thesis will be a minimum of 70 pages and max of 100 pages. Please contact the Coordinator to discuss.
PMGT5893 Statistical Methods in PM

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs Weekly (evening) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Evening
Aims: Students should achieve an understanding of the applications of statistical methods in project environments.
- Conduct hypothesis test and draw conclusions;
- Apply regression analysis to examine relationships between variables;
- Explain the relationships between variables;
- Describe the distributions of variables;
- Draw conclusions based on results observed in a sample;
- Discuss the application of statistical model for project selection;
- Apply statistical method for forecasting project time and cost at completion;
- Discuss the application of statistical model for cost estimating; and
- Apply SPSS in analyzing and evaluating a project situation.
By the end of this unit of study, students should be able to:
- Discuss the applications of statistical methods in project management;
- Evaluate a project situation based on statistical results; and
- Apply simple statistical methods to problem-solving in project management.
PMGT5895 Contracts Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: Weekly ; Session 2: Weekly Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The aim of this unit is the understanding of fundamental contracts as it relates to project management. The aim is that students are able to understand various contracts that are available and have the ability to select the right contract for a project. The unit aims to give an understanding of contract terms and conditions that may give rise to potential issues and methods to mitigate this. Given contracts are pivotal in a project manager's role the overall aim is for students to understand contracts better and have the confidence to use contracts in their day to day activities to avoid potential risks and conflicts. In addition it will assist students to have the ability to solve complex issues by being able to think critically and analyze issues.
Understanding the basis of contract management-including traditional and contemporary theories;
Being able to identify contract terms that expose the project manager to risk;
Gain confidence to be able to raise contract issues and negotiate terms.
PMGT5896 Sustainability & Intelligence in P. M.

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hr per week evening classes Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In order to run projects successfully, project managers need to master more than the requisite technical knowledge. The more complex the project, the more significant interpersonal skills become to achieving a successful outcome. Without the people skills necessary to lead effectively, even the most carefully orchestrated project can quickly fall apart. This unit aims to introduce project managers to the basic concepts of emotional intelligence and shows how to apply them to their project goals. Students will learn how to: Set the tone & direction for the project, communicate more effectively, improve listening skills, create a positive work environment, motivate, coach and mentor team members and productively handle stress, criticism and blame.
PMGT5897 Disaster Project Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hr per week in one session; evening class. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit identifies the causes of some well-known project failures and reveals what can be learned by being able to think critically and analyse the issues. The aim of this unit is to outline traditional and contemporary theories in emergency response planning; to provide an overall scope of comprehensive emergency planning and the major elements that must be addressed in an Emergency Response Plan. Student outcomes from this unit include: Developing & implementing an Emergency Response Plan; Specific recommendations for the health & safety of emergency response personnel and provides concise information on learning objectives and a review of important concepts.
PMGT5898 Complex Project Leadership

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs per week in one session; evening classes Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will offer students an innovative way of looking at projects and treating them as complex adaptive systems. Applying the principles of complexity thinking will enable project managers and leadership teams to manage large-scale initiatives successfully. The expected outcomes of this unit include: Exploring how complexity thinking can be used to find new, creative ways to think about and manage projects; Diagnose complexity on a wide range of projects; Understand and manage the complexity of the business problem and use the Project Complexity Model to determine the most effective approach to managing all aspects of a project based on the level of complexity involved.
PMGT5900 Project Management Thesis

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1 & 2: Thesis project Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This UoS aims to give students a rich experience in carrying out a major project within an industrial environment, which will have significant ties to their chosen specialisation. Supervision of the project will be joint between the University and Industry. Students will work in industry for 12 weeks and engage fulltime on the project at the industrial site. Students will prepare and present a detailed technical report on their work
This UoS will give students essential experience working on real-life projects, where their knowledge gained in their MPM will be put into practice. Students will also obtain invaluable knowledge and experience of the way engineering skills are employed in an industrial context.
Students will have the ability to write a thorough technical report and present it in a professional manner.
PMGT6867 Quantitative Methods: Project Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1: 3 hours per week (evening); Session 2: Online Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Evening
This unit has been designed to teach understanding of the principles to plan, manage and deliver project scope, time and cost.
- To develop underpinning knowledge of scope, time and cost management as applied to projects
- To provide practical examples and opportunities to apply the relevant section of PMBOK to understanding the management of scope, time and cost on projects
- To initiate process of reflective learning and evidence development for competencies in the areas of scope, time and cost management.
Topics include:
- Project Integration
- Project Scope Management
- Project Time Management
- Project Cost Management
- Project Quality Management
- Project Risk Management
The Handbook of Project-based Management - Rodney J. Turner, McGraw Hill 1999, 3rd Edition or later
PMGT6869 Advanced Knowledge in Project Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Session 1 : On-line, Session 2 : Block mode. Assumed knowledge: PMBoK Guide Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The objectives of this Unit are:
Develop capability in creating environments for the success of multiple, large and complex projects
View problems as systems composed of interacting, interrelated, and interdependent components
Solve complex real-world problems
Examples of Unit outcomes include an ability to lead stakeholders in situations of changing needs and requirements in a `managed' way, understanding that typical solutions to current problems may be the foundations for future failures & being able to deal with the unique challenges of large and complex projects.
Topics include:
- Business Case Development
- Project Failure
- Large and Multiple Projects
- International Project Teams
- Organisational Learning
- Corporate Law
- Systems Practice
- Organisational Design
- Performance and Benefit Measurement
- Project Management Methodology (PRINCE2)
- Systems and Data Integration
- Project Managing Events

School of Electrical and Information Engineering

ELEC5101 Antennas and Propagation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 3 hours laboratory each week. Prohibitions: ELEC5522 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The first part of the unit describes the theory of radiation from elementary current sources, wires and arrays and introduces antenna terminology and characteristics such as radiation patterns, directivity, polarization and gain. The properties of receiving and transmitting antennas in a communications link are also described.
The second part of the unit describes three significant areas in antenna practice. (1) Numerical analysis of wire antennas; an introduction to the computer aided design of wire antennas and arrays. (2) Aperture antennas; an introduction to horn and reflector antennas and their applications. (3) Microstrip antennas; an introduction to modern printed circuit antennas and arrays and their applications.
The third part of the unit describes signal processing for multi-antenna arrays. Topics include Space-time coding, Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) capacity, MIMO transmission, and the effects of antenna correlation.
ELEC5203 Topics in Power Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hour tutorial/loboratory per week. Assumed knowledge: (ELEC3201 Electrical Energy Systems or ELEC3203 Power Engineering) and (ELEC3202 Power Electronics and Drives or ELEC3204 Power Electronics and Drives). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to give students an in depth understanding of modern power electronic equipment supporting the intelligent grid of the future and the associated electronic control. Electronic power systems rely on a complex system of methods and equipment for controlling the voltage levels and for maintaining the stability and security of the supply. It covers recent findings in the fundamental theory and the massive change of modern power electronic equipment and methods supporting the electricity grids. It also looks at the huge influence of computer-aided analysis of electric power systems and the effects of the deregulation of the industry. The specific topics covered are as follows: Introduction to power electronic systems and applications in the electrical grid, power semiconductors, reactive power control in power systems, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), high-voltage direct-current transmission (HVDC), static reactive power compensator, dynamic voltage restorer, unified-power flow controller, line-commutated converters, thyristor-controlled equipment, phase-angle regulators, voltage-source converter based power electronic equipment, harmonics, power quality, passive and active filters, distributed generation, grid-interconnection of renewable energy sources, intelligent grid technologies.
ELEC5204 Power Systems Analysis and Protection

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 1 hour tutorial per week, 2 hours laboratory per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4201 Assumed knowledge: The unit assumes basic knowledge of circuits, familiarity with basic mathematics, competence with basic circuit theory and an understanding of three phase systems, transformers, transmission lines and associated modeling and operation of such equipment. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides the basis for the analysis of electricity grids using symmetrical components theory. It assumes familiarity with basic mathematics, competence with basic circuit theory and an understanding of three phase systems, transformers, transmission lines, etc.
The following specific topics are covered: The types and causes of power system faults; balanced faults and short circuit levels; an introduction to fault current transients in machines; symmetric components, sequence impedances and networks; the analysis of unsymmetrical faults. Review of the impact of faults on power system behaviour; issues affecting protection scheme characteristics and clearance times; the security and reliability of protection schemes; the need for protection redundancy and its implementation as local or remote backup; zones of protection and the need for zones to overlap; the analysis and application of over-current and distance relay protection schemes with particular reference to the protection of transmission lines.
ELEC5205 High Voltage Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours lecture and 3 hours tutorial/lab per week. Assumed knowledge: The following previous knowledge is assumed for this unit. Circuit analysis techniques, electricity networks, power system fundamentals equivalent to ELEC3105 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Recommended: ELEC5204 Power Systems
The unit provides advanced knowledge associated with high voltage engineering methods, techniques and equipment. It is divided into two sections. The first section presents fundamentals of the failure mechanisms of solid, liquid and gaseous insulation at high voltages. It also discusses consequent design principles for high-voltage equipment; of the generation of high direct, alternating and impulse voltages for testing high-voltage equipment; and of methods for monitoring and assessing the condition of high-voltage equipment such as dissolved gas analysis for oil-filled transformers and partial discharge in cables. The second section presents in detail all the high-voltage equipment and in particular underground cables, overhead transmission lines, transformers, bushings and switchgear. It finally offers asset management solutions for modern transmission and distribution electricity networks.
ELEC5206 Sustainable Energy Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of labs and 2 hours of tutorials per fortnight. Assumed knowledge: Following concepts are assumed knowledge for this unit of study: familiarity with transformers, ac power, capacitors and inductors, electric circuits such as three-phase circuits and circuits with switches, and basic electronic circuit theory. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit builds upon the knowledge of engineering mathematics, electronic devices and circuit theory and simulation techniques. It deals with both technical and business aspects of sustainable electrical energy systems. In technical aspect, it focuses on energy conversion and electrical characteristics of different renewable energy sources and integration of multiple energy sources into distributed electricity generation. In business aspect, it focuses on economical, marketing and political aspects of installing and managing sustainable electrical energy systems in present and future society. It lays a solid foundation of practical and managerial skills on electronics and electrical (power) engineering and later studies such as ELEC5203 and advanced energy conversion and power systems. The following topics are covered: modern power systems; distributed generation; co-generation; tri-generation; microturbine; renewable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, fuel cells; wind turbine; photovoltaic; grid-connected power systems; stand-alone power systems; power conditioner; maximum power point tracking; single-axis and two-axis tracker.
ELEC5303 Computer Control System Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 2 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4301 Assumed knowledge: This unit assumes a basic knowledge of calculus, functions of real variables, Laplace transform, matrix theory and control theory. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to teach the basic issues involved in the analysis and design of computer-controlled systems. The emphasis is on theory rather than technological application or industrial practice.
However, students are expected to test some of these ideas on a few benchmark control problems in the laboratory. Completion of the unit will facilitate progression to advanced study in the area and to work in industrial control. This unit assumes a basic knowledge of calculus, functions of real variables, Laplace transform, matrix theory and control theory.
The following topics are covered. Sampled data systems: aliasing. Zero order hold equivalent: inverse of sampling, sampling system with time delay. Properties of difference equations: solution, stability, change of co-ordinates, Z transform. Input output models: pulse response, pulse transfer operator, pulse transfer function, interpretation of poles and zeros.
Analysis of discrete time system: stability (Jury's test, Nyquist criterion, Lyapunov method), sensitivity and robustness, observability (observers, reduced order observers), reachability and controllers, loss of reachability/observability through sampling, output feedback, the Separation theorem. Optimal control: Kalman filter, linear quadratic regulator, output feedback, the Separation theorem.
Approximating continuous time controllers. Finite word length mplementations.
ELEC5402 Digital Integrated Circuit Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 2 hours project work in class per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4402 Assumed knowledge: Electronic circuit design and physics of electronic devices. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study explores CMOS technology and integrated circuit design and fabrication. The fundamental theory and techniques behind digital integrated circuit design are introduced. A primary focus of this unit is providing the student with practical laboratory design experience using a professional VLSI CAD tool to design digital integrated circuits. This unit provides a foundation for more advanced digital integrated circuit design techniques and also analogue integrated circuit design.
Topics covered in this unit are: IC manufacturing process and CMOS technology, CMOS static logic design, CMOS dynamic logic design, arithmetic building block design, sequential logic design, VLSI interconnection and wiring issues, timing issues, digital memory design, digital system design methodologies.
ELEC5403 Radio Frequency Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5521 Assumed knowledge: Students will be expected to be familiar with ELEC3404 - Electronic Circuit Design , ELEC3104 - Engineering Electromagnetics and the third year course in Circuit Design: ELEC3105 - Circuit Theory and Design. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study builds upon earlier work and provides an introduction to radio frequency components and systems used in wireless and satellite communications as well as in other high frequency applications. It assumes some knowledge of: basic circuit analysis; semiconductor device models and behaviour; transistor operation as switches and amplifiers; transistor operation as current sources and current mirrors; differential amplifiers.
The following topics are covered: RF circuit element models, high-frequency effects and biasing in active devices, transmission lines and the Smith Chart, RF system characteristics, RF amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, power amplifiers, microwave measurements.
ELEC5507 Error Control Coding

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4503 Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge on digital communications. Fundamental mathematics including probability theory and linear algebra. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit deals with the principles of error control coding techniques and their applications in various communication and data storage systems. Its aim is to present the fundamentals of error control coding techniques and develop theoretical and practical skills in the design of error control encoders/decoders. Successful completion of this unit will facilitate progression to advanced study or to work in the fields of telecommunications and computer engineering. It is assumed that the students have some background in communications principles and probability theory.
The following topics are covered. Introduction to error control coding, linear algebra. Linear block codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes, burst-error correcting codes, design of codecs for block codes, applications of block codes in communications and digital recording. Convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, design of codecs for convolutional codes, applications of convolutional codes in communications, soft decision decoding of block and convolutional codes, trellis coded modulation, block coded modulation, design of codecs for trellis codes, applications of trellis codes in data transmission. Turbo codes and applications to space and mobile communications.
ELEC5508 Wireless Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5504, ELEC4504 Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge in probability and statistics, analog and digital communications, error probability calculation in communications channels, and telecommunications network. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will introduce the key ideas in modern wireless telecommunications networks. It will address both physical layer issues such as propagation and modulation, plus network layer issues such as capacity, radio resource management and mobility management issues.
The following topics are covered. Mobile radio channel: Multipath fading, diversity, log-normal fading, mean propagation loss, propagation models. Cellular technologies: Cell types, coverage, frequency reuse, spectral efficiency, link budget, power budget, traffic capacity. Omnidirectional and sectorised antennas. Handover, interaction with the fixed network. Microcells and macrocells, Medium access control: Near-far effect and the hidden terminal problem. Multiple access schemes: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Aloha and s-Aloha, carrier sense multiple access, reservation-based MAC schemes, polling, spread-aloha multiple access. GSM: System architecture, radio resource management, mobility management, connection management.
Third generation systems: WCDMA and cdma2000. Wireless LANs: IEEE802.11, Hiperlan, Bluetooth. Convergence: GSM evolution to data services via GPRS and EDGE. Issues with TCP over wireless. Mobility management in MobileIP.
ELEC5509 Mobile Networks

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lecture and a 2 hours tutorial/project meeting per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5501 Assumed knowledge: Basically, students need to know the concepts of data communications and mobile communications, which could be gained in one the following units of study: ELEC3505 Communications, ELEC3506 Data Communications and the Internet, or similar units. If you are not sure, please contact the instructor. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study serves as an introduction to communications network research. The unit relies on a solid understanding of data communications and mobile networks. It introduces some of the currently most debated research topics in mobile networking and presents an overview of different technical solutions. Students are expected to critically evaluate these solutions in their context and produce an objective analysis of the advantages/disadvantages of the different research proposals. The general areas covered are wireless Internet, mobility management, quality of service in mobile and IP networks, ad hoc networks, and cellular network architectures. The following topics are covered. Introduction to wireless and mobile Internet. Wireless cellular data networks. Cellular mobile networks. Mobile networks of the future. Quality of service in a mobile environment. Traffic modelling for wireless Internet. Traffic management for wireless Internet. Mobility management in mobile networks. Transport protocols for mobile networks. Internet protocols for mobile networks.
ELEC5510 Satellite Communication Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures,1 hour tutorial per week. 3 hour site visit during semester. Prohibitions: ELEC5502 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge of error probabilities, analog and digital modulation techniques and error performance evaluation studied in ELEC3505 Communications and ELEC4505 Digital Communication Systems, is assumed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Satellite communication systems provide fixed and mobile communication services over very large areas of land, sea and air. This unit presents the fundamental knowledge and skills in the analysis and design of such systems. It introduces students to the broad spectrum of satellite communications and its position in the entire telecommunications network; helps students to develop awareness of the key factors affecting a good satellite communications system and theoretical and practical skills in the design of a satellite communications link.
Topic areas include: satellite communication link design; propagation effects and their impact on satellite performance; satellite antennas; digital modem design, speech codec design; error control for digital satellite links.
ELEC5511 Optical Communication Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours laboratory/tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: (ELEC3503 Introduction to Digital Communications or ELEC3505 Communications) and (ELEC3402 Communications Electronics or ELEC3405 Communications Electronics and Photonics) or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This course will provide an understanding of the fundamental principles of optical fibre communication systems. It commences with a description of optical fibre propagation characteristics and transmission properties. We will then consider light sources and the fundamental principles of laser action in semiconductor and other lasers, and also the characteristics of optical transmitters based on semiconductor and electro-optic modulation techniques. The characteristics of optical amplifiers will also be discussed. On the receiver side, the principles of photodetection and optical receiver sensitivity will be discussed. Other aspects such as fibre devices and multiple wavelength division multiplexing techniques will also be discussed. Finally, the complete optical fibre communication system will be studied to enable the design of data transmission optical systems, local area networks and multi-channel optical systems.
ELEC5512 Optical Networks

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour laboratory/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5506 Assumed knowledge: ELEC3503 Introduction to Digital Communications Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit builds upon the fundamentals of optical communication introduced in ELEC3405 (Communications Electronics and Photonics) and ELEC5511 (Fibre Optic Communication Systems). It focuses on photonic network architectures and protocols, network design, enabling technologies and the drivers for intelligent optical network. Students will learn how to analyze and design optical networks and optical components. Introduction, photonic network architectures: point to point, star, ring, mesh; system principles: modulation formats, link budgets, optical signal to noise ratio, dispersion, error rates, optical gain and regeneration; wavelength division multiplexed networks; WDM components: optical filters, gratings, multiplexers, demultiplexers, wavelength routers, optical crossconnects, wavelength converters, WDM transmitters and receivers; Wavelength switched/routed networks, ultra high speed TDM, dispersion managed links, soliton systems; broadcast and distribution networks, multiple access, subcarrier multiplexed lightwave video networks, optical local area and metropolitan area networks; protocols for photonic networks: IP, Gbit Ethernet, SDH/SONET, FDDI, ATM, Fibre Channel.
ELEC5514 Networked Embedded Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. Assumed knowledge: ELEC3607, ELEC3305, ELEC3506 and ELEC5508 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aim to teach the fundamentals concepts associated with: embedded systems programming, real-time operating systems wireless channel propagation and radio power consumption power-aware and energy-aware communication protocols. Distributed embedded systems problems such as time synchronization and node localization, Programming of networked embedded systems Exposure to several recently developed solutions to address problems in wireless sensor networks and ubiquitous computing giving them a well-rounded view of the state-of the-art in the networked embedded systems field. Student involvement with projects will expose them to the usage of simulators and/or programming some types of networked embedded systems platforms. Ability to identify the main issues and trade-offs in networked embedded systems. Understanding of the state-of-the-art solutions in the area Based on the above understanding, ability to analyse requirements and devise first-order solutions for particular networked embedded systems problems. Familiarization with a simulator platform and real hardware platforms for network embedded systems through the students involvement in projects.
ELEC5515 Gigabits Wireless Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week Assumed knowledge: This unit assumes a competence in fundamental communications theory on modulation and equalization, digital signal processing techniques on filtering and FFT/IFFT, error-control coding and linear algebra. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide the theory and design aspects of high speed and short-range wireless systems operating in the unlicensed frequency bands. The targeted system is at multi-gigabits per second within a 100m operating space. Typical applications include wireless local (or personal) area networks. At the completion of this unit, students will gain the essential knowledge to design a gigabit wireless system based any of the emerging standards. The following specific topics are covered: international regulatory requirements on unlicensed frequency bands; the MAC and PHY overview of WirelessHD, ECMA and IEEE802.11/15 standards; an introduction of the industry design process and tools. 60 GHz transceiver architecture and high-speed ADC/DAC requirements; pre-amble and pilot signal design; initial acquisition techniques; OFDM techniques (automatic gain control (AGC); channel estimation; carrier and sampling frequency estimation and compensation; in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) imbalance characterization, estimation and compensation; soft-output algorithms; peak to average power ratio (PAPR) reduction and adaptive bit loading); beam-forming and multiple input and multiple output(MIMO) techniques; Case study: solutions for IEEE802.11 VHT
ELEC5614 Real Time Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour tutorial per week, 2 hours labs per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4602 Assumed knowledge: SOFT2130 Software Construction (or SOFT2004 Software Development Methods 1) and ELEC3607 Embedded Computing (or ELEC2601 Microprocessor Systems). Ability to program in a high level language. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is concerned with the theory and practice of real time computer systems as applied to the design of embedded systems and computer control systems in engineering, manufacturing and automation.
Some background in programming, object oriented design and system architecture is assumed. A prime aim of this unit of study is to develop a capacity for research and inquiry in the field of real-time and embedded systems. Completion of this unit will facilitate progression to advanced study or to work in embedded systems and industrial real-time computer systems.
The following topics are covered. Hard real time and embedded systems, as applied to engineering, manufacturing and automation. Timing and scheduling: periodic vs aperiodic processes, deadlines, rate monotonic, deadline monotonic and earliest deadline scheduling. Management of shared resources. Real-time languages and their features. Real time operating systems. Real time software design. Embedded Systems: overview, signal flow, interfacing. Reliability and fault tolerance in hardware and software. SCADA and DCCS. Some case studies.
ELEC5616 Computer and Network Security

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of tutorial and 2 hours labs per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5611, NETS3016, NETS3916 Assumed knowledge: A programming language, basic maths. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit examines the basic cryptographic building blocks of security, working through to their applications in authentication, key exchange, secret and public key encryption, digital signatures, protocols and systems. It then considers these applications in the real world, including models for integrity, authentication, electronic cash, viruses, firewalls, electronic voting, risk assessment, secure web browsers and electronic warfare. Practical cryptosystems are analysed with regard to the assumptions with which they were designed, their limitations, failure modes and ultimately why most end up broken.
ELEC5618 Software Quality Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorials per week. Prohibitions: SOFT3302 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will cover software quality planning, validation and verification methods and techniques, risk analysis, software review techniques, software standards and software process improvement and software reliability. The unit covers testing and quality assurance from a unit testing/developer-based focus up to an overall quality process overview of the software development life cycle. Students who successfully complete this unit will: understand the fundamental concepts of software quality, be able to assess the quality of a software design, be acquainted with methods of building for quality and be able to verify and test a unit of code through familiarity with unit testing strategies and understanding software quality assurance as a rigorous and structured formal process.
ELEC5619 Object Oriented Application Frameworks

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hours project work in class per week. Assumed knowledge: Java programming, and some web development experience are essential. Databases strongly recommended Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to introduce students to the main issues involved in producing large Internet systems by using and building application frameworks. Frameworks allow great reuse so developers do not have to design and implement applications from scratch, as students have done in ELEC3610 The unit lays down the basic concepts and hands on experience on the design and development of enterprise systems, emphasizing the development of systems using design patterns and application frameworks. A project-based approach will introduce the problems often found when building such systems, and will require students to take control of their learning. A project-based approach will introduce the problems often found when building such systems, and will require students to take control of their learning. Several development Java frameworks will be used, including Spring, Hibernate, and others. Principles of design patterns will also be studied.
ELEC5620 Model Based Software Engineering

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours lectures, 1 hour of tutorial and 2 hours of lab/project work in class per week. Assumed knowledge: A programming language, basic maths Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Model-Based Software Engineering focuses on modern software engineering methods, technologies, and processes used in professional development projects. It covers both the pragmatic engineering elements and the underlying theory of the model-based approach to the analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of complex software-intensive systems. Students will participate in a group project, which will entail developing and/or evolving a software system, following a full development cycle from requirements specification through to implementation and testing using up-to-date industrial development tools and processes. At the end of the course they will provide a presentation and demonstration of their project work to the class. There is no formal teaching of a programming language in this unit, although students will be expected to demonstrate through their project work their general software engineering and architectural skills as well as their mastery of model-based methods and technologies. Students successfully completing this unit will have a strong practical and theoretical understanding of the modern software development cycle as applied in industrial settings. In particular, they will be familiar with the latest model-based software engineering approaches necessary for successfully dealing with today's highly complex and challenging software systems. The pedagogic grounds for this course and its focus on model-based approaches are to arm new software engineers with skills and perspectives that extend beyond the level of basic programming. Such skills are essential to success in software development nowadays, and are in great demand but very low supply. The dearth of such expertise is one of the key reasons behind the alarmingly high failure rate of industrial software projects (currently estimated at being greater than 40%). Therefore, this unit complements SQE and strengthens a key area in the program.
ELEC5701 Technology Venture Creation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour visiting professional or team-based interaction exercise per week. Prohibitions: ENGG4003 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study prepares graduating students with insight and skills in how to turn a concept into a high technology startup company. The class will provide students with knowledge, practical experience and frameworks to assist in evaluating the market for a technology product or service, the design & viability of business models around it, the formulation of a funding-reading business plan & financials, capital raising options & process, venture capital, building distribution channels, intellectual property protection, putting together an A-grade management team, term sheets & funding documentation, technology sales models and going global. We will look at real world case studies of successful technology companies (and flame outs). Does Twitter have a viable business model? Will Facebook eat its lunch? Is YouTube just burning cash? Will Google rule the world? During the period of the course, students will form teams and write a business plan around a concept they propose. Each student will assume a role in the team (CEO, CTO, CFO, VP Sales & Marketing). The plan will be judged by a panel of real world venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and angel investors to determine the final grade for the course. The course is limited to 40 students (10 teams of 4) in addition to a waiting list of 8. Be warned that a serious commitment will be required in developing the concept into a viable business plan. The outcome, however, will be very rewarding to those students interested in starting the next Google. Prospective students should send an email in 400 words or less on why they want to enroll prior to acceptance, to the course email address. This course is taught by instructors experienced in technology startups & venture capital. The course will include a number of guest lectures by industry.
ELEC5720 Foundations Electronic Devs and Circuits

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, and a 2 hours tutorial and 2 hours lab per fortnight. Prohibitions: ELEC2104, ELEC2401 Assumed knowledge: Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Laws; action of Current and Voltage sources; network analysis and the superposition theorem; Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; inductors and capacitors, transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits; the ability to use power supplies, oscilloscopes, function generators, meters, etc. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students who do not have an Engineering degree.
Modern Electronics has come to be known as microelectronics which refers to the Integrated Circuits (ICs) containing millions of discrete devices. This course introduces some of the basic electronic devices like diodes and different types of transistors. It also aims to introduce students the analysis and design techniques of circuits involving these discrete devices as well as the integrated circuits. Completion of this course is essential to specialize in Electrical, Telecommunication or Computer Engineering stream. The knowledge of ELEC1103 is assumed.
ELEC5721 Foundations of Signals and Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours lab/tutorial per week and 1 hour of eLearning session per week. Prohibitions: ELEC2301, ELEC2302, MATH3019, MATH3919 Assumed knowledge: MATH1001 Differential Calculus and MATH1002 Linear Algebra and MATH1003 Integral Calculus and Modelling. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only avaliable to Master of Professional Engineering students who do not have an Engineering degree.
This unit aims to teach some of the basic properties of many engineering signals and systems and the necessary mathematical tools that aid in this process. The particular emphasis is on the time and frequency domain modeling of linear time invariant systems. The concepts learnt in this unit will be heavily used in many units of study (in later years) in the areas of communication, control, power systems and signal processing. A basic knowledge of differentiation and integration, differential equations, and linear algebra is assumed.
ELEC5723 Found: Simulations & Numerical Solutions

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 1 hours per week, Laboratory 3 hours per week. Prohibitions: ELEC2103 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives: How to apply the software package Matlab to achieve engineering solutions Critical assessment of various computer numerical techniques Professional project management, teamwork, ethics This unit assumes an understanding of the fundamental concepts and building blocks of electrical and electronics circuits. As well as covering the specific topics described in the following paragraphs, it aims to develop skills in professional project management and teamwork and promote an understanding of ethics. Basic features of Matlab. The Matlab desktop. Interactive use with the command window. Performing arithmetic, using complex numbers and mathematical functions. Writing script and function m-files. Matrix manipulations. Control flow. Two dimensional graphics. Application of Matlab to simple problems from circuit theory, electronics, signals and systems and control. Investigation of the steady state and transient behaviour of LCR circuits. Matlab based numerical solutions applicable to numerical optimization, ordinary differential equations, and data fitting. Introduction to symbolic mathematics in Matlab. Applications, including the derivation of network functions for simple problems in circuit analysis. Introduction to the use of Simulink for system modelling and simulation.
ELEC5730 Foundations of Eng Electromagnetics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 2 hours tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3102, ELEC3104 Assumed knowledge: Differential calculus, integral calculus, vector integral calculus; electrical circuit theory and analysis using lumped elements; fundamental electromagnetic laws and their use in the calculation of static fields. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering students with a Non-Electrical Engineering degree.
This unit introduces students to the broad spectrum of engineering electromagnetics and helps students to develop theoretical and analytical skills in the area of electrical and telecommunications engineering and develop understanding of the basic electromagnetic theory underpinning optical communications, wireless communications and electrical engineering.
ELEC5732 Foundations of Electricity Networks

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3201, ELEC3203 Assumed knowledge: This unit of study assumes a competence in first year mathematics (in particular, the ability to work with complex numbers), in elementary circuit theory and in basic electromagnetics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit of study provides an introduction to electrical power engineering and lays the groundwork for more specialised units. It assumes a competence in first year mathematics (in particular, the ability to work with complex numbers), in elementary circuit theory and in elements of introductory physics.
A revision will be carried out of the use of phasors in steady state ac circuit analysis and of power factor and complex power.
The unit comprises an overview of modern electric power system with particular emphasis on generation and transmission.
Detailed study will be carried out of the following. The use of three phase systems and their analysis under balanced conditions. Transmission lines: calculation of parameters, modelling, analysis. Transformers: construction, equivalent circuits. Generators: construction, modelling for steady state operation. The use of per unit systems. The analysis of systems with a number of voltage levels. The control of active and reactive power. The load flow problem: bus and impedance matrices, solution methods.
ELEC5733 Foundations of Power Electronics & Apps

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 3 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3202, ELEC3204 Assumed knowledge: Differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, analysis of linear circuits. Fourier theory applied to periodic and non-periodic signals. Software such as MATLAB to perform signal analysis and filter design. Familiarity with the use of basic laboratory equipment such as oscilloscope, function generator, power supply, etc. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit of study aims to teach the fundamentals of advanced energy conversion systems based on power electronics. It provides description of the operation principles and control of these blocks. Through analysis and design methodologies, it delivers an in depth understanding of modern enabling technologies associated with energy conversion. Through laboratory hands-on experience on actual industrial systems, such electrical motor drives, robotic arms, and power supplies, it enhances the link between the theory and the "real" engineering world. The unit clarifies unambiguously the role these imperative technologies play in every human activity; from mobile telephone chargers to energy electricity grids; from electric vehicles and industrial automation to wind energy conversion to name just few. The following topics are covered: Introduction to power electronic converters and systems; applications of power electronic converters; power semiconductor devices; uncontrolled rectifiers: single- and three-phase; non-isolated dc-dc converters: buck, boost and buck-boost; isolated dc-dc converters; inverters: single- and three-phase; uninterruptible power supplies; battery chargers and renewable energy systems; electric and hybrid electric vehicles technologies, design of converters and systems.
ELEC5734 Foundations Elec Energy & Conversion Sys

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 3 hours of labs and one hour of tutorial per fortnight. Assumed knowledge: Following concepts are assumed knowledge for this unit of study: familiarity with circuit theory, electronic devices, ac power, capacitors and inductors, and electric circuits such as three-phase circuits and circuits with switches, the use of basic laboratory equipment such as oscilloscope and power supply. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit of study aims to give students a good understanding of electrical energy conversion techniques and equipment. Students who successfully complete this unit will have a broad view of electrical energy conversion systems including transformers, DC machines, induction machines and synchronous machines; be able to analyze and solve problems in transformers and electric machines; have gained confidence in their ability to undertake more advanced study in the power area. The following specific topics are covered: magnetic circuits, inductance, sinusoidal excitation, hysteresis and eddy current loss, permanent magnets, electromechanical energy conversion, singly-excited and doubly-excited systems, transformers, single-phase, equivalent circuit parameters, three-phase transformers, autotransformers, DC machines, separate excitation, shunt excitation, series excitation, and compound excitation, efficiency, armature reaction, induction machines, revolving field, equivalent circuit, squirrel cage machines, measurements of the parameters, DC resistance test, no-load test, blocked-rotor test, synchronous machines, field relationships, power-angle relationships, salient pole machines.
ELEC5735 Foundations of Control

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 3 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3302, ELEC3304, AMME3500 Assumed knowledge: Specifically the following concepts are assumed knowledge for this unit: familiarity with basic Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, Physics; solution of linear differential equations, Matrix Theory, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; linear electrical circuits, ideal op-amps; continuous linear time-invariant systems and their time and frequency domain representations, Laplace transform, Fourier transform. ELEC2302 and MATH2061 or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit is concerned with the application of feedback control to continuous-time, linear time-invariant systems. The emphasis is on fundamental theory rather than applications. Some background in linear systems theory and the Laplace transform is assumed. The prime aim of this unit of study is to develop a sound understanding of basics and a capacity for research and inquiry. Completion of the unit will facilitate progression to advanced study in the area and to work in industrial control.
The following topics are covered. History of control. Modelling of physical processes; state variables and differential equations. Dynamic response; review of Laplace transform, transfer functions and block diagrams, poles and zeroes. Design specifications in the time domain. Basic feedback principles; effect of feedback on sensitivity and disturbance rejection, steady state accuracy and stability; the Routh criterion; proportional, integral and derivative control. Design using the root locus; rules for sketching root locus; lead and lag compensators; analogue and digital implementation of controllers. Frequency response; the Nyquist stability criterion; gain and phase margins; compensator design in the frequency domain. An introduction to state space design for single input single-output systems; eigenvalues, zeroes and transfer functions; state variable feedback and design of estimators.
ELEC5736 Foundations of Digital Signal Processing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 2 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3303, ELEC3305 Assumed knowledge: Specifically the following concepts are assumed knowledge for this unit: familiarity with basic Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, continuous linear time-invariant systems and their time and frequency domain representations, Fourier transform, sampling of continuous time signals Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit aims to teach how signals are processed by computers. It describes the key concepts of digital signal processing, including details of various transforms and filter design. Students are expected to implement and test some of these ideas on a digital signal processor (DSP). Completion of the unit will facilitate progression to advanced study in the area and to work in the industrial use of DSP. This unit assumes a basic knowledge of differentiation and integration, differential & difference equations and linear algebra, plus various time and frequency domain representations of continuous time signals and systems.
The following topics are covered. Review of analog and digital signals. Analog to digital and digital to analog conversion. Some useful digital signals. Difference equations and filtering. Impulse and step response of filters. Convolution representation of filters. The Z-transform. Transfer functions and stability. Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) and frequency response of filters. Finite impulse response (FIR) filter design: windowing method. Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter design: Butterworth filters, Chebyshev filters, Elliptic filters and impulse invariant design. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): windowing effects. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): decimation in time algorithm. DSP hardware.
ELEC5737 Foundations of Electronic Circuit Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, 2 hours tutorial and 3 hours laboratory per fortnight. Prohibitions: ELEC3401, ELEC3404 Assumed knowledge: A background in basic electronics and circuit theory is assumed. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit of study aims to teach students analysis and design techniques for electronic systems such as signal amplifiers, differential amplifiers and power amplifiers. A background in basic electronics and circuit theory is assumed. Completion of this unit will allow progression to advanced studies or to work in electronics and telecommunication engineering.
Topics covered are as follows. The BJT as an amplifier. Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits. Small signal operation and models. Single stage BJT amplifiers. BJT internal capacitances and high frequency models. The frequency response of the common-emitter amplifier. BJT current sources and current mirrors. Differential amplifiers. Output stages and power amplifiers:class A, class B and class AB.
ELEC5738 Foundations Comm Electronics & Photonics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and 3 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3402, ELEC3405 Assumed knowledge: ELEC2401 Introductory Electronics or ELEC2104 Electronic Devices and Basic Circuits. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit of study provides an introduction to the fundamental operation and design of transmitter and receiver subsystems for two broad classes of communications systems: those based on electronic transmission and those based on optical transmission. In the area of electronic communication subsystems, the course presents transmitter and receiver design. Topics relating to the transmitter comprise electronic oscillator sources, tuned electronic amplifiers, and modulators. Topics relating to receiver design comprise RF and IF frequency selective amplifiers, mixers, demodulators, phase-lock loops, feedback amplifiers, and high frequency RF and microwave communication amplifiers. In the area of optical communication subsystems, the course presents photonic transmitters and receivers. On the transmitter side this focuses on the principles of light generation in optical sources such as semiconductor lasers and light emitting diodes, electro-optic modulation of light, and optical amplifiers. On the receiver side, photodetectors, optical receivers, and front-end circuits are discussed. The principles and design of these subsystems are considered with reference to a basic optoelectronic communication link.
ELEC5739 Foundations of Communications

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 3 hours lab and tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC3503 Assumed knowledge: Confidence in mathematical operation usually needed to handle telecommunications problems such as Fourier transform, fundamental in signals and systems theory, convolution, and similar techniques. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This is an intermediate unit of study in telecommunications following on the general concepts studied in earlier units such as Signal and Systems and leading on to more advanced units such as Digital Communication Systems. Student will learn how to critically design and evaluate digital communication systems including the elements of a digital transmission system, understand the limitations of communications channels, different analog and digital modulation schemes and reasons to use digital techniques instead of analog, and the effect of noise and interference in performance of the digital communication systems. On completion of this unit, studentss will have sufficient knowledge of the physical channel of a telecommunications network to approach the study of higher layers of the network stack.
The following topics are covered. Introduction to communications systems, random signals and stochastic process, components, signals and channels, sampling, quantization, pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse code modulation (PCM), quantization noise, time division multiplexing, delta modulation. Digital communications: baseband signals, digital PAM, eye diagram, equalization, correlative coding, error probabilities in baseband digital transmission, bandpass transmission, digital amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK), phase shift keying (PSK) and quadrature shift keying (QPSK), error probabilities in bandpass digital transmission, a case study of digital communication systems. Introduction to information theory: fundamental limits in communications, channel capacity and channel coding, signal compression.
ELEC5740 Foundations of Data Comm & the Internet

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours tutorial per week. 2 hours of labs per fortnight. Prohibitions: ELEC3504, ELEC4501 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
Students undertaking this unit should be familiar with fundamental digital technologies and representations such as bit complement and internal word representation. Students should also have a basic understanding of the physical properties of communication channels, techniques and limitations. Furthermore, students should be able to apply fundamental mathematical skills.
The unit will cover the following specific material: Communication reference models (TCP/IP, ATM and OSI). Circuit switched and packet switched communication. Network node functions and building blocks. LAN, MAN and WAN technologies. ATM systems. Protocols fundamental mechanisms. The TCP/IP core protocols (IP, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, TCP, UDP etc.). Applications and protocols (FTP, Telnet, SMTP, HTTP etc.).
ELEC5741 Foundations of Embedded Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 hour of lectures per week and 10 three hour labs. Prohibitions: ELEC2601 Assumed knowledge: Logic operations, theorems and Boolean algebra, data representation, number operations (binary, hex, integers and floating point), combinational logic analysis and synthesis, sequential logic, registers, counters, bus systems, state machines, simple CAD tools for logic design, basic computer organisation, the CPU, peripheral devices, software organisation, machine language, assembly language, operating systems, data communications and computer networks. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
The aim of this unit of study is to teach students about microprocessors and their use. This includes architecture, programming and interfacing of microcomputers, peripheral devices and chips, data acquisition, device monitoring and control and communications.
ELEC5742 Foundations: Internet Software Platforms

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorials per week Prohibitions: EBUS4001 Assumed knowledge: INFO1103, INFO2110 and INFO2120 or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This course will focus on the design, the architecture and the development of web applications using technologies currently popular in the marketplace including Java and .NET environments. There are three key themes examined in the course: Presentation layer, Persistence layer, and Interoperability. The course will examine practical technologies such as JSP and Servlets, the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, database programming with ADO.NET and JDBC, advanced persistence using ORM, XML for interoperability, and XML-based SOAP services and Ajax, in support of the theoretical themes identified.
On completion the students should be able to Compare Java/J2EE web application development with Microsoft .NET web application development, Exposure to relevant developer tools (e.g. Eclipse and VS.NET), Be able to develop a real application on one of those environments, Use XML to implement simple web services and AJAX applications.
ELEC5743 Foundations of E-Business Anal & Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours project work in class and 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: EBUS3003, EBUS3001 Assumed knowledge: INFO2120 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
This unit examines the essential pre-production stages of designing successful internet websites and services. It focuses on the aspects of analysis, project specification, design, and prototype that lead up to the actual build of a website or application. Topics include, B2C, B2B and B2E systems, business models, methodologies, modeling with use cases / UML and WebML, the Project Proposal and Project Specification Document, Information Architecture and User-Centred Design, legal issues, and standards-based web development. Students build a simple use-case based e-business website prototype with web standards. A final presentation of the analysis, design and prototype are presented in a role play environment where students try to win funding from a venture capitalist. An understanding of these pre-production fundamentals is critical for future IT and Software Engineering Consultants, Project Managers, Analysts and CTOs.
ELEC5744 Foundations of Digital Comm Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures and a 2 hours lab/tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC4502 Assumed knowledge: ELEC3505 Communications or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This Unit of Study is only available to Master of Professional Engineering degree students with a Non- Electrical Engineering Bachelor's degree.
Digitally modulated signals: non-linear modulation methods, continuous phase FSK, continuous phase modulation. Modulated carrier data transmission: QPSK, QAM, MFSK, MSK. Trellis coded modulation and modem technologies. Spread spectrum, including frequency hopping and CDMA principles. Plus selected topics from: Optical communication systems - single and multi-channel systems, performance criteria and systems analysis. Satellite communications systems. Cellular mobile radio systems.
ELEC8900 Project

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project work - own time. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students will work individually or in groups on an assigned project for the semester. The concepts covered depend on the nature of the project, but broadly cover research and inquiry, and information literacy.
ELEC8901 Project Part A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project work - own time Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students will work individually or in groups on an assigned project for the semester. The concepts covered depend on the nature of the project, but broadly cover research and inquiry, and information literacy.
ELEC8902 Project Part B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project work - own time Prerequisites: ELEC8901 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students will work individually or in groups on an assigned project for the semester. The concepts covered depend on the nature of the project, but broadly cover research and inquiry, and information literacy.

School of Information Technologies

COMP5028 Object-Oriented Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: INFO3220 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate level of object oriented programming such as Java Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
This unit introduces Object-Oriented Analysis and Design especially the principles of modelling through Rational Unified Process and agile processes using Unified Modeling Language (UML), both of which are industry standard. Students work in small groups to experience the process of object-oriented analysis, architectural design, object-oriented design, implementation and testing by building a real-world application.
Objectives: In this unit students will develop the ability to: identify how the system interacts with its environment; identify appropriate objects and their attributes and methods; identify the relationships between objects; write the interfaces of each object; implement and test the objects; read and write various UML diagrams including use case, class, and sequence diagrams; apply design patterns to standard problems.
COMP5045 Computational Geometry

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small group class per week, plus 10 hours per week private work. Prohibitions: COMP4045 Assumed knowledge: Data structures, analysis of algorithms Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In many areas of computer science - robotics, computer graphics, virtual reality, and geographic information systems are some examples - it is necessary to store, analyse, and create or manipulate spatial data. This course deals with the algorithmic aspects of these tasks: we study techniques and concepts needed for the design and analysis of geometic algorithms and data structures. Each technique and concept will be illustrated on the basis of a problem arising in one of the application areas mentioned above.
M. de Berg, et al "Computional Geometry: Algorithms and Applications", Springer (2000)
COMP5046 Statistical Natural Language Processing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week. Prohibitions: COMP4046 Assumed knowledge: Concepts of Linguistics, elementary statistics, AI techniques. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit deals with techniques for the automatic processing of natural languages (such as English, French, etc) and the engineering of such software systems. Engineering processes will be described in the context of methods for creating effective tools for information retrieval and extraction, question answering, classifying and clustering of the documents in a large corpora. Processing sub-systems for such tasks as tokenisation, lexical verification, part-of-speech tagging, parsing and word sense disambiguation will be described. Particular emphasis is given to methods that analyse the meaning in texts and the general application of machine learning methods to these topics. Various applications of these methods to research in health texts and other contexts being pursued in the University of Sydney will be explored.
COMP5047 Pervasive Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week, plus 10 hours per week private work. Prohibitions: NETS4047 Assumed knowledge: Networking concepts, operating system concepts, programming expertise. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This is an advanced course in HCI, Human Computer Interaction, with a focus on Pervasive Computing. It introduces the key aspects of HCI and explores these in terms of the new research towards creating user interfaces that disappear into the environment and are available pervasively, for example in homes, workplaces, cars and carried or work.
COMP5048 Information Visualisation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hours per week, Tutorial 1 hour per week. Prohibitions: COMP4048 Assumed knowledge: Discrete mathematics, algorithms and complexity. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Information Visualisation and Graph Drawing aim to make good pictures of abstract information, such as stock prices, family trees, and software design diagrams. Well designed pictures can convey this information rapidly and effectively. The research challenge for Information Visualisation and Graph Drawing is to design and implement new algorithms that produce such pictures. Applications include visualisation of bioinformatics, social network, software visualisation and network visualisation. This unit will provide basic concepts, techniques and fundamental algorithms to achieve good visualisation of abstract information. Further, it will also provide opportunities for academic research and developing new methods for information visualisation.
COMP5105 Foundations of Data Structures

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO1105 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or 2 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will teach some powerful ideas that are central to quality software: data abstraction and recursion. It will also show how one can analyse the scalability of algorithms using mathematical tools of asymptotic notation. Contents include: both external "interface" view, and internal "implementation" details, for commonly used data structures, including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, search trees, hash tables, and graphs; asymptotic analysis of algorithm scalability, including use of recurrence relations to analyse recursive code. This unit covers the way information is represented in each structure, algorithms for manipulating the structure, and analysis of asymptotic complexity of the operations. Outcomes include: ability to write code that recursively performs an operation on a data structure; experience designing an algorithmic solution to a problem using appropriate data structures, coding the solution, and analysing its complexity.
COMP5114 Digital Media Fundamentals

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Multimedia has become an indispensable part of our heterogeneous computing and communication environment. This unit provides and overview of coding and manipulating digital media, which mainly include image, audio and video. It introduces principles and current techniques such as multimedia data acquisition, analysis, processing and compression and management. It also elaborates different multimedia coding standards, various multimedia systems and cutting-edge multimedia applications.
COMP5116 Internet Protocols

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: ELEC5740 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit students will gain understanding of the fundamental architecture and protocols used in the TCP/IP protocol stack that is the foundation of the Internet. Furthermore, the unit will provide students with the insight needed to begin to design and analyse protocols in the context of their intended use.
Objectives: On completion of this unit students will have developed an understanding of the principles and practice of the layered model of communications architecture, the TCP/IP protocol stack and its component protocols, and various common techniques and tools for protocol analysis.
COMP5138 Database Management Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: Intermediate level of object oriented programming such as Java. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides a conceptual and practical introduction to the use of common platforms that manage large relational databases. Students will understand the foundations of database management and enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge of the widespread relational database systems, as these are used for both operational (OLTP) and decision-support (OLAP) purposes. The unit covers the main aspects of SQL, the industry-standard database query language. Students will further develop the ability to create robust relational database designs by studying conceptual modelling, relational design and normalization theory. This unit also covers aspects of relational database management systems which are important for database administration. Topics covered include storage structures, indexing and its impact on query plans, transaction management and data warehousing.
Objectives: In this unit students will develop the ability to:
- Understand the foundations of database management;
- Strengthen their theoretical knowledge of database systems in general and relational data model and systems in particular;
- Create robust relational database designs;
- Understand the theory and applications of relational query processing and optimization;
- Study the critical issues in data and database administration;
- Explore the key emerging topics in database management.
COMP5206 Introduction to Information Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: INFO5210 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to information systems in organisations and the enabling role of information technology. The critical role of data and knowledge management will be covered from both conceptual and practical standpoints. Methods and techniques for analysing systems and eliciting user requirements will be emphasised. Key topics covered include: basic information systems concepts; systems approach and systems thinking; E-Business and E-Commerce; data and knowledge management; systems analysis and development methodologies; ethical, legal and social aspects of information technologies; and Web 2.0 and social computing. On completion of this unit students will have a good understanding of important information concepts; a deep understanding of the systems approach and its applicability; be able to develop skills to perform systems analysis in contemporary systems environments; have an understanding of major conceptual and technological developments in Information Systems.
COMP5211 Algorithms

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The study of algorithms is a fundamental aspect of computing. This unit of study covers data structures, algorithms, and gives an overview of the main ways of thinking used in IT from simple list manipulation and data format conversion, up to shortest paths and cycle detection in graphs. The objective of the unit are to teach basic concepts in data structure, algorithm, dynamic programming and program analysis. Students will gain essential knowledge in computer science.
COMP5212 Software Construction

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This is a programming unit of study focussing on the Python and C languages, with emphasis on the individual producing code that works correctly. Topics include: the memory model, and errors associated with that (including pointers, malloc/free, sizeof, stack vs heap); coding simple dynamic data structures (linked lists); debugging; use of Unix tools for managing programming activities such as testing; learning from manual entries for standard library functions and Unix commands.
Objectives: On completion of this unit students will have acquired programming skills and techniques applicable to the development of software used in areas such as networking, computer engineering, language translation, and operating systems.
COMP5213 Computer and Network Organisation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides an overview of hardware and system software infrastructure including: compilers, operating systems, device drivers, network protocols, etc. It also includes user-level Unix skills and network usability. The objectives are to ensure that on completion of this unit students will have developed an understanding of compilers, operating systems, device drivers, network protocols, Unix skills and network usability.
COMP5214 Software Development in Java

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit of study introduces software development methods, where the main emphasis is on careful adherence to a process. It includes design methodology, quality assurance, group work, version control, and documentation. It will suit students who do not come from a programming background, but who want to learn the basics of computer software.
Objectives: This unit of study covers systems analysis, a design methodology, quality assurance, group collaboration, version control, software delivery and system documentation.
COMP5318 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: COMP5138 and familiarity with basic statistics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
Knowledge discovery is the process of extracting useful knowledge from data. Data mining is a discipline within knowledge discovery that seeks to facilitate the exploration and analysis of large quantities of data, by automatic or semiautomatic means. This subject provides a practical and technical introduction to knowledge discovery and data mining.
Objectives: Topics to be covered include problems of data analysis in databases, discovering patterns in the data, and knowledge interpretation, extraction and visualisation. Also covered are analysis, comparison and usage of various types of machine learning techniques and statistical techniques: clustering, classification, prediction, estimation, affinity grouping, description and scientific visualisation.
COMP5321 Logic and System Verification

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hours per week, Laboratory 1 hour per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In many systems ensuring correctness is a major design concern. Formal methods have been successfully used in the design of hardware circuits and mission-critical software, e.g., model checking to verify the floating point units of Intel processors. This unit provides an introduction to logic and system verification. The main aims are (i) to learn about propositional and predicate logic, (ii) how logic is used to model systems, (iii) reason about the correctness of the systems, and (iv) case studies in hardware and software design are discussed.
COMP5338 Advanced Data Models

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: COMP5138 or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study gives a comprehensive overview of post-relational data models and of latest developments in database technology. Particular emphasis is put on spatial, temporal, and semi-structured data. The unit extensively covers the advanced features of SQL:2008, as well as XML and related standards such as XMLSchema, xPath, and xQuery. The last part is dedicated to current developments of advanced data management techniques. Besides in lectures, the advanced topics will be also studied with prescribed readings of database research publications.
COMP5347 e-Commerce Technology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: COMP5028 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will focus on technological advances supporting the development of e-commerce applications and systems. This includes client and server side development of e-commerce applications. AJAX is the core client side technology covered in this course. Both server scripting and server page technology are covered as key server side technology. It will also examine the emerging trend of web services and its role in E-commerce systems. This unit aims at providing both conceptual understanding and hand-on experiences for the technologies covered.
COMP5348 Enterprise Scale Software Architecture

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: INFO3220 or COMP5028 or equivalent. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit covers topics on software architecture for large-scale enterprises. Computer systems for large-scale enterprises handle critical business processes, interact with computer systems of other organisations, and have to be highly reliable, available and scalable. This class of systems are built up from several application components, incorporating existing "legacy" code and data stores as well as linking these through middleware technologies, such as distributed transaction processing, remote objects, message-queuing, publish-subscribe, and clustering. The choice of middleware can decide whether the system achieves essential non- functional requirements such as performance and availability. The objective of this unit of study is to educate students for their later professional career and it covers Software Architecture topics of the ACM/IEEE Software Engineering curriculum. Objective: The objective of this unit of study is to educate students for their later professional career and it covers topics of the ACM/IEEE Software Engineering curriculum.
COMP5415 Multimedia Authoring and Production

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides principles and practicalities of creating interactive and effective multimedia products. It gives an overview of the complete spectrum of different media platforms and current authoring techniques used in multimedia production. Coverage includes the following key topics: enabling multimedia technologies; multimedia design issues; interactive 2D & 3D computer animation; multimedia object modelling and rendering; multimedia scripting programming; post-production and delivery of multimedia applications.
COMP5416 Advanced Network Technologies

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: ELEC3506 or equivalent Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit introduces networking concepts beyond the best effort service of the core TCP/IP protocol suite. Understanding of the fundamental issues in building an integrated multi-service network for global Internet services, taking into account service objectives, application characteristics and needs and network mechanisms will be discussed. Enables students to understand the core issues and be aware of proposed solutions so they can actively follow and participate in the development of the Internet beyond the basic bit transport service.
COMP5424 Information Technology in Biomedicine

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Tut 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: Basic programming skills Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Information technology (IT) has significantly contributed to the research and practice of medicine, biology and health care. The IT field is growing enormously in scope with biomedicine taking a lead role in utilizing the evolving applications to its best advantage. The goal of this unit of study is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to understand the information technology in biomedicine. The major emphasis will be on the principles associated with biomedical digital imaging systems and related biomedicine data processing, analysis, visualization, registration, modelling, compression, management and communication. Specialist areas such as Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), image-guided surgery (IGS), content-based medical image retrieval (CBMIR), and ubiquitous m-Health, etc. will be addressed. A broad range of practical integrated clinical applications will be also elaborated.
COMP5425 Multimedia Storage, Retrieval & Delivery

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lecture and 1 1hour prac per week. Assumed knowledge: Algorithms (equivalent to COMP5211). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The explosive growth of multimedia data, including text, audio, images and video, has generated an extremely challenging job in effective and efficient storing, managing, retrieving and delivering this data across IT infrastructure. This unit provides students with the most updated knowledge in order to address these issues, from multimedia database to multimedia content delivery. The unit content principally covers multimedia data compression; low-level feature extraction; high-level semantic description; storage structures and management; similarity measurement, indexing, and retrieval; security for content distribution. Various applications will be discussed, including multimedia Internet search and video streaming.
COMP5426 Parallel and Distributed Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week. Assumed knowledge: Equivalent of COMP5116 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is intended to introduce and motivate the study of high performance computer systems. The student will be presented with the foundational concepts of parallel and distributed computing that are pertaining to the different types and classes of high performance computers. The student will be exposed to the description of the computer systems and will also get an introduction to the principles of cloud computing. Students will gain skills in evaluating, experimenting with, and optimizing the performance of high performance computers. The unit also provides students with the ability to undertake more advanced topics and courses on high performance computing.
COMP5456 Computational Methods for Life Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture, one 1 hour tutorial and one 2 hour lab per week. Prohibitions: COMP3456 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit brings together a wide range of skils that are routinely practised in bioinformatics, from the "hard" subjects of mathematics, statistics and computer science, to the "soft" subjects in the biological/health sciences and pharmacology. It covers the essentials of bioinformatics data gathering, manipulation, mining and storage that underpin bioinformatics research, and provides additional practice in the graduate attributes of Research and Inquiry, Information Literacy and Communication through analysis of scientific research, use of large bioinformatics data sets, and writing of reports.
COMP5615 Software Engineering Project

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour meeting with supervisor, one 2-hour class, and meeting with client. Prerequisites: INFO6007 Prohibitions: COMP3615 and INFO3600 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge and practise the skills acquired in the prerequisite and qualifying units, in the context of designing and building a substantial software development system in diverse application domains including life sciences. Working in groups for an external client combined with academic supervision, students will need to carry out the full range of activities including requirements capture, analysis and design, coding, testing and documentation. Students will use the XP methodology and make use of professional tools for the management of their project.
COMP5702 IT Research Project A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Eight hours of practical work per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
COMP5703 Information Technology Project

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Eight hours of practical work per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
COMP5704 IT Research Project B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Four hours of practical work per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
COMP5705 Information Technology Short Project

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main,Winter Main Classes: Four hours of practical work per week. Prohibitions: COMP5702, COMP5704 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is a short 6cp IT project unit of study that can be taken either stand-alone as a short IT project during winter or summer schools, or as an internship-project as part of an industry-based scholarship such as the Faculty Postgraduate Industry Project Placement Scheme (PIPPS). The focus is on the development of a client-focused solution with proper project management and documentation. For such students who follow the internship model of one day a week over both semester 1 and semester 2, COMP5705 can be combined with COMP5706 IT Industry Placement Project.
COMP5706 IT Industry Placement Project

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Weekly meetings, and about 8 hours of independent study and project work per week. Prohibitions: COMP5702, COMP5703, COMP5704 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is a short 6cp IT project unit of study that can be taken in combination with COMP5705 Information Technology Short Project by students taking an Industry-based scholarship such as the Faculty's Research Industry Placement Project Scholarship (RIPPS), which they split over one day a week over both semester 1 and semester 2.
INFO5001 System Analysis and Modelling

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hours lecture and 2 hour lab per week. Prohibitions: INFO2110, ELEC3610 and ELEC5743 Assumed knowledge: Experience with a data model as in COMP5212 or COMP5214 or COMP5028 or COMP5138 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of complex systems. Key topics are the determination and expression of system requirements (both functional and non-functional), and the representation of structural and behavioural models of the system in UML notations. Students will be expected to evaluate rqeuirements documents and models as well as producing them. This unit covers essential topics from the ACM/IEEE SE2004 curriculum, espcially from MAA Software Modelling and Analysis.
INFO5010 IT Advanced Topic A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Late Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week. Prerequisites: Permission of Head of School Prohibitions: INFO4010 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will cover some topic of active and cutting-edge research within IT; the content of this unit may be varied depending on special opportunities such as a distinguished researcher visiting the University.
INFO5011 IT Advanced Topic B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week. Prerequisites: Permission of Head of School Prohibitions: INFO4011 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will cover some topic of active and cutting-edge research within IT; the content of this unit may be varied depending on special opportunities such as a distinguished researcher visiting the University.
INFO5301 Information Security Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs of lecture, 1 hr of lab/tut per week Assumed knowledge: Basic IT knowledge of databases and networks. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will provide a broad information architectural view of IT security. Topics covered will include (i) the relationship between security needs and organization structure, (ii) risk assessment, (iii) design and implementation of security policies (iv) compliance with industry standards (v) monitoring services for security at the network, computer and human level, (vi) response to security breaches and disaster recovery. The course will decouple itself from the traditional association of security with cryptography.
INFO5990 Professional Practice in IT

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Tut 1hr) per week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This Unit of Study introduces the students to some of the concepts, standards and techniques associated with the current professional practice of information technology as part of their involvement in professional practice. The students are presented with a wide range of core conceptual ideas, techniques and relevant professional issues associated with the fields of Interpersonal and Organisational Communication, Conflict Management, IT and Sustainability, IT and Globalisation, Negotiation Strategies, Professional Ethics and Social Implications, Data Quality, Auditing and Quality Assurance and key project management principles.
INFO5991 Services Science Management and Eng

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial/seminar per week. Assumed knowledge: INFO5990 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The service sector plays a dominant and growing role in economic growth and employment in most parts of the world and information technology (IT) is a key enabler of this. Services Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) takes a multi-disciplinary approach to services as socio-technical systems. This unit of study offers IT professionals an understanding of the role of IT-centric services in a social, economic and business context as well as knowledge of the principles of their design, engineering and management in a service-oriented computing framework. Delivery of the unit is driven by a critical approach to the literature and live case studies presented by industry professionals. The unit's learning outcomes are driven by stated industry needs.
INFO5992 Understanding IT Innovations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2hr Lecture & 1hr Tutorial per week. Prohibitions: PMGT5875 Assumed knowledge: INFO5990 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
An essential skill for an IT manager is the ability to keep up-to-date with emerging technologies, and be able to evaluate the significance of these technologies to their organisation's business activities. This unit of study is based around a study of current technologies and the influence of these technologies on business strategies. Important trends in innovation in IT are identified and their implications for innovation management explored. Major topics include: drivers of innovation; the trend to open information ("open source") rather than protected intellectual property; and distribution of innovation over many independent but collaborating actors. On completion of this unit, students will be able to identify and analyse an emerging technology and write a detailed evaluation of the impact of this technology on existing business practices.
INFO5993 IT Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week, plus private work (inclluding interaction with research supervisors). Prohibitions: INFO4990 Assumed knowledge: Elementary statistics Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will provide an overview of the different research methods that are used in IT. Students will learn to find and evaluate research on their topic and to present their own research plan or results for evaluation by others. The unit will develop a better understanding of what research in IT is and how it differs from other projects in IT. This unit of study is required for students in IT who are enrolled in a research project as part of their Honours or MIT/MITM degree. It is also recommended for students enrolled or planning to do a research degree in IT and Engineering.
INFO6007 Project Management in IT

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: INFS6014, PMGT5871 Assumed knowledge: INFS6000 or COMP5206 or INFO5990 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study covers the factors necessary for successful management of system development or enhancement projects. Both technical and behavioural aspects of project management are discussed. Potential topics of interest could include managing the system life cycle, system and database integration issues, system performance evaluation, managing expectations of team members, cost effectiveness analysis, scheduling and change management.
ISYS5050 Knowledge Management Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour scheduled small-group class per week. Prohibitions: ISYS4050 Assumed knowledge: Information systems concepts, database concepts Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit will offer a comprehensive introduction to the emerging area of Knowledge Management (KM) from both the technological and organisational perspectives. A diverse range of published papers and other publications that deal with a variety of KM-related topics will be reviewed. Topics include KM: Conceptual Foundations; Taxonomies of organisational knowledge and KM mechanisms; Case/Field Studies of KM Initiatives; Ontologies; Sematic Web; Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems; Communities-of-Practice; Knowledge Sharing/Open Source Software Development; and Social Network Analysis and KM.

General units offered by the Faculty

ENGG5001 Professional Development

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1hr lectures, 1hr tutorials and workshops per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This UoS is designed to provide graduate engineers studying for a Master's degree by coursework with an introduction to the professional engineering skills necessary to practice as an engineer. These include the various elements of engineering practice, an understanding of the role of the engineer in industry, teamwork and leadership skills, an understanding of the professional responsibilities of engineers, competence in verbal communication and presentations and in reading and writing reports, and an understanding of ethical considerations. The material, learning and assessment is tailored for graduates from Australian and overseas universities.
ENGG5011 Foundation Engineering Studies A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes. regular meetings with supervisor will be required. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be allocated a specific project to cover assumed knowledge components for following postgraduate units of study.
ENGG5012 Foundation Engineering Studies B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: No formal classes. Regular meetings with supervisor is required. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be allocated a specific project to cover assumed knowledge components for following postgraduate units of study.
ENGG5013 Foundation Engineering Studies C

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: No formal classes. Regular meetings with supervisor are required. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be allocated a specific project to cover assumed knowledge components for following postgraduate units of study.
ENGG5014 Foundation Engineering Studies D

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Project Work - own time. Regular meetings with supervisor required. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Foundations studies covers content that may be assumed knowledge or prerequisite information for follow-on Master of Professional Engineering units. Completion of assigned project work in prescribed background material by the coordinators of the specialist programs will allow students to meet the entry requirements of the MPE degree.
ENGG5202 Sustainable Design, Eng and Mgt

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 lectures per week, tutorials 2 hour per week and projects and self assisted learning (4 hours per week) Assumed knowledge: General knowledge in science and calculus and have completed 24 credit points of specialist units of study in their selected discipline. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of this unit of study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the nature and causes of the environmental problems facing our planet. The aim is to give students an insight of the political, economical and social forces underlying environmental conflicts and assesses the competing approaches used to address these issues. The sustainable technology and green chemical processes will be introduced to the students. The course explains the interaction between energy, chemicals and materials and alternative methods to minimize wastes. The topics such as sustainable raw materials, sustainable energy sources, bioethanol, biodiesel, fuel cells, photochemistry, and electrochemistry are described. The aspects of designing a sustainable building, green technologies that minimizes the energy consumption, consider recycling and reducing the waste disposal using advanced process design, selection of environmentally friendly reagents, catalysts, solvents will be discussed during this course.
The knowledge is given to students to perform a sustainability impact assessment and to develop sustainability objectives and targets within an organisation. The students will assess the procedures that can be used to interact with stakeholders to identify and prioritise sustainability.
ENGG5203 Quality Engineering and Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Presentation 2.00 hours per week, Project Work - in class 2.00 hours per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This subject is designed to support Engineers in the implementation of engineering tasks in the workplace, It addresses the use of quality and systems assurance. It is designed to enable engineers entering practice from other related disciplines or with overseas qualifications to do so in a safe and effective way. The study program will include management of quality in research, design and delivery of engineering works and investigation, as well as of safe work practices and systems assurance.
ENGG5204 Engineering Professional Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 1 hour per week, Tutorial 1 hour per week, Workgroup 1 hour per week. Assumed knowledge: As graduates, they will have a soundly based technical knowledge in engineering or a related area, life skills and work experience. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
An initial 3-week intense period of lectures will provide all students with the necessary underpinning knowledge. The remainder of the semester would be based on project and field work, requiring the application in, practice of all the generic skills, with teaching staff playing a continuing resource and mentor role.
The project-based learning approach will expose students, in teams, to a series of professional engineering practice challenges to which they must respond in the limited time common in industry. This will be complemented by a small number of individual learning experiences to ensure adequate competence at the individual level. Students will have a working competence in the various elements of engineering practice, and enhanced communication skills that will assist them in their other technical units of study.
ENGG5205 Professional Practice in PM

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 3hrs per week, E-Learning 1 hr per week. Assumed knowledge: Basic engineering or science knowledge. At least 2-3 years of work experience preferred. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
"This UoS teaches the fundamental knowledge on the importance, organizational context and professional practice in project management. It serves as an introduction to project management practices for non-PM students. For PM students, this UoS lays the foundation to progress to advanced PM subjects. Although serving as a general introduction unit, the focus has been placed on scope, time, cost, and integration related issues.
Specifically, the UoS aims to
1. introduce students to the institutional, organisational and professional environment for today's project management practitioners as well as typical challenges and issues facing them;
2. demonstrate the importance of project management to engineering and organizations;
3. demonstrate the progression from strategy formulation to execution of the project;
4. provide a set of tools and techniques at different stages of a project's lifecycle with emphasis on scope, time, cost and integration related issues;
5. highlight examples of project success/failures in project management and to take lessons from these;
6. consider the roles of project manager in the organization and management of people;
7. provide a path for students seeking improvements in their project management expertise.
Harvey Maylor (2008) Project Management. 4th ed, Prentice Hall.
ENGG5210 Research Methods in Engineering (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 1 hr per week, Workgroup 5 hrs per week for part of semester. Prohibitions: INFO5993 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This UoS is designed for research students enrolled in MPhil or PhD programs and runs for 13 weeks. Post-graduate coursework students thinking of joining such programs in the future may also enroll. This UoS provides candidates with a sound understanding of the overall research process from the formulation of a research proposal to writing a thesis. Any research involves problem definition, literature survey, execution of research and reporting in an appropriate manner. Students will write their own research proposal, critique a number of scientific papers and conduct their own literature survey. Students will also carry out assignments involving design of small experiments and learn how to best analyse data and report results. Time will be devoted to developing the communication skills through seminars. The UOS is delivered through lectures from the staff-in-charge and guest lecturers who have carried out significant engineering research. The student has to give a ten minutes seminar based on the literature search he/she has conducted.
ENGG5214 Management of Technology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture, Tutorial, Lab, E-learning Assumed knowledge: As graduates, they will have a soundly based technical knowledge in engineering or a related area, life skills and work experience. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This UoS is designed to introduce students to the global context of much of contemporary engineering and the consequent strategic and operational issues. It will address the nature, characteristics and variety of risks of global businesses, the opportunities and pressures for effective strategies, and the many management challenges in international business. In particular it will focus on Australian consulting, logistics and construction engineering firms that are operating on a global basis.
ENGG5215 International Eng Strategy & Operations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hours per week, Tutorial 2 hours per week, Project Work - in class 2 hours per week. Assumed knowledge: As graduates, they will have a soundly based technical knowledge in engineering or a related area, life skills and work experience. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This UoS is designed to introduce students to the global context of much of contemporary engineering and the consequent strategic and operational issues. It will address the nature, characteristics and variety of risks of global businesses, the opportunities and pressures for effective strategies, and the many management challenges in international business. In particular it will focus on Australian consulting, logistics and construction engineering firms that are operating on a global basis.
ENGG5216 Management of Engineering Innovation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture, Tutorial, Lab, E-learning Assumed knowledge: As graduates, they will have a soundly based technical knowledge in engineering or a related area, life skills and work experience. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is designed as enable students to grapple with the challenges of engaging in, facilitating and managing innovation and technology commercialisation. Key learning outcomes are: developing an understanding of the processes of management, and in particular of innovation, dealing with uncertain and inadequate information, how to communicate effectively to and motivate a group of people to work out what to do, and how to do it. Content will include the challenges of modern management; understanding of the new rules of international competitiveness; effects of globalisation on Australia's economic performance; the competitiveness of Australian firms; the generation of employment and wealth; the changing requirements of the engineer; the engineer as manager and strategist; the role of innovation in business management; product innovation and commercialisation; IP recognition and management; starting a high-tech company.
ENGG5217 Industrial Placement

Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: no formal classes Prerequisites: Students will have completed a minimum of 48cp towards the MPE. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
The MPE requires students to obtain industrial work experience of twelve weeks duration (60 working days) or its equivalent towards satisfying the requirements for award of the degree. Students can undertake their work experience in either Year 1 or 2, however, Year 2 is encouraged. Students may have prior work in an Engineering field carried out on completion of their undergraduate degree accepted as meeting the requirements of this component. Students must be exposed to professional engineering practice to enable them to develop an engineering approach and ethos, and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics. and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics. The student is required to inform the Faculty of any work arrangements by emailing the Graduate School of Engineering and Information Technologies. Assessment in this unit is by the submission of a portfolio containing written reports on the involvement with industry. For details of the reporting requirements, go to the faculty's Practical Experience portfolio web site.
ENGG5218 Research Dissertation

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Each student will be assigned an academic supervisor from their chosen stream or specialisation. Students will meet with an academic supervisor for approximately 1 hour per week for one semester. Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 48cp of MPE UOS and have received a WAM of 75% or greater Corequisites: ENGG5210 Introduction to Research Methods in Engineering Prohibitions: AMME5218 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
To complete a substantial research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1,2
ENGG5219 Research Project

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Students will be assigned a supervisor who they will meet with on a weekly basis to discuss their progress. Prerequisites: Students will have completed a minimum of 48cp towards the MPE. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The ability to plan, systemically conduct and report on a major research project is an important skill for professional engineers. This unit of study builds on technical competencies previously obtained, as well as making use of the report writing and communication skills the students have developed. In this unit of study, students are required to plan and begin work on a major research project, which is very often some aspect of a staff member's research interests. Some of the projects will be experimental in nature, while others may involve computer-based simulation, design or literature surveys. In this unit students will learn how to examine published and experimental data, set objectives, organize a program of work and devise an experimental or developmental program. The skills acquired will be invaluable to students undertaking engineering work. Students are expected to take the initiative when pursuing their research project. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1, 2.
ENGG5220 Engineering Project A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent project work. Prerequisites: 48 credits from MPE degree program Prohibitions: ENGG5222, ENGG5223, ENGG5218, ENGG5219 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The ability to plan, systemically conduct and report on a major research project is an important skill for professional engineers. This unit of study builds on technical competencies previously obtained, as well as making use of the report writing and communication skills the students have developed. In this unit of study, students are required to plan and begin work on a major research project, which is very often some aspect of a staff member's research interests. Some of the projects will be experimental in nature, while others may involve computer-based simulation, design or literature surveys. In this unit students will learn how to examine published and experimental data, set objectives, organize a program of work and devise an experimental or developmental program. The skills acquired will be invaluable to students undertaking engineering work. Students are expected to take the initiative when pursuing their research project. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1,2
ENGG5221 Engineering Project B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent project work. Corequisites: ENGG5220 Prohibitions: ENGG5222, ENGG5223, ENGG5218, ENGG5219 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit of study, students are required to plan and begin work on a major research project, which is very often some aspect of a staff member's research interests. Some of the projects will be experimental in nature, while others may involve computer-based simulation, design or literature surveys. In this unit students will learn how to examine published and experimental data, set objectives, organize a program of work and devise an experimental or developmental program. The skills acquired will be invaluable to students undertaking engineering work. Students are expected to take the initiative when pursuing their research project. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1,2
ENGG5222 Dissertation A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent project work Prerequisites: Distinction Average in 48 credit points of MPE program Prohibitions: ENGG5220, ENGG5221, ENGG5218, ENGG5219 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
To complete a substantial research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1,2
ENGG5223 Dissertation B

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent porject work. Corequisites: ENGG5222 Prohibitions: ENGG5220, ENGG5221, ENGG5218, ENGG5219 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
To complete a substantial research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis. Department permission required for enrolment in the following session(s); 1,2
ENGG5601 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hour lecture and a tutorial each week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Unit Administration: WebCT
Graduate unit of study designed for environmental engineering students, either M.E. or Grad. Cert. of GHG Mitigation
Keywords: Greenhouse science, energy efficiency, carbon sinks, climate change amelioration
Objectives: To develop an understanding of, the significance of carbon dioxide in climate; the role of increasing fossil fuel energy conversion efficiency; the international framework for carbon sinks; the size, cost, potential and nature of terrestrial and oceanic sinks of carbon; the amelioration of the impacts of climate change.
Outcomes: Students will be able to make recommendations of the most cost effective approach to enterprises meeting carbon dioxide limits expected to be imposed as a result of the Kyoto Protocol.
P. Riemer, A. Smith, K. Thambimuthu (1998). Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp777.
ENGG5610 Environmental Studies at Tokyo

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
A graduate unit of study designed for environmental engineering students, either M.E.S. or Grad. Cert. of GHG Mitigation.
Keywords: Global environments, environmental technology, policy making.
Objectives: To make students familiar with environmental technology policy making, environmental engineering and energy engineering, and the planning of environmentally harmonising systems.
Outcomes: Students will be able to systematically discuss:
- Current topics concerning global environmental and energy issues;
- How to make world and national policy;
- Environmental technologies and their role in policy;
- Advanced environmental research;
and be able to produce a plan harmonising the conflicting requirements such as protection of the environment and development.
ENGG5701 Doctoral Thesis 1A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Candidate must have at least one meeting with supervisor per week Corequisites: ENGG5210 Research Methods in Engineering Practical field work: Must carry out at least 8 hous of research per week. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Candidates enrolled in this UoS will begin research on an approved project. The research may be performed in a candidate's place of employment on a project that has been approved by the Faculty. A supervisor from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies will be appointed for the duration of the research project. The objective of this UoS is to provide a formal platform through which the candidate can complete a research project from a thorough review of the various stages of literature survey, research proposal, research plan, conduct of research, data analysis and presentation of outcomes.
ENGG5702 Thesis and Doctoral Seminar 1B

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: No formal classes. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In the doctoral seminar program the candidate must present the first of three research colloquia to his or her peers in the form of a a research proposal. The candidate will be able to give a thorough review of the various stages of literature survey, research proposal, research plan, conduct of research, data analysis and presentation of outcomes.
ENGG5703 Doctoral Thesis 2A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Candidate must have at least 1 meeting per week with supervisor. Corequisites: ENGG5701 Practical field work: Candidate must carry out at least a minimum of 8 hours per week on research. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Candidates enrolled in this UoS will continue their research on their approved project as outlined in ENGG5701 Doctoral Thesis 1A.
ENGG5704 Thesis and Doctoral Seminar 2B

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The candidate must carry out research for the fourth semester of the Doctoral research program, and at the end of the semester, must present the second of the three research colloquia (of approximately half an hour's duration) to his or her peers as a work in progress seminar, one of which might be analogous to an oral defence of the nearly completed thesis. The Seminar will be considered in the annual progress report on progress.
ENGG5705 Thesis and Doctoral Seminar 3A

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The candidate must carry out research for the fifth semester of the degree, and present the third of the three research colloquia (of approximately half an hour's duration) one of which might be analogous to an oral defence of the nearly completed thesis to the academic staff and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
ENGG5706 Thesis and Oral Defence

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Carry out research for the final semester, and at the end of the Semester, present the results of the research in a thesis of approximately 60,000 words. The candidate is required to present a final Seminar which is similar to an oral defence of the thesis before staff and research students of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the end of the semester.