University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Flexible First Year

The tables in this section give the detailed program requirements for each of the streams of Engineering and Information Technologies. Core, recommended elective and related requirements must be met in order to graduate in a particular stream of Engineering or Information Technology.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Flexible First Year

Students wishing to proceed to the degrees of Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology, Bachelor of Engineering or combined degrees with Science, Arts, Commerce, Law or Medical Science may choose to enrol in one of the two options of the Flexible First Year program. For details on eligibility for entry to this program and second year stream entry requirements consult the Faculty resolutions pertaining to Flexible First Year.
Students must decide on the stream of Engineering or Information Technologies to persue, once they have completed the Flexible First Year program.
Students will not need to decide their choice of Engineering or IT specialisation until the end of their first semester or the end of their first year, depending on their stream of choice.

Core units of study for Stream A specialisations

Core units of study for Stream A specialisations in the Engineering areas of Aeronautical, Aeronautical(Space), Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Mechanical(Space) or Project Management can elect to choose this option.

First year

Engineering Disciplines (Intro) Stream A
6      Semester 1
Engineering Computing
6    N INFO1000, COSC1001, COSC1002, INFO1003
Semester 1
Engineering Mechanics
6      Semester 2
Summer Main
Professional Engineering 1
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Differential Calculus
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1011, MATH1901, MATH1906, MATH1111
Semester 1
Summer Main
Linear Algebra
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1902, MATH1012, MATH1014
Semester 1
Summer Main
Integral Calculus and Modelling
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or MATH1001 or MATH1011
N MATH1013, MATH1903, MATH1907
Semester 2
Summer Main
3    A HSC Mathematics
N MATH1015, MATH1905, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010
Semester 2
Summer Main
Physics 1 (Regular)
6    A HSC Physics
C Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1001/1901, 1002/1902)
N PHYS1002, PHYS1901, EDUH1017
Semester 1
Students wishing to proceed into the stream of Chemical should replace PHYS1001 with CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A as an alternate core unit. Students wishing to proceed into the stream of Mechanical(Biomedical) Engineering should replace PHYS1001 with BIOL1001 as an alternate core unit.

Alternate units of study

Most units of study offered by the Science Faculty shown in the tables can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit, subject to prerequisite conditions (as required by the Faculty of Science) being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their school before enrolling.

Elective unit of study

In addition, a 6 credit point junior level unit of study must be choosen to complete the second semester enrolment. This is a free choice elective unit subject only to enrolment restrictions imposed by faculties on some specific junior level units.
1. Students wishing to proceed to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering should complete the first semester of this program and enrol in their chosen specialisation in Semester 2.
2. It is strongly advised that before choosing the second semester elective, students consult the requirements for the specialisation that they plan to enter as an appropriate choice of elective will help with core progression and prerequisite requirements for many areas.

Core units of study for Stream B specialisations

Core units of study for Stream B specialisations in the Engineering areas of Electrical, Electrical(Computer), Electrical (Power), Electrical(Bioelectronics), Electrical(Telecommunications), Mechatronics, Mechatronics (Space), Software and Bachelor of Information Technology or Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology can elect to choose this option.

First year

Professional Engineering and IT
6      Semester 1
Differential Calculus
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1011, MATH1901, MATH1906, MATH1111
Semester 1
Summer Main
Linear Algebra
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1902, MATH1012, MATH1014
Semester 1
Summer Main
Fundamentals of Elec and Electronic Eng
6    A HSC Physics, HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 1
Introduction to Programming
6    A HSC Mathematics
N SOFT (1001 or 1901) or COMP (1001 or 1901) or DECO2011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Student wishing to proceed into the Engineering stream of Mechatronics or Mechatronics(Space) should replace INFO1103 with ENGG1801 an alternate core unit.

Alternate units of study

Most units of study offered by the Science Faculty or the School of IT shown in the tables can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit, subject to prerequisite conditions being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their school before enrolling.
1. Students in this option will choose their specialisation at the end of Semester 1 and continue in the specialist program or IT degree in Semester 2.