University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Software Engineering stream

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Software Engineering

All candidates for the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Software Engineering (including those enrolled in a combined degree) must satisfy the requirements described in the table of core units of study.
Candidates will also need to choose a number of recommended units of study for Software Engineering, which consist of:
– all level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 EIE and SIT units which do not appear in the table of core units;
– the units of study listed in the table of additional recommended units of study; and
– such other units of study as may be so designated by the Head of School.

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering

Candidates for the 4-year Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering degree are required to complete a total of not less than 192 credit points including at least 168 credit points made up of units from the table of core units and recommended units of study with no more than 18 credit points of recommended elective units from level 1, and 2. The additional 24 credit points may consist, in whole or in part, of free elective units of study approved by the Head of School.

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering in a combined degree course

Candidates in the combined degree course of Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering with the Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Laws are required to complete at least 144 credit points made up of units from the table of core units and recommended units of study with no more than 18 credit points of recommended elective units from level 1, and 2.
Candidates in the combined degree course of Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering with the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts are required to complete at least 156 credit points made up of units from the table of core units and recommended units of study with no more than 18 credit points of recommended elective units from level 1, and 2.
Candidates in the combined degree course of Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering with the Bachelor of Medical Science are required to complete at least 156 credit points made up of units from the table of core units and recommended units of studywith no more than 18 credit points of recommended elective units from level 1, and 2, but may choose to replace up to 12 credit points of recommended units with CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A and BIOL1001 Concepts in Biology.
Candidates in all combined degree courses shall also satisfy such other requirements for the combined course as are prescribed in the joint resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies and the second faculty concerned.

Software Engineering core units of study

First year

Foundations of Computer Systems
6    A HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 2
Professional Engineering and IT
6      Semester 1
Differential Calculus
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1011, MATH1901, MATH1906, MATH1111
Semester 1
Summer Main
Linear Algebra
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1902, MATH1012, MATH1014
Semester 1
Summer Main
Integral Calculus and Modelling
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or MATH1001 or MATH1011
N MATH1013, MATH1903, MATH1907
Semester 2
Summer Main
3    A HSC Mathematics
N MATH1015, MATH1905, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010
Semester 2
Summer Main
Introduction to Programming
6    A HSC Mathematics
N SOFT (1001 or 1901) or COMP (1001 or 1901) or DECO2011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Data Structures
6    A Programming, as for INFO1103
N INFO1905 or SOFT (1002 or 1902) or COMP (1002 or 1902 or 2160 or 2860 or 2111 or 2811 or 2002 or 2902)
Semester 2

Second year

Systems Analysis and Modelling
6    A Experience with a data model as in INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFS1000
N INFO2810, INFO2000, INFO2900
Semester 2
Database Systems 1
6    A Some exposure to programming and some familiarity with data model concepts such as taught in INFO1103 or INFO1003 or INFS1000 or INFO1903
N INFO2820, INFO2005, INFO2905
Semester 1
Introduction to IT Security
6    A Computer literacy
N NETS3305, NETS3605, NETS3016, NETS3916, ELEC5610, ELEC5616
Semester 2
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
6    P 6 credit points of Junior level Mathematics
N MATH2011, MATH2009, MATH2969
Semester 1
Algorithms and Complexity
6    A INFO1105, MATH1004 or MATH1904
N COMP2907, COMP3309, COMP3609, COMP3111, COMP3811
Semester 2
Operating Systems and Machine Principles
6    A Programming, as from INFO1103
N SOFT2130, SOFT2830, SOFT2004, SOFT2904, COMP2004, COMP2904
Semester 1

Third year

Software Development Project
6    P INFO3402
N INFO3600, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700
Semester 2
Internet Software Platforms
6    P INFO1103, INFO2110, INFO2120
N EBUS4001
Semester 2
Object Oriented Design
6    A INFO2110, INFO1105
N SOFT3301, SOFT3601, SOFT3101, SOFT3801, COMP3008, COMP3908
Semester 1
Human-Computer Interaction
6    A INFO2110
N MULT3307, MULT3607, MULT3018, MULT3918, SOFT3102, SOFT3802, COMP3102, COMP3802
Semester 2
Management of IT Projects and Systems
6    A INFO2000, INFO2110, INFO2810, INFO2900
N ISYS3000, ISYS3012, ELEC3606
Semester 1

Fourth year

Enterprise Scale Software Architecture
6    A INFO3220 or COMP5028 or equivalent.
Semester 1
Practical Experience
   P 24 credit points of level 3 or 4 units of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Software Quality Engineering
6    N SOFT3302
Semester 1
Object Oriented Application Frameworks
6    A Java programming, and some web development experience are essential. Databases strongly recommended
Semester 2
Students must select 12cp from the following block of units.
Students enrol in either Honours Thesis A&B or Engineering Project A&B. For enrolment in Honours an ISWAM of 65% or greater is required.
Engineering Project A
6    P 36 credit points of units of study from level 3 and above.
N ELEC4703, ELEC4705, ELEC4707

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Engineering Project B
6    A 36 credit points of units of study from level 3 and above
P ELEC4710 Engineering Project A
N ELEC4703, ELEC4705, ELEC4707

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Honours Thesis A
6    P 36 credit points of units of study from level 3 and above
C ELEC4713
N ELEC4703, ELEC4705, ELEC4707

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Honours Thesis B
6    P 36 credit points of units of study from level 3 and above
C ELEC4712
N ELEC4707, ELEC4711

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
1. The Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology units of study may be replaced by equivalent advanced level units of study (if available) subject to prerequisite conditions being met.
2. Students in the Honours program must enrol in ELEC4712 & ELEC4713 or the alternate IT Research units INFO4991 & INFO4992, students in the Pass Program must enrol in ELEC4710 & ELEC4711.

Additional Software Engineering recommended units of study

Financial Accounting Concepts
6    N ACCT1001, ACCT1002

Terminating unit.
Semester 1
Management Accounting Concepts
6    N ACCT1001, ACCT1002

Terminating unit.
Semester 2
Marketing Principles
6    N MKTG2001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus
6    P MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907)
N MATH2001, MATH2901, MATH2002, MATH2902, MATH2961, MATH2067
Semester 1
Summer Main
Physics 1 (Regular)
6    A HSC Physics
C Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1001/1901, 1002/1902)
N PHYS1002, PHYS1901, EDUH1017
Semester 1
Physics 1 (Technological)
6    A HSC Physics or PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) or equivalent.
C Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1003/1903), MATH (1005/1905).
N PHYS1004, PHYS1902

It is recommended that PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) be completed before this unit
Semester 2
Physics 2EE
6    A MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH (1005/1905) would also be useful
P PHYS (1001 or 1901) and PHYS (1003 or 1902)
N PHYS2203, PHYS2001, PHYS2901, PHYS2011, PHYS2911, PHYS2002, PHYS2902, PHYS2012, PHYS2912
Semester 2