University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Philosophy


Master of Philosophy

Resolutions of the Senate

1 Requirements for the Master of Philosophy

A candidate who has been admitted in accordance with section 1 shall:
engage in research in some branch of Engineering or Information Technologies in the University of Sydney either full-time for not less than one year or part-time for not less than two years,
undertake units of study as the School or the Faculty may prescribe,
undergo a probationary period as imposed by the Faculty.

Resolutions of the Faculty

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Master of Philosophy

2 Admission requirements

Except as provided in Part 9, University of Sydney (Amendment Act) 1999, an applicant for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy shall:
be a graduate in Engineering or Information Technologies of the University of Sydney and have achieved First or Second Class Honours or a standard deemed acceptable by the Faculty; or
be a graduate of any other faculty of the University of Sydney and have achieved first or second class honours or a standard deemed acceptable by the Faculty; or
be a graduate of another institution holding equivalent qualifications to a graduate of the University of Sydney; and
have completed courses acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies; and
have in the opinion of the Faculty reached First or Second Class Honours standard.
Any applicant who furnishes evidence that satisfies the Faculty that a suitable standard of knowledge has been acquired, may be admitted by the Dean on the recommendation of the Head of School.
Candidates who have completed a Masters by Coursework in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies will be admitted to the MPhil provided that they:
achieve a minimum weighted average mark of 75% in the Masters by coursework, and
complete a research thesis with a weighting of at least 12 credit points and a minimum grade of Distinction.
Candidates who have completed a Masters by coursework and have not achieved the requirements detailed in Section 2(3), may still be admitted to the MPhil subject to the approval of the Faculty.

3 Requirements of the degree

A candidate who has been admitted in accordance with section 2 shall:
engage in research in some branch of Engineering or Information Technology in the University of Sydney either full-time for not less than one year or part-time for not less than two years
undertake units of study as the School or the Faculty may prescribe, and
undergo a probationary period as imposed by the Faculty.

4 Time limits

A candidate shall, unless special permission is granted by the Faculty, complete the requirements of the degree, in the case of a full-time student not later than two years, and in the case of a part-time student not later than four years, after the commencement of candidature.
The Faculty may include in the minimum period of candidature time spent in advanced study and research in the University of Sydney Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies (or any other institution as approved by the Faculty) prior to the application for admission to candidature.

5 Suspension of candidature

Candidates seeking suspension for a semester or longer (up to 12 months) should apply in writing to the Faculty and should have their HECS status amended accordingly. Scholarship holders should also notify the Research Office of their intended periods of absence.

6 Supervision

The Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School concerned, shall appoint a full-time member of the academic staff or research staff of the University to act as supervisor of each candidate.
Where the supervisor is a member of the research staff, the Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School concerned, shall also appoint a member of the full-time academic staff as associate supervisor. Any person so appointed as associate supervisor must be capable of acting as supervisor in the event that the supervisor is no longer able to act.
The Dean of the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School concerned, may appoint a full-time member of the academic staff of the University or other appropriately qualified person to act as associate supervisor.

7 Satisfactory progress

A report on the progress towards completion of the requirements for the degree shall be submitted annually in respect of each candidate through the Head of School to the Faculty by the Postgraduate Advisor of the School concerned.
Candidates deemed to have achieved outstanding performance may be recommended for an upgrade to PhD.
If the candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the Faculty considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress, the Faculty may call upon that candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause the Faculty may terminate that candidature or may impose conditions on the continuation of that candidature.

8 Assessment and examination

A candidate shall submit a thesis embodying the results of the research.
A candidate may be required, at the discretion of the Faculty, to attend lectures, seminar courses or practical work courses or to undertake courses and, if required, the assessment of such courses, subject to the approval of the Faculty.
A candidate shall state in the thesis, generally in a preface and specifically in notes;
the sources from which the information was derived;
the extent to which the work of others has been used; and
the portion of the work claimed as original.
The candidate shall not present as the thesis any work previously submitted for a degree of this or any other institution, but may incorporate any work that has not been submitted elsewhere, provided that the work so incorporated is indicated.
A candidate shall lodge with the Faculty three copies (printed or typewritten) of the thesis.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor?s opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory, and that the examiners have expertise in the field of the thesis.
Having considered the certificate of the supervisor, the Faculty shall, if it thinks fit, appoint two examiners, one of which is external to the University of Sydney. The Supervisor shall not be one of the examiners.
The examiners shall report to the Faculty which shall determine the result of the examination.

9 Previous work

The Faculty may deem time spent or work done (either at the University of Sydney or other institution as approved by the Faculty) towards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by a candidate before admission to candidature to be time spent or work done after admission, provided that the candidate has ceased to be a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

10 Transition arrangements for candidates enrolled in Master of Engineering Research

Candidates enrolled in Master of Engineering Research (MER) may elect to continue with the current degree or transfer to MPhil in which case the time spent or work done towards the degree of MER by a candidate before admission to MPhil will be deemed time spent or work done towards the degree of MPhil after admission, provided that the candidate has ceased to be a candidate for the degree of MER.