University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Mechatronic Engineering stream

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Mechatronic Engineering

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering are required to gain credit for the core units of study set out below. Any additional credit necessary shall be gained by completing additional credit points of elective units of study as recommended by the Faculty, as may be necessary to gain credit for a total of not less than 192 credit points.

Core units of study

First year

Differential Calculus
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1011, MATH1901, MATH1906, MATH1111
Semester 1
Summer Main
Linear Algebra
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 1
N MATH1902, MATH1012, MATH1014
Semester 1
Summer Main
Mechatronics Engineering Introductory
6    N AERO1560, MECH1560, ENGG1800

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Mechatronics 1
6    N ELEC1101, ELEC2602, COSC1902, COSC1002
Semester 2
Integral Calculus and Modelling
3    A HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or MATH1001 or MATH1011
N MATH1013, MATH1903, MATH1907
Semester 2
Summer Main
3    A HSC Mathematics
N MATH1015, MATH1905, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010
Semester 2
Summer Main
Engineering Mechanics
6      Semester 2
Summer Main
Fundamentals of Elec and Electronic Eng
6    A HSC Physics, HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Semester 1
Engineering Computing
6    N INFO1000, COSC1001, COSC1002, INFO1003
Semester 1
INFO1103 is an acceptable alternative.
Dynamics 1
6      Semester 2
PHYS1001 is an acceptable alternative for BSc physics majors.

Second year

Materials 1
6    N CIVL2110
Semester 1
Engineering Dynamics
6    P (MATH1001 or MATH1901 or MATH1906), (MATH1002 or MATH1902), (AMME1550 or PHYS1001 or PHYS1901 )
Semester 1
Electronic Devices and Circuits
6    A ELEC1102 Foundations of Electronic Circuits or ELEC1103 Professional Electronic Engineering.
N ELEC2401
Semester 2
Mechanics of Solids
6    P (MATH1001 or MATH1901 or MATH1906), (MATH1002 or MATH1902), (MATH1003 or MATH1903 or MATH1907), (ENGG1802 or PHYS1001 or PHYS1901)
Semester 2
Mechanical Design 1
6    A ENGG1802,AMME2302
C AMME2301
Semester 2
Mechatronics 2
6    P MTRX1701 and MTRX1702
N ELEC2601, ELEC3607
Semester 1
Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus
6    P MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907)
N MATH2001, MATH2901, MATH2002, MATH2902, MATH2961, MATH2067
Semester 1
Summer Main
Combined degree students take MATH2067 as alternative.
Partial Differential Equations (Intro)
6    P MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907)
N MATH2005, MATH2905, MATH2965, MATH2067
Semester 2
Summer Main
Combined degree students take MATH2067 as alternative.

Third year

System Dynamics and Control
6    P AMME2500; (MATH2061 or MATH2961 or MATH2067)
Semester 1
Electronic Circuit Design
6    A A background in basic electronics and circuit theory is assumed.
N ELEC3401
Semester 1
Manufacturing Engineering
6    A AMME2200, AMME2301, AMME2302
P (AERO1560 or MECH1560 or MTRX1701 or ENGG1800 or ENGG1805) and (ENGG1802 or PHYS1001 or PHYS1901)
Semester 1
Mechatronics 3
6    P MTRX2700
N MECH4710
Semester 2
Mechanical Design 2
6    A Properties of engineering materials including fatigue failure theories. Statics and dynamics properties of machines. Practical use of Word and Excel including the use of the `solver' and graphing capabilities built into the spreadsheet. The use of a spreadsheet is mandatory.
P MECH2400 and AMME2301
Semester 2
Thermodynamics and Fluids
6    A MATH1001; MATH1002; MATH1003.
Semester 2
Combined degree students are exempt from this unit.
Power Electronics and Applications
6    A Differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, analysis of linear circuits. Fourier theory applied to periodic and non-periodic signals. Software such as MATLAB to perform signal analysis and filter design. Familiarity with the use of basic laboratory equipment such as oscilloscope, function generator, power supply, etc.
P ELEC2104
N ELEC3202
Semester 1
Combined degree students are exempt from this unit.
Engineering Management
6    A It is expected that students will understand the concepts previously presented in ENGG1803 Professional Engineering. It is assumed that the students have an understanding of professional engineering issues, and are experienced in academic writing (both essays and reports), including appropriate referencing techniques, oral presentations and the project management process (particularly in group situations). Such previous knowledge will assist students in the development their awareness of the issues involved with engineering management.
Semester 2
Combined degree students are exempt from this unit.

Fourth year

Professional Engineering 2
6    A MECH3661, ENGG1803, AMME4100
P MECH3660
Semester 1
Practical Experience
   P 36 Credit Points of Senior Units

Students should have completed three years of their BE program before enrolling in this unit.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Students must select 12cp from the following block of units.
Students enrol in either Honours Thesis A&B or Engineering Project A&B. For enrolment in Honours an ISWAM of 65% or greater is required.
Honours Thesis A
6    P 36 credit points of senior units of study and 2nd/3rd year WAM of 65% or greater
C AMME4112
N AMME4121, AMME4122, AMME4010

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Normally taken in Semester 1.
Honours Thesis B
6    P AMME4111 Honours Thesis A
N AMME4121, AMME4122, AMME4010

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Normally taken in Semester 2
Engineering Project A
6    P 36 credit points of senior units of study.
C AMME4122
N AMME4111, AMME4112, AMME4010
Semester 1
Semester 2
Normally taken in Semester 1.
Engineering Project B
6    P AMME4121 Engineering Project A
N AMME4111, AMME4112, AMME4010
Semester 1
Semester 2
Normally taken in Semster 2

Acceptable alternative units of study

Students in the Honours program must enrol in AMME4111 & AMME4112, students in the Pass program must enrol in AMME4121 & AMME4122.
Most units of study offered by the Faculty of Science shown in the tables can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit, subject to prerequisite conditions (as required by the Faculty of Science) being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their department before enrolling.
Students undertaking Study Abroad in a particular year of their degree must enrol in the appropriate International Exchange Program units of study as an alternative to a semester's standard units.

Resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering relating to this table:

BE(Mechatronic Engineering)

In addition to gaining credit for the units of study set out in this table, candidates are required to complete 18 credit points from the table of recommended elective units of study for Mechatronic Engineering. A minimum of 192 credit points is required to be eligible for the award of the degree.

BE(Mechatronic Engineering)/BSc or BCom or BMedSci

In addition to gaining credit for the units of study set out in this table, candidates are required to complete 6 credit points from the table of recommended elective units of study for Mechatronic Engineering and at least 96 credit points of units of study given by the Faculty of Science for the BE/BSc and BMedSci, or the Faculty of Economics and Business for the BE/BCom. A minimum of 240 credit points is required to be eligible for the combined degrees. Candidates should refer to the Joint Resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering and the faculty in which they are undertaking the combined degree.

BE(Mechatronic Engineering)/BA

In addition to gaining credit for the units of study set out in this table, candidates are required to complete at least 18 credit points from the table of recommended elective units of study for Mechatronic Engineering and at least 84 credit points of units of study given by the Faculty of Arts for the BE/BA. A minimum of 240 credit points is required to be eligible for the combined degree. Candidates should refer to the Joint Resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering and the faculty in which they are undertaking the combined degree.

BE(Mechatronic Engineering)/LLB

In addition to gaining credit for the units of study set out in this table, candidates are required to complete 6 credit points from the table of recommended elective units of study for Mechatronic Engineering and at least 144 credit points of units of study given by the Faculty of Law for the BE/LLB. A minimum of 288 credit points is required to be eligible for the combined degrees. Candidates should refer to the Joint Resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering and the faculty in which they are undertaking the combined degree.

Recommended elective units of study

Sensors and Signals
6    A Strong Matlab skills
P MTRX3700
Semester 1
Computers in Real-Time Control and Inst
6    P MTRX3700
N ELEC4602 Real Time Computing
Semester 1
Experimental Robotics
6    P AMME3500; MTRX3700
Semester 1
Guidance and Control
6    P AMME3500.
Semester 2
Inertial Navigation & the Kalman Filter

This unit of study is not available in2011

6    P AERO4701 or MECH4720 or MECH4730 or MTRX4700 or AERO4560.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
Computer Vision and Image Processing
6    A MECH4720 or MECH4730
Semester 2
Introduction to Biomechatronics
6    P MTRX3700 or MECH3921
Semester 2
1. Choice of electives as shown in the above table will depend on subject availability, timetabling and prerequisite conditions.
2. Units of study not included in this table may also be selected subject to the approval of the Head of School Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.