University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Visual Arts

On successful completion of the Bachelor of Visual Arts, students will be able to:


Course Learning Outcome


Demonstrate competencies germane to contemporary art, showing both conceptual and practical awareness. 


Demonstrate awareness of specialist studio genres, reflecting knowledge of their respective histories and contexts, and  the capacity to navigate and challenge them.


Apply conceptual, historical and practical skills in the development of a studio practice with outcomes of professional potential. 


Demonstrate the skills and strategies necessary for a critical awareness within art practice. 


Commit to art personal practice with a demonstrated ability to interact productively and collaboratively with the broader art world.


Create works of art that reflect a commitment to innovative and imaginative thinking. 


Show responsible and reflective cultural practices on a national and international scale, empathetic to the different values, and be responsive to the needs and expectations of others.


Apply work health and safety to their art practice, and appraise how it is assessed for sustained safety.