University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

On successful completion of the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), students will be able to:


Course Learning Outcome


Appraise the potential of their work to promote equitable outcomes and make positive contributions to the learning and development of all young children. 


Utilise appropriate knowledge from a range of disciplines to inform professional teaching practice.


Apply innovative and critical practices that draw from and inform theory, policy and research in ways that promote quality and inclusive early childhood education.


Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to ongoing professional development through reflective practice and inquiry that critically engages with contemporary philosophy, theory and research and contributes to positive individual and social change.  


Demonstrate knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and reflect these in their practice, in order to work towards redressing the continuing impact of dispossession and colonisation.


Critically appraise dominant constructions about young children and early childhood education, and challenge those that undermine children’s rights, and quality, inclusive early childhood pedagogy and policy.


Construct research-informed arguments about young children’s learning and development and the role of early childhood teachers, and advocate for the social value of quality early childhood education.


Work ethically, inclusively and collaboratively, in partnership with professional colleagues, families and communities, in ways that respect and value diversity.