Course and stream title
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
The attendance pattern is full-time or as structured part-time mode according to candidate choice. Professional experience placements can only be undertaken full-time.
Candidates in the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) will be under the supervision of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences shall exercise authority in any matter concerned with the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions. Where the matter relates to a minor taught by another faculty, the Dean will consult with the dean or associate dean of the relevant faculty prior to exercising authority.
Admission to Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Admission standards set by regulatory bodies, accrediting agencies and government for teacher education must also be met. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Policy.
The units of study that may be taken for the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) are set out in:
Table A for the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
Table O from the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.
In these resolutions, except where otherwise specified, Table A and Table O mean Table A and Table O as specified here.
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education), a candidate must complete 192 credit points of units of study, comprising:
108 credit points of core units of study as set out in Table A;
A major (48 credit points) in Education Studies, as listed in Table A;
A minor (36 credit points) or a teaching area (24 credit points) from Table A;
optionally, up to 12 credit points of elective units from Table O;
If required, additional elective units of study from Table A to satisfy a total of 192 credit points for the course.
Selection of majors, minors, teaching areas and units of study must align with requirements set by the Faculty, relevant Schools and departments, and regulatory bodies or accrediting agencies. Candidates must also abide with policies and conditions set by regulatory bodies, accrediting agencies and government for teacher education during their candidature.
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
Completion of a major in Education Studies, a minor or a teaching area from Table A is a requirement of the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education). Requirements for completion of majors, minors and teaching areas are as set out in Table A.
The majors, minors and teaching areas available in Table A in the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) are:
Major (48 credit points)
Minor (36 credit points)
Teaching area (24 credit points)
Education Studies
Ancient History
Arabic Language and Cultures
Australian Literature
Biblical Studies and Classical Hebrew
Business Studies
Chinese Studies
French and Francophone Studies
Germanic Studies
Hebrew (Modern)
History (Modern)
Indigenous Studies
Indonesian Studies
Italian Studies
Japanese Studies
Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture
Korean Studies
Modern Greek Studies
Political Economy
Spanish and Latin American Studies
Theatre and Performance Studies
Requirements for majors, minors and teaching areas
Majors and minors are as defined in the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019.
The requirements for completion of majors, minors and teaching areas are as set out in Table A.
Candidates are required to complete the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) in the order listed in the handbook and as advised by the Faculty.
Progression within a major, minor or teaching area:
Except with the permission of the relevant major, minor or teaching area coordinator, candidates must pass all 1000-level units of study within a major (except a language major), minor or teaching area, before proceeding to 2000-level units within that major, minor or teaching area, or else undertake those 1000- level units concurrently with the 2000-level units.
Except with the permission of the relevant major, minor or teaching area coordinator, candidates must pass all 2000-level units of study within a major (except a language major), minor or teaching area, before proceeding to 3000-level units, or else undertake those 2000-level units concurrently with the 3000-level units.
Candidates in a language major commence a major at a level commensurate with their previous ability as determined by the Faculty and must complete lower level units before completing the next higher level or else undertake those lower level units concurrently with the next higher level.
Honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies is available to meritorious candidates who have completed requirements for the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) degree, by subsequently enrolling in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and taking an embedded honours component in an additional year of full-time study. Requirements for honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies are listed in the Resolutions of the Bachelor of Advanced Studies.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences encourages candidates in this course to participate in international exchange programs as set out in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
A candidate for the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) who discontinues after Year 3 without completing Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) but has successfully completed 144 credit points including a major in Education Studies may exit with a Bachelor of Education Studies.
Credit transfer is subject to the provisions of the Coursework Policy and the Resolutions of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or, in the case of a major or minor offered by another faculty, any relevant resolutions of that faculty. Candidates must seek advice before accepting credit, as external policies by regulatory or accrediting bodies must also be taken into account.
Candidates cannot obtain credit against professional experience.
These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2022.
Candidates who commence candidature after 1 January 2022 who are seeking credit for prior study should note that the University does not intend to offer 4000-level units and projects in the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) prior to 2025 and that it may not be possible to complete requirements before the end of Semester 2 of that year.