University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages)

The Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) will provide you with the opportunity to combine your passion for the study of languages and cultures with practical skills in multilingual translation and to develop high-level intercultural competency and communication skills.

You will complete two language majors, attain foundational knowledge in translation theory and gain real-world experience through a concrete project that entails a simulated work environment as well as an actual project with an external partner. You will engage in the study of different cultures and have the opportunity to undertake exchange semesters and short courses with our international partners. You will work with a team of leading academics and researchers of multilingualism and graduate with advanced skills in analysing cross-lingual and cross-cultural issues and a toolkit for practical translation in multilingual contexts, including using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools; revision and proofreading skills, and translation business system skills. The course also allows students to pursue an additional major or minor in a non-language subject area such as business, economics, humanities/social sciences or science.

This course is endorsed as a preferred pathway by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). Graduates who wish to become Certified Translators will need to take the certification test.

Degree structure and requirements

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages)

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies requirements are listed under the relevant coursework page.

Completion of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) stream requires the completion of six core units of study. The Languages stream requirements are listed in the Languages unit of study table.

Language Majors

The languages stream requires students to complete two language majors. Refer to the relevant subject areas linked below for information on the requirements of these majors. Students will follow the appropriate pathway specified in the unit of study tables, based on their individual language level*

The majors that are available are:

* Appropriate language units are determined either by language level and grade therein achieved in the Higher School Certificate (as listed in the pathway levels on the subject area pages that are linked above) or International Baccalaureate, and/or by one-on-one interviews prior to commencement. If you are unsure of your language level or which pathway is appropriate for you, please contact the department for advice.

Please note: A ‘gap’ year after Year 12 does not normally affect placement.

Dalyell stream

The Dalyell stream is a targeted stream for high achievers. Students who participate in the Dalyell stream are known as the ‘Dalyell Scholars’. As Dalyell Scholars, students have access to a range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Dalyell Scholars must take 12 credit points of Dalyell stream units in addition to their degree requirements.

Dalyell stream units emphasise the development of vision, depth of understanding, adaptability, breadth of perspective, societal contribution and a high level of capability in operating across disciplinary and cultural boundaries. Dalyell Scholars may take Dalyell stream units offered by any faculty.

Additionally with the permission of the Dalyell Program Director, students will have access to enrichment and accelerated units of study that can be competed as electives.

For further details regarding the Dalyell stream, please refer to the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) are required to complete at least 12 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) to meet the requirements for their degree/s.

Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.


Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) can complete elective units of study from the subject areas listed in Table A (Arts and Social Sciences) and Table S (shared pool).

The available units of study are listed in Table A Subject Areas of this handbook and Table S in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook.