University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications)

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) offers students professional training in the main areas of media production and an advanced education in the history, theory and professional practices of the field. Core units of study focus on media production, the structure of the media and communications industries, the media's role in culture and politics, and contemporary legal and ethical issues prevalent in the field. You will explore these areas through a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives with relevant critical theories and develop in-depth professional skills in the fields of written news and feature journalism, audio, video, social media and public relations. In the fourth or Advanced Studies year, you will study project-based scenarios in media organisations, undertake an industry internship and complete either a major media project or research essay.

The four-year Advanced Studies in Media and Communications stream is designed to equip students with key skills for entry into multi-platform journalism, digital media production, media regulation, public policy, public relations and corporate communications. This course also qualifies our students to apply to a variety of competitive international graduate programs that require the completion of a four-year undergraduate degree for entry.

Degree structure and requirements

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications)

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies requirements are listed under the relevant coursework page.

The Media and Communications stream requirements are listed in the Media and Communications unit of study table.

Advanced coursework

Requirements and units of study for advanced coursework can be found on the Media and Communication advanced coursework units of study page.


The Media and Communications Honours year is a preparation for postgraduate study. Honours study can be the culmination of your formal education, an experience that extends your intellectual range, hones your research abilities as well as analytical and communication techniques, and helps you to develop the personal and professional skills needed to see a research project though to completion.

Honours can also be the first step on a path to a career as an academic or professional researcher. The Honours year comprises seminar classes and work toward a short thesis on an independent research project under the supervision of an academic staff member who is an expert in the field of your research.

Students interested in doing Honours are advised to contact the Honours Coordinator and a possible supervisor by October 1 of the year prior to the intended Honours year to allow sufficient time for studnets to work on a research proposal to be approved by Department in time for University application closing dates.

Honours admission requirements

Honours is a separate fourth year program via the Bachelor of Advanced Studies. Admission requires the completion of 72 credit points in the Media and Communications program, with an average weighted mark of 70 percent or above, as well as the completion of a second major. The 72 credit points of Media and Communications units include the following:

  • 24 credit points of 1000 level major and program core units
  • 24 credit points of 2000 level major and program core units
  • 18 credit points of 3000 level major and program core units
  • 6 credit points of 3000 level Interdisciplinary Project unit

Mid-year entry to Honours is not available. Part-time honours enrolment is available with the permission of the Honours coordinator.

Prior to commencing Honours, you will need to ensure you have completed all other requirements of the Bachelor of Arts, including Open Learning Environment (OLE) units.

Requirements and units of study for Honours can be found on the Media and Communication honours units of study page.

Dalyell stream

The Dalyell stream is a targeted stream for high achievers. Students who participate in the Dalyell stream are known as the ‘Dalyell Scholars’. As a Dalyell Scholar, students will have access to curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Dalyell Scholars must take 12 credit points of Dalyell stream units in addition to their degree requirements.

Dalyell stream units emphasise the development of vision, depth of understanding, adaptability, breadth of perspective, societal contribution and a high level of capability in operating across disciplinary and cultural boundaries. Dalyell Scholars may take Dalyell stream units offered by any faculty.

Additionally with the permission of the Dalyell Program Director, students will have access to enrichment and accelerated units of study that can be competed as electives.

For further details regarding the Dalyell stream, please refer to the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) are required to complete at least 12 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) to meet the requirements for their degree/s.

The Department of Media and Communications offers two OLE units - OLET2110 Telling True Stories and OLES2107 Digital Influence through Social Media - which can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Handbook. Students may take these units as part of the 12 credit point OLE requirement for the degree.

Details of all available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table S - Interdisciplinary Studies (Shared pool)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) can complete a second major or minor from a wide range of subject areas offered by the University of Sydney through the shared pool of majors and minors.

The available subject areas for majors and minors and their requirements can be found in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

The following areas offer majors and minors in this shared pool:

  • Architecture and Interaction Design;
  • Arts and Social Sciences;
  • Business and Commerce;
  • Education and Social Work;
  • Engineering and Computer Science;
  • Health, Medicine and Dentistry;
  • Music; and
  • Science, Agriculture, Environment and Veterinary Science.


Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) can complete elective units of study from the subject areas listed in Table A (Arts and Social Sciences) and Table S (shared pool).

The available units of study are listed in Table A Subject Areas of this handbook and Table S in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook.

Example pathway

Media and Communications program with a second major in Digital Cultures (includes the fourth year Advanced Coursework or Honours pathway options)

Year and Semester Units of study      
Year 1 S1 Major core: MECO1001 Introduction to Media Studies Program core: MECO1004 Introduction to Media Production Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE)
  S2 Major core: MECO1002 Digital Media 4.0: Work and Policy Program core: MECO1003 Principles of Media Writing Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Second major core: ARIN1001 The Pasts and Futures of Digital Cultures
Year 2 S1 Major core: MECO2601 Media Production: Radio & Podcasting Major core: MECO2604 Telling Stories with Data Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Second major core: ARIN2620 Everyday Digital Media
  S2 Program core: MECO2602 Media Production: Video Major core: MECO2603 Public Relations Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Second major core: ARIN2610 Internet Transformations
Year 3 S1 Major core: MECO3603 Media, Law and Ethics Program core: MECO3606 Media Production: Advanced Media Writing Second major interdisciplinary project unit: ARIN3998 Industry & Community Project Second major selective: 3000 level Digital Cultures selective unit
  S2 Major core: MECO3605 Issues in Global & Digital Media Interdisciplinary project unit: FASS3999 / MECO3999 Interdisciplinary Impact Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Second major core: ARIN3620 Researching Digital Cultures

Year 4

Advanced coursework

S1 MECO4116 Research Practices

MECO4115 Media and Communications Internship

Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE) Second major selective: 3000 level Digital Cultures selective unit
  S2 MECO4117 Critical Practice FASS4903 ABC Innovation Research Project Unit (12 credit points) Elective unit/Open Learning Environment (OLE)

Year 4


S1 MECO4113 Theoretical Traditions and Innovations MECO4114 Research Methods MECO4020 Media and Communication Honours Thesis 1
  S2 MECO4022 Media and Communication Honours Thesis 2   

Note: If intending to complete honours, the second major from Table A/Table S must be completed by the end of semester 2 of Year 3.