University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Visual Arts

About the major

Students enrolled in degrees other than the Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies can take a major or minor in Visual Arts as part of their undergraduate studies.

First year introduces you to visual art practice to further extend your conceptual understanding and creative skills, theory and practice and the wide variety of media and disciplines within SCA's well-equipped studios, by focusing on project-based creative learning experiences in two-dimensional (2D) (image), three-dimensional (3D) (sculpture), four-dimensional (4D) (screen) and x-dimensional (XD) (interdisciplinary) practices.

In second year you can choose from a broad range of visual arts selectives, including ceramics, glass, jewellery painting, photomedia, printmedia, screen arts and sculpture; as well as a range of units growing out of experimental practices, the expanded field and art history. You may elect to develop depth by enrolling in complementary disciplinary units. Alternatively, you may wish to develop your interdisciplinary practice by enrolling in a broader range of units.

Third year deepens your engagement with visual arts and contemporary culture, through intensive studio-based projects that are increasingly self-directed. As with second year, a broad range of disciplinary units are offered, that encourage proactive and idiosyncratic conceptual development, along with the deepening of your existing technical expertise. Further, the principles of practice-led research are established in a way that maintains the ability to find a specific focal point alongside the potential to explore a shifting or interdisciplinary mode of art making.

Requirements for completion

The Visual Arts major and minor requirements are listed in the Visual Arts unit of study table.

Learning outcomes

No. Learning outcome
1 Demonstrate competencies germane to contemporary art, showing both conceptual and practical awareness.
2 Apply conceptual, historical and practical skills in the development of a studio practice with outcomes of professional potential.
3 Demonstrate the skills and strategies necessary for a critical awareness within art practice.
4 Demonstrate a commitment to art practice. This includes consultation of research material related to the chosen field(s).
5 The capacity to create works of art that reflect a commitment to innovative and imaginative thinking.
6 Experience and interaction with the broader art world with evidence of, or potential to, forge professional partnerships and collaborations.
7 Learn and apply Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) to all aspects of art practice.
Advanced coursework

In the Bachelor of Advanced Studies in the School of Letters, Arts and Media offered through the School of Literature, Arts and Media (SLAM) students will engage in advanced seminars that complement their individual research in project units. Students will be encouraged to develop and apply advanced disciplinary knowledge and methodologies to researching the past, present and future at local, regional and global levels in creative ways. In the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, students will have the opportunity to apply disciplinary knowledges and methodologies to the legacies of the past, the complexities of the present and possible futures in the areas of communication, literature and art.

Requirements and units of study for advanced coursework can be found on the Visual Arts advanced coursework units of study page.


Honours is not available for students in the Visual Arts major. Honours is only available for students completing the Bachelor of Visual Arts or an equivalent degree.

Contacts and further information

Sydney College of the Art website:
School of Literature, Art and Media website:

Example pathway

Visual Arts advanced coursework pathway

Year and Semester

Units of study    
Year 1 Sem 1 Core: CAVA1001 Visual Art Foundation 1  
Sem 2 Core: CAVA1002 Visual Art Foundation 2  
Year 2 Sem 1 Selective: 2000 level unit from the Visual Arts major  
Sem 2 Selective: 2000 level unit from the Visual Arts major  
Year 3 Sem 1 Selective: 3000 level unit from the Visual Arts major Selective: 3000 level unit from the Visual Arts major
Sem 2 Selective: 3000 level unit from the Visual Arts major Interdisciplinary Project unit: FASS3999 / CAEL3999 Interdisciplinary Impact
Year 4 Sem 1 Selective: SLAM4004 Working the Arts and Humanities or CAVA4001 Art Writing and Artists Project unit: SLAM4001 SLAM Project: Pasts, Presents, Futures A
Sem 2 Selective: SLAM4003 Meaning in the Anthropocene or CAVA4002 Professional Arts Practice Project unit: SLAM4002 SLAM Project: Pasts, Presents, Futures B