Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Year 1
Year 1 has the following 48 credit point structure: a core (36 credit points), and electives (12 credit points) selected from the list below.
Core Units of Study
BIOL1001 Concepts in Biology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Charlotte Taylor Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical per week. Prohibitions: BIOL1500 or BIOL1901 or BIOL1101 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 Assumed knowledge: HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February). Assessment: One 2-hour exam, assignments tests and lab quizzes (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February).
Concepts in Biology is an introduction to the major themes of modern biology. The unit covers fundamental cell biology, with a particular emphasis on cell structure and function; the foundations of molecular biology from the role of DNA in protein synthesis to the genetics of organisms; and the theory of evolution and principles of phylogenetic analysis, including how these are used to interpret the origins of the diversity of extant organisms. Practical classes focus on students designing experiments, making and recording their observations and communicating their findings. The unit emphasises how biologists carry out scientific investigations, from the molecular and cellular level to the level of ecosystems. This unit of study provides a good foundation for intermediate biology units of study.
Knox R B et al. Biology, An Australian Focus. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2010
BIOL1002 Living Systems
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr William Figueira Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2.5-hour practical per week and tutorials every few weeks. Prohibitions: BIOL1500 or BIOL1902 or BIOL1992 Assumed knowledge: HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February). Assessment: One 2-hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%). Practical field work: 3 hours per week Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February).
Living Systems deals with the biology of organisms as individuals, within populations and as part of communities and ecosystems. A broad range of taxa is presented, from bacteria to large plants and animals, and emphasis is placed on understanding the ways in which they can live in different habitats. Behaviour is discussed as a key process linking organismal-level processes to population and community dynamics. The importance of energy in living systems, and how elements are used and recycled in biological communities, are introduced as the basis of ecosystems. The unit of study includes lectures and laboratory classes on the physiology and behaviour of animals and plants, the ways in which organisms control and integrate their activities and the processes controlling dynamics of populations and community. These themes are revisited within applied contexts to discuss issues such as management and conservation. This unit of study provides a good foundation for intermediate biology units of study.
Knox R B et al. Biology. An Australian Focus. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2010.
CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 9 weeks. Prohibitions: CHEM1001 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903 or CHEM1905 or CHEM1906 or CHEM1909 or CHEM1109 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Mathematics. Students who have not completed HSC Chemistry (or equivalent) and HSC Mathematics (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Chemistry and Mathematics Bridging Courses (offered in February). Assessment: Theory examination (60%), laboratory work (15%), online assignment (10%) and continuous assessment quizzes (15%) Practical field work: A series of 9 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 9 weeks of the semester. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Chemistry 1A is built on a satisfactory prior knowledge of the HSC Chemistry course. Chemistry 1A covers chemical theory and physical chemistry. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1102 Chemistry 1B
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: One 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 9 weeks. Prerequisites: CHEM1101 or CHEM1901, or a Distinction in CHEM1001 Prohibitions: CHEM1002 or CHEM1902 or CHEM1904 or CHEM1907 or CHEM1908 or CHEM1108 Assessment: Theory examination (50%), laboratory work (15%), online assignments (20%) and continuous assessment quizzes (15%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Chemistry 1B is built on a satisfactory prior knowledge of Chemistry 1A and covers inorganic and organic chemistry. Successful completion of Chemistry 1B is an acceptable prerequisite for entry into Intermediate Chemistry units of study. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
ENVX1002 Introduction to Statistical Methods
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Thomas Bishop Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/wk, 1x1 hr tutorial/wk, 1x2 hr computer practical/wk Prohibitions: : ENVX1001 Assessment: 1 Ã Exam during the Exam period (50%), 2 Ã Practical Tests (10% each), 2 Ã Assessment Tasks (10% each) and 8 Online Quizzes (1.25% each). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is a core first year unit for the BEnvSys, BScAgr, BFoodAgrib, BVetBiol and BAnVetBioSc degrees. It provides the foundation quantitative and statistical skills that are needed in other units in the degrees and for further study in applied statistics. In the first portion of the unit the emphasis is on the role of statistics in scientific research, describing data and its variability, and probability. In the second part the focus is on sample designs and framing scientific hypotheses; estimating a single treatment mean via a confidence interval and testing for a particular mean via a z-test or t-test; estimating or testing the difference between two treatment means. The final part of the unit is on the use of calculus for modelling biological and environmental data, for example the use of linear and non-linear functions. In the practicals the emphasis is on applying theory to analysing real datasets using the spreadsheet package Excel and the statistical package Genstat.
Recommended readings: -Mead R, Curnow RN, Hasted AM (2002) 'Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology.' (Chapman & Hall: Boca Raton). -Quinn GP, Keough MJ (2002) 'Experimental design and data analysis for biologists.' (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK).
VETS1018 Animal Bioscience
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Paul Sheehy Session: Semester 2 Classes: lectures: 33 hrs /student
practicals: 9 hrs /student
tutorials: 1 hr /student Prerequisites: VETS1032 or BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 Assessment: Group Learning Activity (15%), Mid Semester Exam (20%), Final exam (65%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The interaction of organic molecules, facilitated by cellular structure and driven by the ability to harness energy from the environment, constitutes the basis of life. The co-ordination and facilitation of these events is due primarily to proteins, which fulfill a variety of roles including the catalysis of chemical reactions (enzymes), as cell structural components and in the transport of signals and solutes. The blueprints for the myriad of protein structures and hence cellular function are stored in the cell nucleus in the form of DNA, as a series of information-carrying segments, or genes.
It is the co-ordinated expression of these genes and the mechanisms that enable the genetic code to be read and interpreted which form the basis of Cell Biology 1B. Of similar importance are the processes of DNA copying for the duplication of cells (mitosis/meiosis) and how these processes may be manipulated to diagnose or alleviate disease (recombinant DNA technology, DNA diagnosis, molecular immunology, cancer etc).
To gain an understanding of the underlying cellular and biochemical principles of disease, therapy and performance of animals and to depict the relevance of these fundamental cellular processes in an applied veterinary and animal science context is also a major goal of Cell Biology 1B.
It is the co-ordinated expression of these genes and the mechanisms that enable the genetic code to be read and interpreted which form the basis of Cell Biology 1B. Of similar importance are the processes of DNA copying for the duplication of cells (mitosis/meiosis) and how these processes may be manipulated to diagnose or alleviate disease (recombinant DNA technology, DNA diagnosis, molecular immunology, cancer etc).
To gain an understanding of the underlying cellular and biochemical principles of disease, therapy and performance of animals and to depict the relevance of these fundamental cellular processes in an applied veterinary and animal science context is also a major goal of Cell Biology 1B.
VETS1018 Animal Bioscience Unit of Study Guide
Bachelor of Animal Veterinary Bioscience (Progression Strategy)
AGEN1001 Shaping our Landscapes
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Ampt Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1hr lect, 1x2hr tut, 4x1 day (6.5hr) field (ave 2hrs/week) Prohibitions: AFNR1001 Assessment: 1x 2hr exam (40%), Field class reports (10%), Group work participation (10%), Journal (10%), Problem based learning project (30%) Practical field work: Preparation, revision and private study 3hrs/week Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study is designed to help students develop understanding of our non-urban landscapes and the physical, biological, economic and cultural factors that have shaped them, with particular emphasis on the interaction between production and environment. It is a core first year unit for students in BScAgr, BEnvSys, BAgrEc, BResEc and BAnVetBioSc. The unit begins with a review of the current global issues around population, food, agriculture and environment and the place of Australia in this global context. Australia's current production (plant and animal based) and environmental systems and landscapes are described with an emphasis on the physical, biological, economic and cultural factors that have shaped them, concluding with an account of future production and environment scenarios. At the end of this unit, students should be able to describe global production and environment issues and key Australian landscapes and production systems, explain the factors that have shaped them and apply this understanding to a specific location and production system. They should analyse the situation of natural resource managers and evaluate the options available to them to maintain or improve profitable production and achieve sustainability. The students will gain research and inquiry skills through research-based group projects, information literacy and communication skills through on-line discussion postings, tutorial discussions and presentations and personal and intellectual autonomy through working in groups and individually.
To be advised during semester.
AVBS1002 Concepts of Animal Management
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 6 hrs/week (lectures and practicals) Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Biology Assessment: practical skills assessment (30%), written assignment (20%), quizzes (50%) Practical field work: There will be several whole day practical classes at the Camden campus Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will explore the management of animals in natural and man-made environments. At the end of this unit of study, students will understand: the characteristics of the management systems of the major domestic species used for production in Australia and in a world wide context; the characteristics and principles underpinning sustainable management of native animals in natural and man-made environments; an appreciation of the dependence of living organisms upon their environment; an appreciation of the husbandry practices and innovations that have been adopted by the production industries to retain their competitive advantage; a demonstrated capability in handling and husbandry of the major domestic production animal species, and an appreciation of the application of these skills to non-domestic species; a demonstrated understanding of the importance of high standards of animal welfare practice in the management of animals.
There is no single text that adequately covers the unit content and for this reason no formal text is required. Where appropriate, relevant reference material will be identified for specific areas of the course.
Bachelor Science (Progression Strategy)
GEOS1001 Earth, Environment and Society
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Jody Webster, A/Prof Bill Pritchard, Prof Jonathan Aitchison, Dr Josephine Gillespie Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 2 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: GEOS1901 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001 Assessment: Exam (50%), 1500 word essay (20%), practical reports (15%), presentation (15%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is the gateway unit of study for Human Geography, Physical Geography, Environmental Studies and Geology. Its objective is to introduce the big questions relating to the origins and current state of the planet: climate change, environment, landscape formation, and the growth of the human population. During the semester you will be introduced to knowledge, theories and debates about how the world's physical and human systems operate. The first module investigates the system of global environmental change, specifically addressing climate variability and human impacts on the natural environment. The second module presents Earth as an evolving and dynamic planet, investigating how changes take place, the rate at which they occur and how they have the potential to dramatically affect the way we live. Finally, the third module, focuses on human-induced challenges to Earth's future. This part of the unit critically analyses the relationships between people and their environments, with central consideration to debates on population change, resource use and the policy contexts of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
PSYC1001 Psychology 1001
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week, plus 1 hour per week of additional web-based (self-paced) material related to the tutorial. Assessment: One 2.5hr exam, a minimum of one 1000 word research report, multiple tutorial tests, experimental participation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Psychology 1001 is a general introduction to the main topics and methods of psychology, and is the basis for advanced work as well as being of use to those not proceeding with the subject. Psychology 1001 covers the following areas: science and statistics in psychology; emotion; themes in the history of psychology; social psychology; personality theory; human development.
Course Coordinator will advise
PHYS1001 Physics 1 (Regular)
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 9 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: PHYS1002 or PHYS1901 or EDUH1017 Assessment: 3 hour exam plus laboratories, assignments and mid-semester tests (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study is for students who gained 65 marks or better in HSC Physics or equivalent. The lecture series contains three modules on the topics of mechanics, thermal physics, and oscillations and waves.
Young & Freedman. University Physics. 13th edition, with Mastering Physics, Addison-Wesley. 2012. Course lab manual.
PHYS1004 Physics 1 (Environmental and Life Science)
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 10 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: PHYS1003 or PHYS1902 Assessment: 3-hour exam plus laboratories and assignments (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: It is recommended that PHYS1001 or PHYS1002 or PHYS1901 be completed before this unit
This unit of study has been designed specifically for students interested in further study in environmental and life sciences. The lecture series contains modules on the topics of properties of matter, electromagnetism, and radiation and its interactions with matter.
College Physics: A Strategic Approach by Knight, Jones and Field, 2nd edition, with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2012. Course lab manual.
MATH1004 Discrete Mathematics
Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1904 or MATH2011 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics or MATH1111. Students who have not completed HSC Mathematics (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Mathematics Bridging Course (offered in February). Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
MATH1004 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in Mathematics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science.
This unit provides an introduction to fundamental aspects of discrete mathematics, which deals with 'things that come in chunks that can be counted'. It focuses on the enumeration of a set of numbers, viz. Catalan numbers. Topics include sets and functions, counting principles, Boolean expressions, mathematical induction, generating functions and linear recurrence relations, graphs and trees.
This unit provides an introduction to fundamental aspects of discrete mathematics, which deals with 'things that come in chunks that can be counted'. It focuses on the enumeration of a set of numbers, viz. Catalan numbers. Topics include sets and functions, counting principles, Boolean expressions, mathematical induction, generating functions and linear recurrence relations, graphs and trees.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1013 Mathematical Modelling
Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1003 or MATH1903 or MATH1907 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics or a credit or higher in MATH1111. Students who have not completed HSC Mathematics (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Mathematics Bridging Course (offered in February). Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
MATH1013 is designed for science students who do not intend to undertake higher year mathematics and statistics.
In this unit of study students learn how to construct, interpret and solve simple differential equations and recurrence relations. Specific techniques include separation of variables, partial fractions and first and second order linear equations with constant coefficients. Students are also shown how to iteratively improve approximate numerical solutions to equations.
In this unit of study students learn how to construct, interpret and solve simple differential equations and recurrence relations. Specific techniques include separation of variables, partial fractions and first and second order linear equations with constant coefficients. Students are also shown how to iteratively improve approximate numerical solutions to equations.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1014 Introduction to Linear Algebra
Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1012 or MATH1002 or MATH1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics or MATH1111. Students who have not completed HSC Mathematics (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Mathematics Bridging Course (offered in February). Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit is an introduction to Linear Algebra. Topics covered include vectors, systems of linear equations, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Applications in life and technological sciences are emphasised.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook.
MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prohibitions: MBLG1901 or MBLG1991 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam (60%), Lab reports (15%), assignments (10%), prac test (15%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics -i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macromolecules in living cells: DNA, RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However, a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
Introduction to Molecular Biology MBLG1001 & MBLG1901, 3rd edition compiled by D. Hancock, G. Denyer and B. Lyon, Pearson ISBN 978 1 4860 0039 5
Year 2
Year 2 has the following 48 credit point structure: a core (36 credit points), and electives (12 credit points) selected from the list below.
Core Units of Study
ANSC3101 Animal Nutrition 3
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alex V. Chaves Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 2 h/week, lecture recording 2h/week and in situ and/or online laboratories 2-3 h/week Prerequisites: AVBS1002 and (VETS1032 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901) Corequisites: AVBS2001 or MICR2024 Assumed knowledge: Fundamentals of Biochemistry Assessment: Assignments, including 1 individual lab report (8%); 3 individual problem based-learning reports/quizzes (24% total marks); 1 final problem based-learning report (8%); 1 online middle term exam (30%); 1 video presentation (20%: 10% presentation evaluation + 10% peer-reviewed) and 1 online end term exam (10%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The Unit is broadly divided into four sections, namely: estimating the nutritive characteristics of feeds; defining the nutrient requirements of animals; diet formulation; errors in feeding. The focus is on coming to an understanding of the assessment of nutritional adequacy and the avoidance and solving of nutritional problems, with a particular emphasis on animals used in agricultural production systems and wildlife. The principles discussed in this course will be expanded in the following year, in which species-specific systems will be described. The basis of successful feeding management is an understanding of the following: the composition of feeds; the digestibility and efficiency of utilisation of nutrients by the animal; the nutrient requirements of the animal; interactions between nutrients that influence health and production. And following from this, students will have the ability to formulate diets to meet animal requirements for a variety of purposes and under a variety of constraints; identify deficiencies, excesses and imbalances in diets and so avoid a decline in productive efficiency and/or a decline in health.
Students are encouraged to have an individual tablet PC or laptop with wireless connectivity (e.g.: ipad; Galaxy Note, etc.) during all classes. There is no required text for the course. A number of textbooks are available on reserve at the library. These include: 1 - Animal Nutrition by McDonald, P., Edwards, R.A., Greenhalgh, J.F.D. and Morgan, C.A. (2002) 6th ed. Pearson Education Limited, Harlow UK. Badham Library Call # 636.0852 3 E 2 - Feeds and Feeding (5th Edition) (Hardcover) by Tilden Wayne Perry, Arthur E. Cullison, Robert S. Lowrey (Authors). Publisher: Prentice Hall; 5 edition (November 19, 1998). Badham Library Call # 636.084 9 B 3 - Animal Feeds, Feeding and Nutrition, and Ration Evaluation CD-ROM (Hardcover) by David Tisch (Author). Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition (October 5, 2005). Badham Library Call # 636.08557 5 4 - Animal Nutrition Science (Paperback) by G. Dryden (Author) Publisher: CABI; 1 edition (October 5, 2008). Badham Library Call # 636.0852 66 5 - Tables of Composition and Nutritional Value of Feed Materials Pigs, Poultry, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Horses, Fish By Daniel Sauvant, Jean-Marc Perez, Gilles Tran Publisher: INRA (January, 2004). Badham Library Call # 636.0852 60 National Research Council (NRC) publications describing nutrient requirements of various species may also provide useful information; these publications can all be accessed online and are available on reserve at the library: - Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (NRC, 1994). Badham or Camden 636.50852 4 F - Nutrient Requirements of Swine (NRC, 1998). Badham or Camden 636.40852 7 G - Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (NRC, 2001). Badham or Camden 636.214 17D - Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle (NRC, 2000). Badham 636.213 27 G - Nutrient Requirements of Horses (NRC, 2007). Badham or Camden 636.10852 5 F There will be copies of this text on reserve and for purchase in the bookstore. Again, it is not essential to buy these text books. All the material required for the course will be presented in lecture and in the lecture notes, but the text may prove useful in understanding the lecture material.
ANSC3103 Animal Structure and Function A
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter White Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures 3hrs/wk, laboratories/tutorials 3hrs/wk (note these will vary depending upon the week) Prerequisites: 12 credit points of junior Biology Assumed knowledge: AVBS1002 Assessment: assignments/presentations/online quiz (50%) and examinations (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Animal Structure and Function A will develop an understanding of the role of the body systems in maintaining homeostasis in an animal's internal environment. In ASFA the structure and function of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous and integumentary systems of the body are explored in depth particularly with reference to the maintenance of homeostasis and an animal's perception of, and response to, its environment. The developed understanding of the normal functioning of these systems allows identification of the impact on the animal of abnormal function of these systems. A study of the structure and function of muscle will include its role in movement and as meat in a production setting. The overall goals of the Unit are (i) to enable students to develop a rich understanding of the relationships between body systems and structures (to be continued in ASFB). (ii) to develop generic skills particularly in group work and oral presentation,(iii) to develop an appreciation of the links between structure and function and their relevance to animal disease and production that will be further developed in Veterinary Pathogenesis as well as in advanced, applied studies in Behaviour in third year and in 4th year Animal Production.
ANSC3104 Animal Structure and Function B
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Natasha Hamilton Session: Semester 2 Classes: lectures 3 hrs/wk, laboratories/tutorials 3 hrs/wk, activities will vary on a weekly basis Prerequisites: ANSC3103 Assessment: Assignments (50%), mid-semester and final examinations (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
In this Unit students will complete the study of the structure and function of organ systems in animals started in ANSC3103. The role of hormones and the immune systems will be investigated in relation to maintenance of internal homeostasis. An introduction to digestion and male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology will form the basis for further applied studies in these areas in third year Units of Study in Animal Nutrition and Animal Reproduction. There will be development of the generic skills of critically reading and writing.
For Animal Structure:
AVBS2001 Introductory Veterinary Pathogenesis
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Damien Higgins Session: Semester 2 Classes: 6 hrs/week (lectures and practicals) Prerequisites: (BIOL1001 or BIOL1911) and (BIOL1002 or BIOL1902) and ANSC3103 Corequisites: ANSC3104 Assumed knowledge: (CHEM1101 or CHEM1001 or CHEM1901) and (CHEM1102 or CHEM1002 or CHEM1902) Assessment: Prac class exercises (15%), mid-semester exam (20%), practical exam (15%), written exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The overarching theme for this unit of study is the concept of the interaction between the host (or the animal), the agent of disease (genetics, physical, chemical and infectious agents) and environmental factors. In disease states, the host responds to the aetiological agent of disease and the environment through one of the basic five pathological processes that occur in tissues. These include inflammation and repair, degeneration and necrosis, circulatory disturbances, tissue deposits and pigments, and disorders of growth. A case based approach will be used whenever possible to illustrate these principles and enable the student to develop a problem solving approach and the skills of critical thinking.
McGavin, MD & Zachary JF 2007, Pathologic Basis of Disease 4th ed., Mosby
GENE2002 Veterinary and Agricultural Genetics 2
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Peter Sharp Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 lec/wk, 3 prac/fortnightly and 1 tut/fortnightly Prerequisites: At least one of (BIOL1001, BIOL1002, BIOL1101, BIOL1901, BIOL1911, VETS1018) Prohibitions: GENE2001 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge of biology, chemistry and statistics from, or equivalent to that in, the 1st year Units of Study in the degrees in which this Unit is available. Assessment: 1x 2hr final exam (60%), 4x on-line quizzes (10%), assignment(s) (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study provides an introduction to the genetics and breeding of plants and animals, especially domesticated or managed "wild" species and populations. It provides an understanding for parallel and following courses. Lectures cover the basics of gene transmission and interaction, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, genomics, population and quantitative genetics, as well as the more applied aspects of plant and animal breeding and biotechnology. Practicals and tutorials emphasize, with agricultural (plant and animal), and veterinary examples, the procedures of genetic and cytogenetic analysis. Computer simulation is used to illustrate the principles of population genetics, quantitative inheritance and selection programs. The unit of study also provides exposure to current plant and animal breeding and biotechnology practices and creates awareness of ethical issues relating to these developments.
Essential Cell Biology - Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, Edition: 4th Garland Science, Introduction to Veterinary Genetics, 3rd Edition, Frank W. Nicholas, ©2010, Wiley-Blackwell
VETS1032 Animal Energetics and Homeostasis
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Paul Sheehy Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures: 39 hrs /student, practicals: 7 hrs /student, tutorials: 4 hr /student Assumed knowledge: HSC level chemistry and/or biology would be an advantage Assessment: intra-semester: 1 x exam (25%) end of semester: 1 x 2 hr written exam (60%) other: 1 x Cytology Group Learning Exercise (15%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will further develop student's understanding of animal cells and how they interact in whole animals and how energy from food is used to facilitate cellular function. Further investigation of cellular structure that facilitates this function will form as an introduction to the focus of the unit which is to develop understanding of metabolism in cells and whole animals. An introduction to the contribution of the endocrine system to homeostasis of animals via their effects on animal metabolism and physiology will also be described. An understanding of commonly occurring disturbances to the production or action of hormones will be developed with clinical material being used to illustrate normal structure and function. The ultimate objective of this unit is to enable students to utilise biochemical, observational and animal pathology to propose the underlying basis of metabolic or other non-infectious disease and consider opportunities for intervention to restore homeostasis.
VETS1032 Animal Energetics and Homeostasis of Study Guide
Bachelor of Animal Veterinary Bioscience (Progression Strategy)
ANSC2005 Australia's Biodiversity in a Changing Environment
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Herbert, Dr Gabriel Machovsky-Capuska Session: Semester 2 Classes: Variable: Lectures 3hr/week, Tutorials/practicals: up to 2hr/week (consult timetable) Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior level Biology units (or equivalent), and AGEN1001 and (GENE2001 or GENE2002) Prohibitions: ANSC2004 or VETS2015 Assumed knowledge: Basic anatomy and physiology and Australian farming systems Assessment: Group and individual assignments (50%); Final exam (50%) Practical field work: Up to 2 days of field excursions required Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The first half of this unit of study examines the diversity of terrestrial vertebrates in Australia and how they have adapted anatomically, physiologically and behaviorally to the various challenges of Australia's diverse environments. The second half of the unit of study explores how these vertebrate species are being impacted by the changing environment with special reference to the impact of invasive animals, the development of transportation infrastructure, urbanization, mining, climate change, emerging infectious diseases and globalization. A strong emphasis will be placed on the one health concept of the interrelatedness of biodiversity to ecosystem, domestic animal, and human health. Lastly this unit of study will demonstrate how traditional and new approaches are being applied to mitigate and reverse these impacts. The practical classes will allow students to apply what they have learned in class about the anatomical features of representative Australian vertebrates and relate these structures to the animals' physiological and environmental adaptations. The written assessment will increase the students' abilities to search electronic data bases in this field, formulate their ideas and express them in scientific writing style.
Conservation Biology for All. N. S. Sodhi, P. R. Ehrlich (eds). Oxford University Press, 2009. Free access online.
ENVX2001 Applied Statistical Methods
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Thomas Bishop (Coordinator), A/Prof Willem Vervoort, A/Prof Peter Thomson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/wk, 1x1 hr tutorial/wk, 1x2 hr computer practical/wk Prerequisites: ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or BIOM1003 or MATH1011 or MATH1015 Assessment: 1 Ã Exam during the Exam period (50%), 2 Ã Practical Tests (2x10%), 2 Ã Assessment Tasks (2x10%) and 8 Online Quizzes (8x1.25%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study is a core 2nd year unit for students in the BEnvSys, BScAgr and BAVBSc degrees. It consists of two parts. In the first part students will learn the basics of experimental design and investigate how to use an ANOVA to analyse experiments with more than 2 treatment levels, multiple factors and different blocking designs. In the second part an introduction to a branch of mathematics called linear algebra is given with an emphasis on the applications to statistics and modelling. In this part the students will learn to model relationships between response and predictor variables using regression, and find patterns in datasets with many variables using principal components. During the practicals two software packages; Genstat and Excel, will be used to analyse real datasets. At the end of this unit, students will have learnt how to design and experiment and how to analyse data using ANOVA, regression and principal components, the basic methods needed for their future studies and careers.
No textbooks are recommended but useful reference books are:
Bachelor of Science (Progression Strategy) - subject to approval
MBLG2071 Molecular Biology and Genomics
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Markus Holfer Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 4-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 or MBLG1991) and 12 credit points of CHEM1XXX Prohibitions: BCHM2001 or MBLG2111 or MBLG2871 or BCHM2901 or AGCH2001 or MBLG2901 or BCHM2101 or MBLG2101 or MBLG2971 or MBLG2771 or MBLG2001 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work, laboratory reports (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Recommended concurrent units of study: (BCHM2071 or BCHM2971) and (BCHM2072 or BCHM2972) for progression to Senior Biochemistry.
The flow of genetic information determines the characteristics and fate of every cell. In this course, we will explore how genetic information is regulated in eukaryotes, covering key processes such as replication, transcription and translation. We will investigate how these fundamental processes can be studied and manipulated in the laboratory. This course will introduce classical tools of molecular biology such as polymerase chain reaction, as well as more recent advances such as gene expression microarrays and novel sequencing technologies. We will discuss how model organisms, ranging from worms to transgenic mice, have changed our understanding of gene expression. In the practical component of the course, we will explore gene regulation and expression using model system as well as perform plasmid isolation and DNA fingerprinting. This unit of study extends the basic concepts introduced in MBLG1001/1901 and provides a firm foundation for students wishing to continue in molecular biology or apply molecular techniques to other fields.
BCHM2071 Protein Biochemistry
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sandro F Ataide Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, five 1-2 hour tutorials and six 3-4-hour practical sessions per semester Prerequisites: (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 or MBLG1991) and (12 credit points of CHEM1XXX) Prohibitions: BCHM2011 or BCHM2971 Assessment: One 2.5-hour theory and theory of practical exam (55%), two one hour in-semester quizzes (15%), practical assignments and laboratory book reports (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Recommended concurrent units of study: MBLG2071 and BCHM2072 for progression to Senior Biochemistry.
This unit of study introduces biochemistry by describing the physical and chemical activities of proteins and their functions in cells. The details of protein interactions with other cellular components are presented and the relationship of protein structure and function is discussed. Techniques in protein chemistry and analysis, including proteomics are introduced together with key experiments which reveal the physical basis of the functioning of proteins. This course builds on the protein science presented in MBLG1001 and is ideally suited to students studying intermediate Chemistry, Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Immunology or Physiology together with Biochemistry. The practical course will nurture technical skills in biochemistry and will include protein preparation, the analysis of protein structure and enzymatic assays.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 6th edition, by Nelson and Cox Resources Manual for Biochemistry 2 Practical Sessions, Sem 2.
BIOL2021 Zoology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Dieter Hochuli Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 12cp Junior BIOL, or (6cp Junior BIOL and (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901)) Prohibitions: BIOL2921 or BIOL2011 or BIOL2911 or BIOL2012 or BIOL2912 Assumed knowledge: BIOL1002 or BIOL1902 Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam (50%), Lab book (15%), Invertebrate Collection (20%), Oral presentation (15%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study provides an overview of the functional and phylogenetic diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. The material is presented within the conceptual framework of evolution, the foundation of biology. Lectures explore the diversity of major functional systems and behaviour in the context of environmental challenges and the ecological roles of different animal groups. Laboratory classes include dissections and demonstrations of the functional anatomy of invertebrates and vertebrates, as well as experiments. This unit of study provides a suitable foundation for senior biology units of study.
Recommended reading: Hickman CP, Roberts LS, Larson A, l'Anson H 2004. Integrated Principles of Zoology, 12th ed. McGraw Hill, NY. Withers, P. 1992 Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders, New York
BIOL2022 Biology Experimental Design and Analysis
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Clare McArthur Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two lectures per week and one 3-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 12cp Junior BIOL, or (6cp Junior BIOL and (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901)) Prohibitions: BIOL2922 or BIOL3006 or BIOL3906 Assessment: Practical reports/presentations (60%), one 2-hour exam (40%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit considers how biology is practiced as a quantitative, experimental and theoretical science. It focuses on the underlying principles and practical skills required to explore questions and test hypotheses, particularly where background variation (error) is inherently high. In so doing, it provides an understanding of how biological research is designed, analysed and interpreted using statistics. Lectures focus on sound experimental and statistical principles, using examples in biology to demonstrate concepts. In the practical sessions, students design and perform, analyse (using appropriate statistical tools) and interpret their own experiments to answer research questions in topics relevant to each student's particular interest. The unit provides foundational skills essential for doing research in biology and for critically judging the research of others. This unit of study provides a suitable foundation for senior biology units of study.
Required: Ruxton, G. and Colegrave, N. 2010. Experimental design for the life sciences. 3rd Ed. Oxford
CHEM2401 Molecular Reactivity and Spectroscopy
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Siegbert Schmid Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: (CHEM1101 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903) and (CHEM1102 or CHEM1902 or CHEM1904) and 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM2001 or CHEM2101 or CHEM2301 or CHEM2311 or CHEM2502 or CHEM2901 or CHEM2903 or CHEM2911 or CHEM2915 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This is a required chemistry unit of study for students intending to major in chemistry. Students who have passed CHEM1001 and CHEM1002 may enroll in this unit after obtaining Departmental permission.
This is one of the two core units of study for students considering majoring in chemistry, and for students of other disciplines who wish to acquire a good general background in chemistry. The unit considers fundamental questions of molecular structure, chemical reactivity, and molecular spectroscopy: What are chemical reactions and what makes them happen? How can we follow and understand them? How can we exploit them to make useful molecules? This course includes the organic and medicinal chemistry of aromatic and carbonyl compounds, organic reaction mechanisms, molecular spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, and molecular orbital theory.
CHEM2402 Chemical Structure and Stability
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Siegbert Schmid Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: (CHEM1101 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903) and (CHEM1102 or CHEM1902 or CHEM1904), 6 credit points of Junior of Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM2202 or CHEM2302 or CHEM2902 or CHEM2912 or CHEM2916 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This is a required chemistry unit of study for students intending to major in chemistry. Students who have passed CHEM1001 and CHEM1002 may enroll in this unit after obtaining Departmental permission.
This is the second core unit of study for students considering majoring in chemistry, and for students seeking a good general background in chemistry. The unit continues the consideration of molecular structure and chemical reactivity. Topics include the structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, the properties of metal complexes, materials chemistry and nanotechnology, thermodynamics and kinetics.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Year 1 has the following 48 credit point structure:
VETS6101 The Veterinary Professional 1
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sanaa Zaki Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 week intensive at start of semester 1, then tutorials, lectures, presentations and independent study throughout the semester. Assumed knowledge: One semester of study in each of: general chemistry (physical and inorganic), organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry. Assessment: Presentation with peer feedback, self and peer assessment of leadership and teamwork competencies; written exam. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This Unit of Study introduces you to foundational knowledge, skills and attitudes for being an effective veterinary professional. Key themes include lifelong learning, professionalism, one health, communication, teamwork, ethics, the human-animal bond and anthrozoology, cultural competence, emotional intelligence and leadership. The course also orientates you to studying with the Faculty and University as you attain your veterinary degree. Specifically, this Unit of Study will prepare you for: contributing to society as a professional veterinarian; making the most of your veterinary degree; conducting effective veterinary consultations; working successfully in veterinary workplace environments and teams; fostering positive practices in relation to professional wellbeing and self-care; maintaining clear professional records; upholding professional standards and ethics; effectively approaching situations in different cultural settings; managing your finances and career; and consistently improving your professional practice. Developing your knowledge and skills in these areas will help you develop veterinary graduate attributes essential for long term effectiveness and success in your veterinary career.
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6102 Professional Skills 1A
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Tony D. Mogg and A/Prof Christina Dart Session: Semester 1 Classes: Introductory lecture, practical classes and demonstrations, tutorials, field trips, workplace training in veterinary teaching hospitals, independent study Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice; empathy for and confidence in interactions with animals, One semester of study in each of general chemistry (physical and inorganic), organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry. Assessment: Practical examinations, oral presentations/examinations, written assignments/reflective statements, clinical supervisor feedback, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, formative self and peer assessment Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
In this unit of study students will be introduced to, and begin to develop confidence and competency in, fundamental professional skills relevant to veterinary practice. The skills will include basic animal handling, basic clinical skills, personal and professional attributes, basic laboratory skills and clinical experience in veterinary teaching hospitals.
There is no prescribed textbook for this unit. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6103 Research and Enquiry 1A
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Navneet Dhand Session: Semester 1 Classes: Large group classes, small group tutorials/ discussion groups, computer laboratory tutorials, research seminars, online resources and independent study. Assessment: Writing an abstract; Quiz; Assignment. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Research and enquiry is implicit in every aspect of every career path in veterinary science. This unit will equip students with skills in generating research evidence as well as in searching and critically evaluating available evidence. The candidate will develop the skills necessary to formulate relevant questions and to collate, evaluate and synthesise evidence to answer these questions. The candidate will gain knowledge and develop fundamental skills in designing and conducting field experiments, including clinical trials, and evaluating journal articles about such experiments. Skills will be developed in using spreadsheets and conducting statistical analyses for data collected during simple experiments. Guidelines for publishing clinical trials will be discussed to enable candidates to critically evaluate methods (design, conduct and analysis) of clinical trials presented in journal articles and marketing brochures.
There is no prescribed textbook for this unit. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6104 Foundations of Veterinary Science A
Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glenn Shea Session: Semester 1 Classes: Activities will vary from week to week, but will be a mixture of practical classes, tutorials, workshops and lectures Assumed knowledge: One semester of study in each of general chemistry (physical and inorganic), organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry. Assessment: Intrasemester online quizzes; an intrasemester assignment; end of semester theory and practical exams. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
In this unit, the basic gross anatomy, histology (microscopic anatomy) and physiology of the integumentary, musculoskeletal, digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems of domestic mammals are considered. The dog is used as the main anatomical exemplar, although some comparative anatomical detail, particularly for the digestive system, is included. Clinical material is used both to illustrate normal structure and function, and to provide the anatomical, histological and physiological knowledge that underpins the clinical examination and investigative techniques of these systems, such as auscultation, palpation and haematology. The material in this unit will underpin the acquisition of relevant skills in the unit of study Professional Skills 1A. Examples of disease in animals created by structural abnormalities and dysfunction are used to illustrate the application of this knowledge. This unit will provide a thorough basis for more advanced applied, regional and comparative anatomical and physiological learning in later years of the DVM in paraclinical and clinical disciplines. The body systems studied in this unit provide a framework of the mammalian body that will be further developed in Foundations of Veterinary Science B.
Required: Dyce, KM, Sack, WO and Wensing, CJG (2010). Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 4th Edition. Elsevier, St Louis. Evans, HE and de LaHunta, A (2013). Miller's Anatomy of the Dog. 4th Edition. Elsevier, St Louis. Samuelson, DA (2007). Textbook of Veterinary Histology. Elsevier, St Louis. Sjaastad V, Sand, O and Hove, K (2010). Physiology of Domestic Animals. 2nd Edition. Scandinavian Veterinary Press, Oslo.
VETS6105 Animal Management Systems 1
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Pietro Celi Session: Semester 2 Classes: Large group classes and lectures, Small group tutorials/ discussion groups, On farm practicals and field trips, Laboratory based practicals, Independent study Prerequisites: VETS6102 Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice, one semester of study in each of general chemistry (physical and inorganic), organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry Assessment: Theory exam, Practical/oral assessment, Online quizzes: formative and summative, Assignment with oral presentation Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Animal Management Systems 1 will introduce students to the husbandry, housing, feeding and management of the major production, performance and companion animals, as well as key economic influences on livestock production. It will establish animal welfare standards and concepts of biosecurity, ethics and breeding programs. Students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to understand farming and animal management systems when attending placements. This unit of study will also provide a foundation on which to build an understanding of herd disease.
Handbooks and online resources: Lucas and Southgate, Aquaculture: farming aquatic animals and plants (2nd edition, 2012); Huntington, Peter, Jane Myers, and Elizabeth Owens. Horse Sense: the guide to horse care in Australia and New Zealand. Landlinks Press, 2004.; Cottle DJ ed. International Sheep and Wool Handbook. NPU, 2010; P. McDonald, R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh, C.A. Morgan, L.A. Sinclair and R.G. Wilkinson. Animal Nutrition (7th edition published in 2011) (Prentice Hall).
VETS6106 Professional Skills 1B
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Tony D. Mogg and A/P Christina Dart Session: Semester 2 Classes: Introductory lecture, practical classes and demonstrations, tutorials, field trips, workplace training in veterinary teaching hospitals, independent study Prerequisites: VETS6102 Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice; empathy for and confidence in interactions with animals, one semester of study in each of general chemistry (physical and inorganic), organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry Assessment: Practical examinations, oral presentations/ examinations, written assignments/ reflective statements, clinical supervisor feedback, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, formative self and peer assessment Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
In this Unit of study students will continue to develop confidence and competency in fundamental professional skills relevant to veterinary practice, building on their experiences in Professional Skills 1A. The skills will include basic animal handling and husbandry, basic clinical skills, personal and professional attributes, basic laboratory skills and clinical experience in veterinary teaching hospitals.
There is no prescribed textbook for this unit. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required
VETS6107 Research and Enquiry 1B
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Michael Ward Session: Semester 2 Classes: Large group classes, small group tutorials/ discussion groups, computer laboratory tutorials, research seminars, online resources and independent study. Prerequisites: VETS6103 Assessment: Writing an abstract; Diagnostic test quiz; Study design assignment Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will contribute to graduates being able to create new knowledge and understanding through the process of research and enquiry. Within Research and Enquiry 1B students will continue to develop the skills necessary to synthesise evidence. This will be based within the context of using and interpreting diagnostic tests (module 1), and designing observational studies (module 3) to answer animal health and production questions relevant to veterinary science and allied professions. Scenarios that include client-owned individual animals within a clinical setting; herds, flocks and other groups of animals; and national control programs will be used to explain principles and purpose of sensitivity and specificity of diagnostics tests, and the principles of study design (such as target populations, case definition, sampling and measurement). Research and Enquiry 1B will focus on research in observational studies, building on Research and Enquiry 1A skills and knowledge in clinical trials. Students will critically incorporate available evidence (including peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed literature) and practice communication skills. Additionally students will become familiar with basic statistical methods to evaluate evidence (module 2).
Thrusfield, M.V. Veterinary Epidemiology. 2013, 3rd ed., ISBN 1118713419
VETS6108 Foundations of Veterinary Science B
Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Mark Krockenberger Session: Semester 2 Classes: Activities will vary from week to week, but will be a mixture of practical classes, tutorials, workshops and lectures. Prerequisites: VETS6104 Assumed knowledge: 2 semesters of chemistry, 1 semester of biology, 1 semester of biochemistry Assessment: Quizzes, individual and group assignment, end of semester theory exam, end of semester practical exam. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Understanding normal structure and function of the animal body is critical to understanding disease and dysfunction and as such, principles of preventative and therapeutic intervention. The overarching purpose of this unit of study is to provide an advanced understanding of the normal structure and function of the major co-ordinating Systems of the mammalian body and preliminary contextual understanding of the important concepts of pathophysiology and general pathology. The unit of study is underpinned by an understanding of basic concepts and the frameworks of structure and function achieved in the Foundations of Veterinary Science A. This Unit of Study will provide the foundation for advanced learning in DVM year 2 of systemic pathology, pathophysiology and aetiopathogenesis in the setting of the major organ systems in the context of clinical scenarios of companion and production animals.
Dyce, KM, Sack, WO and Wensing, CJG (2010). Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 4th Edition. Elsevier, St Louis.; Evans, HE and de LaHunta, A (2013). Miller's Anatomy of the Dog. 4th Edition. Elsevier, St Louis.; Samuelson, DA (2007). Textbook of Veterinary Histology. Elsevier, St Louis.; Sjaastad V, Sand, O and Hove, K (2010). Physiology of Domestic Animals. 2nd Edition. Scandinavian Veterinary Press, Oslo.; Zachary, JF and McGavin, MD (2012). Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 5th edition. Mosby, Elsevier.
Year 2 has the following 48 credit point structure:
VETS6201 The Veterinary Professional 2
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Susan Matthew Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 week intensive at start of semester 1, then tutorials, lectures, presentations and independent study throughout the semester Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 Assessment: Completion of independent learning project and associated forms, Presentation with peer feedback, self and peer assessment of leadership and teamwork competencies; written exam Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This Unit of Study introduces the student to intermediate professional skills for approaching disease investigation and engaging with presenting signs. It also builds on and extends their knowledge of professional competencies introduced in Year 1 and required as an effective veterinary professional. Key themes include clinical communication and professional reasoning, introduction to physical examination and disease investigation, lifelong learning, risk management and self-care, professionalism, legislation and ethics, cultural competence, emotional intelligence, practice management and leadership. Developing and extending their knowledge and skills in these areas will help students attain veterinary graduate attributes essential for long term effectiveness and success in their veterinary career. An integral part of this unit of study is an opportunity to extend their professional capabilities in an area of personal interest through the Independent Learning Project, allowing them to extend and differentiate their abilities from others in future employment applications.
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6202 Professional Skills 2A
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tony D. Mogg and Assoc Prof Christina Dart Session: Semester 1 Classes: Introductory lecture, Practical classes and demonstrations, Tutorials, Workshops; Independent study Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 Assessment: Practical examinations, Oral presentations/examinations, Written assignments/reflective statements, Clinical supervisor feedback, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), Formative self and peer assessment Practical field work: Field trips, Workplace training in Veterinary Teaching Hospitals Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: It is assumed that student have a basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice; empathy for and confidence in interactions with animals
In this unit of study students will continue in the development of their confidence and competency in, fundamental professional skills relevant to veterinary practice. These will include animal handling, clinical and laboratory skills, as well as the development of relevant personal and professional attributes, and clinical experience in veterinary teaching hospitals. Successful completion of this unit of study requires students to: (1) Attend and actively participate in all compulsory classes, (2) Achieve at least a pass grade in all compulsory assessment tasks, and (3) Submit all compulsory documents (veterinary teaching hospital site contracts and skills logs, feedback forms etc.).
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6203 Research and Enquiry 2A
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Merran Govendir Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures and tutorials Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 Assessment: Synthesis of an animal ethics proposal 50%, Synthesis of a visual communication task 30%, Assignment 20% Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will continue to build on previous Research and Enquiry 1A and 1B units of study. This unit will continue to expand students¿ appreciation of the contribution of research to the veterinary sciences and develop their skills in the synthesis and communication of new and existing knowledge. Where possible this unit will integrate with the UoS Principles of Animal Disease A VETS6204 by utilising content and examples from the relevant module/s as triggers to explore this unit¿s themes. The themes for this unit are to i) synthesise an animal ethics proposal that complies with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes with an emphasis on the `3Rs (reduction, replacement and refinement) of animal use; ii) elaborate on principles introduced in Research and Enquiry 1B to explore diagnostic test validation in a laboratory and field settings using pathogen susceptibility testing to anti-infective drugs as an exemplar and how the results are interpreted with reference to population data from both the animals and pathogens (with this theme culminating in consideration of the `prudent use¿ of anti-infectives; iii) appreciate and utilise effective practices in the generation of visual communication tools and verbal presentation techniques and iv) explore the skills and tools applied to investigate a disease outbreak or herd problem involving one premise or event
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6204 Principles of Animal Disease A
Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Derek Spielman Session: Semester 1 Classes: Activities will vary weekly, but will be a mix of practical classes, tutorials, workshops and lectures. Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 Assessment: Intrasemester (40%); end of semester theory and practical exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
A fundamental understanding of disease and dysfunction is critical to applying principles of preventative and therapeutic interventions in veterinary practice. This unit of study provides a thorough grounding in knowledge and skills for a wide range of veterinary disciplines including veterinary pathology, veterinary clinical pathology, immunology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary parasitology, animal behaviour, veterinary pharmacology and veterinary diagnostic imaging. An integrated multi-disciplinary approach will highlight the underlying pathophysiology and aetiopathogenesis of clinical and subclinical disease affecting several major body systems. This unit will emphasise a pathobiological approach to investigations providing a logical diagnostic framework to facilitate students¿ understanding of disease and disease investigation. This unit of study will utilise scenarios from companion animals, production animals and wildlife to contextualise problems involving haematology, disorders of growth, dermatopathology, reproductive system pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, as well as behavioural manifestations during disease and the investigation of sudden (unexpected) deaths. The use of case-based scenarios will motivate and direct students to develop the concepts and principles underscoring therapeutics and disease control and management programs. The unit provides the foundation for integrated parasite/pest management (IPM) strategies. In addition, vector-, water- and food- borne diseases and transboundary diseases will be included enabling students to understand their relevance to the human-animal bond, public health, trade and biosecurity. Reinforcing the development and maintenance of normal structure and function will highlight abnormalities associated with specific clinical presentations and disease entities. This unit of study integrates with the concepts and skills taught within VETS6203 (Research and Enquiry 2A) and VETS6202 (Professional skills 2A) to prepare students for the clinical units of study in DVM 3.
Beveridge I & Emery D (2015) Australasian Animal Parasites Inside and Out. Australian Society for Parasitology., Zachary & McGavin (2012) Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 5th Ed. Mosby. Refer to specific module outlines for relevant recommended texts.
VETS6205 Animal Management Systems 2
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter White Session: Semester 2 Classes: Classes will be a mixture of lectures, practical and tutorials Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 and VETS6201 and VETS6202 and VETS6203 and VETS6204 Assessment: Practical/oral assessment, Written Assignment, Online quizzes: formative and summative Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: It is assumed that students have a basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice, biology and biochemistry
Animal management Systems 2 will build on and extend student knowledge gained in Animal Management Systems 1 including the husbandry, housing, feeding and management of the major production, performance and companion animals, as well as key economic influences on livestock production. Using an animal welfare focus, students will build their knowledge of the concepts of biosecurity, nutrition, and breeding. Students will be equipped with further knowledge to help them understand farming and animal management systems and provide a foundation on which to develop an appreciation of disease management that will be taught in subsequent years.
Handbooks and online resources. Lucas and Southgate, Aquaculture: farming aquatic animals and plants (2nd edition, 2012). Huntington, Peter, Jane Myers, and Elizabeth Owens. Horse Sense: the guide to horse care in Australia and New Zealand. Landlinks Press, 2004. Cottle DJ ed. International Sheep and Wool Handbook. NPU, 2010. P. McDonald, R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh, C.A. Morgan, L.A. Sinclair and R.G. Wilkinson. Animal Nutrition (7th edition published in 2011) (Prentice Hall).
VETS6206 Professional Skills 2B
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tony D. Mogg and Assoc Prof Christina Dart Session: Semester 2 Classes: Introductory lecture, Practical classes and demonstrations, Tutorials, Workshops; Independent study Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 and VETS6201 and VETS6202 and VETS6203 and VETS6204 Assessment: Practical examinations, Oral presentations/examinations, Written assignments/reflective statements, Clinical supervisor feedback, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), Formative self and peer assessment Practical field work: Field trips, Workplace training in Veterinary Teaching Hospitals Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: It is assumed that student have a basic knowledge of clinical veterinary practice; empathy for and confidence in interactions with animals
In this unit of study students will continue in the development of their confidence and competency in, fundamental professional skills relevant to veterinary practice. These will include animal handling, clinical and laboratory skills, as well as the development of relevant personal and professional attributes, and clinical experience in veterinary teaching hospitals. Successful completion of this unit of study requires students to: (1) Attend and actively participate in all compulsory classes, (2) Achieve at least a pass grade in all compulsory assessment tasks, and (3) Submit all compulsory documents (veterinary teaching hospital site contracts and skills logs, feedback forms etc.)
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6207 Research and Enquiry 2B
Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Jenny-Ann Toribio Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures and tutorials Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 and VETS6201 and VETS6202 and VETS6203 and VETS6204 Assessment: Proposal for research 25%, Communication tool 25%, Outbreak investigation assignment 50% Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will build on previous Research and Enquiry units in Year 1 and 2 of the DVM. It will consolidate and extend student skills relevant to the planning and conduct of research, and to applications of enquiry and investigation encountered across units in Year 3 and rotation placements in Year 4. Skills in evidence based practice will be extended to the evaluation and conduct of systematic reviews relevant to a clinical question; consideration of the investigation of outbreaks involving multiple premises and the application of surveillance to inform evaluation of disease risk; and in communication to identification of communication tools appropriate for conveying research outcomes to specific target audiences. Awareness of ethical issues in research will be extended to research that involves sourcing data from people and the requirements for a human ethics application. Each student will prepare a proposal for research in an area of the veterinary science of interest to the student and receive feedback on the proposed work. Where appropriate, this unit will integrate with VETS6208 Principles of Animal Disease B by utilizing content and examples across aligned modules.
There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit of study. Students will be directed to appropriate resources as required.
VETS6208 Principles of Animal Disease B
Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rachael Gray Session: Semester 2 Classes: Activities will vary from week to week, but will be a mixture of practical classes, tutorials, workshops and lectures. Prerequisites: VETS6101 and VETS6102 and VETS6103 and VETS6104 and VETS6105 and VETS6106 and VETS6107 and VETS6108 and VETS6201 and VETS6202 and VETS6203 and VETS6204 Assessment: Intrasemester (40%); end of semester theory and practical exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
A fundamental understanding of disease and dysfunction is critical to the application of principles of preventative and therapeutic intervention in the veterinary clinical setting. This unit of study will provide a thorough grounding in knowledge and skills for a wide range of veterinary disciplines including veterinary pathology, veterinary clinical pathology, immunology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary parasitology, animal behaviour, veterinary pharmacology and veterinary diagnostic imaging. An integrated multi-disciplinary approach will be used to highlight the underlying pathophysiology and aetiopathogenesis of clinical and subclinical disease within the setting of several major body systems. This unit will emphasise a pathobiological approach to the investigative process providing a logical framework for diagnostics to facilitate students¿ understanding of disease and disease investigation. This unit of study will utilise scenarios from companion animals, production animals and wildlife to contextualise problems of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, endocrine system, as well as behavioural problems and the investigation of sudden (unexpected) death. The unit provides the foundation for integrated parasite/pest management (IPM) strategies. In addition, vector-, water- and food- borne diseases and transboundary diseases will be included enabling students to understand their relevance to the human-animal bond, public health, trade and biosecurity. Reinforcement of the development and maintenance of normal structure and function will be employed to highlight abnormalities associated with specific clinical presentations and disease entities. The unit of study is underpinned by the knowledge and understanding of animal disease and the investigative approach achieved in Principles of Animal Disease A in DVM 2 semester 1, and integrates with the concepts and skills taught within VETS6207 (Research and Enquiry 2B) and VETS6206 (Professional skills 2B) to prepare students for the clinical units of study in DVM 3.
Beveridge I & Emery D (2015) Australasian Animal Parasites Inside and Out. Australian Society for Parasitology. Zachary & McGavin (2012) Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 5th Ed. Mosby. Discipline specific texts and readings will be provided within each module.