University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Public Health

Graduate Diploma in Public Health

(GradDipPH) KF000

Master of Public Health

(MPH) KC052

Master of Public Health (Professional Practice)

(MPH(Professional Practice)) KC088

Course Credit
points for award
Duration full-time Duration part-time
GradDipPH 36 1 year 1.5 to 3 years
MPH 48 1 year 1.5 to 4 years
MPH(Professional Practice) 60 1.5 years (or 0.5 year following the MPH) 1 year following the MPH

The Public Health program focuses on the prevention of illness and the promotion of health, with practitioners playing a proactive rather than a reactive role, especially with regard to the coordination of relevant community resources. These courses provide the opportunity to develop skills and acquire knowledge essential for the effective practice of public health, including the effective management of community health problems.

The Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) program allows high performing students to extend their MPH coursework degree with a workplace practicum. Students will undertake 12 additional credit points of study/training in a supervised professional placement.

Students enrolled in a master’s degree prior to 2011 may be awarded at either a pass or honours grade. Honours is only available to students who have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70 percent at the completion of 48 credit points of coursework. Students must successfully complete an additional 12 credit point research dissertation (ie 60 credit points of study in total) in which they undertake a supervised individual project in an area of interest and report the outcomes in a dissertation. Enrolment in Honours requires the permission of the course coordinator.

Course Outcomes

The skills and knowledge you will acquire are in the areas of:

  • Research Methods - such as assessing the quality of research studies; using basic mortality and other data for descriptive purposes; and evaluating public health interventions and programs
  • Health Services - such as developing an understanding of public and private sector health care delivery; using various sources of information for forming health policy; and interpreting the role of governments in the delivery of health services
  • Public Health Practice - such as analysing social and cultural factors relating to public health problems; describing the principles of disease prevention and control across a population; and examining major public health strategies and their application.
Further information

All core units of study are scheduled in Semester 1, except for the capstone experience for master’s degree students which is in Semester 2, and most electives are in Semester 2 of each year.

In general, full-time students attend classes during the day in Semester 1, while classes for part-time students are usually scheduled on two evenings per week. In Semester 2 attendance times depend on the elective units of study selected. Most units of study are available in distance mode – please consult the School of Public Health website for more information. Assessment methods vary from unit to unit and include assignments, class exercises and, for some core units of study, examinations.

Degree Resolutions

Sydney Medical School resolutions and the printed handbook are the official statement of Faculty policy. The resolutions contained in the printed handbook are accurate as at November 2010. If a conflict is perceived between the content of the printed handbook and information available elsewhere, Sydney Medical School resolutions and the information available in the handbook online shall always take precedence. See the handbook online website:
See the Policy Online website:, for copies of University policies.


Graduate Diploma in Public Health

Master of Public Health

Master of Public Health (Professional Practice)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
KF000 Graduate Diploma in Public Health
KC052 Master of Public Heath
KC088 Master of Public Health (Professional Practice)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degrees in these resolutions are professional master's courses, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Diploma in Public Health
the Master of Public Health
the Master of Public Health (Professional Practice).
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places in the Graduate Diploma in Public Health and Master of Public Health will be offered to qualified applicants according to the following admissions criteria. In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications, evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma of Public Health requires:
a degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification
Admission to the degree of Master of Public Health requires:
a minimum four year degree from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification;
a shorter degree from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification, and non-degree professional qualifications and/or substantial relevant experience and/or other relevant qualifications.
Available places in the Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) will be offered to applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria:
the applicant to be enrolled in Master of Public Health;
the applicant to have a weighted average mark of at least 75 per cent in the first 24 credit points of core coursework; and
any other requirements as stated by the faculty at the time of application.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the courses are set out in the Table of Units of Study: Public Health.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Public Health a candidate must successfully complete 36 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of elective units of study, with a minimum of 6 credit points from Part 1 of the Table.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Public Health a candidate must successfully complete 48 credit points, including:
28 credit points of core units of study; and
20 credit points of elective units of study, with a minimum of 8 credit points from Part 1 of the Table.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) a candidate must successfully complete 60 credit points, including:
48 credit points as required for the Master of Public Health; and
12 credit points of practice placement.

7 Progression rules

A candidate for the Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) will not be allowed to suspend candidature apart from in exceptional circumstances and then only with the prior approval of the workplace supervisor before applying to the faculty for suspension.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who formally elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.

Table of Units of Study: Public Health

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Core Units

Part-time students generally take 12 credit points of core units of study in each of their 1st and 3rd semesters.
Epidemiology Methods and Uses
6    N BSTA5011
Semester 1
Introductory Biostatistics
6      Semester 1
Public Health: Achievements, Challenges
2      Semester 1
Introductory Qualitative Methods
2      Semester 1
Making Decisions in Public Health
2      Semester 1
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
6      Semester 1
Introductory Indigenous Health Promotion
2    P Only for students who enrolled prior to 2010
N PUBH5015, PUBH5033

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their public health studies prior to 2010. Students request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit. The coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
Semester 1
Additional Core unit of study for master's degree
Public Health Capstone
4    P Only for students commencing in 2010 or later, PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 and PUBH5030 and PUBH5031 and PUBH5032 and PUBH5033

This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their public health studies from 2010 onwards.
Semester 2

Part 1

Public Health Program Evaluation
6    P PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 and PUBH5032 and PUBH5033
Semester 2
Cancer Prevention and Control
6    P PUBH5010
Semester 2
Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Global Obesity and Health Promotion
2    A Core MPH content, especially health promotion/disease prevention and epidemiology
P PUBH5010, PUBH5033 and PUBH5031
N PUBH5021
Semester 2
Physical Activity and Public Health
2    A Content of Core MPH electives noted as prerequisites
P PUBH5010, PUBH5033, PUBH5031
N PUBH5022
Semester 2
Special Project in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Special Project in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Environmental Health
4      Semester 2
International Health
4      Semester 2
Alcohol, Drug Use and Health
4    N PUBH5115
Semester 2
Alcohol, Drug Use and Health
2    N PUBH5114
Semester 2a
Genetics and Public Health
4      Semester 2b
Communicable Disease Control
6    P PUBH5010 (or equivalent)
Semester 2
Aboriginal Health Promotion
4      Semester 2b
Decision Analysis
2    P PUBH5018 and PUBH5010

Recommended: PUBH5302 Health Economic Evaluation
Semester 2b
Controlled Trials
2    P PUBH5018
Semester 2
Screening and Diagnostic Test Evaluation
2    P PUBH5010
Semester 2a
Multiple Regression and Stats Computing
4    P PUBH5018
Semester 2
Categorical Data Analysis
2    P PUBH5018
C PUBH5211
Semester 2b
Survival Analysis
2    C PUBH5211
Semester 2b
Introductory Analysis of Linked Data
6    P PUBH5018 and (PUBH5010 or BSTA5011) and (PUBH5211 or BSTA5004)
Semester 2b
Qualitative Research Methods
2    P PUBH5031 or MIPH5132
Semester 2
Advanced Epidemiology
6    P PUBH5010
Semester 2
Health Economic Evaluation
4    P PUBH5010 and PUBH5018
Semester 2
Health Workforce Policy Analysis
2      Semester 2b
Public Health Advocacy
2      Semester 2
Injury Prevention
2      Semester 2
Vaccines in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students may be required to request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. In this situation, the coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
Semester 2
Injury Epidemiology Prevention & Control
4      Semester 2
Tobacco Control in the 21st Century
6      Semester 2
Falls Prevention in Older People
4      Semester 2
Introducing Qualitative Health Research
6      Semester 1a

Part 2

Ethics and Public Health
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 2
Preventative Dentistry
6    P (PUBH5010 and PUBH5018) or DENT6000
Semester 2
Dental Health Services
6    P PUBH5018, PUBH5010
Semester 2
Population Oral Health
6    P (PUBH5015 and PUBH5016) or (PUBH5030, PUBH5031, PUBH5032 and PUBH5033); PUBH5018; PUBH5010
Semester 2
Introduction to Health Policy
6      Semester 1
Economics and Finance for Health Policy
6      Semester 1
Analysing Health Policy
6      Semester 2
Global Health Policy
6      Semester 2
Legal Reasoning & the Common Law System
6    N LAWS6881

International students who are required to enrol in this unit must undertake classes during the first week of their study. Health Law and Public Health students should enrol in LAWS6881 Introduction to Law for Health Professionals in lieu of LAWS6252, if available.
Int Sept
S1 Late IntA
S1 Late IntB
S2 Late IntA
Critical Issues in Public Health Law

Compulsory for GradDipPubHL students. MHL students may select this unit as one of the three compulsory units required in addition to LAWS6252 or LAWS6881.
S1 Intensive
Praxis in International Public Health I
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The student is required to fill in 2 copies of Praxis Registration Form, signed by the student and the supervisor, to give one copy to IPH Office and take the other copy to the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Praxis in International Public Health II
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The student is required to fill in 2 copies of Praxis Registration Form, signed by the student and the supervisor, to give one copy to IPH Office and take the other copy to the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Travel and Tropical Medicine
2      Semester 2b
International Health Promotion
4      Semester 2
Global Communicable Disease Control

The unit does not include HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis because these are covered in the core unit MIPH5132 Disease Priorities and Social Methods.
Semester 2
Women's and Children's Health
4      Semester 2
Culture, Health, Illness and Medicine
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Departmental permission is required.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diseases of Modernisation
2      Semester 2a
Global Perspectives of HIV/AIDS
4      Semester 2
Health Issues & Humanitarian Emergencies
4      Semester 2b
Mental Disorders in Global Context
2      Semester 2a
Health Systems in Developing Countries
4      Semester 2
Nutrition in International Settings
4      Semester 2a
International Health Project Management
6      Semester 2
Applying Models of Health Behaviour
6      Semester 2
Sex and Society
2      Semester 2b
Public Health Aspects of STDs
2      S2 Intensive
Semester 2a
Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS
2      Semester 2b
Advanced Adolescent Sexual Health
6    N SEXH5204
Semester 2

Practice Placement

Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) candidates must enrol in 12 credit points of professional practice units, comprising either PUBH5041 and PUBH5042 or PUBH5040. If a candidate is not able to submit his/her professional practice report after enrolling once in both PUBH5041 and PUBH5042 or once in PUBH5040, then he/she must re-enrol in a minimum of six credit points of professional practice units of study, with the concomittant financial liability, every semester until he/she submits the report.
Practice Placement in Public Health 1
6    P 48 credit points of MPH, including core units

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement, this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
Semester 1
Semester 2
Practice Placement in Public Health 2
6    P 48 credit points of MPH, including core units PUBH5041

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement, this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
Semester 1
Semester 2
Practice Placement in Public Health
12    P 48 credit points of MPH, including core units

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
S1 Late Int
S2 Late Int
Semester 1
Semester 2

Dissertation Units of Study

The following Units of Study are only available to Masters students who commenced their candidature prior to 2011
Dissertation A
6    P A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Dissertation B
6    P A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Dissertation C
12    P A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Further enquiries

Learning and Teaching Support Unit
Phone: +61 2 9351 8635
Fax: + 61 2 9036 6247


Units of Study Descriptions for 2011

BETH5203 Ethics and Public Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 x 8hr Intensives Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 10 x Online tasks 250-400wds (20%); 1 x 1000 wd essay (30%); 1 x 2500 wd essay (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit will provide students with an overview of the broader philosophical, ethical, sociopolitical and cultural issues that underlie public health and public health research. Students will first review the history of public health and examine the values that underpin health promotion and disease prevention. The second part of the unit will critique the place of facts and values in public health and the construction and use of information, with particular reference to evidence-based-medicine. The third part of the unit will examine the cultural, moral and social context of public health including the social determinants of health, the construction of health services, the determination of research priorities and issues relating to human rights and global health. Learning activities will include 2-hour weekly seminars and readings. Assessment tasks will consist of essays and a presentation/project.
DENT5013 Preventative Dentistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Wendell Evans Session: Semester 2 Classes: 30hrs consisting of 10x(1hr lecture/seminar and 2hr tutorial) Prerequisites: (PUBH5010 and PUBH5018) or DENT6000 Assessment: individual written assignments (70%), tutorial discussion and group-work participation (30%) Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To provide students with sufficient background and appreciation of the importance of preventive dentistry and oral health promotion and to provide them with the opportunity to develop skills and acquire essential knowledge in this field for the effective practice of population oral health. The following topics will be covered: principles of prevention; oral diseases and conditions of public health concern - a review; the epidemiology of the common oral problems; prevention of dental caries; prevention of periodontal disease; prevention of other diseases of oral health concern; evidence-based preventive dental care; principles of health education, health protection, and oral health promotion; and analysis of health education and oral health promotion initiatives. On the completion of this unit of study, the student will be able to: understand the efficacy and effectiveness of risk reduction strategies in relation to the common oral problems and conditions; select interventions and strategies for the prevention and control of oral disease and the promotion of oral health; and understand the limitations of health education and the potential for oral health improvement through effective oral health promotion strategies.
Fejerskov O, Ekstrand J, Burt BA (Editors) (1996). Fluoride in dentistry, 2nd edition. Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
DENT5014 Dental Health Services

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Peter Dennison Session: Semester 2 Classes: 30hrs consisting of 10x(1hr lecture/seminar and 2hr tutorial) Prerequisites: PUBH5018, PUBH5010 Assessment: individual written assignments (70%), tutorial discussion and group-work participation (30%) Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To provide students with sufficient background and appreciation of the role and scope of dental health services within health care and to provide them with the opportunity to develop skills and acquire essential knowledge in this field for the effective practice of population oral health. The following topics will be covered: dental services in the twenty first century; the primary health care approach; assessment of the role of Western Dentistry (the limits of conventional dentistry); the limitations of a "high-risk" approach for the prevention of dental caries; the common risk factor approach: a rational basis for promoting oral health and strategies for developing oral health care programs in deprived communities; priorities in oral health care services; review of the Save our Kids Smiles program in New South Wales; the prevention of social inequalities in oral health; adult access to dental care in Australia; and ethnic indicators of dental health schoolchildren resident in areas of multiple deprivation. On the completion of this unit of study, students will be able to: understand the principles governing primary health care; understand the principles governing the delivery and management of dental services; and develop resources and implement and manage appropriate dental services for populations.
Pine CM (Editor). Community oral health. Oxford: Wright, 1997.
DENT5015 Population Oral Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Shanti Sivaneswaran Session: Semester 2 Classes: 30hrs consisting of 10x(1hr lecture/seminar and 2hr tutorial) Prerequisites: (PUBH5015 and PUBH5016) or (PUBH5030, PUBH5031, PUBH5032 and PUBH5033); PUBH5018; PUBH5010 Assessment: individual written assignments (70%), tutorial discussion and group-work participation (30%) Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
To provide students with sufficient background and appreciation of the importance of population oral health and to provide them with the opportunity to develop skills and acquire essential knowledge in this field for the effective practice of population oral health. The following topics will be covered: the oral health status of Australians - the changing profile; water fluoridation legislation, benefits/risks, the politics of fluoridation, the arguments for and against water fluoridation, how to respond to antifluoridationists; overview of policies and initiatives regarding dental services - the example of New South Wales; and dental workforce and dental services issues. On the completion of this unit of study, students will be able to: evaluate and monitor dental service delivery systems; plan and manage oral health programs for populations; understand the principles governing the development of resources, assets, and the workforce; understand the principles of health policy formulation and review, and the direction and financing of dental services and oral health promotion; understand the principles of economic evaluation; understand the regulations and legislation governing dental practice in New South Wales; design and understand the use of surveillance systems to monitor oral health; and communicate and collaborate with groups and individuals on oral health issues.
Burt BA, Eklund SA. Dentistry, dental practice, and the community, 6th edition. St Louis Missouri: Elsevier Saunders, 2005.
HPOL5000 Introduction to Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Professor Stephen Leeder Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online lectures and discussions Assessment: 1x1500word paper (25%), 1x3000word paper (50%), and online learning activities (25%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit aims to develop a critical and comparative grasp of the theory and practice of health policy and to give an overview of the political choices and frameworks that shape policymaking. The unit explores the main structures and institutions that make health policy. Students will debate the reform of policy frameworks, raising questions about equity, ethics and the role of socio-economic status over access to health care and priorities of the current system. Australian policy debates will be placed in their broader context by comparing different health systems and assessing global influences. Case studies will be used to examine the relationships between policy and practice.
HPOL5001 Economics and Finance for Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Associate Professor Christine Giles, Dr Stephen Jan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online discussion Assessment: 1x2500 word assignment (50%), 1x3000 word assignment (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit introduces the main concepts and analytical methods of health economics, political economy and finance to examine the workings of health systems in Australia and comparable countries. It looks at the main models of funding used in developed countries and their implications for the structure, planning and delivery of services. The first module focuses on the basic concepts and methodologies of health economics and political economy and their contribution to policy analysis. The second module places funding structures in a broader political and policy context. Topics include the debates over the public-private mix and governance and accountability - who makes decisions about funding priorities? To whom should decision makers be held accountable and for what aspects of their work?. How does health finance shape broader policy reform?
HPOL5003 Analysing Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Professor Stephen Leeder Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online discussions Assessment: 1x2500 word assignment (50%), 1x3000 word assignment (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit develops skills for the effective critical appraisal of health policy, with an examination of the principles, and limitations, of evidence-based health policy and evaluation of the research that underpins policy proposals. It builds policy analysis and analytical skills by exploring policy design, implementation and evaluation using approaches drawn from public policy, political science and public administration to look at the role of politics and equity in health policy development and implementation. The workshops cover the use of epidemiological and social science literature in policy development.
Kent Buse, Nicholas Mays and Gillian Walt, Making health policy. Open University Press, 2006.
HPOL5007 Global Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie Session: Semester 2 Classes: block mode 2x2 days and 6x2hr tut or 12hrs online tut Assessment: 1x2000wd essay (30%), 1xtutorial or online paper (20%), 1x2500wd essay (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit explores the impact of globalization on health policy, and the way in which global health problems such as HIV/AIDS and emerging chronic diseases shape policy for less developed countries. The unit aims to equip students with the skills to appraise critically global health policy proposals and to offer informed advice how these policies may be made more effective. The unit will achieve this goal by doing three things.
First, it will explore new global health threats that transcend national boundaries; especially those whose causes or results transcend the capacity of individual states to influence, avian flu, for example. Second, it will examine the governance of the policy responses, good and poor, that these global health threats evoke. The influence and power of agencies in the United Nations system, including the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, the World Bank, the Gates Foundation and activist organizations such as Médecins sans Frontières, will be examined. Third, teaching will make extensive use of current case studies. Students will be assessed on their acquisition of skills in global policy and critical analysis and their application to emerging problems.
LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning & the Common Law System

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Michael Skinner and Prof Reg Graycar (S53 only) Session: Int Sept,S1 Late IntA,S1 Late IntB,S2 Late IntA Classes: Classes: S63 (Intensive Group A): Mar 1-4 (9-5), S64 (Intensive Group B): Mar 25, 26 & Apr 15, 16 (9-5), S53 (Intensive Group C): Jul 26-29 (9-5), S109 (Intensive Group D): Sep 9, 10 & 23, 24 (9-5) Prohibitions: LAWS6881 Assessment: 1xin-class test (25%), 1xtake-home exam (75%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: International students who are required to enrol in this unit must undertake classes during the first week of their study. Health Law and Public Health students should enrol in LAWS6881 Introduction to Law for Health Professionals in lieu of LAWS6252, if available.
This is a compulsory unit for all postgraduate students who do not hold a law degree or equivalent from a common law jurisdiction entering the: Master of Administrative Law and Policy; Master of Business Law; Master of Environmental Law; Master of Environmental Science and Law; Master of Global Law; Master of Health Law; Master of International Business and Law; Master of Labour Law and Relations as well as Graduate Diplomas offered in these programs. The unit has been designed to equip students with the necessary legal skills and legal knowledge to competently apply themselves in their chosen area of law. Instruction will cover the legislative process; the judiciary and specialist tribunals; precedent; court hierarchies; legal reasoning; constitutional law; administrative law; contracts; and torts. Some elements of the unit will be tailored in accordance with the requirements of the particular specialist programs.
LAWS6839 Critical Issues in Public Health Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Roger Magnusson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Intro Class: Mar 7 (6-8) then Mar 17, 18 & Apr 14, 15 (9-4.30) Assessment: compulsory classwork (20%) and 1x3500wd essay or 1xassignment (40%) and 1xtake-home exam (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Compulsory for GradDipPubHL students. MHL students may select this unit as one of the three compulsory units required in addition to LAWS6252 or LAWS6881.
How does law contribute to public health? This unit explores the role of law as a tool for protecting the public's health, responding to public health risks and implementing strategies designed to promote public health. It provides a foundation for further study in public health law, by clarifying the sources of public health law, the strategies that law can adopt, and debates about the proper role of law in protecting public health. The unit also provides a review of law's role within a number of critical areas, including: acute public health threats (focus on SARS, and bioterrorism); sexual health and STIs; and tobacco control. The unit also provides illustrations of the legal environment of public health practice and policy-making (through a case study on iatrogenic transmission of blood-borne viruses, and look-backs). Throughout the unit, students will be trained to identify legal issues, to apply the law to policy tasks and public health issues, and to critically evaluate the success of the strategies law adopts to protect and promote public health. Students will also explore the tension between the public interest in protecting health, and competing public and private interests. Students wishing to extend their knowledge of public health law may enrol in the companion unit, New Directions in Public Health Law and Policy. These units comprise a core program in public health law.
Useful references: Christopher Reynolds, Public Health Law and Regulation, Federation Press, 2004 [Australia focus] and Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint, University of California Press, 2000 [US focus]. Issued materials will be ready for collection 4 weeks before the introductory class.
MIPH5004 Praxis in International Public Health I

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Bob Cumming, Associate Professor Mu Li Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: student under supervision Assessment: 1x2000word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The student is required to fill in 2 copies of Praxis Registration Form, signed by the student and the supervisor, to give one copy to IPH Office and take the other copy to the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit to enrol.
This unit gives students the opportunity to undertake a special project (a research project or a field placement) in their area of interest in international public health as part of the course. Students may research their chosen topic or analyse data already collected, then write a brief report. Alternatively, students may choose to undertake a placement with an international aid agency or with relevant sections of health services overseas or in Australia and then write a brief report about it. Students arrange with an international public health academic to be their supervisor on a project and agree to expected deliverables. The supervisor provides guidance and assesses the report.
MIPH5005 Praxis in International Public Health II

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Bob Cumming, Associate Professor Mu Li Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: student under supervision Assessment: 1x4000word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The student is required to fill in 2 copies of Praxis Registration Form, signed by the student and the supervisor, to give one copy to IPH Office and take the other copy to the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit to enrol.
This unit gives students the opportunity to undertake a special project (a research project or a field placement) in their area of interest in international public health as part of the course. Students may research their chosen topic or analyse data already collected, then write a report. Alternatively, students may choose to undertake a placement with an international aid agency or with relevant sections of health services overseas or in Australia and then write a report about it. Students arrange with an international public health academic to be their supervisor on a project and agree to expected deliverables. The supervisor provides guidance and assesses the report.
MIPH5008 Travel and Tropical Medicine

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Giselle Manalo, Dr Paula Fogarty Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x2day intensive lectures Assessment: 1x2000word individual essay (90%) and attendance (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to provide an overview of common health issues and emerging travel-related diseases, with a general look at prevention and control of these problems for travellers or those intending to work in tropical or resource-poor settings for a significant period of time. Travel/public health regulations associated with outbreaks and disasters area also addressed. During the short course, students will also explore issues such as pre-travel preparations, protection from vector-bourne diseases and vaccinations. The teaching method is face-to-face teaching. Attendance is compulsory.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5014 International Health Promotion

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 13 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks Assessment: 1,500 words essay (30%), 2,500 words report (50%), tutorial presentation and attendance (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide students with an understanding of the principles, theory and methods that are employed in health promotion and prevention. The unit will give attention to the full spectrum of health promotion and prevention activities, from local level initiatives to the development of national policies to achieve health goals. It will have a strong practical and methodological focus, with the objective of enabling students to develop knowledge and skills for planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. This unit of study provides students with opportunities to look at theory and practice in health promotion and the major health promotion issues at national and international levels. Models and methods that are commonly used in health promotion and disease prevention will be described and discussed by using real life examples. Among the major issues examined are the health impact of economic development at the national and global levels, prevention and control of cigarette smoking, non-communicable and communicable diseases.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5112 Global Communicable Disease Control

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Cumming, Dr Giselle Manalo Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2 hr lecture per week for 13 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks plus 2x2 peer learning sessions through group presentations Assessment: 1x group presentation (20%), 1x2000 word written essay (60%), tutorial facilitation (10%) and peer evaluation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: The unit does not include HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis because these are covered in the core unit MIPH5132 Disease Priorities and Social Methods.
This unit gives candidates an insight into prevention and control of communicable diseases in developing countries using country-specific examples presented by professionals with field experience. The unit covers the so-called Neglected Tropical Diseases (including soil-transmitted helminths, and leprosy), as well as some vector-bourne conditions (including yellow fever and dengue) and emerging infectious diseases such as pandemic influenza.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5115 Women's and Children's Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Heather Jeffery Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 10 weeks, 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks and 1 half day SCORPIO workshop. Assessment: 1x1500 word essay, problem based (50%), 1x15 minute presentation (25%), tutorial facilitation (10%), peer evaluation (5%), and active participation in SCORPIO workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students an overview of the health status of women and children in international settings. It also aims to examine causes of major health problems and possible approaches to improving the health of women and children in resource-poor countries. The unit covers a variety of issues in women's and children's health, including approaches to prevention of maternal and fetal, neonatal and child mortality, poverty, mother to child HIV transmission, women and violence, traditional practices and early marriage, family planning, diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia, vaccine preventable diseases.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5116 Culture, Health, Illness and Medicine

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Cynthia Hunter Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2 day workshop; 1 x 2hr seminar per week for 7 weeks Assessment: 1x3000word essay (75%) and 1x1hr class facilitation (25%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission is required.
This unit aims to provide an integrated and interpretive approach to an understanding of health-related behaviours of populations in international settings, by synthesizing anthropological knowledge and methodology, and the interactions of culture, biology, psychology and environment. The teaching process is by student-led, lecturer-guided, discussion based review and critical analysis of relevant topics. During the unit, students will explore a range of issues in international and multicultural health from an anthropological perspective. Methodological approaches will encompass ethnography and other anthropological data collection methods. The issues covered will include cultural influences on health, illness and healing, such as indigenous and traditional beliefs and systems, gender and cultural change and the impact of modernization and development on illness and healing. The impact examines disease and illness patterns - their distribution and persistence, mental illness and culture and attitudes towards the use of medications; and the provision of culturally sensitive and appropriate services. The emphasis will be on covering a range of topic areas relevant to the students enrolled, and those of particular importance in contemporary international and multicultural health contexts.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5117 Diseases of Modernisation

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Rohina Joshi, Professor Bob Cumming Session: Semester 2a Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 7 weeks Assessment: 1x2000word written assignment (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to provide candidates with an understanding of the causes and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in developing countries. These diseases are associated with social and economic development and the demographic and health transitions. Topics covered in the unit include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer; primary health care management of NCDs, health promotion for NCDs and approaches to NCD research in developing countries. Lectures are given by health professionals with direct experience of NCD control in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5118 Global Perspectives of HIV/AIDS

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Joel Negin Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 11 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 7 weeks; plus 1 day peer learning sessions through group presentations Assessment: 1xgroup presentation (20%), peer evaluation (10%), 1x2000 word individual assignment (60%), and tutorial (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit offers a detailed and evidence-based assessment of the global HIV situation to equip students with the latest understanding of HIV distribution and trends globally, its social and economic implications, the measures being taken to prevent and treat HIV andAIDS, the gaps that need to be addressed in HIV control, and the politics around global HIV issues. Examples from different parts of the world, particularly less developed settings, are used to illustrate analysis of the key issues influencing the HIV control agenda globally. Emphasis is placed on developing a critical and analytical approach to assessing the HIV situation and developing interventions for its control.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5124 Health Issues & Humanitarian Emergencies

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Bronwen Blake, Associate Professor Michael Dibley Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x4day workshop Assessment: Workshop activities (40%), 1x2500word written assignment (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit gives students an overview of public health aspects of humanitarian emergencies in developing country situations and the range of appropriate responses. This includes considering problems faced by government and non-government organisations in humanitarian emergency relief efforts. Topics covered in the unit include international and human rights law, the role of donor agencies, refugee health, nutritional emergencies, site planning for refugee camps, water and sanitation, sexual violence, protection of vulnerable groups, and communicable disease surveillance and control.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5127 Mental Disorders in Global Context

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Maree Hackett Session: Semester 2a Classes: 1x2day workshop Assessment: 1x2000word essay (90%) plus class participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to present an overview and critique of mental disorders in an international context. It covers broad issues related to the classification of mental and substance use disorders, their prevalence and population burden and their biological, environmental and cultural determinants. While the focus of the module is on international epidemiology, the course also aims to promote understanding of the economic and humanitarian implications of the burden of mental and substance use disorders for prevention, treatment and health policy. The unit will cover what a mental disorder is, how frequent and how disabling mental disorders are and what the major correlates and determinants of mental disorders are. Students will look at the problems of greatest burden: depression and anxiety disorders, psychosis and dementia, suicide and substance use disorders with a focus on health policy.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5135 Health Systems in Developing Countries

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Joel Negin Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 9 weeks; plus 2x0.5 day workshop Assessment: 1x1500 word research proposal (40%), 1x2000 word case study report (50%), and participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Health systems are complex and multi-faceted. Successful health systems require attention to political economy, governance, institutions, and local context. This unit will cover health systems in developing countries to equip students with a conceptual understanding and a set of tools to address major public health challenges from a health systems perspective. With a focus on evidence-based decision making, the unit will provide an understanding of health systems including specific topics such as health workforce, financing, service delivery, information systems and policy, and how these impact health interventions and health status in less developed countries. A multi-sectoral, integrated model will be used to understand the varied aspects of development challenges related to health systems. A case study approach will then provide students with concrete examples of health systems challenges and will strengthen students' ability to view health problems in a holistic, multi-faceted manner. The unit will provide students with the tools needed to make a practical difference in health systems in less developed countries with emphasis on implementation of health projects and bringing interventions to scale.
Unit notes supplied by School
MIPH5136 Nutrition in International Settings

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Michael Dibley Session: Semester 2a Classes: 2x2 day short course Assessment: 1x1000 word exercise on nutritional assessment (20%), 1xgroup presentation on nutritional interventions (20%), 1x2500 word assignment (50%), workshop attendance and participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The aim of this unit is to provide students with insights into the major nutrition-related public health problems in low- and middle-income countries; knowledge and practical skills about nutritional assessment; and the design and evaluation of nutritional interventions. The content areas include an overview of nutrition as a major determinant of health and disease; methods to assess community nutritional status; the impact of maternal and child under-nutrition on mortality and overall disease burden; design and evaluation of effective interventions; issues surrounding food security; and nutrition policies and resources. The unit is taught in two 2-day workshops, with the first workshop focusing on nutritional assessment and major nutrition-related public health problems in low- and middle-income countries, and the second workshop focusing on design and evaluation of interventions. On completion students should be able to recognise key nutritional problems facing low- and middle-income countries; have acquired knowledge and practical skills as to how these problems can be assessed; and gained insights into a number of different multi-sectoral approaches to address these problems.
Unit notes supplied by School
MIPH5219 International Health Project Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Mu Li Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 10 weeks; 1x1 day workshop; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks; 1x1 day peer learning session through group presentations. Assessment: 1x40minutes group presentation (20%), peer evaluation on group participation (15%), 1xgroup written assignment (40%) and 1x1000 word individual assignment (25%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Effective international health projects management contributes to the achievement of health and development in developing countries. The unit aims to give students a good understanding of the concepts and key elements of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and project life cycle, and to demonstrate tools and techniques used in effective project management at different stages, including project planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. A detailed step by step application of LFA in project design will be presented, including stakeholder analysis and cross-cutting issues analysis, problem and objective trees, and the logframe matrix. The Unit also gives students an opportunity for hands-on practice through the design of a project in an international setting and allows them to consider the challenges and practical issues faced by people involved in international health project management. The key topic areas covered include: concepts and principles of international project management; context and situation analysis; key stages of project development; the LFA for project design; project management functions including managing information, resources, risk, quality and change; post project issues of evaluation and sustainability. At the end of the course, students should be able to: identify the key aspects of the LFA to project design; develop a project proposal in international settings; recognise challenges and practical issues faced by people involved in international health project management; and apply a systematic approach to project planning and management in international settings.
Unit notes supplied by School.
PSYC5011 Applying Models of Health Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 one hour lecture and two hours of tutorials per week Assessment: Presentation of intervention, write up of intervention (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The student will be given the opportunity to develop an intervention based on social cognitions models. The process can be followed from start to finish allowing the individual to utilise knowledge and skills gained in other units of study. It is an intended outcome for students enrolled in the MApplSc (HealthPsych) that students can demonstrate an understanding of the key models and theories in Health Psychology which are seen by many to be the foundations of the subject area. The aim of this unit of study is to allow students to identify an area of Health Psychology where an intervention would be appropriate, review existing literature on the topic, formulate the intervention, and evaluate the intervention on a pilot level.
PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x1hr lecture and 1x2hr tutorial per week for 13 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Prohibitions: BSTA5011 Assessment: 1x4page assignment (30%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit provides students with core skills in epidemiology, particularly the ability to critically appraise public health and clinical epidemiological research literature. This unit covers: study types; measures of frequency and association; measurement bias; confounding/effect modification; randomized trials; systematic reviews; screening and test evaluation; infectious disease outbreaks; measuring public health impact and use and interpretation of population health data. It is expected that students spend an additional 2-3 hours preparing for their tutorials.
Webb, PW. Bain, CJ. and Pirozzo, SL. Essential Epidemiology: An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals: Cambridge University Press 2005.
PUBH5017 Public Health Program Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Adrian Bauman, Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 8-10 hours of self-directed learning and online discussions per week for 13 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 and PUBH5032 and PUBH5033 Assessment: Two short assignments during the course (each around 1000 words) (2x17.5%) 1x2500-3000wd assignment (35%) and online discussion and participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This online unit aims to: develop skills in public health planning, evaluation and research. There is an emphasis on programs that address nutrition, physical activity and obesity related problems, but many other broad public health content areas will be used as examples. The course goal is to understand program evaluation from a public health practice and research methodological perspective. The course will complement other courses in epidemiology or qualitative research methods, in bringing these together around assessing population-level program effects. The unit comprises five modules of work, including: principles of public health program (PHP) evaluation; research designs and methodological issues for PHP evaluation; measurement issues in assessing and monitoring public health programs; analysis and interpretation of PHP evaluation data, and research translation and dissemination. Access to the instructors and other students will be substantial and ongoing through structured bulletin board discussions, collaborative activities and feedback on assessments. Students must have good uninterrupted [13 weeks] access to the internet in order to undertake the unit.
Recommended: Nutbeam D, Bauman A. Evaluation in a nutshell. McGraw Hill Sydney (2006). Practical Evaluation of Public Health Programs PHTN Course VC-0017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta and the Association of Schools of Public Health. 2002 Univ of Texas, Houston.
PUBH5017 Public Health Program Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Adrian Bauman, Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 8-10 hours of self-directed learning and online discussions per week for 13 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 and PUBH5032 and PUBH5033 Assessment: Two short assignments during the course (each around 1000 words) (2x17.5%) 1x2500-3000wd assignment (35%) and online discussion and participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This online unit aims to: develop skills in public health planning, evaluation and research. There is an emphasis on programs that address nutrition, physical activity and obesity related problems, but many other broad public health content areas will be used as examples. The course goal is to understand program evaluation from a public health practice and research methodological perspective. The course will complement other courses in epidemiology or qualitative research methods, in bringing these together around assessing population-level program effects. The unit comprises five modules of work, including: principles of public health program (PHP) evaluation; research designs and methodological issues for PHP evaluation; measurement issues in assessing and monitoring public health programs; analysis and interpretation of PHP evaluation data, and research translation and dissemination. Access to the instructors and other students will be substantial and ongoing through structured bulletin board discussions, collaborative activities and feedback on assessments. Students must have good uninterrupted [13 weeks] access to the internet in order to undertake the unit.
Recommended: Nutbeam D, Bauman A. Evaluation in a nutshell. McGraw Hill Sydney (2006). Practical Evaluation of Public Health Programs PHTN Course VC-0017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta and the Association of Schools of Public Health. 2002 Univ of Texas, Houston.
PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Kevin McGeechan and Associate Professor Petra Macaskill Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x 2hr lecture, 10 x 1hr lectures, 11 x 2hr tutorials, 2 x 1hr and 8 x 0.5hr statistical computing self directed learning tasks over 12 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Assessment: 1x4 page assignment (30%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit aims to provide students with an introduction to statistical concepts, their use and relevance in public health. This unit covers descriptive analyses to summarise and display data; concepts underlying statistical inference; basic statistical methods for the analysis of continuous and binary data; and statistical aspects of study design. Specific topics include: sampling; probability distributions; sampling distribution of the mean; confidence interval and significance tests for one-sample, two paired samples and two independent samples for continuous data and also binary data; correlation and simple linear regression; distribution-free methods for two paired samples, two independent samples and correlation; power and sample size estimation for simple studies; statistical aspects of study design and analysis. Students will be required to perform analyses using a calculator and will also be required to conduct analyses using statistical software (SPSS). It is expected that students spend an additional 2 hours per week preparing for their tutorials. Computing tasks are self-directed.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5019 Cancer Prevention and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Monica Robotin Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hr per week online lectures, discussion and other activities for 13 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 Assessment: 2 assignments (65%), 5 online tutorials (35%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit aims to provide students with specific information on the concepts, methods and applications underpinning cancer prevention and control at population level. It is designed to address specific educational needs of students in various programs within the School of Public Health and to offer a broad-based perspective on cancer control, ranging from primary prevention, screening and early intervention, tertiary prevention and palliative care. Emphasis will be given to cancers with the greatest impact at population level and where evidence demonstrates that policies and interventions are capable of reducing cancer incidence, mortality, prolonging survival and improving quality of life. Although focusing on specific Australian conditions, the information will be presented in the context of regional cancer control efforts. At the completion of the unit, students will be equipped with the basic tools to design, plan, implement and evaluate cancer control programs in Australia or their own countries.
Readings will be available on the WebCT site for this unit.
PUBH5020 Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Monica Robotin Session: Semester 1 Classes: 24 hrs online lectures; 12 hrs online discussion Assessment: assignments (70%), on-line tutorials (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This course offers a broad-based integrated perspective on chronic disease prevention. The course reviews the epidemiology of selected chronic diseases with the highest impact at population level in Australia (cardiovascular diseases; cancer; chronic lung disease; diabetes and chronic renal disease). The information will focus on Australian settings, but presented within the context of a regional perspective of chronic disease prevention.
Teaching will focus on the interrelationships between the biological and epidemiological aspects of chronic diseases, the interplay between determinants of health and chronic disease, and the balance between high risk and population based strategies for reducing disease burden, and exploring their applicability to disease prevention. Students will be involved in evaluating the effectiveness of different prevention strategies and will examine the role of health policy in developing effective and sustainable chronic disease management programs in different settings (in Australia and the region).
Readings will be available on the WebCT site for this unit
PUBH5024 Global Obesity and Health Promotion

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Louise Hardy Session: Semester 2 Classes: One compulsory 2 day workshop Prerequisites: PUBH5010, PUBH5033 and PUBH5031 Prohibitions: PUBH5021 Assumed knowledge: Core MPH content, especially health promotion/disease prevention and epidemiology Assessment: Attendance at workshop (10%), participation in workshop (10%), 1x written assignment (1500-2000 words) (80%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit will build on introductory public health core units of study, and apply them to consideration of global obesity as a public health problem. The unit will develop students' skills in national level, international and global approaches to obesity monitoring, prevention programs and policies, extending research methods, critical appraisal skills, introductory health promotion and disease prevention in MPH. Students will develop an understanding of surveillance systems to monitor obesity, and develop skills in evidence based obesity prevention interventions in diverse social, cultural and community contexts. The course will include discussions of policies and international approaches to obesity prevention, as part of global non-communicable disease prevention and control.
Pre-readings will be provided
PUBH5025 Physical Activity and Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Adrian Bauman Session: Semester 2 Classes: One compulsory 2 day workshop Prerequisites: PUBH5010, PUBH5033, PUBH5031 Prohibitions: PUBH5022 Assumed knowledge: Content of Core MPH electives noted as prerequisites Assessment: Attendance at workshop (10%), participation in workshop (10%), 1x written assignment (1500-2000 words) (80%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This course will build on introductory public health core units of study and apply them to a consideration of physical activity and public health. The evidence for health and social benefits and reasons for activity will be considered, as well as evidence-based strategies and settings for increasing physical activity at the population level. The course will consider the differences between local level 'exercise programs' and large scale public efforts, and develop an understanding of policy and advocacy as applied to physical activity promotion.
Bauman, A., Bellow, B., Vita, P., Brown, W., Owen, N. Getting Australia Active I: towards better practice for the promotion of physical activity. National Public Health Partnership. Melbourne, Australia, March 2002 ISBN: 0-9580326-2-9
PUBH5030 Public Health: Achievements, Challenges

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Hudson Birden Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 day workshop; online version available Assessment: 1500 word assignment (70%), online discussions (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
This unit provides a critical overview of foundational aspects of public health, introducing fundamental concepts and conceptual and historical contexts through which to view contemporary issues in public health. The unit begins with a review of human health status through history and the changing roles and main challenges that drove development of modern public health theory and practice. It then provides an overview of contemporary challenges in public health policy and program development through exposure to leading commentators, activists and theoreticians on public health. The particular problem of societal inequities and inequalities as drivers of health status is addressed. Two symposia expose students to the importance of multi-disciplinary approaches to contemporary health problems and to an anticipation of major problems that public health practitioners will be challenged to develop solutions for over the near future (5-20 years).
PUBH5031 Introductory Qualitative Methods

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Susan Quine Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 day workshop - lectures/tutorials/exercises Assessment: A critical appraisal of a journal article (provided by the unit coordinator) which uses one of the qualitative data collection methods covered in the unit to research a contemporary public health issue (100%). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
This 2 day workshop aims to introduce participants to qualitative research method and how they differ from quantitative research methods. It then presents 3 main data collection techniques used in qualitative research and demonstrates their relevance to a wide range of public health issues. The unit covers, observation, interview technique (including the importance of appropriate question wording to obtain reliable and meaningful textual data for analysis) and focus group technique theory. This unit also introduces basic qualitative analysis and appraisal of qualitative research articles. There will be an opportunity to experience the use of these methods by working through the exercises provided. This unit can also be studied by distance.
PUBH5032 Making Decisions in Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Dr Kirsten Howard Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2-day workshop; fully online version available Assessment: Take-home exam 2000 words (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
This unit introduces students to the methods by which evidence is translated, used and abused when governments make decisions affecting public health. Students will become familiar with the main tools used by health economists and policy analysts. The unit will emphasize the role of different forms of evidence and values for priority-setting and policy-making.
Unit technical content is unified by common themes and case studies. Students will apply methods and principles of health economics e.g. resource scarcity, opportunity cost, efficiency and equity to practical real-life examples (including specific indigenous health issues) to critically consider the role of economic evidence in health decision-making in Australia.
Students will then use policy analysis methods to critically examine the Australian health care system and decision-making in public health. The unit will pay particular attention to questions of power and equity, including the position of indigenous peoples. Finally, it will look at how evidence is framed and used in decision-making.
Teaching will make use of contemporary case studies so students learn how technical analytical tools are used in practical examples of policy development, decision-making and public debate.
The unit gives public health students an essential basic knowledge of both disciplines (health economics and health policy) and lays the groundwork for more advanced studies.
PUBH5033 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 workshops, tutorials and online discussion; fully online version available Assessment: 1x1500 word assignment (25%); 1x2500 word assignment (45%); online discussion participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
This core unit of study will provide students with an introduction to and critical overview of evidence-based prevention and health promotion as a fundamental component of efforts to address chronic disease prevention and reduce health inequalities in populations. The unit is divided into three sections: (i) principles underlying disease prevention and health promotion, (ii) evidence-based planning disease prevention and health promotion programs, and (iii) implementing and evaluating health promotion programs for disease prevention. The unit will illustrate the principles of prevention and health promotion programs in Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations. It will develop students' skills in: identifying problems and setting prevention priorities; planning and implementing programs, and; evaluating the impact of programs on population health. The unit will address diverse disease prevention and health promotion programs, including individual change programs, interpersonal (family, social networks), organisational (worksites, primary care), and community-wide programs. Students will develop an understanding of approaches used to enhance inter-sectoral action, community participation and consultation, the development of partnerships and the use of policy and advocacy. These approaches will be particularly applied to Indigenous health promotion settings.
Course Readings Provided
PUBH5034 Public Health Capstone

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Barratt, Professor Michael Frommer, Ms Jo Lander Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1day workshops plus self-directed project Prerequisites: Only for students commencing in 2010 or later, PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 and PUBH5030 and PUBH5031 and PUBH5032 and PUBH5033 Assessment: project product (70%), reflective diary (30%). Both assessments are compulsory. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode or On-line
Note: This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their public health studies from 2010 onwards.
This unit provides students with an opportunity to draw together and integrate their learning in the four aspects of Public Health - knowledge, values, action and outcomes -and apply these to a practical project. A one-day workshop and a study guide will prepare students for this task. Students will be expected to complete a task which illustrates how a public health problem can be analysed and an appropriate response formulated (including action to be taken and a plan to evaluate the impact of the action). Students may design a simple study and complete an ethics application, prepare a ministerial briefing paper or develop a health promotion evaluation plan. Students will also complete an assessable online reflective journal.
PUBH5037 Introductory Indigenous Health Promotion

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1 day workshop, tutorials and online discussion; online version available Prerequisites: Only for students who enrolled prior to 2010 Prohibitions: PUBH5015, PUBH5033 Assessment: 1 x 1500 word assignment (70%), participation in online discussions (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education or Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their public health studies prior to 2010. Students request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit. The coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
This core unit of study will provide students with an introduction to and critical overview of evidence-based prevention and health promotion as a fundamental approach to addressing chronic disease prevention and reducing health inequalities in populations, as applied to Indigenous health. It will address: (i) principles underlying disease prevention and health promotion, (ii) evidence-based planning disease prevention and health promotion programs, and (iii) implementing and evaluating health promotion programs for disease prevention, concentrating on strategies most likely to be effective and accepted in an Indigenous context.
This unit is intended to facilitate transition arrangements for students who enrolled prior to 2010 and may only be taken by such students.
Course Readings Provided
PUBH5040 Practice Placement in Public Health

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Barratt, Ms Jo Lander Session: S1 Late Int,S2 Late Int,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Self-directed work placement with supervision and mentoring provided by the host institution and the School of Public Health Prerequisites: 48 credit points of MPH, including core units Assessment: Placement proposal (20%), reflective journal (10%), supervisor report (30%), project or portfolio (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
This unit gives high-achieving students who have completed their MPH and have an average weighted mark of 75% or more in their first 24 units of coursework the opportunity to undertake a supervised work placement in a Public Health institution. Places are limited and selection of candidates will be based on academic merit. During this placement you will undertake a project which will make a useful contribution to the workplace. Your project proposal, the project or portfolio itself and your reflection on your progress towards it will form part of your assessment for the unit.
The placement will consist of a minimum of 216 hours' work in a practice placement, that is approximately 6 weeks' full-time work (or equivalent part-time work). Initially placements will only be possible in Australia, although this may change in the future. The Public Health institutions would normally be located outside university environments. Examples include NSW Department of Health Public Health Units or Health Promotion Units, government supported agencies such as the Sax Institute and Family Planning NSW, and non-government organisations such as NSW Cancer Council or advocacy groups.
PUBH5041 Practice Placement in Public Health 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Barratt, Ms Jo Lander Session: S1 Late Int,S2 Late Int,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Self-directed work placement with supervision and mentoring provided by the host institution and the School of Public Health. Prerequisites: 48 credit points of MPH, including core units Assessment: Placement proposal (20%), reflective journal (10%), supervisor report (30%), project or portfolio (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement, this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
This unit gives high-achieving students who have completed their MPH and have an average weighted mark of 75% or more in their first 24 units of coursework the opportunity to undertake a supervised work placement in a Public Health institution. Places are limited and selection of candidates will be based on academic merit. During this placement you will undertake a project which will make a useful contribution to the workplace. Your project proposal, the project or portfolio itself and your reflection on your progress towards it will form part of your assessment for the two related units (PUBH5041 and PUBH5042).
The placement will consist of a minimum of 216 hours' work in a practice placement, that is approximately 6 weeks' full-time work (or equivalent part-time work). Initially placements will only be possible in Australia, although this may change in the future. The Public Health institutions would normally be located outside university environments. Examples include NSW Department of Health Public Health Units or Health Promotion Units, government supported agencies such as the Sax Institute and Family Planning NSW, and non-government organisations such as NSW Cancer Council or advocacy groups.
PUBH5042 Practice Placement in Public Health 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Barratt, Ms Jo Lander Session: S1 Late Int,S2 Late Int,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Self-directed work placement with supervision and mentoring provided by the host institution and the School of Public Health. Prerequisites: 48 credit points of MPH, including core units PUBH5041 Assessment: Supervisor report Part 2 (20%); project or portfolio (80%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is only available to students who commenced their Public Health studies from 2010 onwards. It is available only to students with a weighted average mark of 75% or more in the first 24 credit points completed, and satisfactory placement project proposal. If you wish to undertake a placement, this should be discussed with the unit coordinator well before the start of the Semester in which the placement is to be undertaken.
This unit gives high-achieving students who have completed their MPH and have an average weighted mark of 75% or more in their first 24 units of coursework the opportunity to undertake a supervised work placement in a Public Health institution. Places are limited and selection of candidates will be based on academic merit. During this placement you will undertake a project which will make a useful contribution to the workplace. Your project proposal, the project or portfolio itself and your reflection on your progress towards it will form part of your assessment for the two related units (PUBH5041 and PUBH5042).
The placement will consist of a minimum of 216 hours' work in a practice placement, that is approximately 6 weeks' full-time work (or equivalent part-time work). Initially placements will only be possible in Australia, although this may change in the future. The Public Health institutions would normally be located outside university environments. Examples include NSW Department of Health Public Health Units or Health Promotion Units, government supported agencies such as the Sax Institute and Family Planning NSW, and non-government organisations such as NSW Cancer Council or advocacy groups.
PUBH5101 Special Project in Public Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: 1x 4000 word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to systematically complete a self-directed project in one of the main content areas of the course. Students should contact an academic staff member associated with the area of their project and negotiate the details of the project design and the method and frequency of contact with the supervisor during the project.
PUBH5102 Special Project in Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: 1x 2000 word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to systematically complete a self-directed project in one of the main content areas of the course. Students should contact an academic staff member associated with the area of their project and negotiate the details of the project design and the method and frequency of contact with the supervisor during the project.
PUBH5111 Environmental Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Geoff Morgan Session: Semester 2 Classes: Mixed mode of online lectures with some face-to-face/online case studies (13 sessions of 2 hours) Assessment: 1x written assignment (45%), 1x quiz (40%) and case study participation (15%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus or On-line
This unit aims to develop an understanding of environmental hazard identification and risk assessment and for students to understand the principles of hazard regulation and control. The unit will explore the major categories of environmental health hazards such as air quality; water & food quality; chemical hazards eg contaminated sites; physical hazards eg noise and radiation; and microbiological hazards eg Legionnaires' disease. It will use the disciplines of epidemiology, toxicology and ecology to characterise risks associated with these hazards and will explore various approaches to managing the risks. In studying this unit students will appreciate the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental health concerns and the need to work closely with external agencies. Regional and global issues of sustainability, climate change and land use planning will also be addressed.
Basic Environmental Health. Yassi, A et al. Oxford University Press, 2001; Environmental Health in Australia and New Zealand. Edited by Nancy Cromar, Scott Cameron and Howard Fallowfield, Oxford University Press, 2004.
PUBH5113 International Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Cumming, Associate Professor Mu Li Session: Semester 2 Classes: 9 x 2hr lectures per semester, 1 x 4 hr sessions of peer learning through group presentations Assessment: 1 group presentation (20%), peer evaluation (10%), 1 x 2500 word individual essay (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students an insight into the realities of prevention and control of diseases in developing country, based on real examples presented by a wide range of people with direct practical experience. The unit covers the major health problems in developing country, as well as the role of WHO, World Bank and NGOs.
Unit notes supplied by School
PUBH5114 Alcohol, Drug Use and Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Carolyn Day Session: Semester 2 Classes: 13 weeks of 1 x 2hr teaching sessions and associated online activities. The teaching sessions are a combination of face to face and online seminars. Students not able to attend face to face sessions can do the entire course online. Prohibitions: PUBH5115 Assessment: 2 x 1500 word assignments (60%), compulsory online discussion participation (30%); online quizzes (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus or On-line
This unit aims to assist students in developing an evidence-based understanding of the epidemiology of alcohol and drug use and its impact on health, and the effectiveness of methods for prevention and management of related problems. This fuller drug and alcohol elective covers all the content of PUBH5115 and goes on to assist the student to develop more advanced skills in research and in management of clinical services in relation to alcohol and drug use disorders, and to examine the needs of special populations.
Readings are available on the unit's WebCT site.
PUBH5115 Alcohol, Drug Use and Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Carolyn Day, Associate Professor Kate Conigrave Session: Semester 2a Classes: 7 weeks of 1 x 2hr teaching sessions and associated online activities. The teaching sessions are a combination of face to face and online seminars. Students not able to attend face to face sessions can do the entire course online. Prohibitions: PUBH5114 Assessment: 1x 1500 word assignment (60%); compulsory online discussion participation (30%); online quizzes (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus or On-line
This unit aims to assist students in developing an evidence-based understanding of the epidemiology of alcohol and drug use and its impact on health, and the effectiveness of methods for the prevention and management of related problems.
Readings are available on the unit's WebCT site.
PUBH5116 Genetics and Public Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Bruce Armstrong Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x 3 day workshop Assessment: 3x 30min online quiz (25%), small group assignment (35%) and take home exam of 6 questions (250 words each) (40%). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit caters for practitioners, policy and decision-makers, students and researchers in public health, public policy, journalism, law, epidemiology, medicine, science, industry, ethics, philosophy, communication and advocacy. It gives a basic introduction to genetics and genetic epidemiology and covers issues like genetic determinants of disease, genetic testing and screening, psychosocial, legal and ethical aspects of genetics and genetic testing, genetic education and genetics and public policy.
Readings are available on the unit's WebCT site.
PUBH5117 Communicable Disease Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Anna Ralph and Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2hr online lecture and 2hrs online group discussion per week for 12 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 (or equivalent) Assessment: online discussion and other online activities (20%), online quiz (10%), and 2 x 2000 word written assignments (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This fully online unit aims to provide students with an understanding of the burden of communicable diseases of public health significance in Australia, as well as the biology, epidemiology and surveillance for and control of those communicable diseases. By the end of this unit, the student will have the theoretical background to take up a position as a member of a Communicable Diseases section of a Commonwealth or State Health Department or Public Health Unit. It is expected that the students undertake an extra hour per week of reading, research and preparation for discussion.
Recommended: Heymann. David L. (2004): Control of communicable diseases manual. American Public Health Association. Other readings provided on the course WebCT site.
PUBH5118 Aboriginal Health Promotion

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Shane Hearn Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 2day workshop, 7 weeks x 2 hr lectures Assessment: 1 x 2000 word essay (70%), workshop participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
While many positive political, social and legal changes have taken place recently, the inescapable fact after 220 years of colonisation is that the gap in regard to health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations is remarkably large. Using a health promotion framework the unit will provide students with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the history and culture of Aboriginal people. It is hoped that students will utilise this understanding to effect more congenial and productive relations with Aboriginal people in the community, and within the spheres of their chosen professions. During the unit students are encouraged to enquire factors that determine health, to analyse the major factors that influence Indigenous health issues, the relationship between these factors, their impact on health and to identify and discuss possible solutions to address the health disparities between non-Indigenous and Indigenous populations in Australia.
Course reader will be provided.
PUBH5205 Decision Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor John Simes, Dr Andrew Martin Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 2hr lecture per week for 6 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5018 and PUBH5010 Assessment: 1 x quiz (20%) and 1 written assignment (80%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Recommended: PUBH5302 Health Economic Evaluation
This unit examines quantitative approaches to public health and clinical decision-making. Topics of study include: decision trees and health related utility assessment; incorporating diagnostic information in decision making; sensitivity and threshold analysis and application of decision analysis to economic evaluation. Exercises are set at the end of most sessions and are reviewed at the start of the following session. Readings are also set after most sessions. Preparation time for each session is 1-2 hours. The fifth session comprises a quiz followed by a 1hr practical in the computing room using a decision analysis software package.
PUBH5206 Controlled Trials

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Diana Zannino, Mr Chris Brown Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1day workshops Prerequisites: PUBH5018 Assessment: 1x2hr multiple choice and short answer exam (40%), 1x take home question exam (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit introduces important issues in trial design, protocol development, ethics and principles of analysis. Topics of study include: principles of controlled trials; study design and randomization; analysis and interpretation; ethical issues and data management considerations. At the end of this unit, students should acquire skills relating to parallel and cross-over trial design, setting up a randomisation scheme, and understanding issues of multiplicity in clinical trials. During the workshop, there will be formal lectures on an area of controlled trials methodology, followed by a practical session led by a faculty member, based on material to be reviewed by students prior to the class. Lecture notes and solutions to practicals will be provided.
Recommended: Keech A, Gebski V, Pike R. Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials. Sydney: Australasian Medical Publishing Company; 2007
PUBH5208 Screening and Diagnostic Test Evaluation

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Germaine Wong Session: Semester 2a Classes: 1 x 2hr seminar or 2hr of online discussion per week for 7 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 Assessment: 1x 1000 word critical appraisal (30%) and 1x 1500 word final assignment (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit is designed to further develop concepts covered in the Epidemiological Methods Unit for those students seeking more detail on screening and diagnostic tests. It will cover a wider range of topics than clinical medicine alone. At the end of this unit, participants should be able to: use information from articles evaluating screening tests in order to apply test results to individual patients and /or make policy decisions about screening tests; consider the internal validity of studies used to assess diagnostic and screening tests and identify and appraise relevant articles and Systematic Reviews covering screening and diagnostic test.. The unit is based on weekly discussion of material provided in the unit workbook, session outlines and pre-reading. Students will be encouraged to contribute examples for discussion. This unit is offered in online/distance mode primarily. Face-to-face tutorials may also be offered.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5211 Multiple Regression and Stats Computing

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Kevin McGeechan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr per week for 13 weeks. This unit may be undertaken in face to face or online/distance mode. Students studying in distance mode must have access to a computer running a version of Microsoft Windows compatible with the latest version of SAS. Prerequisites: PUBH5018 Assessment: 1x 4 page assignment (30%) and 1x 10 page assignment (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit covers simple and multiple linear regression; one-way analysis of variance to compare more than 2 groups; analysis of covariance to compare groups adjusting for confounders; testing for effect modification; calculating adjusted means; strategies for selecting the 'best' regression model; examination of residuals; regression to the mean; associated SAS programming. Each topic is covered by a 1 hour statistics lecture, a 1 hour SAS lecture, a 1 hour SAS practical and a 1 hour statistics tutorial to discuss the interpretation of the results. Each fortnight there is an exercise on the material covered in the statistics lecture. The SAS practical allows the necessary computing to answer the questions for the statistics tutorial the following week. The assignments will involve practical analysis and interpretation of a data set and between 10% and 20% of the marks for each assignment are for the SAS computing program.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5212 Categorical Data Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Petra Macaskill Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 2hr lecture, 5 x 1hr lectures, and 5 x 1hr tutorials over 6 weeks. Prerequisites: PUBH5018 Corequisites: PUBH5211 Assessment: 1x 3 page report (30%) and 1x 8 page report (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
In this unit the biostatistical concepts covered in earlier units are extended to cover analysis of epidemiological studies where the outcome variable is categorical. Topics of study include: testing for trend in a 2 x r contingency table; the Mantel-Haenszel test for the combination of several 2 x 2 tables, with estimation of the combined odds ratio and confidence limits; multiple logistic regression; Poisson regression; modelling strategy. The assignments will involve practical analysis and interpretation of categorical data. Data analyses will be conducted using statistical software (SAS). Students studying in distance mode must have access to a computer running Microsoft Windows.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5213 Survival Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Judy Simpson Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 1hr lecture and 1 x 1hr tutorial per week for six weeks both face to face and distance mode. Students studying in distance mode must have access to a computer running Microsoft Windows. Corequisites: PUBH5211 Assessment: 1x 3 page assignment (20%) and 1x 10 page assignment (80%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
During this unit, students learn to analyse data from studies in which individuals are followed up until a particular event occurs, e.g. death, cure, relapse, making use of follow-up data also for those who do not experience the event. This unit covers: Kaplan-Meier life tables; logrank test to compare two or more groups; Cox's proportional hazards regression model; checking the proportional hazards assumption; sample size calculations for survival studies. For each topic participants are given some material to read beforehand. This is followed by a lecture, then participants are given one or two exercises to do for the following week. These exercises are discussed in the tutorial at the next session before moving on to the next topic. That is, in most weeks the first hour is a tutorial and the lecture is given in the second hour. Participants are expected to run SAS programs in their own time. Preparation time for each session is 2-3 hours. The assignments both involve use of SAS to analyse a set of survival data.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5215 Introductory Analysis of Linked Data

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Judy Simpson Session: Semester 2b Classes: block/intensive mode 5 days 9am-5pm Prerequisites: PUBH5018 and (PUBH5010 or BSTA5011) and (PUBH5211 or BSTA5004) Assessment: Workbook exercises (30%) and 1x assignment (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit introduces the topic of linked health data analysis. It will usually run in the last full week of November. The topic is a very specialised one and will not be relevant to most MPH students. The modular structure of the unit provides students with a theoretical grounding in the classroom on each topic, followed by hands-on practical exercises in the computing lab using de-identified linked NSW data files. The computing component assumes a basic familiarity with SAS computing syntax and methods of basic statistical analysis of fixed-format data files. Contents include: an overview of the theory of data linkage methods and features of comprehensive data linkage systems, sufficient to know the sources and limitations of linked health data sets; design of linked data studies using epidemiological principles;construction of numerators and denominators used for the analysis of disease trends and health care utilisation and outcomes; assessment of the accuracy and reliability of data sources; data linkage checking and quality assurance of the study process; basic statistical analyses of linked longitudinal health data; manipulation of large linked data files; writing syntax to prepare linked data files for analysis, derive exposure and outcome variables, relate numerators and denominators and produce results from statistical procedures at an introductory to intermediate level.
Notes will be distributed in class.
PUBH5221 Qualitative Research Methods

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Susan Quine Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2 day workshop Prerequisites: PUBH5031 or MIPH5132 Assessment: EITHER 1x2000wd theoretical essay assignment OR 1 practical reflective report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to extend participants' understanding of qualitative research methods and enable the acquisition of skills in the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The unit builds on the qualitative research methods introduced in the unit PUBH5031 Introductory Qualitative Methods or MIPH5132 Disease Priorities and Social Methods. It covers the relevance of qualitative methods to the investigation of health issues; non-probability sampling; observation - practical; interview technique - practical; focus groups - practical; introduction to basic data analysis and interpretation of text - theory and practical; how to speak to and interrogate qualitative data and how to write up and present qualitative data - theory and practical. During the 2 day interactive workshop, there will be opportunities for practical application of qualitative research techniques (observational activities, interviewing in pairs, simulated focus groups, data analysis). and for discussion of issues which arise when conducting qualitative research.
A manual of course notes and references are provided.
PUBH5224 Advanced Epidemiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 2 Classes: Weekly lectures and tutorials for 13 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 Assessment: 1x 2500 word assignment (40%), 1x 1500 word assignment (30%), class presentations (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Evening or Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is intended for students who have completed Epidemiology Methods and Uses (or an equivalent unit of study) at a credit or higher level. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to consolidate critical appraisal skills, to acquire the practical knowledge and skills needed to design epidemiological research, and to extend students' theoretical knowledge of epidemiology beyond basic principles.
PUBH5302 Health Economic Evaluation

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Rachel Morton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 2day compulsory workshops Prerequisites: PUBH5010 and PUBH5018 Assessment: assignment 1 (40%), assignment 2 (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to develop students' knowledge and skills of economic evaluation as an aid to priority setting in health care. This unit covers: principles of economic evaluation; critical appraisal guidelines; measuring and valuing benefits; methods of costing; modeling in economic evaluation. The workshops consist of interactive lectures, class exercises and case history analyses.
A course manual will be provided to each student.
PUBH5308 Health Workforce Policy Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Deborah Schofield, Dr Michelle Cunich Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x 2day workshop Assessment: Assignment on a selected health workforce policy analysis topic Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The unit will examine the major components of health workforce planning in Australia. The Australia health workforce context will be considered (including total workforce size, payment mechanisms and employment arrangements) and the processes by which health workforce planning is influenced through government policy and workforce data translated and integrated with policy and planning explored. The framework for future labour force planning will be discussed with reference to the Intergenerational Report. Current health workforce issues such as adequacy of the workforce, ageing of the workforce, the distribution of the workforce, professional registration, and special needs communities will be addressed. Approaches to planning for an adequate workforce and modelling the future of the health workforce will be examined including practical examples.
Australia's Health Workforce, Productivity Commisssion Research Report, 2005 Available at:
PUBH5414 Public Health Advocacy

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Simon Chapman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2day workshop Assessment: 1x letter to the editor of a newspaper (10%) and 1x 2000 word assignment (90%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to familiarise students with the strategies of public health advocacy and to provide skills in content and discourse analysis of media coverage of health and medical issues. This unit covers the role of media advocacy in advancing public health policy; framing public health issues; news gathering, reporting and editing; strategies for media advocacy; political lobbying in public health advocacy. Teaching and learning activities include interactive lectures, case studies and small group work. Students will be expected to prepare for the sessions. Requirements will be distributed prior to the first day.
(recommended only)
PUBH5415 Injury Prevention

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Rebecca Ivers Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2day workshop Assessment: 1 x 2000 word essay (90%) and participation in small group work during the workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to provide students with a clear understanding of the magnitude of the injury burden, both in higher and lower income countries, and the strategies that are required to address this burden. This unit will cover: injury definitions, measurement and surveillance; risk factor identification; intervention strategies and their evaluation; advocacy; cause-specific injury topics. During the 2 day workshop, guest speakers will outline issues relevant to the general injury prevention field and students will participate in interactive small group work which will focus on issues relevant to cause-specific injuries, in collaboration with guest contributors.
Students will be provided with a course manual. Recommended text: McClure R, Stevenson M, McEvoy S. The Scientific Basis of Injury Prevention and Control. Melbourne: IP Communications, 2004.
PUBH5416 Vaccines in Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Rob Menzies, Professor Peter McIntyre Session: Semester 2 Classes: Preparatory online lectures and 1x 2day workshop Assessment: 2x short online quizzes (10%) plus 1x 2000 word assignment (90%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students may be required to request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. In this situation, the coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of immunisation principles, the impact of vaccination on the epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs), how to assess the need for new vaccines and how to implement and monitor a new vaccination program. This unit covers the history and impact of vaccination; basic immunological principles of immunisation; surveillance of diseases, vaccination coverage, vaccine effectiveness and adverse events; risk communication; assessing disease burden and new vaccines. Learning activities include short online preparatory lectures and a workshop with interactive lectures and small group case studies (please bring a calculator).
PUBH5417 Injury Epidemiology Prevention & Control

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Rebecca Ivers Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online lectures and moderated discussions over 13 weeks (workload 6-8hr/week) Assessment: 1x 4000 word assignment (60%) and participation in two moderated online discussions (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This one-semester online unit teaches students about the principles of injury epidemiology, prevention and control. It provides a basis for the assessment and investigation of injury issues and the development, implementation and evaluation of injury prevention programs. The unit will cover: injury measurement and classification (descriptive methods); risk factor identification (analytic methods); evidence-based interventions for injury prevention; priority setting in injury control; injury prevention policy; strategies in injury control; implementing strategies in injury control; program evaluation in injury prevention; injury and Indigenous Australians and an international perspective on injury. During this unit, students will: gain an understanding of the epidemiology of injury, including the burden of injury, injury surveillance, methods for estimating the frequency and severity of injury, and methods for identifying risk factors; gain an understanding of the theories underpinning injury prevention and illustrate their application; develop an appreciation of the process of priority setting in injury, the design and implementation of injury prevention interventions, and the principles and conduct of evaluations.
Lecture notes, case studies and journal articles will be provided online from a password-protected site. Recommended text:. McClure R, Stevenson M, McEvoy S. The Scientific Basis of Injury Prevention and Control. Melbourne: IP Communications, 2004.
PUBH5418 Tobacco Control in the 21st Century

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Simon Chapman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x3day workshop of lectures and problem-focused discussions, followed by 4 weeks of problem-based online discussions Assessment: 2x2000 word essays (60%), 1x100 item online quiz (10%) and online discussion and participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
The unit consists of learning topics, each of which is supported by extensive Web based resources, and 4 moderated online discussion forums, each focusing on a problem related to tobacco use and control. Lecture topics include: history of tobacco use and control; the burden of illness from tobacco use; secondhand smoke: the research evidence; measuring tobacco use, uptake and cessation in communities; international trends in tobacco consumption; the tobacco industry; the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and new forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. Problem focused discussion forums include: Harm reduction and tobacco control, regulation of tobacco, improving and implementing pack warnings; promoting smoking cessation, prevention of uptake (youth programs); denormalisation of the tobacco industry; controlling advertising; and controlling exposure to tobacco smoke, making news on tobacco and influencing political policy on tobacco.
(recommended only)
PUBH5419 Falls Prevention in Older People

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Soufiane Boufous and Dr Cathie Sherrington Session: Semester 2 Classes: 6-8 hours of online lectures and tutorials per week for 13 weeks Assessment: 1x 2000 word written assignment (60%) and participation in four moderated online discussions (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This fully online unit aims to teach students about the principles of falls prevention and falls injury prevention in the older person, with a focus on the application of these principles in the field. This unit will cover: risk factors of falls; the burden and economic implications of falls in the older person; the development and implementation of fall prevention programs; and the principles of program evaluation. Students will discuss the research methods surrounding the impact of falls, research design and the risk of falls, and will look at the development of falls prevention programs using case studies.
Lecture notes, case studies and journal articles will be provided online from a password-protected site. Recommended text: Lord SR, Sherrington C, Menz, H, Close J (2007). Falls in Older People:Risk factors and Strategies for Prevention. Cambridge University Press (2nd edition).
PUBH5500 Introducing Qualitative Health Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Stacy Carter Session: Semester 1a Classes: Block mode (2 x 3 days) Assessment: 2x 2000wd assignments (2x40%) plus 2x 500wd reflections on workshops (2x10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit overviews qualitative inquiry. It is perfect if you're a beginner or unsure about the basics of qualitative research. Workshop One answers these questions: What is qualitative research? How is it different from quantitative research? What is its history? What research questions can it answer? How can I search for it? How do I design a qualitative study? You will learn about qualitative data collection: interviewing, focus groups and observing. Workshop Two answers these questions: What is the place of qualitative research in health and medicine? Is methodology different to method? What are ontology and epistemology? What is reflexivity (and aren't qualitative researchers biased)? How are methodologies and theories used in qualitative research? How is qualitative research synthesised and evaluated? Can I generalise qualitative findings? You will analyse qualitative data two ways in class (for concepts and for social processes), and briefly explore the qualitative data management software NVivo. In both workshops you will meet working qualitative researchers and hear about their projects. This Unit will show you a new way of thinking critically about research and researching. By the end of the Unit you will be ready to begin evaluating and doing qualitative research for yourself.
PUBH5906 Dissertation A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prerequisites: A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework. Assessment: Research treatise Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The treatise gives you an opportunity to produce a written piece of research work that is supervised by an academic member of staff. The aim is for you to apply the knowledge and skills developed in your coursework to a particular topic or problem in public health. You will produce a scholarly piece of written work that is suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. As a general guide, the treatise would be completed in three months (or six months part time). Your supervisor will help you select a topic and define the research questions so that you can complete the treatise in this time.
PUBH5907 Dissertation B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prerequisites: A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework. Assessment: Research treatise Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The treatise gives you an opportunity to produce a written piece of research work that is supervised by an academic member of staff. The aim is for you to apply the knowledge and skills developed in your coursework to a particular topic or problem in public health. You will produce a scholarly piece of written work that is suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. As a general guide, the treatise would be completed in three months (or six months part time). Your supervisor will help you select a topic and define the research questions so that you can complete the treatise in this time.
PUBH5908 Dissertation C

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prerequisites: A candidate must have obtained a minimum weighted average mark of 70% in at least 24 credit points of coursework and obtained approval from the course-coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. Enrolment must be done through the Faculty or School office. The minimum weighted average mark of 70% must be maintained for the entire 48 credit points of coursework. Assessment: Research treatise Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The treatise gives you an opportunity to produce a written piece of research work that is supervised by an academic member of staff. The aim is for you to apply the knowledge and skills developed in your coursework to a particular topic or problem in public health. You will produce a scholarly piece of written work that is suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. As a general guide, the treatise would be completed in three months (or six months part time). Your supervisor will help you select a topic and define the research questions so that you can complete the treatise in this time.
SEXH5008 Sex and Society

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: Semester 2b Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online. AusAID students must enrol into the face-to-face version Assessment: written assignment (50%), online discussion (30%), online quiz (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit will explore the social, psychological and political determinants of sexuality, with particular reference to their potential impacts on public health. It is available in both online and face-to-face modes. Particular emphasis will be placed on the impact of culture, tradition, society, environment, life experiences, personal beliefs and health on sexual activity. Policy and legislative responses to sexual activity will be discussed, with regards to the consequences of sexual activity and methods for determining the effectiveness of such responses.Course content will include population studies on sexual behaviour; historical perspectives; variants of sexuality (including adolescence, prisoners, multicultural aspects, the elderly, disability, homosexuality and transgender issues); sexual dysfunction and counselling; commercial sex work; sex education; sexual assault, health promotion and ethical and legal aspects.
SEXH5101 Public Health Aspects of STDs

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: S2 Intensive,Semester 2a Classes: Semester 2a: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online; Semester 2a Intensive: compulsory attendance at a teaching day in week 4 and attendance at 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, taken face-to-face for 4 weeks Assessment: written assignment and online quizzes. Assessment: written assignment (50%) and online quizzes (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit aims to provide a public health perspective of the community impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is available in both online and face to face modes. At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the underlying principles of the surveillance systems used to monitor STIs; the core risk activity groups involved in the transmission of STIs; how the epidemiologies of STIs vary within and between societies; the public health impacts of STIs; and effective preventative strategies at individual and community levels. Course content will include an introduction to the basic biology of STIs; epidemiology and surveillance methods; STI service delivery considerations; STI/HIV interactions, travellers' sexual health; health promotion for STIs; policy approaches and ethical & legal issues.
SEXH5102 Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: Semester 2b Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online. AusAID students must enrol in the face-to-face version. Assessment: written assignment (50%) and online quizzes (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit aims to provide a public health perspective of the impact of HIV infection. It is available in both online and face to face modes. At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the underlying principles of the surveillance systems used to monitor HIV infection; the core risk activity groups involved in the transmission of HIV; how the epidemiology of HIV infection varies within and between societies; the public health impacts of HIV infection; and effective prevention strategies. Course content will include an introduction to the basic science of HIV infection; epidemiology and surveillance; sexual blood borne and mother to child transmission; STI/HIV interactions; other methods of transmission; health promotion for HIV; government perspectives and ethical and legal issues.
SEXH5205 Advanced Adolescent Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Melissa Kang Session: Semester 2 Classes: fully online Prohibitions: SEXH5204 Assessment: continuous assessment including participation in group discussion, short answer questions, 1000 word assignments plus 2500 word essay or field report. Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit aims to introduce the constructs of adolescent sexuality, explore the determinants of adolescent sexual health and to discuss the personal and public health implications of adolescent sexuality, with additional emphasis on a deeper exploration of an area of adolescent sexual health that is of particular interest to the student.
At the end of this unit of study, students will be able to describe the biological, developmental and socio-cultural contexts of adolescent sexual health as well as the constructs, challenges and diversities of adolescent sexuality. They will learn techniques used to optimize communication with adolescents and explore legal, ethical and public health implications of adolescent sexuality. They will also understand and describe one area of adolescent sexual health that the student chooses to study in depth from a list of suggestions.
The course is taught fully online using a range of assessments including group discussion, short answer questions and discussions based on case scenarios. It is divided into 6 modules: adolescent sexuality, adolescent sexual health, reproductive health issues in adolescence, diversity, legal and ethical issues and sexual health promotion.