University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Surgery (by research)

(MS) KC000

Course Duration full-time Duration part-time
MS minimum of 2 years maximum of 4 years

The Master of Surgery (MS) by research is aimed at those who intend to pursue careers in surgical research. The major research areas include: melanoma, neurosurgery, rheumatology and orthopaedic surgery, urology and vascular surgery.

MS students are not normally required to attend classes or undertake coursework units of study, with the thesis being the only or major examinable assessment requirement for the degree.

Degree Resolutions

Sydney Medical School resolutions and the printed handbook are the official statement of Faculty policy. The resolutions contained in the printed handbook are accurate as at November 2010. If a conflict is perceived between the content of the printed handbook and information available elsewhere, Sydney Medical School resolutions and the information available in the handbook online shall always take precedence. See the handbook online website:
See the Policy Online website:, for copies of University policies.


Master of Surgery (by research)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to), the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended)and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Master of Surgery

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time as approved by the Faculty.

3 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to the Master of Surgery by research requires:
a Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; and
a traineeship with the relevant surgical training program of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons or equivalent; or
a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or
is able to pass a clinical examination in surgery as determined by the Faculty.
Admission to candidature will be conditional upon the appointment of an appropriate supervisor and associate supervisor.

4 Requirements for award

To qualify for the degree of Master of Surgery by research candidates must:
complete such units of study, if any, as may be prescribed by the Head of the Discipline of Surgery;
carry out supervised research on a topic approved by the Faculty on the recommendation of the Head of the Discipline of Surgery;
write a thesis, that passes examination, embodying the results of the approved research which shall be a substantially original contribution and must be a significant contribution of distinguished merit adding to the knowledge and understanding of the subject concerned;
lodge with the Faculty four copies of this thesis, typewritten and bound in accordance with University requirements; and
submit to the Faculty, with the thesis, a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.

5 Attendance

Candidates, with Faculty approval, may pursue research or related study within industrial laboratories or research institutions or other institutions considered by the Faculty to provide adequate facilities and appropriate supervision for that candidature.
Candidates must complete a minimum of one semester of candidature within the University before submission of the thesis.

6 Probation

A candidate of the Master of Surgery by research will be accepted by the Faculty on a probationary basis for a period one year and prior to completion of this probationary period the Faculty shall review the candidate's work and shall either confirm the candidate's status or terminate the candidature.
In the case of a candidate accepted on a probationary basis, the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of such acceptance.

7 Satisfactory progress

At the end of each year the candidate shall provide evidence of progress and attend a progress review interview to the satisfaction of the supervisor, head of discipline concerned, any postgraduate review committee and the Faculty.
On the basis of evidence provided, the head of discipline or the Faculty shall recommend the conditions of candidature to apply for the following year and may require the candidate to provide further evidence of progress at the end of one semester or such other period as the head of discipline or the Faculty considers appropriate.
If a candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the head of discipline concerned considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress, the Faculty may request the candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree.
At any time the Faculty may, on the recommendation of the Head of the Discipline of Surgery, call upon the candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree.
Where a candidate has been asked to show cause and in the opinion of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause, the Faculty may terminate the candidature.

8 Preparation and submission of thesis

The thesis or any component(s) of the thesis shall not already have been presented for any degree, however such component(s) may be included within the thesis where details of the previous presentation are provided.
A candidate may also submit in support of the candidature any publication of which the candidate is the sole or joint author. In such a case the candidate must produce evidence to identify satisfactorily the sections of the work for which the candidate is responsible.
The thesis shall be a record of original research undertaken by the candidate, who shall state the sources from which the information was derived, the extent to which use has been made of the work of others and the portion of the work claimed as original.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by the candidate that the thesis is composed by the candidate.
The thesis shall be written in English.
Prepare four copies of the thesis and lodge with the Faculty, typewritten and bound according to the Academic Board resolutions for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Form of the Thesis, points 1 - 4.

9 Examination of thesis

The examination of a thesis for the degree of Master of Surgery, by research, shall follow closely the examination process as stipulated by the Academic Board resolutions for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the Examination Process, (with any reference to the PhD Award Subcommittee being substituted by the Faculty), except that the Head of the Discipline of Surgery shall appoint examiners for the thesis, of whom at least one shall be external to the University.

10 Time limits

A full time student must submit a thesis for examination not earlier than 2 calendar years from first enrolment and not later than 3 calendar years from first enrolment.
A part time student must submit a thesis for examination not earlier than 3 calendar years from first enrolment and not later than 4 calendar years from first enrolment.

11 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who formally elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.