University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Graduate Certificate in Bioethics

(GradCertBEth) LG019

Graduate Diploma in Bioethics

(GradDipBEth) LF037

Master of Bioethics

(MBEth) LC047

(Students apply through the Faculty of Science)

Course Credit points for award Duration
GradCertBEth 24 0.5 to 2.5 years
GradDipBEth 36 1 to 4 years
MBEth 48 1 to 5 years

These courses are designed to meet the widely recognised growing need for ethics education for scientists, researchers, and professionals working in medicine, nursing, public health, health law, health policy/administration, public policy, and science communication. They will also be attractive to students with general interests in relationships between science and society or relevant social science disciplines.

Particular units of study – such as Critical Concepts in Bioethics (BETH5000), Human and Animal Research Ethics (BETH5202), Ethics and Biotechnology (BETH5201), and Ethics and Public Health (BETH5203) €’ offered through the postgraduate program in Bioethics will be popular with postgraduate students pursuing degrees in other fields such as medical humanities, law, biology, health sciences, biomedical sciences, public health, and/or any disciplines involving human or animal experimentation.

The discipline of bioethics is concerned with ethical questions arising in contexts of biological and medical science. Social concern about such issues has grown with advances in biomedical technology, as illustrated by contemporary debate over reproductive technologies, genetic engineering, cloning, and stem cell research. Traditional topics in bioethics include abortion, euthanasia, relationships between health care providers and patients, research involving humans and animals, and justice in the distribution of medical resources. Emerging topics include ethical issues related to global public health.

Falling at the intersections of ethics, policy, and biomedical science, bioethics is an inherently interdisciplinary field. The University of Sydney's postgraduate program in Bioethics uniquely addresses this interdisciplinarity head-on.

In addition to the core unit of study (BETH5101), which provides interdisciplinary grounding in ethical philosophy, our capstone unit (BETH5000) provides a broad and critical survey of the fields of bioethics. Our foundational units are philosophy of science/medicine (BETH5102), interdisciplinary approaches to the study of medicine and society (BETH5103), and bioethics law (BETH5104).

Specialisation in areas of particular interest is provided via elective units with focus on biotechnology (BETH5201), research ethics (BETH5202), public health (BETH5203), clinical ethics (BETH5204) and mental health (BETH5205). All of these units of study include historical components.

The Master of Bioethics degree can be completed in one year by full-time students or over two years by part-time students. Further details on duration of study are provided below.

Course Outcomes

The University of Sydney postgraduate Bioethics degree courses provide breadth and depth of coverage of both traditional and alternative/emerging issues in, and approaches to, bioethics.

Our students will gain advanced understanding of the bearing of ethical philosophy, epistemology, law, sociology, linguistics, and history on issues in bioethics. They will develop interdisciplinary appreciation of relationships between values, science, and society. They will become familiar with both the historical and philosophical bases of local and international legislation and regulatory guidelines regarding the ethics of health care and research.

They will develop, and be able to defend, their own reasoned judgements about how ethical issues arising in health care, research, and public policy contexts should be resolved; and they will be able to recognise novel, or previously unappreciated, ethical issues arising in the professional workplace or in social policy contexts.

Our degrees contribute to the professional development of those working in health care and they offer the skills and knowledge base necessary for critical analysis in health policy making or in relevant areas of social science disciplines.

All of our degrees contribute to development of general skills in research, reading, writing, and oral expression. Expertise will vary with level of degree completed.

The program has been designed to enable progression from Graduate Certificate to Graduate Diploma, and Master’s.

Degree Resolutions

Sydney Medical School resolutions and the printed handbook are the official statement of Faculty policy. The resolutions contained in the printed handbook are accurate as at November 2010. If a conflict is perceived between the content of the printed handbook and information available elsewhere, Sydney Medical School resolutions and the information available in the handbook online shall always take precedence. See the handbook online website:
See the Policy Online website:, for copies of University policies.


Graduate Certificate in Bioethics

Graduate Diploma in Bioethics

Master of Bioethics

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Certificate in Bioethics


Graduate Diploma in Bioethics


Master of Bioethics

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
Graduate Certificate in Bioethics
Graduate Diploma in Bioethics
Master of Bioethics
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any course in this sequence. Only the highest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

With approval from the Dean available places will be offered to qualified applicants according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Bioethics requires a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification in the field of Science, Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Philosophy/Ethics, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Law or other relevant field.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Bioethics requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification in the field of Science, Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Philosophy/Ethics, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Law or other relevant field; or
completion of the requirements of an embedded graduate certificate or equivalent qualification.
Admission to the Master of Bioethics requires:
a bachelor's degree with a credit average from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification in the field of Science, Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Philosophy/Ethics, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Law or other relevant field; or
completion of the requirements of an embedded graduate diploma or equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in tables for Bioethics postgraduate courses. With the approval of the Dean and the program coordinator, candidates for the graduate diploma or master's degree with special aims or interests may be allowed to substitute up to 12 credit points with relevant postgraduate units (eg. history, medical humanities or law) from outside the table.
Candidates for the Graduate Certificate of Bioethics are required to complete 24 credit points including:
6 credit points from core units of study; and
12 credit points from foundational units of study.
6 credit points from elective or foundational units of study.
Candidates for the Graduate Diploma of Bioethics are required to complete 36 credit points including:
6 credit points from core units of study; and
12 credit points from foundational units of study; and
18 credit points from foundational or elective units of study.
Candidates for the Master of Bioethics coursework pathway are required to complete 48 credit points including:
12 credit points from core units of study; and
18 credit points from foundational units of study; and
18 credit points from elective units of study.
Subject to the availability of supervision and suitable projects, candidates with a credit average in 24 credit points of study from the degree may be admitted to the research pathway.
Candidates for the Master of Bioethics research pathway are required to complete 48 credit points including:
24 credit points from core units of study; and
18 credit points from foundational units of study; and
6 credit point elective unit of study.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to persons who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.

Table of Units of Study: Bioethics

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Core Units

Students in the graduate certificate or in the graduate diploma must complete BETH5101 Introduction to Ethical reasoning.
Students in the master's degree must complete all core units.
Core Concepts in Bioethics
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 2
Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 1


Students in the graduate certificate must choose two foundational units of study.
Students in the graduate diploma must choose two foundational units of study AND choose an additional three units from foundational or elective units of study.
Students in the master's degree must complete all three foundational units of study and choose an additional three elective units of study.
Philosophy of Medicine
6    A A three-year degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field - or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 1
Biomedicine and Society
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 2
Bioethics, Law and Society
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission
Semester 1


Students in the graduate certificate must choose one elective unit of study.
Students in the graduate diploma must choose three foundational or elective units of study (in addition to two foundational units of study).
Students in the master's degree must choose three elective units of study.
Ethics and Biotech: Genes and Stem Cells
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 1
Human and Animal Research Ethics
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 2
Ethics and Public Health
6    A A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 2
Clinical Ethics
6    A Honours or equivalent degree, or other appropriate terminal undergraduate degree (such as a three-year nursing degree) in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field-or by special permission.

A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
Semester 1
Ethics and Mental Health
6      Semester 2
Further enquiries

Mr Christopher Mayes
Phone: +61 2 9036 3428
Fax: +61 2 9036 3436


Units of Study descriptions for 2011

BETH5000 Core Concepts in Bioethics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 13 x 2 hr seminars Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 1x750 wd review (15%) and 1x1500wd essay (35%) and 1x200-2500 wd essay (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit of study provides a broad overview of the primary issues in, and theoretical approaches to, bioethics. Following an introduction to the history of bioethics and review of the major theoretical approaches to applied ethics, central debates in bioethics surrounding doctor-patient relationships, informed consent, privacy/confidentiality, research ethics, abortion, euthanasia, genetics, cloning, stem cell research, justice and distribution of health care resources, etc., are examined. In addition to classical cases and traditional theoretical perspectives, emerging topics and alternative perspectives are explored. The unit concludes with the topic of global public health and socio-political critique(s) of the discipline of bioethics itself. Learning activities will include seminars, small group sessions, and project work.
BETH5101 Introduction to Ethical Reasoning

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 13 x 2hr seminars Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 1 x 2000wd essay (35%); 1x 4000wd essay (55%); participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit prepares students for advanced analysis of issues in bioethics by laying foundations in both critical thinking and ethical theory. Following an introduction to the construction and assessment of arguments, central issues of debate in meta-ethics, normative ethics, and political philosophy are examined. Major traditional (historical, consequential, deontological, contractarian/egalitarian, and communitarian) theoretical frameworks as well as postmodern/continental perspectives are introduced and critically evaluated. The unit concludes with an introduction to applied and professional ethics. It is recommended, but not required, that BETH5101 is taken during students' first semester in the program.
BETH5102 Philosophy of Medicine

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 13 x 2hr seminars Assumed knowledge: A three-year degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field - or by special permission. Assessment: 1x exercise 1200wds (30%); 1 x essay 3000-4000wds (60%); Participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit of study introduces students to the broader philosophical issues and epistemological structures that underlie medicine and the biomedical sciences. The unit will begin by introducing students to the philosophy of science and medicine, epistemology and the concepts of health, illness and disease. The second part of the unit will review debates regarding disease causation and the social construction of disease. Students will then consider issues relating to the generation and use of knowledge and evidence, and the differences between conventional and alternative/non-Western approaches to illness and healing. The final part of the unit will focus on diagnosis, nosology and classification of disease, with particular reference to mental illness.
BETH5103 Biomedicine and Society

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 13 x 2hr seminars Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 1 x exercise 1200 wds (30%); 1 x 3000-4000 wd essay (60%); Participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
How does biomedicine both influence and reflect the broader society of which it is a part? This unit of study addresses this general question by examining a series of ethical and social issues relating to sex and drugs. The issues relate to gender, reproduction and sexual behaviour, and some of the drugs that have played a key role in the medicalisation of human experience in these domains. The course readings explore the issues from a range of different perspectives (i.e. history, sociology, politics, health policy, philosophy, religion, feminism, public health, and personal experience) with the aim of broadening the scope of bioethical inquiry. Each topic introduces specific concepts which students are encouraged to apply. Students are also encouraged to draw on their own disciplinary and/or professional background. Seminars, on-line discussions and coursework will provide opportunities to learn from other students, and apply learning from other units of study.
BETH5104 Bioethics, Law and Society

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 x 8hr intensives Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission Assessment: 1 x Problem 1500 wds (40%); 1 x 2000wd essay (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The unit of study will begin by introducing students to interrelationships between health care, ethics and the law. In particular students will explore the moral basis of law and the means by which law influences moral norms, clinical practice and health policy. Students will be shown how to critically read and analyse primary sources of law relevant to bioethics. Students will then examine a number of areas of law that have particular significance for bioethics and society including the law of tort (consent and standards of care), contract (confidentiality), criminal law (euthanasia and abortion), public health law, administrative law and law reform.
BETH5201 Ethics and Biotech: Genes and Stem Cells

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 6 x 2hr seminars 1 x 8 hr intensive Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 3 Tutorial assessments - 400 wds each (3x 10%); 1 x 1200-1500 wd essay (30%); 1 x 2200 - 2500 wd essay (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit introduces students to the broader social/political, ethical/philosophical and legal/regulatory issues that underlie genetics, stem cell research and the emerging biotechnologies. The unit will provide a brief overview of the relevant science before considering scientific, cultural and religious understandings of life and human identity. The second part of the unit will review the political, regulatory and commercial context of biotechnology and the control of information. Students will then review the history of genetics and eugenics and the ethical issues that arise in clinical and population genetics, stem cell research and cloning. The final part of the unit will explore the boundaries of research and knowledge and the issues raised by emerging biotechnologies, such as nanotechnology and proteomics. Learning activities will include an intensive seminar program, small group sessions and reading. Students will be able to concentrate on stem cell research, clinical or molecular genetics or other biotechnologies according to their clinical and scientific interests and experience.
BETH5202 Human and Animal Research Ethics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 x 8 hr intensive Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: Continuous assessment (20%); Briefing paper (30%); Position Paper (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit introduces students to research ethics in its social context. Students will first analyse the philosophical underpinnings of the research endeavour, including the justifications for engaging in research, research priorities and research integrity. The unit will then review the history of research and research abuses, the evolution of research ethics and the regulation of research in Australia. The second part of the unit will focus on issues arising in the conduct of research including; the protection of research subjects (both human and animal), consent, confidentiality and risk/benefit analysis.
BETH5203 Ethics and Public Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 x 8hr Intensives Assumed knowledge: A three-year undergraduate degree in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field, or by special permission. Assessment: 10 x Online tasks 250-400wds (20%); 1 x 1000 wd essay (30%); 1 x 2500 wd essay (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit will provide students with an overview of the broader philosophical, ethical, sociopolitical and cultural issues that underlie public health and public health research. Students will first review the history of public health and examine the values that underpin health promotion and disease prevention. The second part of the unit will critique the place of facts and values in public health and the construction and use of information, with particular reference to evidence-based-medicine. The third part of the unit will examine the cultural, moral and social context of public health including the social determinants of health, the construction of health services, the determination of research priorities and issues relating to human rights and global health. Learning activities will include 2-hour weekly seminars and readings. Assessment tasks will consist of essays and a presentation/project.
BETH5204 Clinical Ethics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 x 8hr Intensives Assumed knowledge: Honours or equivalent degree, or other appropriate terminal undergraduate degree (such as a three-year nursing degree) in science, medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, philosophy/ethics, sociology/anthropology, history, or other relevant field-or by special permission. Assessment: 1 x 1500 wd case study ((30%); 1 x 3000 wd essay (50%); 10 x online tasks 25-400 wd (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: A limited number of students may be granted permission to take this unit during their honours year.
This unit will provide students with an overview of the broader philosophical, ethical, sociopolitical, and cultural issues that underlie the delivery of healthcare. Students will first explore major conceptual models for ethical reasoning in the clinical context; the design and delivery of clinical ethics consultation; and issues relating to the role of the professions. The second part of the unit will examine the foundations of clinical practice, including consent, competence, veracity, confidentiality, and decision-making. The third part of the unit will consider specific issues and populations within clinical practice, such as the care of vulnerable populations, mental health, and chronic illness. The next part of the unit will focus on skills associated with clinical ethics including analytic and mediation skills. The unit will conclude with reflections on current debates in the Australian healthcare context, particularly issues associated with healthcare rationing. Learning activities will include lectures (in an intensive format), facilitated discussion, case study presentations, and readings. Assessment tasks will consist of essays, a portfolio/journal, and a presentation/project.
BETH5205 Ethics and Mental Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 x 8hr Intensives Assessment: 1 x 1000 - 1500 wd essay (25%); 1 x 2200 - 2500 wd essay (50%); On line learning participation (15%); Attendance (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Mental health and mental illness are unique in the field of health care and bioethics. The very nature of psychiatric disorder and its relationship with prevailing social and cultural factors, in addition to the unique status of the mental health patient, necessitate a specific discourse in biomedical ethics in the area of mental health. This course will provide participants with a broad perspective of issues in bioethics applied to mental health and mental illness. Students will examine the history of the psychiatric profession and consider the adequacy of current safeguards against the abuses of power seen in the history of the profession of psychiatry. Other areas considered in the course include the current ethical dilemmas in mental health care, the implications of technological advances in the neurosciences, the philosophical basis of the concept of mental disorder, the relationship between power and the psychiatric profession and the complex relationship between morality, mental health and the law. The course aspires to inform future decision makers in health, public policy, clinical settings and academia in the unique aspects of biomedical ethics in the field of mental health.