University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Health Communication

Graduate Certificate in Health Communication

(GradCertHC) DG036

Graduate Diploma in Health Communication

(GradDipHC) DF040

Master of Health Communication

(MHC) DC064

(Students apply through the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)

Course Credit
points for award
Duration full-time Duration part-time
GradCertHC 24
0.5 year 1 to 2 years
GradDipHC 36
1 year 1.5 to 3 years
MHC 48
1 Year 2 to 4 years

Health Communication programs combine the media expertise of the Department of Media and Communications and the public health resources of the Sydney School of Public Health to provide the most comprehensive and specialised courses in health communication in Australia.

Health communicators are one of the largest industry workforces in public relations and media. These postgraduate degrees are designed to meet the needs of those working in, or wishing to work in this growing specialty. It provides both media skills for professional communicators in health and medicine working in public affairs, public relations, community relations and journalism as well as a solid, evidence-based education in public health issues.

Course Outcomes

The course will equip students with knowledge, understanding and expertise across media and health disciplines, incorporating a cross-disciplinary, collaborative approach to media production, media relations, organisational communication, and health promotion. Units of study provide training in campaign development, advocacy, humanitarian and emergency health issues, bioethics, and an understanding of health cultures, policy and systems.

The elective internship unit open to Masters students, offers the opportunity to gain valuable work experience prior to graduation.

Degree Resolutions

Sydney Medical School resolutions and the printed handbook are the official statement of Faculty policy. The resolutions contained in the printed handbook are accurate as at November 2010. If a conflict is perceived between the content of the printed handbook and information available elsewhere, Sydney Medical School resolutions and the information available in the handbook online shall always take precedence. See the handbook online website:
See the Policy Online website:, for copies of University policies.


Graduate Certificate in Health Communication

Graduate Diploma in Health Communication

Master of Health Communication

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
DG036 Graduate Certificate in Health Communication
DF040 Graduate Diploma in Health Communication
DC064 Master of Health Communication

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication
the Graduate Diploma in Health Communication
the Master of Health Communication
A candidate for the graduate certificate or graduate diploma may apply to progress to a longer course in this sequence, providing the candidate meets the admission requirements for that course. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria. In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications but whose evidence of experience and achievement is deemed by the Dean to be equivalent.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney with a minimum credit (65%) average, including a major in a relevant subject area in the humanities, social sciences or public health, or an equivalent qualification; or
evidence of a minimum of five years' recent professional experience in a relevant field.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Diploma in Health Communication requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney with a minimum credit (65%) average, including a major in a relevant subject area in the humanities, social sciences or public health, or an equivalent qualification; or
completion of the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication with a minimum credit (65%) average, or an equivalent qualification.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Health Communication requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney with a minimum credit (65%) average, including a major in a relevant subject area in the humanities, social sciences or public health, or an equivalent qualification; or
completion of the requirements for the Graduate Diploma in Health Communication with a minimum credit (65%) average, or an equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Postgraduate Table of Units of Study for the Health Communication subject area.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication a candidate must complete 24 credit points, including:
12 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points from elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Health Communication a candidate must complete 36 credit points, including:
18 credit points of core units of study; and
18 credit points from elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Communication a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
24 credit points of core units of study; and
24 credit points from elective units of study.

7 Cross-institutional Study

Cross-institutional study is not available in the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication.

8 Credit transfer policy

A maximum of one unit of study may be credited towards the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication and only if:
the study was completed prior to admission; and
the study was through the University's Summer or Winter School or Centre for Continuing Education; and
it is for a unit of study being offered to candidates for the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication.

9 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

10 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2011.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January 2011 will complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.

Table of Units of Study: Health Communication

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Core Units

Master candidates complete four core units of study; Graduate Diploma candidates complete three core units of study; Graduate Certificate student complete two core units of study.
News Writing
6    N MECO4101
Semester 1
Dealing with the Media
6      Semester 2
Organisational Communication
6      Semester 2
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
6      Semester 1

Elective Units

MECO6904, MECO6905and MECO6928 are available to Master of Health Communication candidates only. Some MIPH/PUBH units of study are offered partly online. A 2 credit point unit of study - must be taken with a 4 credit point unit. A 4 credit point unit of study - must be taken with a 2 credit point unit.
Legal & Ethical Issues in Media Practice
6      Semester 2
Dissertation Part 1
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Dissertation Part 2
6    P MECO6904

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Media and Communication Internship
6    P May be undertaken by Master candidates only, who have completed a minimum 2 core units of study.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Academic Communication for Postgraduates

It is strongly advised that all students enrolling in this elective complete it during their first semester of study, or in Summer or Winter school when available. ARTS7000 is recommended for two main groups: 1) International postgraduate students who have not completed their Bachelor award at a university where English was the medium of instruction. 2) Domestic postgraduates who have not been in an academic environment for a prolonged period of time.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Introduction to Health Policy
6      Semester 1
Economics and Finance for Health Policy
6      Semester 1
Analysing Health Policy
6      Semester 2
International Health Promotion
4      Semester 2
Global Communicable Disease Control

The unit does not include HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis because these are covered in the core unit MIPH5132 Disease Priorities and Social Methods.
Semester 2
Women's and Children's Health
4      Semester 2
Culture, Health, Illness and Medicine
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Departmental permission is required.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diseases of Modernisation
2      Semester 2a
Global Perspectives of HIV/AIDS
4      Semester 2
Health Issues & Humanitarian Emergencies
4      Semester 2b
Information Interventions in Conflict
6      Semester 2b
Applying Models of Health Behaviour
6      Semester 2
Cancer Prevention and Control
6    P PUBH5010
Semester 2
Special Project in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Special Project in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Environmental Health
4      Semester 2
International Health
4      Semester 2
Alcohol, Drug Use and Health
4    N PUBH5115
Semester 2
Genetics and Public Health
4      Semester 2b
Public Health Advocacy
2      Semester 2
Injury Prevention
2      Semester 2
Vaccines in Public Health
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students may be required to request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. In this situation, the coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
Semester 2
Tobacco Control in the 21st Century
6      Semester 2
Falls Prevention in Older People
4      Semester 2
Further enquires

Dr Fiona Giles
Phone: +61 2 9036 6272

Pattern of Enrolment

The following table provides examples for structuring programs of study directed towards specific interests or future employment. Students can design their own pathway in consultation with the prorgam coordinator.

Core units

News Writing
Dealing with the Media
Organisational Communication
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Elective units

Government Health Departments (state and federal)


Introduction to Health Policy
Economics and Finance for Health Policy
International Health
Media and Communication Internship
Consumer and Trade Media
International Health Promotion (4 credit points)
Tobacco Control in the 21st Century
Environmental Health (4 credit points)
Media and Communication Internship
Health Insurance Funds
Introduction to Health Policy
Economics and Finance for Health Policy
Alcohol, Drug Use and Health
Media and Communication Internship
Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)      
Cancer Prevention and Control
International Health (4 credit points)
Public Health Advocacy
Media and Communication Internship

Units of Study Descriptions for 2011

ARTS7000 Academic Communication for Postgraduates

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Louise Katz Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x1-hr lecture/week, 1x2-hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x700wd critical analysis exercise (20%), 1x300wd peer reviewing exercise (5%), 1x1500wd essay (30%), 1x seminar presentation (20%), 1x2500wd reflection journal (20%), participation and attendance (5%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: It is strongly advised that all students enrolling in this elective complete it during their first semester of study, or in Summer or Winter school when available. ARTS7000 is recommended for two main groups: 1) International postgraduate students who have not completed their Bachelor award at a university where English was the medium of instruction. 2) Domestic postgraduates who have not been in an academic environment for a prolonged period of time.
This unit of study is designed to support International students in developing an understanding of critical analysis and its use as an effective basis for argument. Students will be introduced to the critical and communication practices appropriate to postgraduate study in the humanities. They will develop key attributes in the areas of research and inquiry, ethical, social and professional understanding, and communication relevant to their academic studies and in preparation for their professional lives.
HPOL5000 Introduction to Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Professor Stephen Leeder Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online lectures and discussions Assessment: 1x1500word paper (25%), 1x3000word paper (50%), and online learning activities (25%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit aims to develop a critical and comparative grasp of the theory and practice of health policy and to give an overview of the political choices and frameworks that shape policymaking. The unit explores the main structures and institutions that make health policy. Students will debate the reform of policy frameworks, raising questions about equity, ethics and the role of socio-economic status over access to health care and priorities of the current system. Australian policy debates will be placed in their broader context by comparing different health systems and assessing global influences. Case studies will be used to examine the relationships between policy and practice.
HPOL5001 Economics and Finance for Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Associate Professor Christine Giles, Dr Stephen Jan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online discussion Assessment: 1x2500 word assignment (50%), 1x3000 word assignment (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit introduces the main concepts and analytical methods of health economics, political economy and finance to examine the workings of health systems in Australia and comparable countries. It looks at the main models of funding used in developed countries and their implications for the structure, planning and delivery of services. The first module focuses on the basic concepts and methodologies of health economics and political economy and their contribution to policy analysis. The second module places funding structures in a broader political and policy context. Topics include the debates over the public-private mix and governance and accountability - who makes decisions about funding priorities? To whom should decision makers be held accountable and for what aspects of their work?. How does health finance shape broader policy reform?
HPOL5003 Analysing Health Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr James Gillespie, Professor Stephen Leeder Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x2day workshops, online discussions Assessment: 1x2500 word assignment (50%), 1x3000 word assignment (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit develops skills for the effective critical appraisal of health policy, with an examination of the principles, and limitations, of evidence-based health policy and evaluation of the research that underpins policy proposals. It builds policy analysis and analytical skills by exploring policy design, implementation and evaluation using approaches drawn from public policy, political science and public administration to look at the role of politics and equity in health policy development and implementation. The workshops cover the use of epidemiological and social science literature in policy development.
Kent Buse, Nicholas Mays and Gillian Walt, Making health policy. Open University Press, 2006.
MECO6900 News Writing

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Antonio Castillo Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x2-hr seminar/week Prohibitions: MECO4101 Assessment: 1x500wd news pitch (20%), 1x500wd news story draft (20%), 1x1000wd news story final draft (25%), 1x2000wd news feature story (35%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This core unit introduces students to news writing skills required by print media, including the elements of journalistic style, the structure of news and feature articles, interviewing, researching, news gathering and editing skills. The unit of study focuses on journalistic news writing but will also be useful to anyone seeking to work in fields that require professional communication skills, such as public relations and communication management, or corporate roles that require strong writing ability.
MECO6900 Course Reader
MECO6901 Dealing with the Media

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Olaf Werder Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x1500-2000wd group campaign proposal (25%), 1x group campaign proposal presentation to client (10%), 1x1000-1500wd campaign implementation/media kit (30%), 1x2000-2500wd campaign evaluation (25%), participation and attendance (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Dealing with the Media combines theoretical and practical perspectives on public communication campaigns. It offers students the opportunity to design, implement and evaluate a communication campaign of public interest and to pitch it to specific media. It examines the relationships that exist between all stakeholder groups in the public communication campaign process including client, public relations practitioner, journalist and citizen.
Stanton, R., 2007, Media Relations, Oxford University Press Melbourne
MECO6902 Legal & Ethical Issues in Media Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Dwyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x2500wd essay (40%), 1x1000wd presentation (20%), 1x1000wd online comment piece (30%), participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
MECO6902 will introduce students to key legal and ethical issues relevant to journalism and the professional fields of public communication. Students will be given an introductory survey of the main ethical theories in Western thought to establish a framework within which to examine specific ethical issues that relate to media. They will also be introduced to the structure of Australia's legal system and to those aspects of the law that impinge on the work of media professionals.
Recommended reading:
MECO6904 Dissertation Part 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Fiona Giles Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6x0.5-hr supervisor consultations/semester Assessment: research and writing toward a dissertation of 12000 words Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit requires students to commence the conduct of their own research projects under the supervision of a member of staff and write a dissertation of 12000 words (completed in the second semester of enrolment in MECO6905). In some cases these projects will give students the opportunity to extend lines of enquiry suggested by units of study already completed for the degree. In other cases, students may have an interest in an area not covered by the coursework programs offered during their candidature that can be developed as a supervised project.
MECO6905 Dissertation Part 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Fiona Giles Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6x0.5-hr supervisor consultations/semester Prerequisites: MECO6904 Assessment: completion of writing for a dissertation of 12000 words Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit requires completion of a dissertation of 12000 words, begun in the previous semester. Together with MECO6904, the unit allows students to conduct their own research projects under the supervision of a member of staff.
MECO6927 Organisational Communication

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Olaf Werder Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x2000wd equivalent quizzes (40%), 1x3000wd feature or documentary on an organisational communication issue (50%) and participation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces key concepts in organisational communication. Students will explore various structures of organisations and how those structures affect the flow of communication within workplaces. Upon the completion of the unit, students will develop their understanding of key concepts in organisational communication and apply them to analyse communication problems in organisations. Students will also be able to offer well-grounded criticism on selected organisational issues.
MECO6928 Media and Communication Internship

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Fiona Giles Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prerequisites: May be undertaken by Master candidates only, who have completed a minimum 2 core units of study. Assessment: Successful completion of a 20 day full-time internship including completion of 1x1500wd journal reflecting on the work experience (30%), submission of 1x2500wd research essay on a topic to be devised in consultation with the coordinator (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study offers Master of Health Communication candidates the opportunity to gain first-hand work experience in a health organisation. These organisations will include government departments, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, associations, colleges, consumer and trade media, health insurance funds, not-for-profit, non-government and community-based organisations and public relations consultancies. Whilst the coordinator will assist in finding placements, the student is primarily responsible for securing a work placement offer. Available to Master of Health Communication candidates only.
MIPH5014 International Health Promotion

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Philayrath Phongsavan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 13 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks Assessment: 1,500 words essay (30%), 2,500 words report (50%), tutorial presentation and attendance (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide students with an understanding of the principles, theory and methods that are employed in health promotion and prevention. The unit will give attention to the full spectrum of health promotion and prevention activities, from local level initiatives to the development of national policies to achieve health goals. It will have a strong practical and methodological focus, with the objective of enabling students to develop knowledge and skills for planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. This unit of study provides students with opportunities to look at theory and practice in health promotion and the major health promotion issues at national and international levels. Models and methods that are commonly used in health promotion and disease prevention will be described and discussed by using real life examples. Among the major issues examined are the health impact of economic development at the national and global levels, prevention and control of cigarette smoking, non-communicable and communicable diseases.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5112 Global Communicable Disease Control

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Cumming, Dr Giselle Manalo Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2 hr lecture per week for 13 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks plus 2x2 peer learning sessions through group presentations Assessment: 1x group presentation (20%), 1x2000 word written essay (60%), tutorial facilitation (10%) and peer evaluation (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: The unit does not include HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis because these are covered in the core unit MIPH5132 Disease Priorities and Social Methods.
This unit gives candidates an insight into prevention and control of communicable diseases in developing countries using country-specific examples presented by professionals with field experience. The unit covers the so-called Neglected Tropical Diseases (including soil-transmitted helminths, and leprosy), as well as some vector-bourne conditions (including yellow fever and dengue) and emerging infectious diseases such as pandemic influenza.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5115 Women's and Children's Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Heather Jeffery Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 10 weeks, 1x1hr tutorial per week for 9 weeks and 1 half day SCORPIO workshop. Assessment: 1x1500 word essay, problem based (50%), 1x15 minute presentation (25%), tutorial facilitation (10%), peer evaluation (5%), and active participation in SCORPIO workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students an overview of the health status of women and children in international settings. It also aims to examine causes of major health problems and possible approaches to improving the health of women and children in resource-poor countries. The unit covers a variety of issues in women's and children's health, including approaches to prevention of maternal and fetal, neonatal and child mortality, poverty, mother to child HIV transmission, women and violence, traditional practices and early marriage, family planning, diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia, vaccine preventable diseases.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5116 Culture, Health, Illness and Medicine

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Cynthia Hunter Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2 day workshop; 1 x 2hr seminar per week for 7 weeks Assessment: 1x3000word essay (75%) and 1x1hr class facilitation (25%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission is required.
This unit aims to provide an integrated and interpretive approach to an understanding of health-related behaviours of populations in international settings, by synthesizing anthropological knowledge and methodology, and the interactions of culture, biology, psychology and environment. The teaching process is by student-led, lecturer-guided, discussion based review and critical analysis of relevant topics. During the unit, students will explore a range of issues in international and multicultural health from an anthropological perspective. Methodological approaches will encompass ethnography and other anthropological data collection methods. The issues covered will include cultural influences on health, illness and healing, such as indigenous and traditional beliefs and systems, gender and cultural change and the impact of modernization and development on illness and healing. The impact examines disease and illness patterns - their distribution and persistence, mental illness and culture and attitudes towards the use of medications; and the provision of culturally sensitive and appropriate services. The emphasis will be on covering a range of topic areas relevant to the students enrolled, and those of particular importance in contemporary international and multicultural health contexts.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5117 Diseases of Modernisation

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Rohina Joshi, Professor Bob Cumming Session: Semester 2a Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 7 weeks Assessment: 1x2000word written assignment (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to provide candidates with an understanding of the causes and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in developing countries. These diseases are associated with social and economic development and the demographic and health transitions. Topics covered in the unit include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer; primary health care management of NCDs, health promotion for NCDs and approaches to NCD research in developing countries. Lectures are given by health professionals with direct experience of NCD control in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5118 Global Perspectives of HIV/AIDS

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Joel Negin Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture per week for 11 weeks; 1x1hr tutorial per week for 7 weeks; plus 1 day peer learning sessions through group presentations Assessment: 1xgroup presentation (20%), peer evaluation (10%), 1x2000 word individual assignment (60%), and tutorial (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit offers a detailed and evidence-based assessment of the global HIV situation to equip students with the latest understanding of HIV distribution and trends globally, its social and economic implications, the measures being taken to prevent and treat HIV andAIDS, the gaps that need to be addressed in HIV control, and the politics around global HIV issues. Examples from different parts of the world, particularly less developed settings, are used to illustrate analysis of the key issues influencing the HIV control agenda globally. Emphasis is placed on developing a critical and analytical approach to assessing the HIV situation and developing interventions for its control.
Unit notes supplied by School.
MIPH5124 Health Issues & Humanitarian Emergencies

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Bronwen Blake, Associate Professor Michael Dibley Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x4day workshop Assessment: Workshop activities (40%), 1x2500word written assignment (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit gives students an overview of public health aspects of humanitarian emergencies in developing country situations and the range of appropriate responses. This includes considering problems faced by government and non-government organisations in humanitarian emergency relief efforts. Topics covered in the unit include international and human rights law, the role of donor agencies, refugee health, nutritional emergencies, site planning for refugee camps, water and sanitation, sexual violence, protection of vulnerable groups, and communicable disease surveillance and control.
Unit notes supplied by School.
PACS6929 Information Interventions in Conflict

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Jake Lynch Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x2hr seminar/week Assessment: class participation (10%), 1x2000wd equivalent role play and simulation exercise (30%), 1x3000wd essay (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will focus on the theory and practical application of intervention in conflict and conflict-affected societies in the domains of information and communication. Different and, in some cases, competing theories will be critically reviewed, including 'modernisation' and the 'information society' model, along with the notion of a 'new world information and communication order'; the emerging field of Communication For Social Change; the 'dependencia' school and critical pedagogy as a means of training for information and communication actors in conflict.
PSYC5011 Applying Models of Health Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 one hour lecture and two hours of tutorials per week Assessment: Presentation of intervention, write up of intervention (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The student will be given the opportunity to develop an intervention based on social cognitions models. The process can be followed from start to finish allowing the individual to utilise knowledge and skills gained in other units of study. It is an intended outcome for students enrolled in the MApplSc (HealthPsych) that students can demonstrate an understanding of the key models and theories in Health Psychology which are seen by many to be the foundations of the subject area. The aim of this unit of study is to allow students to identify an area of Health Psychology where an intervention would be appropriate, review existing literature on the topic, formulate the intervention, and evaluate the intervention on a pilot level.
PUBH5019 Cancer Prevention and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Monica Robotin Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hr per week online lectures, discussion and other activities for 13 weeks Prerequisites: PUBH5010 Assessment: 2 assignments (65%), 5 online tutorials (35%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit aims to provide students with specific information on the concepts, methods and applications underpinning cancer prevention and control at population level. It is designed to address specific educational needs of students in various programs within the School of Public Health and to offer a broad-based perspective on cancer control, ranging from primary prevention, screening and early intervention, tertiary prevention and palliative care. Emphasis will be given to cancers with the greatest impact at population level and where evidence demonstrates that policies and interventions are capable of reducing cancer incidence, mortality, prolonging survival and improving quality of life. Although focusing on specific Australian conditions, the information will be presented in the context of regional cancer control efforts. At the completion of the unit, students will be equipped with the basic tools to design, plan, implement and evaluate cancer control programs in Australia or their own countries.
Readings will be available on the WebCT site for this unit.
PUBH5101 Special Project in Public Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: 1x 4000 word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to systematically complete a self-directed project in one of the main content areas of the course. Students should contact an academic staff member associated with the area of their project and negotiate the details of the project design and the method and frequency of contact with the supervisor during the project.
PUBH5102 Special Project in Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: 1x 2000 word written report (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students negotiate with a public health staff member to be their supervisor on an agreed project. The student or supervisor informs the Unit co-ordinator, who emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit permission to allow the student to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to systematically complete a self-directed project in one of the main content areas of the course. Students should contact an academic staff member associated with the area of their project and negotiate the details of the project design and the method and frequency of contact with the supervisor during the project.
PUBH5111 Environmental Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Geoff Morgan Session: Semester 2 Classes: Mixed mode of online lectures with some face-to-face/online case studies (13 sessions of 2 hours) Assessment: 1x written assignment (45%), 1x quiz (40%) and case study participation (15%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus or On-line
This unit aims to develop an understanding of environmental hazard identification and risk assessment and for students to understand the principles of hazard regulation and control. The unit will explore the major categories of environmental health hazards such as air quality; water & food quality; chemical hazards eg contaminated sites; physical hazards eg noise and radiation; and microbiological hazards eg Legionnaires' disease. It will use the disciplines of epidemiology, toxicology and ecology to characterise risks associated with these hazards and will explore various approaches to managing the risks. In studying this unit students will appreciate the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental health concerns and the need to work closely with external agencies. Regional and global issues of sustainability, climate change and land use planning will also be addressed.
Basic Environmental Health. Yassi, A et al. Oxford University Press, 2001; Environmental Health in Australia and New Zealand. Edited by Nancy Cromar, Scott Cameron and Howard Fallowfield, Oxford University Press, 2004.
PUBH5113 International Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Cumming, Associate Professor Mu Li Session: Semester 2 Classes: 9 x 2hr lectures per semester, 1 x 4 hr sessions of peer learning through group presentations Assessment: 1 group presentation (20%), peer evaluation (10%), 1 x 2500 word individual essay (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students an insight into the realities of prevention and control of diseases in developing country, based on real examples presented by a wide range of people with direct practical experience. The unit covers the major health problems in developing country, as well as the role of WHO, World Bank and NGOs.
Unit notes supplied by School
PUBH5114 Alcohol, Drug Use and Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Carolyn Day Session: Semester 2 Classes: 13 weeks of 1 x 2hr teaching sessions and associated online activities. The teaching sessions are a combination of face to face and online seminars. Students not able to attend face to face sessions can do the entire course online. Prohibitions: PUBH5115 Assessment: 2 x 1500 word assignments (60%), compulsory online discussion participation (30%); online quizzes (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus or On-line
This unit aims to assist students in developing an evidence-based understanding of the epidemiology of alcohol and drug use and its impact on health, and the effectiveness of methods for prevention and management of related problems. This fuller drug and alcohol elective covers all the content of PUBH5115 and goes on to assist the student to develop more advanced skills in research and in management of clinical services in relation to alcohol and drug use disorders, and to examine the needs of special populations.
Readings are available on the unit's WebCT site.
PUBH5116 Genetics and Public Health

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Bruce Armstrong Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1x 3 day workshop Assessment: 3x 30min online quiz (25%), small group assignment (35%) and take home exam of 6 questions (250 words each) (40%). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit caters for practitioners, policy and decision-makers, students and researchers in public health, public policy, journalism, law, epidemiology, medicine, science, industry, ethics, philosophy, communication and advocacy. It gives a basic introduction to genetics and genetic epidemiology and covers issues like genetic determinants of disease, genetic testing and screening, psychosocial, legal and ethical aspects of genetics and genetic testing, genetic education and genetics and public policy.
Readings are available on the unit's WebCT site.
PUBH5414 Public Health Advocacy

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Simon Chapman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2day workshop Assessment: 1x letter to the editor of a newspaper (10%) and 1x 2000 word assignment (90%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to familiarise students with the strategies of public health advocacy and to provide skills in content and discourse analysis of media coverage of health and medical issues. This unit covers the role of media advocacy in advancing public health policy; framing public health issues; news gathering, reporting and editing; strategies for media advocacy; political lobbying in public health advocacy. Teaching and learning activities include interactive lectures, case studies and small group work. Students will be expected to prepare for the sessions. Requirements will be distributed prior to the first day.
(recommended only)
PUBH5415 Injury Prevention

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Rebecca Ivers Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2day workshop Assessment: 1 x 2000 word essay (90%) and participation in small group work during the workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to provide students with a clear understanding of the magnitude of the injury burden, both in higher and lower income countries, and the strategies that are required to address this burden. This unit will cover: injury definitions, measurement and surveillance; risk factor identification; intervention strategies and their evaluation; advocacy; cause-specific injury topics. During the 2 day workshop, guest speakers will outline issues relevant to the general injury prevention field and students will participate in interactive small group work which will focus on issues relevant to cause-specific injuries, in collaboration with guest contributors.
Students will be provided with a course manual. Recommended text: McClure R, Stevenson M, McEvoy S. The Scientific Basis of Injury Prevention and Control. Melbourne: IP Communications, 2004.
PUBH5416 Vaccines in Public Health

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Rob Menzies, Professor Peter McIntyre Session: Semester 2 Classes: Preparatory online lectures and 1x 2day workshop Assessment: 2x short online quizzes (10%) plus 1x 2000 word assignment (90%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students may be required to request permission from the unit of study coordinator to enrol in this unit of study. In this situation, the coordinator emails the Postgraduate Student Administration Unit advice that the student has permission to enrol.
The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of immunisation principles, the impact of vaccination on the epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs), how to assess the need for new vaccines and how to implement and monitor a new vaccination program. This unit covers the history and impact of vaccination; basic immunological principles of immunisation; surveillance of diseases, vaccination coverage, vaccine effectiveness and adverse events; risk communication; assessing disease burden and new vaccines. Learning activities include short online preparatory lectures and a workshop with interactive lectures and small group case studies (please bring a calculator).
PUBH5418 Tobacco Control in the 21st Century

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Simon Chapman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x3day workshop of lectures and problem-focused discussions, followed by 4 weeks of problem-based online discussions Assessment: 2x2000 word essays (60%), 1x100 item online quiz (10%) and online discussion and participation (30%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
The unit consists of learning topics, each of which is supported by extensive Web based resources, and 4 moderated online discussion forums, each focusing on a problem related to tobacco use and control. Lecture topics include: history of tobacco use and control; the burden of illness from tobacco use; secondhand smoke: the research evidence; measuring tobacco use, uptake and cessation in communities; international trends in tobacco consumption; the tobacco industry; the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and new forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. Problem focused discussion forums include: Harm reduction and tobacco control, regulation of tobacco, improving and implementing pack warnings; promoting smoking cessation, prevention of uptake (youth programs); denormalisation of the tobacco industry; controlling advertising; and controlling exposure to tobacco smoke, making news on tobacco and influencing political policy on tobacco.
(recommended only)
PUBH5419 Falls Prevention in Older People

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Soufiane Boufous and Dr Cathie Sherrington Session: Semester 2 Classes: 6-8 hours of online lectures and tutorials per week for 13 weeks Assessment: 1x 2000 word written assignment (60%) and participation in four moderated online discussions (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This fully online unit aims to teach students about the principles of falls prevention and falls injury prevention in the older person, with a focus on the application of these principles in the field. This unit will cover: risk factors of falls; the burden and economic implications of falls in the older person; the development and implementation of fall prevention programs; and the principles of program evaluation. Students will discuss the research methods surrounding the impact of falls, research design and the risk of falls, and will look at the development of falls prevention programs using case studies.
Lecture notes, case studies and journal articles will be provided online from a password-protected site. Recommended text: Lord SR, Sherrington C, Menz, H, Close J (2007). Falls in Older People:Risk factors and Strategies for Prevention. Cambridge University Press (2nd edition).