Surgical Anatomy

Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical skills (Surgical Anatomy)


  Surgical Anatomy
Course code GCADCLSK1SUN
Degree Abbreviation GradCertAdvClinSkills(SurgAnat)
Credit points required to complete 24
Time to complete full-time 0.5 years


Sydney Medical School is home to the largest academic surgical discipline in Australasia. Its courses aim to provide an understanding of the principle of applying the best available research evidence to patient care, as well as the skills required for clinical research.

The surgical anatomy stream in the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Skills provides a sound knowledge and understanding of human anatomy that underpins successful surgical practice through a series of whole-body cadaveric dissections taught in small groups by subspecialist surgeons. It is regarded as the gold standard in anatomy tuition and places are strictly limited. The course also provides a pathway for registrars or registered medical officers to prepare for the human anatomy knowledge requirement of the Part 1 Surgical Primary examination delivered by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Course outcomes

The objective of the course is to provide a sound understanding of human anatomy that underpins successful surgical/interventional practice.


The Surgical Anatomy (Anatomy by Whole Body Dissection) stream has been accredited by the Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons.

Further information

The Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Skills (Surgical Anatomy) acts as an embedded course within the Master of Surgery, specifically the Master of Surgery (Surgical Anatomy).

Units of study completed for the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Skills (Surgical Anatomy) can be recognised for credit towards the Master of Surgery (Surgical Anatomy).

Further enquiries

Jayne Seward
Phone: +61 2 9351 2400
Fax: +61 2 9351 2401
Website: http//