
Graduate Certificate in Surgical Sciences

Graduate Certificate in Surgery (Breast Surgery)

Graduate Certificate of Advanced Clinical Skills (Surgical Anatomy)

Master of Surgery (coursework)


  Graduate Certificate in Surgical Sciences Graduate Certificate in Surgery (Breast Surgery) Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Skills (Surgical Anatomy) Master of Surgery
(see stream specific codes below)
CRICOS code N/A N/A N/A 006454K
Degree Abbreviation GradCertSurgSci GradCertSurg(stream name) GradCertAdvClinSkills MS(stream name)
Credit points required to complete 24 24 24 48
Time to complete full-time 0.5 years 0.5 1 year 1 year
Time to complete part-time 1 - 3 years 1 - 3 years 1-3 years 2 - 6 years

For information about the Master of Surgery (by research) see the Postgraduate Research section.


Sydney Medical School is home to the largest academic surgical discipline in Australia.The surgery program has been developed and is taught by clinical academics who are highly regarded in their profession. There is a wide choice of surgical streams allowing you to follow your own interests

Our courses seek to equip you with the skills that you will need to give your patients the best care available through best possible use of evidence and improved surgical skills. Our courses range from the Graduate Certificate in Surgical Sciences, which provides a pathway for students and graduates to move into a surgical specialty, to the Doctor of Clinical Surgery, which aims to produce surgical leaders with the skills and attitude to meet the challenges of modern specialty practice.

In addition, our master programs allow for a range of different study options, with four specialty streams to select from: surgical anatomy, surgical sciences, surgical skills, or a surgical specialty/research stream. The research/specialty streams include one research dissertation comprising of two units (each of 9 credit points) in a field of your choice. Coursework is also available in the Breast Surgery option.

Students enrol in one of the following streams:

  • breast surgery - GCSURGER1BSU or MASURGER1BSU
  • surgical anatomy - GCADCLSK1SUN or MASURGER1SUN
  • surgical sciences - GCSURGC1000 or MASURGER1SUS
  • surgical skills - MASURGER1SSK

Research and dissertation stream with one of the following specialties:

  • breast surgery - GCSURGER1BSU or MASURGER1BSU
  • cardiothoracic surgery - MASURGER1CTS
  • colorectal surgery - MASURGER1CLT
  • endocrine surgery - MASURGER1EDS
  • hand surgery - MASURGER1HSU
  • head and neck - MASURGER1HNE
  • neurosurgery - MASURGER1NEU
  • orthopaedic - MASURGER1ORP
  • otorhinolaryngology - MASURGER1OTO
  • paediatric surgery - MASURGER1PAS
  • plastic/reconstructive surgery - MASURGER1PRS
  • surgical oncology - MASURGER1SUO
  • surgical outcomes - MASURGER1SOU
  • transplant surgery - MASURGER1TRS
  • trauma surgery - MASURGER1TSU
  • upper gastrointestinal surgery - MASURGER1UGS
  • urology - MASURGER1URO
  • vascular surgery and endovascular surgery - MASURGER1VES.

Course outcomes

The knowledge that graduates obtain will complement the practical experience that advanced trainees receive in teaching hospitals through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons training program, and will augment research, leadership and communication skills.

The breast surgery coursework has been developed in collaboration with Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (BreastSurgANZ), and it is expected that this course (or equivalent) will become a standard part of post-fellowship training in breast surgery.

Further information

Our Graduate Certificate in Surgical Sciences is designed for advanced medical students or medical graduates to prepare for the basic sciences (primary) examination conducted by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS).

The Master of Surgery program is designed to complement practical experience obtained through the hospital based training program of the RACS.

The program is for medical graduates who are either: a current Fellow of RACS (or equivalent), a registered trainee on the RACS Surgical Education and Training Program (or equivalent), or currently employed as an intern or resident medical officer in the public hospital system in Australia.

The Graduate Certificate of Surgery (Breast Surgery) and Master of Surgery (Breast Surgery) are designed for Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in General Surgery or equivalent, who are training or have completed training, in breast surgery. Depending on level of experience, established breast surgeons may choose to undertake some or all of the breast surgery units and this can be negotiated on an individual basis. These units of study can also be undertaken as a short course.

The Graduate Certificate of Advanced Clinical Skills (Surgical Anatomy), provides a sound knowledge and understanding of human anatomy that underpins successful surgical practice through a series of whole-body cadaveric dissections taught by subspecialist surgeons. The course provides a pathway for registrars or registered medical officers to prepare for the human anatomy knowledge requirement of the Part 1 Surgical Primary examination delivered by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. This course is accredited with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeon and on completion the credit points may be accredited to the Master of Surgery.

Further enquiries

Jayne Seward
Phone: +61 2 9036 3113
Website: http//