Public Health

Admission requirements

Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Public Health requires:

  • a bachelor degree.

Admission to the Master of Public Health requires:

  • completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate diploma; or
  • a bachelor degree in public health, medicine, medical science, nursing, allied health (including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, optometry), dentistry, veterinary science, education, communication and journalism, science, arts, psychology, social science, political science, policy analysis, government, international relations, engineering, architecture, mathematics, law, economics, commerce, business, accounting or marketing.

Applicants who have successfully completed an undergraduate degree in a field not listed above, plus have other professional or non-professional qualifications and/or substantial relevant experience or other qualifications, may also be eligible for admission.

To be considered for admission to the Master of Public Health (Professional Practice) and Master of Public Health (Chronic Disease Prevention) extended programs, students require:

  • current enrolment in the Master of Public Health; and
  • a weighted average mark of at least 75% in the first 24 credit points of core units of study.

See the course Rules for further details.

Course structure

The Graduate Diploma in Public Health requires the successful completion of 36 credit points of units of study including:

  • 24 credit points of core units of study; and
  • 12 credit points of elective units of study, with a minimum of 6 credit points from Part 1 of the Table of units of study.

The Master of Public Health requires the successful completion of 48 credit points of units of study including:

  • 32 credit points of core units of study; and
  • 16 credit points of elective units of study, with a minimum of 8 credit points from Part 1 of the Table of units of study.

Extended Master of Public Health programs:

The Master of Public Health (Professional Placement) requires the successful completion of 60 credit points of units of study including:

  • 48 credit points of units of study as required for the Master of Public Health; and
  • 12 credit points of practice placement units of study.

The Master of Public Health (Chronic Disease Prevention) requires the successful completion of a selected program of study of 60 credit points of units of study (see the extended program section for further details) including:

  • 48 credit points of units of study as required for the Master of Public Health; and
  • 12 credit points of prevention units of study.

Students considering the Master of Public Health (Chronic Disease Prevention) option should look at the structured program of study outlined on the extended master's program page.

Pattern of enrolment and pathways

There are five pathways to gain specialised training, or to undertake study in a general degree program that offers a large number of elective options. Examples for structuring programs of study directed towards specific interests or future employment can be found under the specific pathway sections. Please note these are suggestions only and you may choose units of study according to your interest, with consideration for your study load and prerequisites.

All students must complete the required credit point value of core units of study regardless of elective choice.

The pathways are:

If you are thinking of undertaking training in the Australian Faculty of Public Health Medicine (AFPHM), you should note that the AFPHM have requirements for the content of the MPH you undertake. You should contact the AFPHM to confirm the exact requirements, as these may change over time.

Core units of study

Core Units of Study Credit point Delivery mode

Graduate Diploma students must complete 24 credit points of core units of study, Master students must complete 32 credit points of core units of study

Available Semester 1
Epidemiology Methods and Uses
 6  face to face (evening or day); online
Introductory Biostatistics
 6  face to face (evening or day); online
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
 6  block mode; online
Public Health: Achievements & Challenges
 2  block mode; online
Introducing Qualitative Health Research
 4  block mode; online
Total Core credit points for Graduate Diploma students  24  
Additional core units of study for Master's students (Graduate Diploma students may enrol in these units of study as electives from part 1 of the Table of Units of Study: Public Health) 
Available Semester 2
Introduction to Public Health Ethics
 2  block mode; online
Making Decisions in Public Health
 2  block mode; online
Public Health Capstone
 4  block mode; online
Introducing Qualitative Health Research
 4  block mode; online
Total Core credit points for Masters students  32  
*Students who commenced in 2013 and 2014 are not required to complete PUBH5034.