

Units of study descriptions

CEPI5100 Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Fiona Stanaway Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Offered online and face-to-face (daytime tutorials) Prohibitions: PUBH5010 Assessment: Completion of online quizzes (15%), tutorial participation (10%), assignment 1 (15%), assignment 2 (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
This unit introduces the concept of clinical epidemiology and provides students with core skills in clinical epidemiology at an introductory level. Topics covered include asking and answering clinical questions; basic and accessible literature searching techniques; study designs used in clinical epidemiological research; confounding and effect modification; sources of bias; interpretation of results including odds ratios, relative risks, confidence intervals and p values; applicability of results to individual patients; critical appraisal of clinical epidemiological research literature used to answer questions of therapy (RCTs and systematic reviews), harm, prognosis, diagnosis, screening and clinical guidelines.
Online readings and resources to be provided on the eLearning website.
CEPI5314 Introduction to Systematic Reviews (TAV)

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sharon Reid, Professor Jonathan Craig Session: Semester 1 Classes: all students will work though three online-modules and participate in weekly tutorials (online or on-campus depending on mode enrolled) over 12 weeks Prerequisites: CEPI5102 Corequisites: CEPI5100 or PUBH5010 Prohibitions: CEPI5203, CEPI5315 Assessment: module assessment tasks (30%) and 1 x 3500 word assignment (70%) after the modules are completed Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
Note: For pre-2017 students only
In this unit of study, we aim to introduce you to systematic reviews and meta-analyses of relevance to healthcare with a particular focus on systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. This is a TAV (Transitional Arrangement Version) of CEPI5315 for the cohort of students who enrolled before 2017 AND have completed CEPI5102 Literature searching. Students can choose to learn in online or normal day (on-campus) mode. All students will work through three online modules, delivered over twelve weeks, addressing the following topics at an introductory level: What and why systematic reviews (and meta-analysis); how a systematic review is conducted and understanding the principles of meta-analysis; and how to appraise, interpret and apply the results of systematic reviews (and meta-analyses). Students will have the opportunity to discuss unit of study learning materials in online tutorials or via weekly (on-campus) tutorials. Readings and other learning materials will be available via eLearning.
Readings and access to other learning resources are available through the unit's elearning site.
CEPI5315 Introduction to Systematic Reviews

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sharon Reid, Professor Jonathan Craig Session: Semester 1 Classes: all students will work through four online-modules and participate in weekly tutorials (online or on-campus depending on mode enrolled) over 12 weeks Corequisites: CEPI5100 or PUBH5010 Prohibitions: CEPI5203 or CEPI5102 or CEPI5314 Assessment: module assessment tasks (30%) and 1 x 4000 word assignment (70%) after the modules are completed Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
In this unit of study, we aim to introduce you to systematic reviews and meta-analyses of relevance to healthcare with a particular focus on systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. Students can choose to learn in online or normal day (on-campus) mode. All students will work through four online modules, delivered over twelve weeks, addressing the following topics at an introductory level: What and why systematic reviews (and meta-analysis); How to formulate answerable healthcare questions and searching for systematic reviews; how a systematic review is conducted and understanding the principles of meta-analysis; and how to appraise, interpret and apply the results of systematic reviews (and meta-analyses). Students will have the opportunity to discuss unit of study learning materials in online tutorials or via weekly (on-campus) tutorials. Readings and other learning materials will be available via eLearning.
Readings and access to other learning resources are available through the unit's elearning site
HPOL5006 Business of Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof James Gillespie, Prof John Buchanan Session: Intensive July Classes: block/intensive mode - 5 days, 9am-5pm with preliminary online readings. Assessment: workshop tutorial assessments and presentation (20%); 1x2000wd report (30%); 1x3000 wd essay (50%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students need to demonstrate at least one year's work experience in a related field. A waiver would be granted for students enrolled in MHPOL or MBA as this is already a course requirement of these programs.
Healthcare is now one of the largest employers and sectors in the Australian economy. Approximately two thirds of its funding comes from government, while two thirds of services are provided by the private sector. This unit explores this complex mix, building an understanding of the inter-relationships among the players in the industry, public and private. The course will explore the financial and regulatory environment in which providers operate and identify the main business models used by different players in the industry, including service providers, private insurers, employers, and government regulators. The unit draws on expert lecturers, international comparisons and case studies to give an understanding of the incentives and constraints that shape strategies to create value in health care.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the unit students will: (i) have an understanding of the 'eco-system' of health care; (ii) be able to navigate the regulatory and technological aspects of business in the health sector; (iii) be able to identify and evaluate public and private business strategies in the main health care sectors.
Buse K, Mays N, Walt G (2012). Making health policy. Second edition. Open University Press: London. Other required and recommended reading materials available from elearning site.
PATH5000 Surgical Pathology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Brett Hambly Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2x1hr video streamed tutorials/week Assessment: 1x3000wd essay (30%), 13x15min weekly quizzes (40%), 1x1hr final exam (30%) Mode of delivery: Online
The Surgical Pathology Unit of Study course in an online course available in Semester 1 or 2. It is based on examination of macroscopic pathology specimens (bottles) available through the Pathology Museum collection and examination of microscopic slides of relevant pathological processes. The course runs over 13 weeks and covers 12 topics. Each week several streamed videos, corresponding Powerpoint presentations and additional reading, are provided to students. This material will take approximately 2-3 hours per week to complete. Following viewing of the teaching media, students complete an online quiz, which contributes to the final assessment. Additionally, students will prepare astructured essay on a pathological process, where possible relevant to their particular interests. Topics that will be covered in the course will include basic pathological processes (eg immunology, inflammation, neoplasia etc) and systems pathology (eg cardiovascular, respiratory, gastroenterology, neurology, genitourinary, etc).
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Ed (Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Aster) Saunders Elsevier, online version available from University Library following enrolment, plus course materials.
PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Erin Mathieu, Professor Tim Driscoll Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture and 1x 2hr tutorial per week for 13 weeks - faceto face or their equivalent online Prohibitions: BSTA5011,CEPI5100 Assessment: 1x 6 page assignment (25%), 10 weekly quizzes (5% in total) and 1x 2.5hr supervised open-book exam (70%). For distance students, it may be possible to complete the exam externally with the approval of the course coordinator. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening, Online
This unit provides students with core skills in epidemiology, particularly the ability to critically appraise public health and clinical epidemiological research literature regarding public health and clinical issue. This unit covers: study types; measures of frequency and association; measurement bias; confounding/effect modification; randomized trials; systematic reviews; screening and test evaluation; infectious disease outbreaks; measuring public health impact and use and interpretation of population health data. In addition to formal classes or their on-line equivalent,it is expected that students spend an additional 2-3 hours at least each week preparing for their tutorials.
Webb, PW. Bain, CJ. and Pirozzo, SL. Essential Epidemiology: An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals Second Edition: Cambridge University Press 2017.
PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin McGeechan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x 2hr lecture, 10 x 1hr lectures, 11 x 2hr tutorials, 2 x 1hr and 8 x 0.5hr statistical computing self directed learning tasks over 12 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Assessment: Weekly quizzes (10%), 1x4 page assignment (20%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%). For distance students it may be possible to complete the exam externally with the approval of the course coordinator. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening, Online
This unit aims to provide students with an introduction to statistical concepts, their use and relevance in public health. This unit covers descriptive analyses to summarise and display data; concepts underlying statistical inference; basic statistical methods for the analysis of continuous and binary data; and statistical aspects of study design. Specific topics include: sampling; probability distributions; sampling distribution of the mean; confidence interval and significance tests for one-sample, two paired samples and two independent samples for continuous data and also binary data; correlation and simple linear regression; distribution-free methods for two paired samples, two independent samples and correlation; power and sample size estimation for simple studies; statistical aspects of study design and analysis. Students will be required to perform analyses using a calculator and will also be required to conduct analyses using statistical software (SPSS). It is expected that students spend an additional 2 hours per week preparing for their tutorials. Computing tasks are self-directed.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5019 Cancer Prevention and Control

This unit of study is not available in 2018

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Jane Young Session: Semester 2 Classes: 20 hours online lectures, 16 hours online discussions Prerequisites: PUBH5010 or CEPI5100 Assessment: 2 assignments (65%), 8 online tutorials (35%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit aims to provide students with specific information on the concepts, methods and applications underpinning cancer prevention and control at population level. It is designed to address specific educational needs of students in various programs within the School of Public Health and to offer a broad-based perspective on cancer control, ranging from primary prevention, screening and early intervention, tertiary prevention and palliative care. Emphasis will be given to cancers with the greatest impact at population level and where evidence demonstrates that policies and interventions are capable of reducing cancer incidence, mortality, prolonging survival and improving quality of life. Although focusing on specific Australian conditions, the information will be presented in the context of regional and global cancer control efforts. At the completion of the unit, students will be equipped with the basic tools to design, plan, implement and evaluate cancer control programs in Australia or other countries.
Readings for this unit will be available on the eLearning site
PUBH5020 Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Adrian Bauman Session: Semester 1 Classes: 20 hrs online lectures; 16 hrs online discussions Assumed knowledge: PUBH5033, PUBH5010 or CEPI5100 or equivalent Assessment: 1000 word assignment (20%), 2000 word assignment (40%), on-line discussions (40%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This course offers a public health approach to examining the global issue of chronic diseases (e.g. cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease) and their prevention. The course examines why chronic disease is a global problem, and describes WHO frameworks for chronic disease prevention. It also reviews the epidemiology of specific chronic diseases including trends in and surveillance of these conditions, and the global (and country level) burden of disease. Teaching will focus on clinical prevention, in particular, the role of primary care, other clinicians and allied health professionals in providing lifestyle advice for people with chronic disease (tertiary prevention) and for people without chronic disease (primary prevention). Students will be involved in evaluating the effectiveness of different prevention strategies and will examine the role of health policy and strategic planning in developing effective and sustainable chronic disease management programs and health services in different settings (in Australia and the region).
Readings for this unit will be available on the eLearning site
PUBH5211 Multiple Regression and Stats Computing

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Patrick Kelly Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs per week for 13 weeks. This unit may be undertaken in face to face or online mode. All students must have regular access to a reliable internet connection capable of streaming or downloading video recorded lectures. Prerequisites: PUBH5018 Assessment: Quizzes (10%); 1x 4 page assignment (20%); and 1x 10 page assignment (70%). The assignments will involve analysing data. Students must pass the final assignment to pass this unit of study. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
Note: The statistical software package we shall be using in this unit is web-based. There is no cost/fee to use this software.
Students will learn how to analyse data using multiple linear regression. Multiple linear regression is a powerful statistical method for analysing a continuous outcome variable with several explanatory variables. This unit will cover how to compare more than two groups, adjust for confounders, test for effect modification, calculate adjusted means, conduct appropriate model checking, and teaches strategies for selecting the 'best' regression model. Students will learn how to apply these methods using the statistical package called SAS. The focus of this unit is on the application of fitting appropriate linear regression models and interpreting the results. The material in this unit is covered by lectures, tutorials, course notes and online discussions. This unit is the prerequiste for learning other types of regression models, such as logistic regression (PUBH5212) and survival analysis (PUBH5213).
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5212 Categorical Data Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin McGeechan Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 2hr lecture, 5 x 1hr lectures, and 5 x 1hr tutorials over 6 weeks. Also available online - such students must have regular access to a reliable internet connection capable of streaming or downloading video recorded lectures. Prerequisites: PUBH5018 Corequisites: PUBH5211 Assessment: 1x 3 page report (30%) and 1x 8 page report (70%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
In this unit the biostatistical concepts covered in earlier units are extended to cover analysis of epidemiological studies where the outcome variable is categorical. Topics of study include: testing for trend in a 2 x r contingency table; the Mantel-Haenszel test for the combination of several 2 x 2 tables, with estimation of the combined odds ratio and confidence limits; multiple logistic regression; Poisson regression; modelling strategy. The assignments will involve practical analysis and interpretation of categorical data. Data analyses will be conducted using statistical software (SAS).
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5213 Survival Analysis

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Erin Cvejic Session: Semester 2b Classes: 1 x 2hr lecture, 5 x 1hr lectures, and 5 x 1hr tutorials over 6 weeks. Also available online - such students must have regular access to a reliable internet connection capable of streaming or downloading video recorded lectures. Corequisites: PUBH5211 Assessment: 1x 3 page assignment (20%) and 1x 10 page assignment (80%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
During this unit, students learn to analyse data from studies in which individuals are followed up until a particular event occurs (e.g. death, cure, relapse), making use of follow-up data for those who do not experience the event of interest. This unit covers: Kaplan-Meier life tables; logrank test to compare two or more groups; Cox's proportional hazards regression model; checking the proportional hazards assumption; and sample size calculations for survival studies. For each topic, participants are given materials to read beforehand. This is followed by a lecture, then participants are given a small number of exercise to do for the following week. These exercises are discussed in the tutorial at the next session before moving on to the next topic. That is, in most weeks the first hour is a tutorial, followed by the lecture given in the second hour. Participants are expected to run SAS programs in their own time. Preparation time for each session is 2-3 hours. The assignments both invlove use of SAS to analyse survival data sets.
Course notes are provided, along with links to additional readings through the library.
SURG5003 Scientific Communication for Surgeons

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Kerry Hitos Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: This unit is delivered online and with weekly lectures and discussions Assessment: Compulsory participation in 6 online modules (30%), submission of a presentation worth 70% Mode of delivery: Online
The objective of this unit is to provide surgical candidates with the skills and art of delivering powerful professional presentations at scientific meetings. Knowing how much detail to include or exclude requires judgement. Candidates will learn the critical steps to success from abstract preparation, visual presentation, content, structure, coherent design and delivery. Key topics covered include the formation of an effective argument and focus point, style of delivery, avoiding critical errors, as well analyzing, understanding and handling the audience. By the end of the semester candidates will be confident and have the core skills to present their own surgical research effectively in a way that is engaging, persuasive and will maximise impact. This unit of study will also be helpful for candidates undertaking dissertation A and B for the Master of Surgery.
Notes will be linked to online teaching material.
SURG5007 Dissertation A

Credit points: 9 Teacher/Coordinator: Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6hrs per week of self directed research with regular consultation with supervisor Assessment: Candidates will be required to submit the dissertation in the form of a paper dealing with research on a specific topic. It should be the equivalent of one paper which would be acceptable for publication in a peer reviewed scientific, academic or professional journal. In keeping with Academic Board policy there is an option to submit published work based on research undertaken while enrolled for this degree. Such publications should include additional information such as: (i) An introduction with more information on previous work by others (ii) More detail on Methodology including figures (iii) Insert paper at this point (iv) Commentary on the significance of the findings. Mode of delivery: Supervision
The dissertation is a formal piece of writing relevant to the subject area of the masters degree. Candidates will work on a specified research project under appropriate supervision. At least one of the project supervisors must be an academic staff member of the University. The dissertation is in Parts A and B, both of which will be completed in a minimum of one year of full time study or two years of part time study.
SURG5008 Dissertation B

Credit points: 9 Teacher/Coordinator: Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6hrs per week of self directed research with regular consultation with supervisor Assessment: Candidates will be required to submit the dissertation in the form of a paper dealing with research on a specific topic. It should be the equivalent of one paper which would be acceptable for publication in a peer reviewed scientific, academic or professional journal. In keeping with Academic Board policy there is an option to submit published work based on research undertaken while enrolled for this degree. Such publications should include additional information such as: (i) An introduction with more information on previous work by others (ii) More detail on Methodology including figures (iii) Insert paper at this point (iv) Commentary on the significance of the findings. Mode of delivery: Supervision
The dissertation is a formal piece of writing relevant to the subject area of the masters degree. Candidates will work on a specified research project under appropriate supervision. At least one of the project supervisors must be an academic staff member of the University. The dissertation is in Parts A and B, both of which will be completed in a minimum of one year of full time study or two years of part time study.
SURG5011 Imaging Surgical Patients

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Stuart Grieve Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online lectures from radiologists paired with a surgeon or physician will complement designated readings plus case based discussion boards and/or webinars Assessment: Online quizzes 20%, case based assignments 15%, participation in online case based discussion forums 15%, final examination 50% Mode of delivery: Online
The unit of study aims to introduce all types of imaging relevant to the practice of surgery, to understand the underlying physical and technological principles upon which imaging relies and to know the indications for use and complications of imaging. By the end of the unit students will understand the scientific basis of the various imaging modalities and the indications for their use and appreciate the importance of protection of patients and personnel from the harmful effects of imaging. The contents of the unit are: B mode, spectral analysis and duplex ultrasound; computerised tomography; magnetic resonance; positron emission tomography; radio isotope imaging; angiography; imaging guided therapeutic techniques and safety measures in imaging.
SURG5012 Surgical Metabolism

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Vincent Lam Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online (limit 35 students) Assessment: Compulsory participation in 6 online modules x 5% (30%) Complete a 2000-5000 word assignment (70%) Mode of delivery: Online
The aims of the unit are for the student to acquire knowledge of nutrition in surgery and to understand adaptive response of the body to stress, trauma and sepsis. By the end of the unit the student will become competent in providing enteral and parenteral nutritional therapy to metabolically compromised patients. Content includes Nutrition assessment, Surgical Complications in Malnourished, Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Complications in Obese, Obesity and Surgery, Short Bowel Syndrome and Enterocutaneous fistula.
Reading materials will be posted online prior to the sessions
SURG5016 Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Anthony Freeman Session: Semester 2 Classes: online modules and compulsory 1 day face to face skills session (Limit 12 students) Assessment: Quizzes(10%), generation and peer review of assessment items (10%), 6 x 300 word assignments and participation in discussion forums (30%), 1800 word written assignment (30%), skills session attendance and assessment (20%) Mode of delivery: Distance education/intensive on campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Limit 12 students per semester
The objective of this unit of study is for participants to develop a greater understanding of the anatomy, pathophysiology and treatment options for vascular surgical disorders by open or endovascular means. This unit of study will introduce students to key areas of vascular anatomy, pathology and imaging at an advanced level. By the end of the unit, students will have developed a critical knowledge of the academic basis for contemporary vascular surgery.
McMinn RMH. Last's Anatomy: Regional and Applied. 12th edition. Churchill Livingstone, 2011; Wind GG and Valentine JR. Anatomical Exposures in Vascular Surgery, 3rd edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013; Fitridge R and Thompson M. Mechanisms Of Vascular Disease: A Reference Book for Vascular Specialists. University of Adelaide Press, 2011; Hallett JW. Comprehensive Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Mosby. 2nd Edition 2009; Pellerito J and Polak JF. Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography. 6th edition. 2012; Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). Norgren L; Hiatt WR; Dormandy JA; Nehler MR; Harris KA; Fowkes FG; TASC II Working Group. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 45 Suppl S:S5-67, 2007 Jan; Management of Chronic Venous Disease: Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS). Wittens C European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 49(6):678-737, 2015 Jun; Rutherford RB (Ed) Vascular Surgery, 8th Edition 2014.
SURG5017 Microsurgery

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Clinical Associate Professor Graham J. Gumley, Clinical Senior Lecturer Bernard Schick Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6x 2 hour labs/tutorials, plus 3 x 2.5hr (Saturday) labs (limit 10 students) Assessment: Presentation of logbook and attendance at each tutorial/lab session (40%), technical competence (40%), assignment (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Waitlist: Due to the limitation of students, please contact the Discipline of Surgery office to be waitlisted for this course.
The course will deliver focused sessions on applied Microsurgical anatomy, and practical training in Microsurgery - Micro vascular and micro neural techniques. Real time demonstrations, Video, other visual and printed material will be used to aid teaching and to supplement the 'eyes on scope' sessions. Sessions will comprise of brief lecture, demonstration of techniques to be developed in the class, followed by supervised Microsurgical practice with set objectives and standards. Students will keep a detailed log book and present a discussion paper on an element of Microsurgery they find challenging or stimulating.
Notes will be distributed prior to the course commencing.
SURG5020 Advanced Laparoscopic Abdominal Anatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Vincent Lam Session: Semester 1 Classes: 8 x 2hr tutorials Assessment: presentation of quiz answer and attendance at each tutorial (40%), assignment (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Note: Students must contact Unit of Study coordinator as early as possible to receive pre-reading material
The course will deliver focused sessions on applied laparoscopic anatomy, pertinent to specific procedures in colorectal, upper gastrointestinal, general and urological surgery. Video, other visual and others material will be used to aid teaching of the abdominal, pelvic and retroperitoneal laparoscopic anatomy involved in these procedures. Printed material and worksheets will be read and completed prior to each session. Sessions will comprise eight 2-hour sessions.
Reading materials will be posted online prior to the sessions.
SURG5021 Transplantation Immunobiology

This unit of study is not available in 2018

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Sharland Session: Semester 1 Classes: The unit is delivered online and will require approximately 10 hours study per week. Assessment: Formative multiple choice question assessment of pre-existing knowledge in Immunobiology allows students to identify strengths and weaknesses before starting the leaning modules. Short-answer questions cover the knowledge acquired in each module. Students may access reference materials and other resources whilst completing the questions. Each set of questions must be completed and submitted by the due date (listed on the website in the document 'Schedule and Important dates for SURG_5021'), and before students proceed to the next module. Answers to each module contribute 12% to the final score for the Unit (total 60% for the 5 modules), and a multiple choice quiz to be completed in the final week of the UOS contributes 40% to the final score. Mode of delivery: Online
Over 15,000 Australians have or will develop end-stage organ failure this year, and this number is expected to grow exponentially with the rise in underlying conditions such as diabetes and hepatitis C. Organ transplantation is thus becoming increasingly important as a therapeutic modality. This unit of study will introduce students to the fundamental principles of transplantation immunobiology, which are essential to the understanding of clinical solid organ transplantation. This unit is a prerequisite or co-requisite for students wishing to undertake SURG5022, Principles and Practice of Transplantation, and for students completing a transplantation project for their dissertation. The unit contains an introductory module and 5 learning modules, which students work through at their own pace. These modules are: 2. Overview of the Immune System, 3. MHC Biology, Antigen Presentation and Allorecognition, 4. Effector mechanisms in Transplant Rejection, 5. Brain Death, Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury and Innate Immune Responses in Transplantation, and 6. Transplantation Tolerance. Each module contains online lectures and links to recommended reading, followed by a series of short-answer questions.
Abbas, Lichtman and Pillai, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 7th edition, Saunders; Current transplantation literature - linked to online teaching materials. These are listed in the 'Recommended Reading' document for each module.
SURG5022 Principles and Practice of Transplantation

This unit of study is not available in 2018

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Alexandra Sharland Session: Semester 2 Classes: The unit is delivered online and will require approximately 10 hours study per week. Prerequisites: SURG5021 Assessment: Formative MCQ assessment of prior knowledge in clinical transplantation, 6 structured clinical cases: individual answers (60%), contribution to online discussion (20%), major case commentary in final 2 weeks (20%). Mode of delivery: Online
Over 15,000 Australians have or will develop end-stage organ failure this year, and this number is expected to grow exponentially with the rise in underlying conditions such as diabetes and hepatitis C. Organ transplantation is thus becoming increasingly important as a therapeutic modality. This unit of study will provide an overview of the surgical and medical management of solid organ transplant donors and recipients. Course participants will also explore the demographics, underlying conditions and co-morbidities of transplant recipients, the role of randomised clinical trials in the management of transplant immunosuppression, and the ethical aspects of transplantation. The major learning activities of this unit will be based around six cases in clinical transplantation.
Current transplantation literature - linked to online teaching materials.
SURG5025 Adv. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Vincent Lam Session: Intensive September,Semester 2 Classes: four full consecutive days, Semester 2 Assessment: Presentation of worksheets and attendance at each tutorial (20%=4x5% per tutorial), assignment (80%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
The objective of this unit of study is for participants to develop greater understanding of the operative anatomy, pathophysiology and treatment options for complex hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases by laparoscopic or open means. This unit of study will introduce participants to key areas of operative anatomy, pathology, imaging and surgical techniques at an advanced level. By the end of the course, participants will have developed the ability to critically appraise contemporary hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgical practice.
Reading Materials will be posted online prior to the sessions.
SURG5027 Head and Neck by Dissection

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Professor Lindsay Wing, Adjunct Associate Professor Allan Meares, Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 2 Classes: Please refer to Surgery timetable for dates. Assumed knowledge: This is an advanced course and it is recommended for advanced trainees who are preparing for the GSSE or for a SET program. It is also available if you have completed other Anatomy courses/training. Assessment: Regular viva voce on wet specimens, MCQs, Spot tests. There is a compulsory test at the end of each module similar to that used in the GSSE. Attendance is compulsory without a signed medical certificate within 5 days. You must attend 90% of the course. 30% for attendance, 40% for dissection, and 30% for final spot tests. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Minimum of 12, maximum of 18 students.
This is a face to face teaching course. Candidates dissect in supervised groups of 6, according to a strict daily dissection schedule, utilising team based learning (TBL) methods. This is a proven technique for teaching clinical topographical anatomy to surgical trainees. Throughout this course there is a strong emphasis on applied clinical and surgical anatomy. Supervision is by surgeons. All candidates are given allotted tasks to prepare for presentation to the class prior to dissection. Self directed study is required before each of the sessions of approximately 10 hours per session as a minimum. The student is expected to have read and learnt the appropriate texts, before coming to class. There are ongoing SCORPIOs carried out during the dissection. At the end of each module there is a summative examination. The areas covered by the dissection include skull, cranial nerves, face, special senses, gross neuroanatomy, superficial neck, salivary glands, infratemporal fossa, pterygopalatine fossa, deep neck, suboccipital triangle, mouth, pharynx, larynx, thyroid, parathyroids, root of neck, vertebral canal and spinal cord.
Lasts Anatomy 9th Edition. Editor McMinn. Churchill Livingstone Publisher; 'Color Atlas of Anatomy', Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen, Drecoll; Grant's Dissector, Alan J Detton, 16th Edition.
SURG5028 Thorax, Back, Spinal Cord by Dissection

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Professor Lindsay Wing, Adjunct Associate Professor Allan Meares, Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1 Classes: Please refer to Surgery timetable for dates Assumed knowledge: This is an advanced course and it is recommended for advanced trainees who are preparing for the GSSE or for a SET program. It is also available if you have completed other Anatomy courses/training. Assessment: Regular viva voce on wet specimens, MCQs, Spot tests There is a final exam at the end of the module similar to that used in the GSSE. Attendance is compulsory without a signed medical certificate within 5 days. You must attend 90% of the course. 30% for attendance, 40% for dissection, and 30% for final spot tests. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Minimum of 12, maximum of 18 students.
This is a face to face teaching course. Candidates dissect in supervised groups of 6, according to a strict daily dissection schedule, utilising team based learning (TBL) methods. This is a proven technique for teaching clinical topographical anatomy to surgical trainees. Throughout this course there is a strong emphasis on applied clinical and surgical anatomy. Supervision is by surgeons. All candidates are given allotted tasks to prepare for presentation to the class prior to dissection. Self-directed study is required before each of the sessions of approximately 10 hours per session as a minimum. The student is expected to have read and learnt the appropriate texts before coming to class. There are ongoing SCORPIOs carried out during the dissection. At the end of each module there is a summative examination. The dissection covers all aspects of the thorax, including body wall, thoracic wall, diaphragm, thoracic cavity, superior, anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum, pleura, lungs, heart, oesophagus, and osteology of thorax.
Lasts Anatomy 9th Edition. Editor McMinn. Churchill Livingstone Publisher; 'Color Atlas of Anatomy', Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen,Drecoll; Grant's Dissector, Alan J Detton, 16th Edition.
SURG5029 Upper and Lower Extremities by Dissection

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Professor Lindsay Wing, Adjunct Associate Professor Allan Meares, Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1 Classes: Please refer to Surgery timetable for dates Assumed knowledge: This is an advanced course and it is recommended for advanced trainees who are preparing for the GSSE or for a SET program. It is also available if you have completed other Anatomy courses/training. Assessment: Regular viva voce on wet specimens, MCQs, Spot tests. There is a compulsory test at the end of each module. This test is at the same level of knowledge of the GSSE. Attendance is compulsory without a signed medical certificate within 5 days. You must attend 90% of the course. 30% for attendance, 40% for dissection, and 30% for final spot tests. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Minimum of 12, maximum of 18 students.
This is a face to face teaching course. Candidates dissect in supervised groups of 6, according to a strict daily dissection schedule, utilising team based learning (TBL) methods. This is a proven technique for teaching clinical topographical anatomy to surgical trainees. Throughout this course there is a strong emphasis on applied clinical and surgical anatomy. Supervision is by specialist surgeons. All candidates are given allotted tasks to prepare for presentation to the class prior to dissection. Self directed study is required before each of the sessions of approximately 10 hours per session as a minimum. The student is expected to have read and learnt the appropriate texts before coming to class. There are ongoing SCORPIOs carried out during the dissection. At the end of each module there is a summative examination. The dissection course covers anterior compartment of the thigh, medial compartment of the thigh, gluteal region and hip joint, posterior compartment of thigh, popliteal fossa and knee joint, anterior compartment of the leg, dorsum of foot, lateral compartment of the leg, posterior compartment of the leg, sole of foot, ankle and foot joints, osteology of lower limb.
Lasts Anatomy 9th Edition. Editor McMinn. Churchill Livingstone Publisher; 'Color Atlas of Anatomy' Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen,Drecoll; Grant's Dissector, Alan J Detton, 16th Edition.
SURG5030 Abdomen, Pelvis, Perineum by Dissection

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Professor Lindsay Wing, Adjunct Associate Professor Allan Meares, Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1 Classes: Please refer to Surgery timetable for dates Assumed knowledge: This is an advanced course and it is recommended for advanced trainees who are preparing for the GSSE or for a SET program. It is also available if you have completed other Anatomy courses/training. Assessment: Regular viva voce on wet specimens, MCQs, Spot tests. There is a compulsory test at the end of each module, similar to that used in the GSSE. Attendance is compulsory without a signed medical certificate within 5 days. You must attend 90% of the course. 30% for attendance, 40% for dissection, and 30% for final spot tests. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Minimum of 12, maximum of 18 students.
This is a face to face teaching course. Candidates dissect in supervised groups of 6, according to a strict daily dissection schedule, utilising team based learning (TBL) methods. This is a proven technique for teaching clinical topographical anatomy to surgical trainees. Throughout this course there is a strong emphasis on applied clinical and surgical anatomy. Supervision is by specialist surgeons. All candidates are given allotted tasks to prepare for presentation to the class prior to dissection. Self directed study is required before each of the sessions of approximately 10 hours per session as a minimum. The student is expected to have read and learnt the appropriate texts before coming to class. There are ongoing SCORPIOs carried out during the dissection. At the end of each module there is a summative examination. The course covers the anterior abdominal wall, abdominal cavity, peritoneum, vessels and nerves of the gut, gastro and inteatinal tract, liver and biliary tract, pancreas, spleen, posterior abdominal wall, kidneys, ureters, and suprarenal glands, rectum, urinary bladder and ureters is in the pelvis, male internal genital organs, female internal genital organs and urethra, pelvic peritoneum, vessels and nerves, perineum, male urogenital region, female urogenital region, pelvic joints and ligaments, lumbosacral plexus.
Lasts Anatomy 9th Edition. Editor McMinn. Churchill Livingstone Publisher; 'Color Atlas of Anatomy' Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen, Drecoll; Grant's Dissector, Alan J Detton, 16th Edition.
SURG5031 Surgical Skills

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Anubhav Mittal Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 full days: day 1 basic open surgical skills: (1) instrument and hand knot tying (2) excision of skin lesions (pig skin) and suturing (3) safe handling of sharps and diathermy (4) tissue handling and dissection (kidney blocks) (5) patient positioning on the operating table. day 2 basic laparoscopic and anastomotic skills: hands-on basic laparoscopic and anastomotic skills (vascular and bowel) course using synthetic and tissue models. day 3 non-technical skills: this workshop will be run in conjunction with the pam mclean centre for communication at the kolling institute. it will focus on how to obtain appropriate consent, breaking bad news, and identifying and managing bullying/harassment. Assumed knowledge: Waitlist: 16 places, strictly limited, please contact Jayne Seward in the Discipline of Surgery office to be waitlisted for this course. Assessment: ethics case discussion (10%), ethics written assignment (20%), skills days and participation assessment (40%), graded module quizzes (10%) submission of 1x half hr edited and annotated skills training video (20%) Practical field work: Day 1 Basic Open Surgical Skills: (1) Instrument and hand knot tying (2) Excision of skin lesions (pig skin) and suturing (3) Safe handling of sharps and diathermy (4) Tissue handling and dissection (Kidney blocks) (5) Patient positioning on the operating table. Day 2 Basic Laparoscopic and anastomotic skills: Hands-on basic laparoscopic and anastomotic skills (vascular and bowel) course using synthetic and tissue models. Day 3 Non-technical skills: This workshop will be run in conjunction with the Pam McLean Centre for communication at the Kolling Institute. It will focus on how to perform appropriate consent, breaking bad news, the ethics of surgical practice, and identifying and managing bullying/harassment. Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Places in this unit are strictly limited, please contact Jayne Seward in the Discipline of Surgery office to be placed on the waitlist at
Two sets of competencies that are essential for a career in surgery will be taught: firstly, the
non clinical competencies of leadership, communication, collaboration, health advocacy, scholar and teacher plus the essentials of health law, and an introduction to key ethical concepts and methods of ethical analysis relevant to surgical practice and research.; and secondly the essential technical skills involved with open and endoscopic/laparoscopic surgery.
The Australian Medico-Legal Handbook Stewart, Kerridge and Parker. Safety at the Sharp End Flin, O'Connor and Crichton. Tissue Approximation in Endoscopic Surgery Cuschieri and Szabo. The SAGES Manual Fundamentals of Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy and GI Endoscopy CEH Scott-Conner.
SURG5032 Physiology and Pharmacology for Surgeons

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Miguel Iglesias Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online lectures will provide an overview and detailed study of topics to supplement Ganong and other resources. Webinars with topic experts will provide opportunity for interaction Assessment: Online module quizzes 30%, generation and peer review of assessment items 20%, final online examination 50% Mode of delivery: Online
This unit of study focusses on the basic and advanced physiology, pharmacology and some pathophysiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary systems that training surgeons require. The systems and concepts studied confer a deep understanding of those at play during surgery.The unit will provide students with a solid basis to prepare for the GSSE exam of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.
Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 25th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education/ Medical and West's Respiratory Physiology, 10th Edition. Wolters Kluwer.
SURG5034 Surgical Anatomy based on GSSE

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Professor Lindsay Wing, Adjunct Associate Professor Allan Meares and Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Tutorials and practical classes with exercises. Please check the surgery timetable for dates. Assessment: Assessment will be based on both attendance and participation in weekly classes. self directed study is required before each of the sessions of approximately 10 hours per session as a minimum. A 90% attendance is required for the course, and a satisfactory pass mark in classwork. There will be a final compulsory trial gsse exam of 80 mcqs and 20 spots (held on the final day of the course). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The aim of the course is to assist students in the preparation of the Anatomy component of GSSE conducted by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). These modules comprise: upper limb, lower limb, head and neck thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Each module has three components: a) Identification and SCORPIOS of anatomical structures in wet prosections of the anatomical area for the session. b) Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exercises c) 'Spot' questions on anatomical prosection photographs.
Last's Anatomy 9th Edition, Editor: McMinn; Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith L Moore; Color Atlas of Anatomy, (Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen, Drecoll); Lecture Notes on Anatomy, D.B.Moffat.
SURG5035 Surgical Research and Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kerry Hitos Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Weekly online lectures and tutorial discussion board over 10 weeks (the unit will be delivered online): limit of 50 in semester 1 and 25 in semester 2 Assumed knowledge: It would be helpful if candidates have completed Introductory Biostatistics PUBH5018 Assessment: On-line short answer questions cover the knowledge acquired. Each set of questions must be completed and submitted by the due date and before students proceed to the next module. Answers to each module will contribute (30%) to the final score of the unit. A written assignment will also contribute (70%). Mode of delivery: Online
The objective of this unit is to provide candidates with an understanding of key methodological concepts of level one evidence based studies needed to conduct high quality surgical research. It will cover basic concepts and principles of good clinical research practice and provide the necessary skills on how to measure the quality of care. Key topics focus on how to identify, appraise, select and synthesise a systematic review and meta-analysis. The use of databases and registries and how to best present statistical analysis and summarise data. This unit will provide candidates with the skills to measure the quality of surgical care as well as evaluate surgical performance and measures of effects. Candidates will be able to critically appraise published statistics and learn to identify publication bias before applying the findings to their own clinical practice.
Notes will be linked to online teaching material.
SURG5036 Surg Research: Translation and Innovation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Adjunct Associate Professor Kerry Hitos Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x1 hr lec and 1x1 hr tut/wk over 10 weeks (The unit will be delivered on line) Assessment: On-line short answer questions cover the knowledge acquired. Each set of questions must be completed and submitted by the due date and before students proceed to the next module. Answers to each module will contribute (40%) to the final score of the unit. A written assignment will also contribute (60%). Mode of delivery: Online
The objective of this unit is to introduce candidates to the basic concepts of innovation. Participants will be able to identify and evaluate surgical innovation as well as focus on the methodological and practical challenges to rigorous surgical research. Candidates will be have the skills to design and complete level one evidence based research in surgery with a key focus on randomised and non-randomised controlled trials. The course will evaluate the complexity of surgical innovation and how to identify related factors influencing outcome. Candidates should be able to identify challenges facing the surgical research community when performing an evaluation of a therapeutic, procedure-based intervention. How to pinpoint the issues and deconstruct these into constituent methodological parts such that several important areas will be targeted for developing a systematic process that would guide appropriate, evidence based surgical practice. Ethical aspects in research and innovation will be addressed and the process of translational research will be reviewed. Other broad topics will focus on surgical oncology and survival analysis; evaluating performance when measuring the value of surgical research and the key concepts in diagnostic tests and accuracy in surgery.
Notes will be linked to online teaching material.
SURG5037 Basic Sciences and Benign Breast Disease

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Andrew Spillane, Dr Jocelyn Lippey Session: Semester 1 Classes: Weekly online lectures. Discussion boards and webinars. Assumed knowledge: Applicants must have completed basic surgical training. Assessment: Online quizzes (20%); submission of short answer questions (30%); 1 x online examination (50%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is aimed at surgeons who are currently participating in Fellowship training in breast surgery or who are currently practicing breast surgery. It is not suitable for junior surgical trainees or those hoping to train in surgery. A FRACS in general or plastic surgery or equivalent is required. Departmental permission is required.
Breast surgery requires comprehensive knowledge of the basic sciences of the breast and also the various elements of benign breast diseases. This unit of study aims to prepare candidates for a career in breast surgery. The unit content focuses on:
1. the anatomy of the breast, axilla and donor sites for reconstruction flaps;
2. anatomical variations and physiological changes in the breast and axilla;
3. benign breast diseases including mastitis, mastalgia, nipple discharge and aberrations of normal development and involution (ANDI);
4. current radiological modalities in breast disease imaging and risk assessment for patients; and
5. genetic and non-genetic risk assessment for patients.
ABC of Breast Diseases: 3rd Edition : Michael Dixon
SURG5038 Malignant Breast Disease and MDTs

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Patsy Soon, A/Prof Sanjay Warrier Session: Semester 2 Classes: Weekly online lectures. Discussion boards and webinars. Assumed knowledge: Applicants must have completed basic surgical training. Assessment: online quizzes (10%); video communication assignment (10%); participation in discussion forums and online activities (10%); submission of short answer question (10%); particiaption in online activities (10%); 1 x online examination (50%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is aimed at surgeons who are currently participating in Fellowship training in breast surgery or who are currently practicing breast surgery. It is not suitable for junior surgical trainees or those hoping to train in surgery. A FRACS in general or plastic surgery or equivalent is required. Departmental permission is required.
Breast surgery requires a thorough knowledge of the science and management of malignant breast disease. This unit of study aims to prepare the post fellowship candidate for a career in breast surgery. The content focuses on the pathology and recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis of malignant breast disease. Candidates will gain an in depth understanding of: the available prognostic assessment tools; the multidisciplinary care of breast cancer patients, including adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endocrine therapy as well as the integral role of the breast care nurse and other allied health staff; risk reduction interventions and survivorship issues. Specific surgical decision algorithms and surgical options for malignant and insitu disease will be thoroughly explored and explained.
Breast Surgery a Companion to Surgical Practice. Dixon
SURG5039 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Level 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ben Green, A/Prof Sanjay Warrier Session: Semester 1 Classes: Weekly online lectures; online discussion boards and webinars Assumed knowledge: Applicants must have completed general or plastic surgical training and have a strong interest in breast surgery. Assessment: 3 part case based written assignment (50%); short answer questions (20%); participation in mdt discussion boards (30%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is aimed at surgeons who are currently participating in Fellowship training in breast surgery or who are currently practicing breast surgery. It is not suitable for junior surgical trainees or those hoping to train in surgery. A FRACS in general or plastic surgery or equivalent is required. Departmental permission is required.
Breast surgery requires a thorough knowledge of the science and management of malignant breast disease. This unit of study aims to prepare the post fellowship candidate for a career in brest surgery. The content focuses on the pathology and recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis of malignant breast disease. Candidates will gain an in depth understanding of: the available prognostic assessment tools; the multidisciplinary care of breast cancer patients, including adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endocrine therapy as well as the integral role of the breast care nurse and other allied health staff; risk reduction interventions and survivorship issues. Specific surgical decision algorithms and surgical options for malignant and insitu disease will be thoroughly explored and explained.
ABC of Breast Diseases: 3rd Edition : Michael Dixon.
SURG5040 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Level 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Andrew Spillane Session: Semester 2 Classes: Weekly online lectures, online discussion boards and webinars Assumed knowledge: Applicants must have completed general or plastic surgical training and have a strong interest in breast surgery. Assessment: 3 part case based written assignment (50%); short answer questions (20%); participation in MDT discussion boards (30%) Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study is aimed at surgeons who are currently participating in Fellowship training in breast surgery or who are currently practising breast surgery. It is not suitable for junior surgical trainees or those hoping to train in surgery. A FRACS in general or plastic surgery or equivalent is required. Departmental permission is required.
This unit of study concludes the specialist breast surgery stream. It begins with the theory behind advanced oncoplastic breast surgery procedures including a full range of volume replacement flaps, lipofilling and nipple reconstruction techniques. The unit also covers the full range of breast reconstruction techniques including implant based reconstruction, latissimus dorsi reconstruction and free flap tissue options for breast reconstruction. Learning activities include multi-surgeon meeting case discussions with complex decision-making and management of complications.
ABC of Breast Diseases: 3rd Edition : Michael Dixon.
SURG5041 Surgical Oncology: Principles and Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Clinical Professor Pierre Chapuis, Associate Professor Brett Hambly Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Online lectures, videos, tutorials and formative assessment; face to face workshops Prerequisites: PATH5000 Assumed knowledge: Candidates are expected generally to be undertaking advanced surgical training or similar Assessment: 1) participate in compulsory (face to face) mdt scenario 30% 2) critical review of a tumour-specific, current publication of your choice from the primary literature (max: 1,000 words, excluding references) 20% 3) weekly quiz 50% Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The course runs over 13 weeks with the final week confined to assessment by face-to-face participation in an OSCE style format using a number of multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting scenarios. The emphasis is on multimodality patient care which offers the best chance for a favourable outcome for a variety of common tumour types including breast, colorectal, prostate, gastro-oesophageal junction and melanoma. The unit is designed to address each cancer type with an overview highlighting those issues of importance when discussing management at an MDT meeting including: Pathology, ,Staging and Reporting, advances in Molecular Biology, Imaging, Surgery, Radiation and Medical oncology, new biologic therapies and the place of palliation of advanced disease. The emphasis is largely on self- directed learning with on-line lectures and reading material provided by a Faculty of clinicians drawn from various metropolitan teaching hospitals.
Specific Learning objectives: 1) to develop the skills to advocate evidence-based management for the individual needs of a patient in an MDT meeting and to understand the contribution of each clinical discipline in the decision making process 2) to demonstrate an adequate back ground knowledge of the natural history and classification of common tumours 3) to formulate a cancer specific management plan based on standardised reporting of the extent of tumour burden 4) to understand the influence of evidence-based, independent prognostic factors on outcomes and evolving concepts in cancer biology.
Due to the contemporary nature of the course an extensive bibliography of current reading material will be provided. These will be accessible electronically through the library.
SURG5042 Urological Oncology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Manish Patel Session: Semester 1 Classes: Compulsory 1 day face to face workshop; webinar tutorials; online discussion forums Assessment: 4 x 600 word case-based discussion board written assignments (60%); workshop participation (20%); Participation in the generation and peer review of assessment items (10%); online quizzes (10%) Mode of delivery: Distance education/intensive on campus
Urological oncology comprises a substantial proportion of clinical urology. The management of urological cancers requires a thorough knowledge and understanding of the pathological basis, imaging and diagnosis options as well as treatment options for all stages. This unit of study aims to prepare the training surgeon interested in urology or surgical oncology for a career managing urological cancers. The unit will include cancers of the prostate, bladder, kidney, testis, penile cancer and other rarer cancers. By the end of the unit, a deep understanding of uro-oncology will be gained and students should be able to manage patients with urological cancers effectively in the ward and clinic. This includes diagnosis, staging, and management of localised and advanced cancers. Not only will students have a thorough understanding of the role and outcomes of surgery in the management of these cancers, but also the role of radiotherapy, medical oncology and importance of imaging and pathology.
Fast Facts Prostate Cancer, 9th Edition. Published 2017. Health Press