Sexual and Reproductive Health

Admission requirements

Admission to the:

  • Graduate Certificate in Medicine (Sexual and Reproductive Health)
  • Graduate Diploma in Medicine (Sexual and Reproductive Health)
  • Master of Medicine (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

requires a medical degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification.

Admission to the:

  • Graduate Certificate in Science in Medicine (Sexual and Reproductive Health) requires
  1. a bachelor or postgraduate degree in a health or science-related discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
  2. a minimum of 5 years professional work experience in a health-related field or pass a preliminary examination(s) as prescribed by the Faculty.

Admission to the:

  • Graduate Diploma in Science in Medicine (Sexual and Repeoductive Health) requires
  1. successful completion of the embedded (Graduate Certificate in Science in Medicine; or
  2. a bachelor or postgraduate degree in health or science-related discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
  3. a minimum of 5 years' professional work experience in a health related field or pass a preliminary examination(s) as prescribed by the Faculty.

Admission to the:

  • Master of Science in Medicine (Sexual and Reproductive Health) requires
  1. a successful completion of the requirements of the embedded Graduate Certificate in Science in Medicine or Graduate Diploma in Science in Medicine or equivalent qualification; or
  2. a bachelor degree with honours in a health or science-related discipline from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification; or
  3. a bachelor degree plus a postgraduate degree in a health or science-related discipline from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification; or
  4. a pass bachelor degree in a health or science-related discipline from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification plus a minimum of 12 months relevant work experience.

Admission to the:

  • Master o Medicine (Advanced) (Sexual and Reproductive Health), and
  • Master of Science in Medicine (Advanced) (Sexual and Reproductive Health) requires
  1. The candidate to be enrolled in the Master of Medicine or the Master of Science in Medicine and have completed the compulsory research methods unit in their stream as applicable; and
  2. The candidature to have an average mark of at least 75 per cent in 24 credit points of compulsory and/or stream specific Units of Study; and
  3. Any other requirements as stated by the Faculty at the time of application.
Double Degree

The double degree is only available to international students and admission to candidature will be conditional upon the appointment of an appropriate supervisor. See the double degree section for further information.

Domestic students can enrol in the separate degrees.

Also see course rules for further details.

Course structure

The Graduate Certificate requires the
successful completion of 24 credit points of units of study including:

  • 6 credit points of compulsory units of study; and
  • 18 credit points of stream specific units of study.

The Graduate Diploma requires the
successful completion of 36 credit points of units of study including:

  • 6 credit points of compulsory units of study;
  • 24 credit points of stream specific units of study; and
  • 6 credit points of general elective units of study.

The Master requires the
successful completion of 48 credit points of units of study including:

  • 12 credit points of compulsory units of study;
  • 24 credit points of stream-specific units of study; and
  • 12 credit points of general elective units of study.

The Master (Advanced) requires the
successful completion of 60 credit points of units of study including:

  • 48 credit points of study as required for the Master; and
  • 12 credit points of project units of study.

Pattern of enrolment and pathways

Students in the Sexual and Reproductive Health stream may elect to structure the program of study in one of the following pathways that will allow them to specialise in a specific area according to their plans for future employment and/or research. Selecting a pathway is not compulsory but is recommended.

Available pathways are:

Students must complete the required credit point value of compulsory units of study, stream specific units of study and general elective units of study within their selected Pathway.Please note that these pathways is recommened but not compulsory and you can complete your course so long as you meet the course structure requirements as described above.