Table S Electives - Arts and Social Sciences Table

Electives P-Z

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Table S Electives - Arts and Social Sciences

Subject Areas P-Z

These units of study are Table S Electives available in the following subject areas:


Reality, Ethics and Beauty
6    N PHIL1003 or PHIL1004 or PHIL1006 or PHIL1008
Semester 1
Introductory Logic
6      Intensive July
Semester 2
Society, Knowledge and Self
6    N PHIL1010
Semester 2
Eighteenth Century French Philosophy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
Semester 1
Exploring Nonclassical Logic
6    P PHIL1012
N PHIL3214
Semester 1
Comparative Ethics
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3512 or PHIL2512
Semester 2
Plato and Aristotle
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Ancient History
N PHIL3013 or PHIL2013
Semester 2
Logic and Proof

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P PHIL1012
N PHIL2215 or PHIL3215
Semester 1
Practical Ethics
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level
N PHIL2517 or PHIL3617
Intensive February
Semester 2
Aesthetics and Art

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Art History
N PHIL2518 or PHIL3681
Semester 2
Philosophy of Mathematics

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 junior credit points in Philosophy or 12 junior credit points in Mathematics
N PHIL3219 or PHIL2219
Semester 1
Truth, Meaning and Language
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
Semester 2
Reality, Time and Possibility: Metaphysics
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3662
Semester 1
Moral Psychology
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2513 or PHIL3513
Semester 1
Democratic Theory

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P (12 Junior credit points in Philosophy) or (6 Junior credit points in Philosophy and ANHS1600)
N PHIL2514 or PHIL3514
Semester 1
Political Philosophy
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations
N PHIL2535 or PHIL3535
Semester 2
Environmental Philosophy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2240
Semester 1
Critical Thinking
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level
Semester 2
Philosophy of Mind
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3213 or PHIL2205 or PHIL2213 or PHIL3643
Semester 2
Philosophy of Law

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2510 or PHIL2604 or PHIL3510
Semester 1
Philosophy and Literature

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
Semester 2
Philosophy of Happiness
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level
N PHIL3647
Semester 2
19th C. Philosophy: Kant to Nietzsche

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 Junior credit points in Philosophy
N PHIL2641 or PHIL3011
Semester 2
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3655
Semester 1
Philosophy in Film

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Film Studies
Semester 2
Philosophy of Sex
6    P (12 credit points at 1000-level in Philosophy) or (12 credit points at 1000-level in Gender and Cultural Studies)
Semester 2

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3663
Semester 1
Philosophy of Science
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or History and Philosophy of Science HPSC
Semester 2
Time and Space
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
Semester 2
Philosophy and Mythology

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6      Semester 2

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
Semester 1
Introduction to Formal Philosophy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Philosophy major
Semester 1
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Philosophy major
Semester 1
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
6    P PHIL1012
Semester 1
Early Modern Theories of Perception
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level from the Philosophy major
N PHIL2605
Semester 2
Philosophy of Information

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Philosophy major
Semester 1
Philosophy of Logic
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Philosophy major
Semester 1
Logic and Computation

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P PHIL1012
N PHIL2650
Semester 2
Philosophy of Economics

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy or Economics or Economic Policy
Semester 1
Philosophy of Human Rights
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations
Semester 1
Contemporary Pragmatism

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points in Philosophy
N PHIL3015
Semester 1
Hellenistic Philosophy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3023 or PHIL3039
Semester 1
Nature and Crisis

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level and 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Philosophy major
Semester 2
Philosophy of Mind Advanced
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL3213 or PHIL2205 or PHIL2213 or PHIL2643
Semester 2
Emotions and Embodied Cognition

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2651
Semester 2
Ethics (Advanced)
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2655
Semester 1
Reality Time and Possibility M'physics Adv
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2622
Semester 1
Philosophy of Medicine

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Philosophy
Semester 2
Aesthetics and Art Advanced

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6      Semester 2
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Political Economy

Economics as a Social Science
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Global Economy: Production-Trade-Finance
6      Semester 2
Economic Theories of Capitalism
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP2001
Semester 1
Social Foundations of Capitalism
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP2002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Economic Policy and the State
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Political Economy
Semester 2
Inequality and Distribution

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP3620
Semester 2
Global Development
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP3014
Semester 2
Semester 2
Race, Gender and Class
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP2901 or ECOP2911
Semester 2
Environmental Political Economy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP3005
Semester 1
Money and Finance
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP3009
Semester 1
Development and Environment in India

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Intensive February
Economic Cycles and Instability
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP2601
Semester 1
Neoliberalism: Theory, Practice, Crisis

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP2618
Semester 2
Theories in Political Economy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Political Economy
N ECOP3901

Third year students who have not completed the prerequisites should consult the Department of Political Economy about alternative requirements.
Semester 2
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2


Introduction to International Relations
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Introduction to Politics
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Politics and Popular Culture
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Modern Political Thought

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Politics or International Relations or 12 credit points in Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations
Semester 1
Southeast Asian Politics
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 1000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Asian Studies
Semester 1
International Security in 21st Century

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 1000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations
N GOVT2205
Semester 2
International Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 1000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations
N GOVT2206
Semester 2
Environmental Politics
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Politics or International Relations or Politics and International Relations or Environmental Studies majors
N GOVT2208
Semester 1
Media Politics and Political Communication
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 1000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Government and International Relations
Semester 2
Making Policy in Political Context
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in GOVT and a minimum of 36 credit points
Semester 1
Semester 2
Political Analysis
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in GOVT and a minimum of 36 credit points
N GOVT2091
Semester 1
Semester 2
Government, Business and Society
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2558
Semester 2
Politics of China
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2424 or GOVT2402
Semester 1
The Australian Political Party System
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2114 or GOVT2104
Semester 2
Latin American Politics

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2013
Semester 1
Collateral Damage and The Cost of Conflict

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Semester 1
Australian Foreign and Security Policy
6    N GOVT2116 or GOVT2106
Semester 1
American Politics and Foreign Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in GOVT or 12 credit points at 2000 level in American Studies
N GOVT2405 or GOVT2445
Semester 2
Democracy and Dictatorship
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Semester 1
Semester 2
Gender, Security and Human Rights
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2336
Semester 2
Public Sector Management
6    P 12 credit points in Politics or 12 credit points in International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2557
Semester 2
Divided Societies

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2412 or GOVT2442
Semester 1
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT3991
Semester 1
Politics and Environment: Current Issues
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2615
Semester 2
Parliament and Democracy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Semester 2
Aboriginal and TSI Politics and Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Indigenous Studies or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Semester 2
Terrorism and Organised Crime
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2


Sanskrit Introductory 1
6      Semester 1
Sanskrit Introductory 2
6    P SANS1001
Semester 2
Sanskrit Intermediate 1
6    P SANS1002
N SANS2001
Semester 1
Sanskrit Intermediate 2
6    P SANS2001 or SANS2601
N SANS2002
Semester 2

Social Policy

Australian Social Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Social Policy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Socio-legal Studies
N SCPL3001
Semester 1
Understanding Social Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Social Policy
N SCPL3002
Semester 2
Comparative Social Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Social Policy or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2509 or SCLG2611
Semester 1
Making Social Policy
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Social Policy or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies
Semester 2

Socio-legal Studies

Introduction to Law, Policy and Society
6      Semester 1
Law and Contemporary Society
6      Semester 2
Indigenous Social and Legal Justice

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Socio-legal Studies
Semester 2
Socio-Legal Theory
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Socio-Legal Studies
N SCLG2615
Semester 2
Making Policy and Law
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Socio-Legal Studies
N SCPL3604
Semester 1
Semester 2
Doing Socio-Legal Research
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Socio-legal Studies
N SLSS2601
Semester 1
Human Rights: Law, Policy and Protest
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Socio-Legal Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Criminology
N SCLG2624
Semester 2
Social Justice, Law and Society
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Socio-Legal Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Social Policy
N SCLG2605 or SCLG2017 or SCLG2536
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2


Introduction to Sociology 1
6      Semester 1
Introduction to Sociology 2
6      Semester 2
Global Social Problems
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Semester 1
Sociological Theory
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology or 12 credit points of Cultural Studies or 12 credit points of Socio-legal Studies
N SCLG2001 or SCLG2520
Semester 1
Sociology of Childhood and Youth
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2522
Semester 2
Sociology of Terror
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Socio-Legal Studies or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Criminology
Semester 2
Society and Identity
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2612 or SCLG2625 or SCLG2626 or SCLG2629
Semester 1
Sociology of Exclusion
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2604 or SCLG2635 or SCLG3606
Semester 1
Contemporary Sociological Theory
6    P 12 Senior credit points in Sociology
N SCLG3002
Semester 2
Nature and Society
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2022 or SCLG2610 or SCLG2631
Semester 1
Sociology of Deviance and Difference
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2608 or SCLG2523 or SCLG2004
Semester 2
Sociology, Power and Violence
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2607 or SCLG2618 or SCLG2621 or SCLG2630
Semester 2
Sociology of Culture
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2606 or SCLG2609
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Spanish and Latin American Studies

Spanish Level 1
6    N SPAN1601 or SPAN1611

Students must not have undertaken any substantial prior study of Spanish.
Semester 1
Spanish Level 2
6    P SPAN1601 or SPAN1611 or SPAN1621
N SPAN 1602 or SPAN 1621 or 65% or above in HSC Beginners Spanish or HSC Continuers or HSC Extension or International Baccalaureate Ab Initio Grade 6 or higher
Semester 2
Spanish Level 3
6    P SPAN1002 or SPAN1602 or SPAN1612 or SPAN1622, or more than 65% in HSC Spanish Beginners
N SPAN2001 or SPAN2601 or HSC Spanish Continuers Minimum Mark 70%
Semester 1
Spanish Level 4
6    P SPAN2611 or SPAN2601
N SPAN2002 or SPAN2602 or HSC Spanish Continuers Mark 70% or higher, IB SL 5 or above
Semester 2
Spanish and Latin American Film Studies
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Spanish and Latin American Studies or Film Studies
Semester 2
Latin American Popular Culture
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Spanish and Latin American Studies or SPAN3001
Semester 1
Cultural and Social Change in Spain

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Spanish and Latin American Studies or SPAN3001
Semester 2
Filmmaking in the Latin American Context

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Spanish and Latin American Studies or Film Studies or SPAN3001
Semester 2
Spanish Level 5
6    P SPAN2612 or SPAN2602, or HSC Spanish Continuers Minimum 70%. At least 5/7 in IB 'Spanish B'
N SPAN2613 or SPAN2614 or SPAN3601 or SPAN3602
Semester 1
Spanish Level 6
6    P SPAN2613 or SPAN3001 or SPAN2602
N SPAN2614 or SPAN3602
Semester 2
Spanish Level 7
6    P SPAN3002
N SPAN3601
Semester 1
Spanish Level 8
6    P SPAN3611 or SPAN3601
N SPAN3602
Semester 2
Spanish Level 9
6    P SPAN3612
Semester 1
Spanish Level 10
6    P SPAN3613
Semester 2
Indigenous Movements in Latin America

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P SPAN3001 or SPAN3611 or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Anthropology major
N SPAN2615
Semester 2
Spain: A Nation of Nations?
6    P SPAN3001 or SPAN3611 or 12 credit points at 2000 level in European Studies major
Semester 1
New Latin American Geopolitics of Power

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P SPAN3001 or SPAN3611
Semester 2
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Studies in Religion

Religion: Texts, Life and Tradition
6      Semester 1
Atheism, Fundamentalism and New Religions
6      Semester 2
The Birth of Christianity
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studies in Religion or 6 credit points at 1000 level in in Studies in Religion and 6 credit points at 1000 level in Ancient History
N RLST2024
Semester 2
From Secular Faith to Conspiracy Belief
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Studies in Religion major
Semester 2
Contemporary Religious Trends
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2627 or RLST3603
Semester 1
Rethinking Religion
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
Semester 2
Ancient Egyptian Religion and Magic

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Ancient History
N RLST2636
Semester 2
Sex, Desire and the Sacred
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2635
Semester 2
Sacred Creativity: Text, Image, Film

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2628 or RLST2625
Semester 1
Witchcraft Paganism and Western Esotericism

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2626
Semester 1
Religion and Violence, Faith and Blood
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2620
Semester 1
Religion and the Medieval World

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit point at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
N RLST2605
Semester 1
New Discoveries in Religion in Antiquity
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Studies in Religion
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Theatre and Performance Studies

Making Theatre: The work of the director
6      Intensive July
Semester 1
Dangerous Performances
6      Intensive December
Semester 2
Placemaking and Performance

This unit will involve the application and implementation of a range of performance-making techniques in order to explore and understand how sites are transformed into places. No performance-making experience is assumed. The unit will be taught by experienced scholar-practitioners who will guide students through the processes involved. Students should understand that this is not simply a 'drama' unit: it involves researching local issues, engaging with a range of people, and discovering ways in which to animate, performatively, complex environments.
Semester 2
Being There: Theories of Performance
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
N PRFM2001
Intensive July
Semester 1
Performance: Production and Interpretation
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
N PRFM2002
Semester 2
Rehearsing Shakespeare

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
Semester 2
Performance Histories

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
Semester 2
Playing Politics

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
N PRFM3026 or PRFM3015
Semester 1
Approaches to Acting
6    P PRFM2601 and PRFM2602 or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
N PRFM3022
Semester 2
Production Strategies for Performance

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P PRFM2601 and PRFM2602
Intensive February
6    P PRFM2601 and PRFM2602 or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
N PRFM3010
Semester 2
Ritual, Play and Performance

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies or (PRFM2601 and PRFM2602)
N PRFM2606
Semester 1
Documentary Theatre
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Theatre and Performance Studies
Semester 1
Rehearsal Studies
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Theatre and Performance Studies
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Visual Arts

Visual Art Foundation 1
6    N CASF1001 or CASF1002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Visual Art Foundation 2
6    P CAVA1001
N CAST1001 or CASF1001 or CASF1002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Contemporary Drawing: Experimental
6    N CADR1006
Semester 2
Contemporary Drawing: Life
6    N CADR1005
Semester 1
Screen Arts: an Introduction
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Film Studies or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Intensive July
Semester 1
The Art of Sound and Noise
6      Semester 2
Photography and the Darkroom
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Intensive July
Semester 1
Radical Rock Video

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 2
Site Works: Sculptural Interventions
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Painting Music
6    P 12 credit points of 1000 level units in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points of 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 2
Investigating Clay
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Vessel as Concept: Hot Glass Intro
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit point at 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Semester 2
Screen Printing: an Introduction
6      Semester 2
Silversmithing: Exoskeleton Extension
6    P 12 credit points of 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points of 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 2
Bodyworks: Jewellery as Communication
6    P 12 credit points of 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points of 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Screenwriting and Directing
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 2
Ceramics: Potter's Wheel as Sculptural Tool
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Upcycled Glass: Introducing Warm Glass
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Etching: Expanded Workshops

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Fusion: Jewellery and Ceramics

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 2
Photography and the Lighting Studio
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Semester 2
Sculpture: Introduction

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Sculpture: Installation and Space
6      Semester 2
Painting: Transcultural Collaborations
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit point at 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
N CAEL2067
Semester 1
Video Art
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 2
Non-Objective Painting

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts major or 12 credit points of 1000 level Studio Foundation unit in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 2
Intermediate Hot Glass
6    P CAEL2049 or relevant prior experience commensurate to a 12 x 3hrs per week introduction to glass blowing
Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital Effects for Film and Video
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points at 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital Editing for Film and Video
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points at 1000 level Studio Foundation units in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Semester 2
Image/Object in Photomedia
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
N CAEL2043
Semester 1
Glass in Time: Advanced Hot Glass
6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Visual Arts including CAEL2049
N CAEL2078
Semester 1
Semester 2
Experimental Film
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Studio Foundation
Semester 2
Skin and Sign: Ceramic Surfaces
6    N CAEL2073
Semester 2
Introduction to Digital Publishing
6    N CAEL2052
Semester 2
Critical Bodies: Performance Art Practice

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Visual Arts major or 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Bachelor of Visual Arts
Semester 1
Expanded Painting
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or Studio Foundation
Semester 1
Posters to Paste-ups
6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Visual Arts or Studio Foundation
N CAEL2051
Semester 1
Industry and Community Project
6    P 72 credit points
C Interdisciplinary Impact in any major
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2

Writing Studies

Introduction to Academic Writing

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Writing and Rhetoric: Academic Essays

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Writing and Rhetoric: Argumentation

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6      Intensive December
Semester 1
Contemporary Rhetoric

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Writing Studies
Semester 1
Arguments that Change the World

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Writing Studies
Semester 1
Semester 2
Rhetorical Traditions

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Writing Studies minor
Semester 1
Visual Rhetoric and Contemporary Society

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P 12 credit points at 2000 level in the Writing Studies minor
Semester 2