
Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

The availability of units of study listed below is what was approved at the time of publication. Any subsequent changes to availability will appear as an errata to this table. Students may also include any units of study, which are additional to those currently listed, which appear under these subject areas in the Business School handbook/website in subsequent years.

Please note. The following table lists the core, foundational, capstone and standalone course electives for the Commerce coursework programs. For details of the Subject areas for specialisations (including electives options in these areas), please refer to the Subject Areas section in this handbook.

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.

Item Errata Date

Due to a technical error, the availability of some units of study is incorrectly listed.
See the current students website ((Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on sessions available.
The following units have been identified as impacted:



1. Table A for the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Commerce.

2. Table A for the Master of Commerce (Extension).

1. Table A for the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Commerce

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Award requirements

Master of Commerce

To qualify for the award of the Master of Commerce, a candidate must complete 72 credit points, comprising:
(i) 12 credit points of Table A - Core units of study
(ii) a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 credit points of Table A - Foundational units of study
(iii) a specialisation selected from Table A-Commerce areas of specialisation
(iv) 6 credit points selected from Table A - Capstone units of study
(v) a minimum of 18 credit points selected from Table A - Selective units of study
(vi) any additional units of study from Table A - Elective units of study required to make 72 credit points in total.

Graduate Diploma of Commerce

To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Commerce, a candidate must complete 48 credit points, comprising:
(i) 12 credit points of Table A - Core units of study
(ii) a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 credit points of Table A - Foundational units of study
(iii) a minimum of 6 credit points of Table A Selective units of study; and
(iv) additional units of study selected from Table A - Elective units of study required to make 48 credit points in total.

Graduate Certificate of Commerce

To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Commerce, a candidate must complete 24 credit points, comprising:
(i) 12 credit points of Table A - Core units of study
(ii) a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 credit points of Table A - Foundational units of study
(iii) any additional units of study selected from Table A - Elective units of study required to make 24 credit points in total.

Units of study

Table A - Core units of study

(for all Commerce courses)
Responsible Business Mindset
6    C BUSS5221
Semester 1
Semester 2
Creative and Analytic Mindset
6    C BUSS5220

This unit is seen as connecting with and complementary to the Responsible and Business Mindset Unit both of which are compulsory for all MCom students.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Foundational units of study*

* Note that foundational units count to both the Foundational units of study for the course and the specialisation for the Master of Commerce
(for all Commerce courses)
Foundation in Accounting
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Economics
6    N ECON5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Finance
6      Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Digital Business
6    N INFS6001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Global Logistics
6    N ITLS5000 or TPTM5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Marketing
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Data Analytics for Business
6    A Students should be capable of reading data in tabulated form and working with Microsoft EXCEL and doing High School level of mathematics
N ECMT5001 or QBUS5002
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Strategy, Innovation and Mgmt
6    N IBUS5002 or WORK6002
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Capstone units of study

(for Master of Commerce)
Note: The Capstone unit of study must be relevant to student's specialisation. It must be taken in student's final semester of the Master of Commerce.
Accounting Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points towards the Accounting specialisation (including ACCT5001 and ACCT6008)

This unit is the capstone for the Accounting specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Economics Capstone
6    P 24 credit points towards the Economics specialisation including (ECON5040 and ECON5002)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Finance Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Finance specialisation (including FINC5001 and FINC6001)

This unit is the capstone for the Finance specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital Business Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Digital Business specialisation (including INFS5002)

This unit is the capstone for the Digital Business specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Global Logistics Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Global Logistics specialisation (including ITLS5250)
C ITLS6201 and ITLS6202

This unit is the capstone for the Global Logistics specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Marketing Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Marketing specialisation (including MKTG5001)
C MKTG6001

This unit is the capstone for the Marketing specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Data Analytics for Business Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Data Analytics for Business specialisation (including QBUS5001 and BUSS6002)

This unit is the capstone for the Data Analytics for Business specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Strategy, Innovation and Management Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation (including SIEN5001)

This unit is the capstone for the Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Selective units of study

Business Practicum
6    A A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Leading in a Post-Crisis World
6    N BUSS6103
Semester 1
Semester 2
Industry Placement
6    P Completion of at least 24 credit points with a minimum average of 60% (WAM)
N ECOF6500

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Semester 1
Semester 2
China Industry Placement
6    A To enrol in this unit students must be Mandarin speakers and have the right to work in China
P Completion of at least 24 credit points with a minimum average of 60% (WAM)

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Intensive July
Industry Self-Sourced Placement
6    A A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills
P Completion of at least 24 credit points

Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Job Smart Edge
6    N BUSS6102

Note: Department permission required for enrolment in the following sessions:Intensive October
Students need to be simultaneously enrolled in the Job Smart Edge co-curricular program.
Intensive April
Intensive October
International Financial Crime
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Climate Change, Business and Regulation
6      Semester 1
Global Tax Strategy in Digital Economy
6    A This unit is designed for students with no prior knowledge in taxation
Semester 2
Regulation of Fintech and Digital Information
6    A This unit is designed for students with no knowledge of fintech or digital information. However, it is expected that students are familiar with many of the companies and fintech technologies that will be discussed
Semester 2
Global Business
6    N IBUS5001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Cross-Cultural Management
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Enterprise Management in China
6    N CHSC6902
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Inventing the Future
6    A Students are expected to be experienced in their own discipline at a postgraduate level

Students must be able to start in the first week and commit to the full semester. Students must be at a postgraduate level within their own faculty. An application form will be required to be completed to ensure appropriate fit for students to this style of Unit. The Unit is designed for high achieving students and is not suitable for all students. The application form is designed to ensure students who undertake this unit are suitable for such a program.
Semester 2
Project Management in Business
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital, Data and Decisions
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Social Media Analysis
6    N MKTG6999

Note. This unit does not assume knowledge of Python.
Semester 1
Introduction to Programming
6    A No prior knowledge of programming or coding is assumed. Some knowledge of mathematics (at a basic level) is beneficial
Semester 1
Intro to Dashboarding and Data Visualisation
6    A The unit does not assume any prior knowledge of visual analytics
Semester 2
Foundations of Health and Civic Analytics
6    A No prior knowledge is assumed although some familiarity with mathematical and statistical concepts will be an advantage
Semester 1
People Analytics in 4th Industrial Revolution
6    A BUSS5220 and BUSS5221
Semester 2
Management Decision Making
6    A Basic Algebra, Probability, and Statistics
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Entrepreneurship: Lean Startup
6    N IBUS6011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Management and Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Organisational Change and Development

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Performance and Rewards

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1b
Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Work

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Intensive September
Managing Communication in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF6030 or ECOF6040

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2

Specialisations subject areas

The available specialisations in the Master of Commerce are:
(i) Accounting
(ii) Data Analytics for Business
(iii) Digital Business
(iv) Economics
(v) Finance
(vi) Global Logistics
(vii) Marketing
(viii) Strategy, Innovation and Management
The requirements for the completion of specialisations are set out in the specialisation tables, please refer the Commerce Subject Areas section in this handbook.

Table A - Elective units of study

(For all courses)
Intermediate Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Accounting
6    A Accounting standards and their application
P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Fundamental Analysis for Equity Investment
6    A QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
P ACCT5001 and FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Contemporary Issues in Auditing
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Managerial Accounting and Decision Making
6    P ACCT5001
N ACCT5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Designing Accounting Systems
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Extended Performance Reporting
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 2
Data Science in Business
6    A Basic knowledge of probability and statistics
C QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Financial Crime
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Climate Change, Business and Regulation
6      Semester 1
Global Tax Strategy in Digital Economy
6    A This unit is designed for students with no prior knowledge in taxation
Semester 2
Regulation of Fintech and Digital Information
6    A This unit is designed for students with no knowledge of fintech or digital information. However, it is expected that students are familiar with many of the companies and fintech technologies that will be discussed
Semester 2
Macroeconomic Theory
6    N ECON5003
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Economics of Law and Public Policy
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040
Semester 1
The Economics of Financial Markets
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701
Semester 2
Behavioural Economics
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701) and (ECMT5001 or ECMT6702 or QBUS5001)
Intensive September
Strategic Business Relationships
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040
Semester 2
Communicating Economics
6    P ECON5040
N ECON5004
Semester 2
International Money and Finance
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6001 or ECON6701) and (ECON5002 or ECON6002 or ECON6702) and (ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or QBUS5002 or ECMT6002 or ECMT6702)
Semester 2
Trade and Development
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5002 or ECON5040 or ECON6701 or ECON6702
Semester 2
Environmental Economics
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701
Semester 1
Private Equity
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON5002 or ECON6701 or ECON6702
Semester 1
Health Economics and Policy Evaluation
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701) and (ECMT5001 or ECMT6702 or QBUS5001)
Semester 2
Global Economic History for Business
6    N ECON6034
Semester 2
Finance in the Global Economy
6    C FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Finance: Theory to Applications
6    P FINC5001

Master of Commerce / Master of Commerce (Extension) students must complete this unit before the Capstone subject for this specialisation.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Asset Pricing

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P FINC5001 or FINC6000

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Derivative Securities
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Business Finance
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Fixed Income Securities
6    P FINC5001
Semester 2
Trading in Modern Financial Markets
6    P FINC5001
Semester 2
Mergers and Acquisitions
6    A Calculation of free cash flows, trading multiples, discounted cash flow valuation methodology, valuation sensitivities, regression analysis.
P FINC5001
N ACCT6011
Semester 2
Corporate Valuation
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Financial Risk Management
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Entrepreneurial Finance
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Financial Intermediary Management
6    P FINC5001
N BANK6002
Semester 2
Global Business
6    N IBUS5001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced International Business Strategy
6    N IBUS6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Cross-Cultural Management
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
International Business Alliances
6      Semester 1
Strategy and Emerging Markets
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Enterprise Management in China
6    N CHSC6902
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Inventing the Future
6    A Students are expected to be experienced in their own discipline at a postgraduate level

Students must be able to start in the first week and commit to the full semester. Students must be at a postgraduate level within their own faculty. An application form will be required to be completed to ensure appropriate fit for students to this style of Unit. The Unit is designed for high achieving students and is not suitable for all students. The application form is designed to ensure students who undertake this unit are suitable for such a program.
Semester 2
Digital Business Transformation
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact internally and externally so the company can be competitive in a changing market. How digital technologies can be used and managed in a business. How to critically analyse a business and determine its options for digital transformation. Desirable Experience as a member of a project team
C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 1
Digital Information Infrastructures
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Business Process Management
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Digital Business Models
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact internally and externally so the company can be competitive in the market is essential in order to critically analyse how and where a business can be innovative. Some knowledge of how technology can be applied in a business is also essential. Experience as a member of a project team is desirable
C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Managing with Information and Data
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact Semester 1 internally and externally so the company can be competitive in a changing market. How information systems can be used and managed in a business. How to critically analyse a business and determine its options for transformation. Desirable Experience as a member of a project team
C INFS5002 or COMP5206 or QBUS5001
Semester 1
Data Visualisation For Managers
6      Semester 2
Managing Data at Scale
6      Semester 1
Agile Project Methods
6      Semester 2
Digital Work Practices
6    A INFS5002 (or COMP5206) taken previously or concurrently
C INFS5002
Semester 1
Gadgets, Gods and Godzilla
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 1
Project Management in Business
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital, Data and Decisions
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Managing Supply Chain Disruption
6      Semester 1
Logistics and Future Cities
6    N ITLS6301
Intensive February
Spatial Analytics
6    A Basic knowledge of Excel is assumed
N ITLS6107 or TPTM6180

This unit will use R programming language to perform statistical analyses and spatial analyses. No prior programming knowledge is required.
Semester 2
Global Distribution Strategy
6    C ITLS5020 or ITLS5000 or ITLS5250 or TPTM5001
N ITLS6101 or TPTM6440
Semester 1
Semester 2
Sustainable Logistics and Procurement
6    C TLS5020 or ITLS5000 or ITLS5250 or TPTM5001 or SUST5001
N ITLS6003
Semester 1
Semester 2
Analytic Methods for Logistics
6    N ITLS5200 or TPTM6495
Semester 1
Semester 2
Marketing Research
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
New Product Development
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Creating Persuasive Communications
6    P MKTG5001
N MKTG3121
Semester 1
Consumer Behaviour
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Machine Learning in Marketing
6    P BUSS6002
Semester 1
International and Global Marketing
6      Semester 2
Digital and Social Media Marketing
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 2
Brand Management
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Customer Analytics and Relationship Management
6      Semester 2
B2B Marketing
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Marketing Analytics
6    A Understanding of basic marketing principles, statistics, and how to use analytic skills to solve marketing problems
P MKTG5001

This unit provides introductory knowledge of Marketing Analytics to solve marketing problems. Students can develop a marketing strategy, exercising best practices of solving various managerial questions.
Semester 2
Psychology of Marketing Decisions
6    P MKTG5001
N MKTG5002
Semester 2
Social Media Analysis
6    N MKTG6999

Note. This unit does not assume knowledge of Python.
Semester 1
Intro to Dashboarding and Data Visualisation
6    A The unit does not assume any prior knowledge of visual analytics
Semester 2
Introduction to Programming
6    A No prior knowledge of programming or coding is assumed. Some knowledge of mathematics (at a basic level) is beneficial
Semester 1
Foundations of Health and Civic Analytics
6    A No prior knowledge is assumed although some familiarity with mathematical and statistical concepts will be an advantage
Semester 1
People Analytics in 4th Industrial Revolution
6    A BUSS5220 and BUSS5221
Semester 2
Business Operations Analysis
6    P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
N ECMT6008
Semester 2
Management Decision Making
6    A Basic Algebra, Probability, and Statistics
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Statistical Learning and Data Mining
6    P (ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or STAT5003) and (BUSS6002 or COMP5310 or COMP5318)

Students should complete BUSS6002 before enrolling in this unit as QBUS6810 builds on the material covered in BUSS6002.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Business Risk Management
6    A Knowledge of basic probability theory and familiarity with spreadsheet modelling
P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001
Semester 2
Financial Time Series and Forecasting
6    A Basic knowledge of quantitative methods including statistics, basic probability theory, and introductory regression analysis
P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Predictive Analytics
6    P (QBUS5001 or ECMT5001 or STAT5003) and (BUSS6002 or COMP5310 or COMP5318)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Machine Learning for Business
6    P QBUS6810
Semester 1
Semester 2
Visual Data Analytics
6    A The unit assumes knowledge of statistics and confidence in working with data
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Behavioral Data Science for Business
6    A The unit assumes knowledge of statistics and confidence in working with data
Semester 2
Business Negotiations
6    N IBUS6018
Semester 1
Managing Sustainability
6    N WORK6033
Semester 1
Management Consulting
6    N WORK6111
Semester 2
Innovation Management
6      Semester 2
Social Entrepreneurship
6    N IBUS6016
Semester 2
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Entrepreneurship: Lean Startup
6    N IBUS6011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Management and Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Organisational Change and Development

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Performance and Rewards

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1b
Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Work

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Intensive September
Managing Communication in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF6030 or ECOF6040

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Leadership in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF5807 or ECOF6090

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1a

2. Table A for the Master of Commerce (Extension)

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Award requirements

Master of Commerce (Extension)

To qualify for the award of the Master of Commerce (Extension), a candidate must complete 96 credit points, comprising:
(i) 12 credit points of Table A - Core units of study
(ii) a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 credit points of Table A - Foundational units of study
(iii) a specialisation (24 credit points in addition to the 6 credit point Foundational unit) selected from Table A-Commerce areas of specialisation
(iv) 6 credit points selected from Table A - Capstone units of study
(v) a minimum of 18 credit points selected from Table A - Selective units of study
(vi) an additional specialisation (24 credit points) listed below and specified in Table A, dissertation (24 credit points) as specified in Table A - Research units or any additional units of study from Table A - Selective units of study or Table A - Elective units of study required to make 96 credit points in total.

Units of study

Table A - Core units of study

Responsible Business Mindset
6    C BUSS5221
Semester 1
Semester 2
Creative and Analytic Mindset
6    C BUSS5220

This unit is seen as connecting with and complementary to the Responsible and Business Mindset Unit both of which are compulsory for all MCom students.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Foundational units of study*

* Note that foundational units count to both the Foundational units of study for the course and the specialisation for the Master of Commerce (Extension)
Foundation in Accounting
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Economics
6    N ECON5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Finance
6      Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Digital Business
6    N INFS6001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Global Logistics
6    N ITLS5000 or TPTM5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Marketing
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Data Analytics for Business
6    A Students should be capable of reading data in tabulated form and working with Microsoft EXCEL and doing High School level of mathematics
N ECMT5001 or QBUS5002
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Foundation in Strategy, Innovation and Mgmt
6    N IBUS5002 or WORK6002
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Capstone units of study

Note: The Capstone unit of study must be relevant to student's specialisation, or one of their specialisations. It must be taken in student's final year of the Master of Commerce (Extension).
Accounting Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points towards the Accounting specialisation (including ACCT5001 and ACCT6008)

This unit is the capstone for the Accounting specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Economics Capstone
6    P 24 credit points towards the Economics specialisation including (ECON5040 and ECON5002)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Finance Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Finance specialisation (including FINC5001 and FINC6001)

This unit is the capstone for the Finance specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital Business Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Digital Business specialisation (including INFS5002)

This unit is the capstone for the Digital Business specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Global Logistics Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Global Logistics specialisation (including ITLS5250)
C ITLS6201 and ITLS6202

This unit is the capstone for the Global Logistics specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Marketing Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Marketing specialisation (including MKTG5001)
C MKTG6001

This unit is the capstone for the Marketing specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Data Analytics for Business Capstone
6    A Students should complete this unit in their final semester of study
P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Data Analytics for Business specialisation (including QBUS5001 and BUSS6002)

This unit is the capstone for the Data Analytics for Business specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Strategy, Innovation and Management Capstone
6    P Completion of 24 credit points of units towards the Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation (including SIEN5001)

This unit is the capstone for the Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation. Students should undertake this Unit of Study in their final semester of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Selective units of study

Business Practicum
6    A A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Leading in a Post-Crisis World
6    N BUSS6103
Semester 1
Semester 2
Industry Placement
6    P Completion of at least 24 credit points with a minimum average of 60% (WAM)
N ECOF6500

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Semester 1
Semester 2
China Industry Placement
6    A To enrol in this unit students must be Mandarin speakers and have the right to work in China
P Completion of at least 24 credit points with a minimum average of 60% (WAM)

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Intensive July
Industry Self-Sourced Placement
6    A A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills
P Completion of at least 24 credit points

Further information and application process is outlined at or contact the WIL Hub Placement team:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Job Smart Edge
6    N BUSS6102

Note: Department permission required for enrolment in the following sessions:Intensive October
Students need to be simultaneously enrolled in the Job Smart Edge co-curricular program.
Intensive April
Intensive October
International Financial Crime
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Climate Change, Business and Regulation
6      Semester 1
Global Tax Strategy in Digital Economy
6    A This unit is designed for students with no prior knowledge in taxation
Semester 2
Regulation of Fintech and Digital Information
6    A This unit is designed for students with no knowledge of fintech or digital information. However, it is expected that students are familiar with many of the companies and fintech technologies that will be discussed
Semester 2
Global Business
6    N IBUS5001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Cross-Cultural Management
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Enterprise Management in China
6    N CHSC6902
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Inventing the Future
6    A Students are expected to be experienced in their own discipline at a postgraduate level

Students must be able to start in the first week and commit to the full semester. Students must be at a postgraduate level within their own faculty. An application form will be required to be completed to ensure appropriate fit for students to this style of Unit. The Unit is designed for high achieving students and is not suitable for all students. The application form is designed to ensure students who undertake this unit are suitable for such a program.
Semester 2
Project Management in Business
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital, Data and Decisions
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Social Media Analysis
6    N MKTG6999

Note. This unit does not assume knowledge of Python.
Semester 1
Introduction to Programming
6    A No prior knowledge of programming or coding is assumed. Some knowledge of mathematics (at a basic level) is beneficial
Semester 1
Intro to Dashboarding and Data Visualisation
6    A The unit does not assume any prior knowledge of visual analytics
Semester 2
Foundations of Health and Civic Analytics
6    A No prior knowledge is assumed although some familiarity with mathematical and statistical concepts will be an advantage
Semester 1
People Analytics in 4th Industrial Revolution
6    A BUSS5220 and BUSS5221
Semester 2
Management Decision Making
6    A Basic Algebra, Probability, and Statistics
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Entrepreneurship: Lean Startup
6    N IBUS6011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Management and Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Organisational Change and Development

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Performance and Rewards

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1b
Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Work

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Intensive September
Managing Communication in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF6030 or ECOF6040

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2

Specialisations subject areas

The available specialisations in the Master of Commerce (Extension) are:
(i) Accounting
(ii) Data Analytics for Business
(iii) Digital Business
(iv) Economics
(v) Finance
(vi) Global Logistics
(vii) Marketing
(viii) Strategy, Innovation and Management
The requirements for the completion of specialisations are set out in the specialisation tables, please refer the Commerce Subject Areas section in this handbook..

Table A - Research units of study

Departmental Permission is required to enrol in these units. In order for your application to be assessed, please make sure you include your research proposal, a screenshot of the email from your potential supervisor to confirm their availability to supervise you in the requested semester/s.
Business Dissertation A
12    P 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Departmental Permission is required to enrol in this unit. In order for your department application to be assessed, please make sure you include your research proposal, a screenshot of the email from your potential supervisor to confirm their availability to supervise you in the requested semester/s.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Business Dissertation B
12    P 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Departmental Permission is required to enrol in this unit. In order for your department application to be assessed, please make sure you include your research proposal, a screenshot of the email from your potential supervisor to confirm their availability to supervise you in the requested semester/s.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Business Dissertation
24    P 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Departmental Permission is required to enrol in this unit. In order for your department application to be assessed, please make sure you include your research proposal, a screenshot of the email from your potential supervisor to confirm their availability to supervise you in the requested semester/s.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Table A - Elective units of study

Intermediate Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Accounting
6    A Accounting standards and their application
P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Fundamental Analysis for Equity Investment
6    A QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
P ACCT5001 and FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Contemporary Issues in Auditing
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Managerial Accounting and Decision Making
6    P ACCT5001
N ACCT5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Financial Reporting
6    P ACCT6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Designing Accounting Systems
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 1
Extended Performance Reporting
6    P ACCT5001
Semester 2
Data Science in Business
6    A Basic knowledge of probability and statistics
C QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Financial Crime
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Climate Change, Business and Regulation
6      Semester 1
Global Tax Strategy in Digital Economy
6    A This unit is designed for students with no prior knowledge in taxation
Semester 2
Regulation of Fintech and Digital Information
6    A This unit is designed for students with no knowledge of fintech or digital information. However, it is expected that students are familiar with many of the companies and fintech technologies that will be discussed
Semester 2
Macroeconomic Theory
6    N ECON5003
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Economics of Law and Public Policy
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040
Semester 1
The Economics of Financial Markets
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701
Semester 2
Behavioural Economics
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701) and (ECMT5001 or ECMT6702 or QBUS5001)
Intensive September
Strategic Business Relationships
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040
Semester 2
Communicating Economics
6    P ECON5040
N ECON5004
Semester 2
International Money and Finance
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6001 or ECON6701) and (ECON5002 or ECON6002 or ECON6702) and (ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or QBUS5002 or ECMT6002 or ECMT6702)
Semester 2
Trade and Development
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5002 or ECON5040 or ECON6701 or ECON6702
Semester 2
Environmental Economics
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701
Semester 1
Private Equity
6    P ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON5002 or ECON6701 or ECON6702
Semester 1
Health Economics and Policy Evaluation
6    P (ECON5001 or ECON5040 or ECON6701) and (ECMT5001 or ECMT6702 or QBUS5001)
Semester 2
Global Economic History for Business
6    N ECON6034
Semester 2
Finance in the Global Economy
6    C FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Finance: Theory to Applications
6    P FINC5001

Master of Commerce / Master of Commerce (Extension) students must complete this unit before the Capstone subject for this specialisation.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Asset Pricing

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    P FINC5001 or FINC6000

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Derivative Securities
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
International Business Finance
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Fixed Income Securities
6    P FINC5001
Semester 2
Trading in Modern Financial Markets
6    P FINC5001
Semester 2
Mergers and Acquisitions
6    A Calculation of free cash flows, trading multiples, discounted cash flow valuation methodology, valuation sensitivities, regression analysis.
P FINC5001
N ACCT6011
Semester 2
Corporate Valuation
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Financial Risk Management
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Entrepreneurial Finance
6    P FINC5001
Semester 1
Financial Intermediary Management
6    P FINC5001
N BANK6002
Semester 2
Global Business
6    N IBUS5001
Intensive February
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced International Business Strategy
6    N IBUS6001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Cross-Cultural Management
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
International Business Alliances
6      Semester 1
Strategy and Emerging Markets
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Enterprise Management in China
6    N CHSC6902
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Inventing the Future
6    A Students are expected to be experienced in their own discipline at a postgraduate level

Students must be able to start in the first week and commit to the full semester. Students must be at a postgraduate level within their own faculty. An application form will be required to be completed to ensure appropriate fit for students to this style of Unit. The Unit is designed for high achieving students and is not suitable for all students. The application form is designed to ensure students who undertake this unit are suitable for such a program.
Semester 2
Digital Business Transformation
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact internally and externally so the company can be competitive in a changing market. How digital technologies can be used and managed in a business. How to critically analyse a business and determine its options for digital transformation. Desirable Experience as a member of a project team
C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 1
Digital Information Infrastructures
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Business Process Management
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Digital Business Models
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact internally and externally so the company can be competitive in the market is essential in order to critically analyse how and where a business can be innovative. Some knowledge of how technology can be applied in a business is also essential. Experience as a member of a project team is desirable
C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 2
Managing with Information and Data
6    A Understanding the major functions of a business and how those business functions interact Semester 1 internally and externally so the company can be competitive in a changing market. How information systems can be used and managed in a business. How to critically analyse a business and determine its options for transformation. Desirable Experience as a member of a project team
C INFS5002 or COMP5206 or QBUS5001
Semester 1
Data Visualisation For Managers
6      Semester 2
Managing Data at Scale
6      Semester 1
Agile Project Methods
6      Semester 2
Digital Work Practices
6    A INFS5002 (or COMP5206) taken previously or concurrently
C INFS5002
Semester 1
Gadgets, Gods and Godzilla
6    C INFS5002 or COMP5206
Semester 1
Project Management in Business
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital, Data and Decisions
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Managing Supply Chain Disruption
6      Semester 1
Logistics and Future Cities
6    N ITLS6301
Intensive February
Spatial Analytics
6    A Basic knowledge of Excel is assumed
N ITLS6107 or TPTM6180

This unit will use R programming language to perform statistical analyses and spatial analyses. No prior programming knowledge is required.
Semester 2
Global Distribution Strategy
6    C ITLS5020 or ITLS5000 or ITLS5250 or TPTM5001
N ITLS6101 or TPTM6440
Semester 1
Semester 2
Sustainable Logistics and Procurement
6    C TLS5020 or ITLS5000 or ITLS5250 or TPTM5001 or SUST5001
N ITLS6003
Semester 1
Semester 2
Analytic Methods for Logistics
6    N ITLS5200 or TPTM6495
Semester 1
Semester 2
Marketing Research
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
New Product Development
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Creating Persuasive Communications
6    P MKTG5001
N MKTG3121
Semester 1
Consumer Behaviour
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Machine Learning in Marketing
6    P BUSS6002
Semester 1
International and Global Marketing
6      Semester 2
Digital and Social Media Marketing
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 2
Brand Management
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Customer Analytics and Relationship Management
6      Semester 2
B2B Marketing
6    P MKTG5001
Semester 1
Marketing Analytics
6    A Understanding of basic marketing principles, statistics, and how to use analytic skills to solve marketing problems
P MKTG5001

This unit provides introductory knowledge of Marketing Analytics to solve marketing problems. Students can develop a marketing strategy, exercising best practices of solving various managerial questions.
Semester 2
Psychology of Marketing Decisions
6    P MKTG5001
N MKTG5002
Semester 2
Social Media Analysis
6    N MKTG6999

Note. This unit does not assume knowledge of Python.
Semester 1
Intro to Dashboarding and Data Visualisation
6    A The unit does not assume any prior knowledge of visual analytics
Semester 2
Introduction to Programming
6    A No prior knowledge of programming or coding is assumed. Some knowledge of mathematics (at a basic level) is beneficial
Semester 1
Foundations of Health and Civic Analytics
6    A No prior knowledge is assumed although some familiarity with mathematical and statistical concepts will be an advantage
Semester 1
People Analytics in 4th Industrial Revolution
6    A BUSS5220 and BUSS5221
Semester 2
Business Operations Analysis
6    P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
N ECMT6008
Semester 2
Management Decision Making
6    A Basic Algebra, Probability, and Statistics
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Statistical Learning and Data Mining
6    P (ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or STAT5003) and (BUSS6002 or COMP5310 or COMP5318)

Students should complete BUSS6002 before enrolling in this unit as QBUS6810 builds on the material covered in BUSS6002.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Business Risk Management
6    A Knowledge of basic probability theory and familiarity with spreadsheet modelling
P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001
Semester 2
Financial Time Series and Forecasting
6    A Basic knowledge of quantitative methods including statistics, basic probability theory, and introductory regression analysis
P ECMT5001 or QBUS5001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Predictive Analytics
6    P (QBUS5001 or ECMT5001 or STAT5003) and (BUSS6002 or COMP5310 or COMP5318)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Machine Learning for Business
6    P QBUS6810
Semester 1
Semester 2
Visual Data Analytics
6    A The unit assumes knowledge of statistics and confidence in working with data
P QBUS5001 or QBUS5002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Behavioral Data Science for Business
6    A The unit assumes knowledge of statistics and confidence in working with data
Semester 2
Business Negotiations
6    N IBUS6018
Semester 1
Managing Sustainability
6    N WORK6033
Semester 1
Management Consulting
6    N WORK6111
Semester 2
Innovation Management
6      Semester 2
Social Entrepreneurship
6    N IBUS6016
Semester 2
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Entrepreneurship: Lean Startup
6    N IBUS6011
Semester 1
Semester 2
Management and Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Organisational Change and Development

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Performance and Rewards

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1b
Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Work

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Refer to the unit of study outline
Intensive September
Managing Communication in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF6030 or ECOF6040

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Leadership in Organisations

This unit of study is not available in 2022

6    N ECOF5807 or ECOF6090

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1a