Postgraduate research

The University of Sydney Business School offers two higher degrees by research: the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil).

The details of the application process are set out on the University of Sydney Business School’s Postgraduate Research pages.

Research Period Duration of Research Period
One 1 January to 28 February
Two 1 March to 30 June
Three 1 July to 30 September
Four 1 October to 31 December

Application Process

The details of the application process are set out on the University of Sydney Business School’s Postgraduate Research pages.

Coursework requirements

The University of Sydney introduced a new coursework requirement for Higher Degree by Research students commencing from Research Period 1 2021. Coursework is intended to give students the opportunity to take units of study that expand their existing skills or work toward developing novel capabilities that will complement their research and career development. Units of study students can choose to fulfil the Higher Degree by Research coursework requirement are listed in Table R of the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook. Students can enrol in units of study in Sydney Student and plan professional and academic development activities with their supervisors in the Research Education Candidature System. Award requirements for each degree are outlined in the respective course resolutions.

Further Information

Prospective students should contact the Business School's Research Unit.